Chandra Grahan 2024: Chandra Grahan Ki Namaz Salat al Kusuf Ka Tarika | Grahan Ki Namaz Kese Padhe
Chandra Grahan 2024: चंद्र ग्रहण (Chandra Grahan 2024) 18 सितंबर को लग रहा है. ग्रहण का जिक्र हिंदू धर्म ही नहीं, अन्य धर्मों में मिलता है. इस्लाम में इस खगोलीय घटना को किस तरह से लेते हैं और क्या करते हैं जानते हैं.
Chandra Grahan 2024: Chandra Grahan 2024 is taking place on 18th September. Eclipse is mentioned not only in Hinduism but also in other religions. Let us know how this astronomical event is perceived in Islam and what to do with it.
#ChandraGrahan2024 #ChandraGrahan #ChandraGrahanKiNamaz #SalatalKusuf
Chandra Grahan 2024: Chandra Grahan 2024 is taking place on 18th September. Eclipse is mentioned not only in Hinduism but also in other religions. Let us know how this astronomical event is perceived in Islam and what to do with it.
#ChandraGrahan2024 #ChandraGrahan #ChandraGrahanKiNamaz #SalatalKusuf