Doraemon | New Episode

  • 3 days ago
Doraemon | New Episode


00:00Sahara Desert is in trouble.
00:05It's too hot.
00:08I am fed up of the heat.
00:12Don't talk about the heat.
00:14Otherwise, I feel hotter.
00:18Nobita, summer holidays are coming to an end.
00:20Did you finish your homework?
00:22Mom, don't say anything now.
00:24How can I not say anything?
00:25How can I study in such a small, dirty and hot room?
00:31What did you say?
00:33Do you know, mom?
00:35I have given the sunnys to study.
00:37So, at least you can give me a nice room.
00:41I can't give you. Do you understand?
00:45It's already too hot.
00:46On top of that, mom is shouting.
00:48If your environment is good, will you study, Nobita?
00:52Yes, of course.
00:53Okay, I can't do much.
00:55But, do you want to study near Switzerland?
00:58Wow! Then, I will study hard, Doraemon.
01:02There is a lake near the Florida jungle.
01:05It's very peaceful and beautiful.
01:07Do you know, it will be cool there.
01:09Wow! It sounds interesting.
01:14What's happening?
01:17Whose place is this?
01:19This is Jasper Park, Canada.
01:21Don't study here.
01:23That's fine, Doraemon.
01:25But, how did we come to Canada suddenly?
01:27Is it because of the gadget?
01:29Yes, it's because of my gadget.
01:32This is Tourism Vision.
01:34This is a device which can show you the places around you.
01:38So, this is really Canada, Doraemon.
01:41That's what I can see.
01:43Look, there is a rustling sound in the trees.
01:46The water is cold.
01:48It will be fun to study.
01:50Oh, be careful.
01:54You could only see the view.
01:56That's the size of the room, Nobita.
01:58Why didn't you tell me earlier?
02:00How does this work, Doraemon?
02:03This Tourism Vision can show you any place.
02:06Wait, I will show you.
02:07A place far away, like this Antarctic Pole.
02:12Have we reached here?
02:16It's easier to see from our garden.
02:18This is fun.
02:20Let me try.
02:22I want to see the Sunyoka Villa.
02:24Okay, point at the place where the villa is.
02:27And then slowly focus like this.
02:29Yes, understood.
02:34Look, I think it's raining here.
02:38But, we are not getting wet.
02:40Because, this is just an image.
02:42Is it?
02:43So, this is the Sunyoka Villa.
02:49It's raining inside the house.
02:51You don't have to say that.
02:54Because, they can't hear us.
02:56But, we can hear them.
03:01This is a very old villa.
03:04I don't think Suno studies here.
03:07Yes, maybe he is in the other room.
03:18I am just moving my desk from here to there.
03:20I am not able to study.
03:23What is this?
03:24Sunio is not able to study properly.
03:27Oh, no.
03:28Mom, water is dripping on my head.
03:32Sunio, I have a very good idea.
03:35What is it?
03:36I want to show you something.
03:40Wow, what an idea.
03:42I don't understand.
03:43Why should I open the umbrella in your room?
03:45Because, water is dripping from the roof.
03:47I didn't mean that.
03:49Did you get this old villa for rent?
03:51Yes, because it was cheap.
03:53Do you want to go back home?
03:55No, I told my friends that I am studying in a new villa.
03:59So, I can't go back.
04:01I will lose my nose.
04:07Hello, Sunio.
04:08Water is still dripping.
04:10How do you know about this?
04:12If you have an umbrella, you can study.
04:16Nobita, I got to know about the umbrella.
04:21Sunio is very surprised.
04:23He was studying with an umbrella.
04:25He is very good.
04:26You should learn something from him.
04:28Learn, Nobita.
04:29What are the others doing?
04:40Did you see Doraemon?
04:41Doraemon, I am not alone.
04:43I am not studying.
04:44Don't compare yourself with Jiyan.
04:46Let's go ahead.
04:50I can feel that I can study now.
04:52This is very good.
04:54It's good that you want to study.
04:57Okay, I won't trouble you.
04:59I will leave him alone for some time.
05:05Oh, no.
05:06Even if the environment is better,
05:08I still don't feel like studying.
05:34What is happening?
05:35I have to do something.
05:39I hope that Nobita is studying well.
05:42Nobita, I have brought breakfast.
05:45Okay, so this is how it is.
05:47Nobita, you have changed again.
05:51There were bears in the park.
05:53If you are close to nature, you can see bears.
05:56You forgot that it was just an image.
05:58But I got scared when I saw them.
06:00Whoever you are, you can't cheat like this.
06:09Now which place is this?
06:11This place is in Switzerland.
06:13Is it okay now?
06:19This is a very big problem.
06:21I can't study in a country house.
06:23Do something, Doraemon.
06:27Yes, I know such a place.
06:30Now where have we come?
06:32This is Sahara Desert.
06:34No one will trouble you here.
06:36Nor will there be any animal.
06:38There is nothing here.
06:40It's just sand.
06:42It's good that the view has changed.
06:44And not the temperature.
06:45Otherwise, it is very hot here.
06:47But now there is no problem.
06:49No one will disturb you.
06:51Study well.
06:52This is quite big.
06:53How can I rest?
06:55That's enough.
06:56Now I will study, Doraemon.
07:01I am watching you from here, Nobita.
07:04This is...
07:07I thought I saw something there.
07:10But this is the middle of Sahara Desert.
07:12No one can come here.
07:21What is this?
07:22Someone is in trouble.
07:26Okay, I will get it.
07:30Take this water.
07:33What is this?
07:35Have you forgotten?
07:36This is just an image.
07:37What should we do now, Doraemon?
07:39Let's call someone, Nobita.
07:41There is a big problem here.
07:43We need an ambulance.
07:45What did you say?
07:46There is no ambulance?
07:48What should we do, Doraemon?
07:50I am thirsty.
07:52Give me some water.
07:53Doraemon, do something.
07:55What should we do?
07:57Doraemon, anyway door.
07:59You are right.
08:01Let's go.
08:04How did it come out?
08:06You broke it.
08:08What should we do now?
08:10We can't go there.
08:16Look at the plane.
08:20Look here.
08:22Don't come here.
08:27Doraemon, it's gone.
08:32Where did the smoke come from?
08:34I think the smoke is coming from the air.
08:41Mom, what are you doing?
08:43Nobita, this is a portable cooking stove.
08:47People used to cook fish on it.
08:50I found it in the storeroom.
08:52I understood.
08:54Doraemon, what are you doing?
08:56Can I use it for some time?
08:59Forgetting items stand out.
09:01Setting okay.
09:03Someone needs it a lot.
09:05What are you doing, Doraemon?
09:07I can't do it anymore.
09:10Did you find it?
09:12No, I didn't find it.
09:14What happened?
09:16It's so strange.
09:18Someone is cooking fish in the middle of the desert.
09:21What did you say?
09:29I am here.
09:34I am here.
09:41It was good.
09:43I am tired, Doraemon.
09:45Decide a place to study.
09:50But it's difficult to find a place to study, Doraemon.
09:54Are you still saying that?
09:56No problem.
09:58I will study tomorrow.
10:00Okay, then.
10:08You will study well in sir's house, Nobita.
10:12I don't like this at all, Doraemon.
11:26I started dreaming about you as soon as I saw you.
11:29I started thinking about you even in my dreams.
11:32Is this one-sided love or is this my love?
11:35I don't understand anything.
11:37This is how I am.
12:10You are my world and you are my dream.
12:13My heart is sad without you.
12:16Your blue eyes have lost my love.
12:39Make an important plan.
12:49Okay, wait for me there.
12:52Okay, Nobita. As you say.
12:58Today's summer festival will be cancelled due to rain.
13:02But where is it raining?
13:04It will start raining from noon.
13:09It is expected to rain heavily in this area.
13:12Please be careful if you go out.
13:14Oh, no.
13:16Mom and dad bought me a new dress.
13:19Goodbye for now.
13:27There is no need to be so sad.
13:30We all waited for this day impatiently.
13:33How can we live without the festival?
13:36I can understand.
13:38But I can't help you.
13:40Why don't we organize a summer festival?
13:43Yes, tell me.
13:45Why don't we organize a Nobita festival?
13:48This is impossible.
13:52Look, we can use this.
13:55Summer festival kit.
13:58What is this?
14:00This is the best flying house for future kids.
14:03I don't want to play with this play house.
14:05Everything will be the same as it is.
14:08If we make a place for the festival
14:11and make it smaller with a tunnel,
14:14it will be fun to celebrate the festival.
14:16Good idea. You are good, Doraemon.
14:18Oh, no.
14:20Okay, let's make a place for it.
14:22It changes its mood so quickly.
14:24But where will we keep it?
14:26We can't make a festival atmosphere here.
14:32Will the roof be okay?
14:34No, no, no. There are rats there.
14:36It will make noise.
14:38Mom won't be able to bear it.
14:40You know her temper.
14:46Come with me.
14:52We have reached.
14:54It's going to rain.
14:56We will get wet, Nobita.
14:58We will go under this.
15:01How will this place look, Doraemon?
15:04This is also a good place.
15:06First of all, look at this.
15:11Write the name of your favorite shop on this sign board.
15:14Any name?
15:19Cotton candy.
15:22Wow! It's amazing.
15:24Actually, you can make anything with this.
15:27Come on, write whatever you want to write.
15:32Soup stall.
15:35Chocolate banana.
15:37And apple candy.
15:39Will you put up a food stall here?
15:45Huh? Rain?
15:48Let's take these shops under the roof quickly.
15:54Is this okay?
15:56There is little space, but it's okay.
16:01What are you doing here?
16:03We are preparing to celebrate the festival.
16:06Come and help us.
16:13This is just a toy.
16:15This is just a playhouse.
16:16Only you can do this, Nobita.
16:19Once we are ready, we will go inside the tunnel with Gulliver.
16:23It sounds fun.
16:25I will also help you.
16:26Okay, take this.
16:30My stall should be here,
16:32from where I can see everything clearly.
16:34Okay, then I will make it here.
16:40Yes, it should be in front.
16:43Okay, I will go there.
16:46It's good that you are ignoring me.
16:48Just feel it.
16:51When you keep it, everything will start automatically.
16:54Do it carefully.
16:55There should be no mistake.
17:06What have you done, Jiyan?
17:08Should we do it again?
17:11Do you want to say that it happened because of me?
17:13I didn't say that.
17:15Is it ready?
17:16Yes, it's ready.
17:17What are you doing?
17:21We are looking for something.
17:23Please don't mind.
17:24I don't know what I lost.
17:28It's done.
17:31Finally, we have shown our house.
17:33Then let's call our friends.
17:37At our old place?
17:40Instead of the cancelled summer festival?
17:43What did you say?
17:44Nobita festival?
17:46Yes, it has been changed with Yukata.
17:48But it's raining, isn't it?
17:50You don't worry.
17:51Just trust me.
17:54We are here.
17:57I think the festival is really cancelled.
17:59It's not like that.
18:01The festival is here.
18:04We have to go inside.
18:18Let's go.
18:19It's so beautiful.
18:26Do you want to make it more beautiful by cutting the edges of this beautiful mask?
18:30It's very beautiful.
18:32Isn't it beautiful and attractive?
18:34You can become beautiful Nobita with it.
18:37I don't want it.
18:39Let's go there.
18:40We don't want it.
18:42But why?
18:48Try my special Jiyan momos.
18:51It's very tasty.
18:54It's very tasty.
18:56Yes, it is.
18:58Try it.
19:00I will save some space for my stomach.
19:05I got it.
19:07A special Jiyan momo is waiting for you.
19:10Try not to pass by Jiyan's stall.
19:13Do you want to test your talent?
19:16There are many items here.
19:18This is a shooting gallery.
19:20Shizuka, tell me what do you want?
19:22I will shoot on this.
19:25I want that bear, Nobita.
19:27It's very easy.
19:29I am good at aiming.
19:50Fall! Fall! Fall!
19:55That bear is not falling.
19:57It's very strange.
19:58There is nothing strange in it.
20:04It's very heavy.
20:06I am sorry.
20:09I promised Shizuka that I will give that bear to her.
20:13Where is Shizuka?
20:15Where did she go?
20:18Cotton candy is made by heating sugar and cooling it.
20:23You know a lot about it.
20:25I don't know that much.
20:27Take it.
20:30It's very sweet and tasty.
20:36What happened?
20:39What is that sticky thing on my head?
21:04What should we do now?
21:06Run separately.
21:16Here they are.
21:19Are you hurt?
21:21What should we do now, Doraemon?
21:22Go to Gulliver's cave.
21:24But how can we go there?
21:26We will be eaten on the way.
21:47Gian's momos are very tasty.
21:50My momos are very tasty.
21:52But why did he run away after eating my momos?
21:55Don't think too much, Gian.
21:58Everyone is safe.
21:59This is a good thing.
22:00This is not a good thing at all.
22:02We can't continue the summer festival.
22:09Let's all dance together.
22:12This is a good idea.
22:14I agree.
22:17Let's start.
22:27Let's go.
