• 3 months ago
Love Of Nirvana Episode 12 (2024) English Subtitles Chinese Historial Romance
Xiao Wu Xia, once the young lord of Yueluo City, hid in the Liang Kingdom under the alias Wei Zhao, enduring disgrace to uncover the truth behind his family's downfall. His mission to capture the key witness was disrupted by the unexpected appearance of Jiang Ci, a young girl who altered his fate.
Pei Yan, seeking answers, took the injured Jiang Ci into his care, and as Wei Zhao’s tragic past came to light, Jiang Ci grew close to him. Together, with Pei Yan, they set aside their grudges and united to overthrow Emperor Liang, fighting for justice and a brighter future for Yueluo.
Prepare yourself for the electrifying drama "Love of Nirvana (2024)" on Movie Center ! Dive into a world where romance meets heart-pounding action, as love and sacrifice take center stage in a tale that will grip your emotions at every turn. Expect jaw-dropping twists and unforgettable moments that will leave you wanting more. Follow Movie Center now, and make sure you never miss a single episode of this epic story!
00:30花一落堆积凡尘的凉薄 随着风仿若不留痕而过
00:56写世界一地笔墨 重写下你我 甘苦与共 和天地同游
01:10血染土 宿命纠缠无解的因果 乱世中 未相逢的缘由
01:24并肩踏过了坎坷 重拾了灵魂 干戈了落 明月照晨光
01:37我愿是一枪敢弹 铁马战歌响云端 只为那一句无憾 生死与不破不换
01:51转眼随心意兜转 山河尽处人不散 穿越狼烟再与你相伴
02:21我愿是一枪敢弹 铁马战歌响云端 只为那一句无憾 生死与不破不换
03:21我愿是一枪敢弹 铁马战歌响云端 只为那一句无憾 生死与不破不换
03:57外面霜寒路重 你身体薄弱 当心受了风寒 劳损身体
04:05我想等到明年春暖花开之时 小慈一定可以策马扬鞭
04:19我在想江姑娘的手看起来能打死一头牛 好像跟薄弱也挂不上什么关系
04:36崔大哥 喝茶
04:42侯爷 未准会试 你们自便
04:56崔大哥 你快尝尝 这个是我亲手做的糕点
05:07手艺不错 回味无穷
05:11侯爷 你最近总是咳嗽 你吃甜的 我怕对你嗓子不太好 你就别吃了吧
05:21未准会试 你不爱吃甜的吧
05:25不爱归不爱 但我确实饿了 来 给我尝尝
05:41确实不错 看来魏某要趁这段时间好好找江姑娘打打牙祭了
05:48江姑娘还有什么看家本领尽管拿出来 千万别藏着
06:03味道真好 是啊
06:48只不过有一些看不到的地方 不知道里面藏了多少污 纳了多少的垢
06:56再深的水也有竹蚝一通到底 能拔出多少泥 全看探得有多深
07:06少君是个聪明人 那我就有话直说了
07:11御史台审过何振文一番 据何振文交代军械出问题皆是因为工匠经验尚浅 技艺不精
07:19御史台抓了一批涉事工匠 他们也都供认不讳
07:23账目查过了吗 查清楚了 没有任何问题
07:28一案过必留痕 此番有三郎帮手 我心中多了不少把握
07:34恕魏某直言 少君若想官复原职 就要尽快查明军械案的真相
07:41但就怕军械案一案牵扯甚广 陛下虽在意此案 但他更在意的便是这台面下有没有不清不楚的东西
07:53裴氏永远是陛下的臣民 南陵也始终是陛下的王土 若裴氏真参与其中 裴焱必将大义灭亲
08:04既然有了少君这句话 那军械案必定水落石出
08:11优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
08:41注意安全 拿着 暖暖手 你一会儿就在我旁边站着 帮我指路
08:53多谢姑娘 不用谢
08:57好了 站好了
09:08大人们 都坐好了
10:03三郎 请
10:13崔大哥 你先回去吧
10:23这么大雨 你怎么站在这儿啊
10:26你常年在江上行船 这披风厚实 你留着
10:30不行的 这太贵重了 我不能收
10:32你就别跟我客气了 你在船上讨生活 我在别人手底下求生 我们同病相怜 当然要互帮互助
10:40这天色也不早了 来 拿着 赶紧回去
11:28多谢诸位亲族设下喜晨宴 我敬诸位一杯
11:53此一杯酒本应老夫携众族亲敬侯爷 怎奈老夫上了年纪 腿足不便 还望侯爷包涵
12:06侯爷是官 我等为民 还是按规矩好 免得传了出去 说裴氏欠缺家教 实之以礼啊
12:36侯爷荣归南陵 与我等同饮 实乃幸事一桩 但老夫听闻 侯爷为了一个女子辞了官 岂不是将我裴氏荣耀弃之不顾
12:52朝堂之事 恕侄儿不能向叔父言明
12:58小爷又不是朝堂 有什么不能说的
13:08侯爷当真以为庆康种种传不到南陵吗 侯爷虽贵为建鼎侯 但也是我裴氏子孙 一切言行当以裴氏为先才对
13:21小慈是我的婢女 自是裴府中人 外面那些风言风语 叔父无须介怀
13:29这世人眼中 我裴氏最为光耀之人 非你父亲莫属
13:37可他呢 老侯爷虽位极人臣 可终究还是走得早了些
13:44当年若非众族亲多加照望 贤侄如何能有今日之地位
13:52贤侄肩上所载 实乃整个南陵裴氏啊 做事需三思而后行
14:09裴老族长此言差矣 普天之下莫非王土 就算建鼎侯辞去官职 他肩上的也是皇恩浩荡 南陵裴氏莫非大鬼皇家尊严吗
14:27老夫所言 何曾有过此意
14:39魏某看老族长 是久居南陵 老眼昏花了 建鼎侯承袭爵位 辞不辞官都是朝廷住室 你一介地方乡绅 按规制 该行叩拜之礼
14:57建鼎侯视您为族亲 免了礼也就罢了 你见了我也不拜 有失礼数啊
15:06我 我乃光明司指挥使 官居三品
15:16老族长上了年纪 老眼昏花看不清楚了 你们也不懂礼数吗
15:54老族长这不懂礼数吗 心里有迹可 不拘于形式
16:02少军 魏某终究是个外人 贵府的家宴就不打扰了 今日多有得罪 还请三郎海涵
16:17侯爷 那奴婢也先退下了
16:42崔大哥 你怎么来了 小慈
16:45那屋中实在闷气 不如这外面的空气来的清新自在
16:51多谢崔大哥 我没事
16:54那些士族乡绅仗着无人敢整治他们 就盘踞各方作威作福
17:00你说说 他们读圣贤书但不行仁义事 这江山社稷迟早有一天要被这些蛀虫们啃食殆尽
17:13我出仕入仕是希望以己之身为民请命 是想着有朝一日能改变这种被士族大家掌控的局面 但终究是皮肤汗术罢了
17:29有皮肤汗术也有蚂蚁搬家嘛 我相信只要是努力了就不会白费
17:37小慈蓝星慧智 是我一夜障目了
17:46饿了吧 我听说南陵的夜市甚是热闹 有好多好吃的 我带你去尝尝
17:52崔大哥 你先等等 我带你去个地方 走
18:10小慈 快点 走 快 快跑快跑
18:31这样不太好吧 我家的是君子蓝 君子蓝姓韩 和酒混在一起 顶多让他们拉几天肚子
18:39你这是从我送你的医书上学来的吗 多谢崔大哥的赠书 走 咱们吃好吃的去 小慈
19:03请侯爷恕罪 奴婢等也不知为何会少了一个
19:08没事 退下吧 是
19:17崔大哥 这南陵好热闹啊 这南陵啊 是有名的鱼米之乡 俗话说得好 百姓肚中有粮 心中自然不慌
19:30我在这侯府啊 栽的气都喘不上来 还是这儿好 什么都有 我等你
19:50老板 你这是什么馅的呀 有牛肉的 有羊肉的 姑娘想吃哪一种
20:10小慈 你想吃什么 我陪你去 崔大哥不必勉强自己 我就随便逛逛 我边走边吃 你放心 我不会瞎跑的 好 那我们一会儿就在这儿会合 好
20:25来 公子 看看 老板 这个怎么卖 算你便宜
20:35来 干 干
20:51叔父 今夜是侄儿多有怠慢 向您赔不是 还请叔父莫要生气
21:04贤侄 并非叔父为难于你 这一族之长 万事都要以裴氏荣耀为计 你已然失了官位 可我裴氏在这朝中却不能无人
21:23如今你表弟望儿也已成年 这仕途之上你若能帮他疏通打点 说不定日后他还可以助你东山再起 我南陵裴氏都会助你们一臂之力
21:44叔父 侄儿明白了
22:04来 看看香囊吧 老板娘 我能看看这个吗 来
22:19人生在世 随波逐流 命运之舟 当真无人能撼动
23:47Miss, what a coincidence.
23:49The business is so good tonight.
23:51I really have no place to sit.
23:53How about I set up a table for you?
23:55What do you think?
23:56Where should I sit?
23:58Over there.
23:58There is a table over there.
24:00A gentleman has already set up a table.
24:17You follow me.
24:38It seems that I came first.
24:42For the sake of you being angry for me just now,
24:44forget it.
24:46Who said that I was angry for you just now?
24:49Then you are angry for the Marquis.
24:57Why did you come to Nanling?
25:00I was ordered by the phoenix to investigate a case.
25:02This is a request, not a purpose.
25:07Miss Jiang, when did you start
25:09to be so interested in me?
25:13If you didn't set me up,
25:14I wouldn't have set you up.
25:17Here comes the porridge.
25:24My father said that he felt sorry for you two.
25:27These two Songzhaobaba
25:28are for you two.
25:33What is Songzhaobaba?
25:35It's for Grandpa Zao Shen.
25:37Grandpa Zao Shen will be happy when he eats something sweet.
25:39He will say good words to the heaven.
25:40He will bless everyone to be full and healthy in the coming year.
25:44That's right. Being full is the most important.
25:46This is your family's business news.
25:48Thank you, sister.
25:49Han, come and wash the dishes.
25:51What are you doing?
25:53I'm coming.
25:58I didn't expect that you would thank me.
26:02It seems that Miss Jiang
26:04has a big misunderstanding.
26:10Why do you like sugar so much?
26:15Is it possible that
26:17Miss Jiang is really interested in me?
26:21When I tested you with the Buku porridge,
26:23you said that the porridge wasn't sweet enough.
26:26What does the real Buku porridge taste like?
26:29I don't remember.
26:32Aren't you from Yueluo?
26:35You are from Liang'an.
26:36Can you remember the taste of the porridge you ate when you were a child?
26:39I remember.
26:40I remember all the tastes I ate.
26:42Let's put it this way.
26:44The world is full of delicious food.
26:47You are so arrogant.
26:48What do you mean?
26:50I have to fight with you every day.
26:51That's called being alive.
26:57Why do you always stick to the Buku porridge?
27:02I went down the mountain
27:04to pick the old flowers in Yueluo
27:07to make Buku porridge for my master.
27:10But I couldn't go out
27:11when I came to Qingkang.
27:15Does your master like Buku porridge?
27:21When he was young,
27:22he drank it with his family.
27:24He said that was a very important memory for him.
27:31Buku porridge...
27:38Buku porridge...
27:39I can tell you that
27:40it's not impossible.
27:43But everything has a reason.
27:46You have to do something for me.
27:48Don't even think about it.
27:50Don't worry.
27:51I know the rules of your business.
27:53I won't let you do those evil things.
27:57What do you want to do?
28:00I was ordered by His Majesty
28:02to monitor the relationship between Pei and Junxian case.
28:05I need the information of Changfeng Guards.
28:08What does it have to do with Junxian case?
28:11You've seen the faces of Pei's people.
28:14Changfeng Guards are ordered by Pei Yan.
28:16If you know what Changfeng Guards are doing,
28:18you can know what Pei Yan is doing.
28:22Do you think His Lordship will cover up for Pei?
28:24People can do anything
28:26for what they want.
28:30In this way,
28:31Pei Yan can resume his position.
28:34You can reunite with your master.
28:36I can give orders to His Majesty.
28:38It's rare to have such a
28:40three-way game,
28:41isn't it?
28:45Don't even think about it.
28:48I promised to help you hide your identity.
28:50I won't break my promise if I don't stop you.
28:52But I won't be used by you again.
29:00you still can't let go of your Marquis.
29:03Yes, I can't let go of him.
29:05Stop eating.
29:05I'll take it back to His Lordship.
29:18There is a valley in the Moon Valley.
29:21It's called Moon Valley.
29:23The place is green all year round.
29:25There are flowers everywhere.
29:28But that place
29:30is also the burial ground of the Moon Fallen.
29:32The Moon Fallen are never afraid of death.
29:35They sleep under the moon all year round.
29:38The yearning of family and friends
29:40makes their graves full of flowers.
29:43That is the Lingjiu Flower.
29:45They pick it and don't get hurt.
29:48The yearning of family and friends
29:50makes their graves full of flowers.
29:54I didn't ask you.
29:54You told me yourself.
29:56Don't force me to buy it.
30:01Everyone has his own wish.
30:03I wish you all the best.
30:12Why is this honey?
30:33Let's go.
30:34Master, are you alright?
30:35Wait a minute.
30:44My Lord, look.
30:46It's a bad omen
30:48to have a stomachache.
30:49My Lord, are you alright?
30:51I'm fine. I just drank the soup.
30:54Did someone poison the soup?
30:56I'll go to the kitchen to check.
30:58No need.
30:59It's not a big deal.
31:00Have you checked the base of each room?
31:02There are people in each room
31:04and in each room
31:04in each day and night.
31:06People don't say anything
31:07because they care about you.
31:08I heard that some time ago,
31:10the Fourth Young Master
31:11took someone's farm
31:12and killed someone.
31:13He spent money to suppress it.
31:14And the Second Young Master
31:15just took the 17th wife this year.
31:18He is still tied to the palace.
31:19The Second Young Master?
31:20Isn't he 68 years old this year?
31:23The reputation of the Old Marquis
31:24will be ruined by them sooner or later.
31:26In order to accompany the marquis,
31:27the Marquis made great contributions.
31:28But they are so hard on the Marquis.
31:30It's not worth it.
31:32I guard the Black Market
31:34for my father's dignity
31:37and my own responsibility.
31:41By the way,
31:42have you found the whereabouts of the Yan sisters?
31:44I've sent people to investigate secretly,
31:46but there is no news yet.
31:47Send more people.
31:54Where is Xiaoci?
31:56She went out with Mr. Cui.
31:58She hasn't come back yet.
32:02Mr. Cui,
32:03the pouch you bought is so beautiful.
32:05You have a good taste.
32:10It wasn't for Miss Jiang.
32:12I'm ashamed.
32:13I saw that the pouch
32:15was a good match with the relic.
32:18So I bought it.
32:19I thought
32:21a gentleman like Mr. Cui
32:23wouldn't change his mind.
32:26I didn't expect
32:28the pouch to be so valuable.
32:30I doubted it.
32:32I really want to see that girl again
32:35and return the paper dragonfly to her.
32:37Let me see.
32:40It's a good start.
32:42It's a good end.
32:44It means
32:46thousands of people
32:47can have a good start
32:49but rarely have a good end
32:51and a good ending.
33:01The third son is here, too.
33:03Young Master, you haven't gone to bed yet?
33:08Xiaoci hasn't come back yet.
33:10I'm worried.
33:13It's late.
33:14You've disturbed the third son
33:16for the whole night.
33:17Go back to your room and have a rest.
33:19Sit down.
33:20You've disturbed the third son
33:22for the whole night.
33:23Sit down.
33:49Don't lend others your cloak again.
33:52You're not strong enough.
33:59It's cold in autumn.
34:01Warm yourself up.
34:04Thank you, My Lord.
34:20Xiaoci doesn't like ginger tea.
34:24I was too full just now.
34:26I can't drink it.
34:28It seems that Xiaoci had a good time tonight.
34:31Did Xiaoci play with the third son tonight?
34:36When did you two
34:38become so familiar?
34:41We just met by chance.
34:43The Commander took good care of me
34:45for the sake of the Marquis.
34:48Xiaoci and the third son
34:49and Ziming are close to each other.
34:51I thought
34:52you liked one of them.
34:55I don't like anyone.
34:58My Lord, you should go to bed early.
35:00I'll leave now.
35:02During this time,
35:03please stay in my room.
35:15You can leave now.
35:30The third son came to Nanling
35:32to help me investigate the case.
35:34In fact, he's monitoring me
35:35and my every move in Nanling.
35:37His Majesty also wants to test me
35:39to see if I have any ulterior motives.
35:42The third son is very smart.
35:44I can't let him see
35:45that I have ulterior motives.
35:48I know
35:49I've wronged Xiaoci
35:50some time ago.
35:53I apologize to you
35:55for using the porcelain knife.
35:58It's about the safety of the company.
36:00Please help me.
36:06I'll stay here tonight.
36:09My Lord,
36:11if you live in lies
36:12every day
36:14and play games with others,
36:16aren't you tired?
36:19Everyone has a responsibility in life.
36:21As a responsibility,
36:22I can't cry.
36:24I know
36:26making any choice
36:27is a kind of harm.
36:29But I have to choose
36:31to protect the important people and things.
36:37You sleep inside.
36:39I'll stay outside.
36:58What's going on
36:59in Pei Yan's room?
37:01He turned off the light.
37:04What about Jiang Ci?
37:06I think he's still inside.
37:10Still inside?
37:15I see.
37:17During the banquet tonight,
37:19you must have deliberately adjusted the time
37:21to win Jiang Ci's trust and affection.
37:28The gentle knife
37:30is deadly.
37:32You're so clever.
37:34I thought he was the closest to Jiang Ci.
37:36But I didn't expect
37:38you had penetrated him.
37:40It seems that
37:42we can wait.
37:44Li Fei.
37:47Where are you going tonight?
37:52Your Excellency, it's so windy outside.
37:55It's going to be dark soon.
37:56I think
37:57it's time for Changfeng Guards to take action.
38:00Your Excellency,
38:01I have to go to the Department of Construction
38:03to investigate the military supply case with you tomorrow.
38:05My investigation of the military supply case
38:06is just a process.
38:09the most important thing is to find the Yan sisters.
38:15Your Excellency.
38:16Your Excellency.
38:33I'm He Zhenwen.
38:34Greetings, Patriarch Pei.
38:35It's such a big trouble.
38:39Mr. He.
38:40If you didn't have limited ability,
38:42how could you send the inferior weapons
38:44to Qingkang?
38:46It's my fault.
38:48I didn't realize that I was short of money in time.
38:52I had to buy the inferior weapons to attack.
38:55That's why this batch of weapons
38:56had a problem.
38:58Forget it.
38:59Don't mention it again.
39:02My nephew is smart and difficult to deal with.
39:05This time
39:06he brought a wild Wei Zhao.
39:09The two of them have a fight.
39:11We need to be more careful.
39:13Mr. He.
39:15Don't let them catch you.
39:19Don't worry, Patriarch Pei.
39:22The situation in Nanling is just fine.
39:25If the Imperial Censorate can't find it out,
39:27neither can Marquis Pei and Commander Wei.
39:38Thank you, Pei...
39:46Why do you look at their faces?
39:48It's a war.
39:50It's a war.
39:52You get the salary of the court.
39:53Why are you angry with Mr. Pei?
39:57You are so reckless.
39:59You need to polish it well.
40:01Otherwise, you will suffer sooner or later.
40:04We just sent the Imperial Censorate away.
40:06Pei Yan and Wei Zhao came again.
40:08What should we do?
40:11Take your people to Liu Minxiang.
40:14Arrest those Jin people.
40:16Find a secret place in the city.
40:18Lock them up.
40:20Tomorrow, Pei Yan and Wei Zhao
40:23will come to Zhuzao Temple.
40:26I need to be alert
40:28to deal with them well.
40:41Marquis Pei.
40:42Commander Wei.
40:43Sorry for not welcoming you earlier.
40:45I'm ashamed.
40:46I have resigned.
40:48I came here with Commander Wei today.
40:51Thank you, Commander Wei.
40:53Thank you, Mr. He.
41:11What is this place?
41:13Commander Wei.
41:15This is a fake stove.
41:17There was an accident a while ago.
41:19It hasn't been repaired yet.
41:21It can't be used.
41:23Why are there traces of fire?
41:27About two months ago,
41:29some craftsmen made a mistake
41:31and caused a fire.
41:32The fire was put out.
41:34These craftsmen
41:35also died here.
41:37I also prepared money
41:39to compensate their families.
41:42Why are all the craftsmen
41:44in Zhuzao Temple
41:46so careless in your words?
41:48It's either the weapons are broken
41:50or the fire is too strong.
41:57Commander Wei.
41:58I made a mistake
42:00and caused the fire.
42:02I failed you.
42:04It's my fault.
42:05I'm willing to take all the punishment.
42:07But I beg Your Majesty
42:09to show mercy
42:10and forgive these craftsmen.
42:12They are inexperienced.
42:13I'm willing to take all the punishment
42:15for them.
42:17I have no complaints.
42:30He Zhenwen's words
42:32are clear.
42:34I guess the censorate
42:35is dressed up like this.
42:37The problem of the weapons
42:39is related to the safety of the imperial city.
42:41It's a capital crime.
42:43We can only blame the craftsmen
42:45and beg for mercy
42:47for them
42:49in exchange for a chance.
42:51I think
42:52we can't do anything
42:54if we don't do something.
42:59There is no problem
43:01with the accounts of the Censorate.
43:02Since the people all say so,
43:04the accounts
43:06can be trusted.
43:08I didn't expect the case
43:09to be so serious.
43:11But I'm afraid
43:12the Censorate can't find anything.
43:14We have to do it in the city.
43:16Since it's in the city,
43:18why don't we pretend to go sightseeing?
43:20We can take a walk in and out of the city.
43:22It won't be too far.
43:23Miss Jiang, let's do it together.
43:25With a woman here,
43:26it will be more realistic.
43:28I'll do as you say.
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