Gay 90's Revue

  • 4 days ago
Years ago,before you could find a million books,and thousands of web pages about the Three Stooges,would try to find information on the various members.When searching for Moe Howard,often got results for Joe Howard.I knew Moe,but not Joe.Never did know Joe until I picked up this show.Kind of a nice,charming little show from the infancy of television,and actually enjoyable.So here it is,the Gay 90's Revue,with Joe Howard,not Moe Howard.So dont just know Moe,get to know Joe!


00:00The Gay 90's Reviews, starring Lulu Bates, Genevieve Rowe, the Townsman's Quartet, Pretty
00:25Honey Murray, the Three Arnos, and television's top music man, Ray Block. Reminisce with us,
00:31won't you, for the next 30 minutes as we take you back to the good old days, the Gay 90's
00:36days. And here to help us reminisce is Mr. Gay 90's himself, Joe Howard!
00:43Just whistle a song when you're feeling needy. Just whistle a song when you're feeling blue.
01:01When life seems long and everyone is weary, then I'll whistle some love things to you.
01:14I'll whistle hello some Sunday morning when we'll sit underneath the moon.
01:27And we'll stand hand in hand in bluebird land, then I'll whistle our troubles away.
01:39Just whistle a song when you're feeling weary. Just whistle a song when you're feeling blue.
01:51When life seems long and the world is dreary, then I'll whistle some gladness to you.
02:04I'll say hello some Sunday morning, then we will be so happy then.
02:16Then we'll stand hand in hand in bluebird land, and I'll whistle your troubles away.
02:34Thank you. Thank you, boys and girls. I want to welcome everyone here to the Broadway Dolls.
02:42I see we've got a big house tonight. Well, it's Salvation Army tonight.
02:48And when they pass that little hat around, well, I just want you to give all you can,
02:53because it's for a worthy cause. And now, when you come here on Friday nights,
02:59you're going to see a lot of our song pluggers and actors from the different theaters,
03:03Hammerstein, 14th Street, the London, the Bowery.
03:06And you'll see a lot of people that you've seen on the stage, and you'll be glad to say hello to them.
03:11And now, with Ray Block and his great orchestra, we'll start off the show with Lou Levitz, our jazz singer.
03:18Come on, Lou.
03:21I've got a lovesick tale to tell to you, though it's no affair of mine.
03:31It's about a girl named Sue and a boy named Lou. They were scrappin' all the time.
03:38Lou came home one afternoon, found an empty dining room without a word.
03:46Her turtledove had flown. She began to moan.
03:53My sweetie went away, but he didn't say where. He didn't say when.
03:59He didn't say why or kiss me goodbye. And I'm as blue as I can be.
04:07I know he loves another one, but he didn't say who.
04:12He didn't say which. He didn't say what his mama has got.
04:18That took my sweetie from me.
04:21I'm like a little sheep and I can't sleep, cause I keep tryin' to forget.
04:29My triflin' papa left his mama all alone.
04:35I'd grown my sweetie went away, but he didn't say where. He didn't say when.
04:42He didn't say why I know that I'll die. Why don't he hurry back home?
04:49I'm like a little sheep and I can't sleep, but I keep tryin' to forget.
04:57My triflin' papa left his mama all alone.
05:03I'd grown my sweetie went away, but he didn't say where. He didn't say when.
05:09He didn't say why I know that I'll die. Why don't he hurry back home?
05:22Well, that's my Lulu.
05:30And now I present to you a little girl who is at the 14th Street Theater.
05:34She's making her first appearance tonight at the Broadway Garden.
05:37Honey Murray, a little dancer you'll enjoy. Let's go.
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08:41And now I present the townsman quartet who will sing songs
08:46that your mammy and daddy sang to you years and yards ago.
08:55Oh, the days of the carry dancing,
08:59Oh, the ring of the piper's tune,
09:04Oh, for one of those hours of gladness
09:09Gone alas like a yule too soon.
09:16When the boys began to gather in the glen of a summer night
09:23And the carry piper's tuning made us love with wild delight
09:30Oh, to think of it, oh, to dream of it fills my heart with tears
09:37Oh, to think of it, oh, to dream of it, oh, those happy years
09:44Was there ever a sweeter carrie than the dance that Nellie wore
09:51Or a prouder lad than Fatty as he goldy took the floor
09:57Lads and lassies, to your places, up the middle and down again
10:04Oh, the merry hearted laughter ringing through the happy glen
10:11Oh, to think of it, oh, to dream of it fills my heart with tears
10:18Oh, to think of it, oh, to dream of it, oh, those happy years
10:25Oh, the days of the carry dancing,
10:28Oh, the ring of the piper's tune,
10:32Oh, for one of those hours of gladness
10:38Gone alas like a yule too soon.
10:58Well, that's that caniney quartet you've heard so much about.
11:01And now I'm going to present to you
11:03the little prima donna of the Broadway garden,
11:06Genevieve Rowe. Come on, sweet Jenny.
11:12Moonlight shining bright
11:16Whispers low to lovers
11:20A dark world waiting for
11:25In the shadow of earth
11:30Weaveless with softest caressing
11:34To my garm no less light or threatening
11:40Night with its beauty enthralling
11:45On water spawning
11:48Or gently calling
12:00Come with us, our time is bright
12:04Come with us, safe and tonight
12:08The carnival of childlike night
12:13And see another dawning day
12:30Come to the charm of the night
12:36And see another dawning day
12:53Come to the charm of the night
12:58And see another dawning day
13:05Far away
13:13Come through the moonlight
13:17Far away
13:34I say, Genevieve, that's just wonderful.
13:36Thank you, Joe.
13:37You know, I've got to get serious with you for a little while now.
13:39You know, we've been courting now for about two years.
13:42That's right, Joe.
13:44And, you know, my family doesn't sort of like your family,
13:49and I don't think your family sort of likes my family.
13:52Is that so?
13:53And I don't like to see if we don't sort of get together, you know,
13:57and get married, dear.
13:58But we need to tell you the truth, you know.
14:00I don't like your family.
14:02I don't like your family.
14:07I don't like your family.
14:11Now, they don't make a hit with me.
14:14I don't want to borrow any money from your father
14:18for happy relations.
14:19Live on me now, sweetheart.
14:22I don't think your Uncle John
14:24Uncle John?
14:25Ever had a collar on
14:28A collar on?
14:29You're a perfect lady.
14:30But when I get itched for life, ha!
14:32I want an orphan.
14:36I don't like your family.
14:38Don't let that happen, dear.
14:40I don't make a hit with me.
14:42Why do you hate?
14:43I don't want to bother lending money to your father
14:46while your lost relations live on me.
14:49Now, tell me.
14:50I don't think your Uncle John
14:53Uncle John?
14:54I don't think he ever had a collar on.
14:57A collar on?
14:58Now, you're a perfect lady, sweetheart.
15:00But when he gets itched for life,
15:02I want an orphan.
15:16And now for Hammers from Hammerstein's Garden
15:19we present to you
15:22the three Arnots.
15:24These boys and their little girl, their sister
15:28they're playing over there
15:30and they're a terrific hit, headlining the bill.
15:32And Mr. Billy Hammerstein
15:34has been so kind to allow them to come over here
15:37on the Salvation Army night
15:39and do their act.
15:40And let's give them a great send-off.
15:42Here they are!
16:24The Three Arnots
16:54The Three Arnots
17:24The Three Arnots
17:39The Three Arnots
17:53The Three Arnots
18:03One, two, three, four
18:05One, two, three, four
18:20One, two, three, four
18:31One, two, three, four
18:45Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.
18:51And now an invitation of three loving birds.
18:55Come on, Birdie.
19:14The Three Arnots
19:31The Three Arnots
19:53The Three Arnots
20:13The Three Arnots
21:08The Three Arnots
21:55The Three Arnots
22:04The Three Arnots
22:14The Three Arnots
22:36The Three Arnots
22:46The Three Arnots
23:06The Three Arnots
23:26Well, I can thank Mr. Billy Hammerstein
23:29for sending over that act and I know you enjoyed it.
23:32Now we're going to the finale of our show
23:34and I'm going to sing a little song.
23:35I think you heard me do it in the Bowery Garden sometime ago
23:38called San Francisco Fridge.
23:41San Francisco Fridge
23:46Fridge, fridge, keep on a-fridgin' in the San Francisco fridge
23:51Fridge, fridge, let's have the finest dance that ever is
23:57Don't let your mind and thoughts go wrong
24:00Just keep a-singin' this old song
24:03Whistle and razzle and razzle and dazzle
24:05A dance that never dies
24:08Wrist and limbs keep on a-slippin' and a-slidin' on the floor
24:13Dip, dip, just keep dippin' and you'll never stop no more
24:19Mama, Papa, sing right along
24:22Just keep bookin' this good old song
24:25Go to heaven, you and the Frisco Fridge
24:31Hit it!
24:33Oh Joe, oh Joe, oh Joe, oh Joe
24:54Wrist, keep on a-slippin' and a-slidin' on the floor
25:00Dip, dip, just keep a-dippin' and you'll never stop no more
25:05Never mind the song so long
25:08Just keep you kept goin' along
25:11With the fridge, razzle, dazzle, dazzle
25:14Doin' the Frisco Fridge
25:19Cuddle up a little closer, lovey mime
25:29Cuddle up and be my little clinging vine
25:37Like to kiss your cheeks so rosy
25:41Like to make you comfy cozy
25:45Love you dear from head to toe dear
25:49Baby mime
25:57Come, come, my love, you own me
26:03My heart is true
26:08Come, come, my life is lonely
26:14I long for you
26:19Come, come, stars can face you
26:26My arms are aching now to embrace you
26:33Life divine
26:39Come, come, my love, you own me
26:48Come, come, come
27:04Come, come, my life is lonely
27:09I long for you
27:13Come, come, stars can face you
27:19My arms are aching now to embrace you
27:25Life divine
27:30Come, come, my love, you own me
27:36My heart is true
27:41Come, come, my life is lonely
27:47I long for you
27:53Come, come, my life is lonely
27:59I long for you
28:05Come, come, my life is lonely
28:11I long for you
28:17Come, come, my life is lonely
28:24Come, come, my life is lonely
28:30I long for you
28:36Come, come, my life is lonely
28:43I long for you
