Yoel Angeloni vs Juan Carlos Campos Medina (11-09-2024) Full Fight

  • 4 days ago
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00:00here we go, let's go guys, all right guys remember all the instructions address and
00:06you know the rules your trunks are both about the right place keep your gloves
00:08here but obey my commands at all times questions questions good luck guys
00:14first fight of the night we are ready to get underway
00:19Angelone the Cuban Italian in the camo trunks Juan Medina Sioux City and Mexico
00:31in the black trunks here we go round number one first thing you notice Chris
00:41Angelone he is big weight in less but man his frame is gigantic a lot of muscle on
00:47him yeah tall wide shoulder thick from from head to head to heels you see a
00:51nice stab jab there pushes Medina back I like what I've seen from Angelino up
00:59until this point of his career I'm gonna see what he can develop tonight here
01:02and last time out against Michael Williams easy first round knockout seen
01:07speed bags put up more of a fight in that one big shot Williams was down
01:14put Angelino on the back foot here not to let him get comfortable it was too
01:18comfortable last time for Angelino here on Pro Box and the move from Cuba to Italy
01:23great amateur team of both countries record 140 and 2 as an amateur
01:28absolutely unbelievable Medina is doing exactly what he should do against a guy
01:39with that kind of pedigree he's making it awkward making it ugly or being
01:44awkward I should say making it ugly making Angelino uncomfortable here in
01:49round one box a brawl you brawl a boxer and right now Apple's Medina and trying
01:56to brawl the boxer Angelone he hasn't we found his rhythm yet because you talk
02:02about some I'm used to clean lines all the time mr. really slick amateurs and
02:06somebody comes in wild just not used to it yeah you read my mind Jimmy I was
02:08about to say there's something we speak about about a lot with these guys who
02:11have this deep amateur backgrounds the guys that they're fighting at the top
02:14level at the end of their careers are world-class and then you're
02:18stepping into the pros and you're fighting guys like Medina and you're
02:21fighting like journeymen that are on the way up and they're awkward and they're
02:24strong and they're doing stuff like that and making you feel very uncomfortable
02:27you're not used to this he's kind of going away and then throwing loopy shots
02:31and he's only trying to figure out a way to get to him and it's now it's south
02:36pull here and think about it in the States we see guys like this in the gym
02:39all the time if you're a great amateur you're an amateur in Cuba everybody's
02:42slick everybody's got that South box you know style that's very very clean you
02:46don't see a lot of this but this guy Medina's going righty lefty and throwing
02:50loopy shots he's not very slick so to speak but he was gonna make it work for
02:54him he's keeping Angelone thinking here in round one
02:56splitting his body on Angelino to he's being very physical his Medina
03:03Medina again grabbing pushing shouldering watch the heads here
03:13Angelone has to work on being first here against a guy like this keep this guy on the back foot
03:17there with a sharp jab be consistent in first here and not give this guy Medina a chance to continue to make things uncomfortable
03:25Angelone trying to find the target work the jab but not much success at the end of round number one
03:38watch out
03:41you probably lost that round
03:43because you're not being physical enough
03:45David let your hands go
03:47David be ready
03:49be ready
03:58look at guys breathe breathe
04:00catch a breath
04:06make it awkward
04:08looking at the corner of Juan Carlos Gapos Medina
04:1030 years old undefeated
04:123 and 0
04:14all of those wins by knockout
04:16you wanna stall for the other rounds
04:18I want no
04:20Bomac in the corner of Angelino
04:22I was saying he's walking back to the corner
04:24I'm thinking he's gonna get a tongue lashing after that first round
04:26first thing Bomac says you probably lost that round
04:31remember it's only a 6 round fight
04:33can't afford to give away very many rounds
04:35you gotta come in and be the boss
04:37I understand you wanna be showy
04:39and all that other stuff
04:41but not everybody is there just to make you look good
04:43this guy he's been fighting his 3 and 0 with 3 knockouts
04:45he's got a winning mentality
04:47so you gotta beat it out of him
04:49he doesn't know how to lose yet
04:51gotta teach him right
04:53he's rough he's rugged
04:55Angelone doesn't like that rugged stuff
04:57but again these kind of guys they're not as talented
04:59they make it rough for you in different ways
05:01and that's part of learning about how to be a pro
05:03also champ I was thinking maybe Angelone
05:05because this is his first 6 rounder
05:07I was thinking start a little slow
05:09I have time but then you get a guy like this
05:11who gets a little comfortable
05:13and he gets positive and confident
05:15exactly these guys grow as the rounds go on
05:17you wanna attack them early like you said
05:19also Chris you and I were grapplers
05:21that's fatiguing
05:23someone's never grappled before
05:25you tie him up get him tired make him carry your weight
05:27it's a different kind of strength
05:29and different kind of endurance
05:31exactly your point if you're not used to it
05:33it can really sap your juice
05:35I always felt in these kind of fights
05:37you gotta let your opponent know early
05:39that he doesn't belong in the ring
05:41no matter what kind of mentality he's coming in with
05:43show him early how sharp you are
05:45how quick you are how you can get off first
05:47and be more creative than him
05:49if you let him get started
05:51you risk running into a tough situation
05:53right now Medina's throwing a pretty sharp jab
05:55it was a great weapon in his first fight
05:57hasn't been able to get that going this time around
05:59is that part of it?
06:01yeah he hasn't been able to really figure out the distance
06:03Medina kind of shoots weird shots and then runs away
06:05and Angeloni's not really cutting off the ring
06:07and then he's kind of taking his time
06:09getting to him
06:11when he gets there he's first kind of notch the line at first
06:13instead of cutting the distance in a sharp way
06:15he's gotta be sharp all three minutes of every round
06:17I'm seeing Medina grow
06:19he's growing in confidence
06:21as this fight goes on
06:23you're talking about this guy, he's undefeated
06:25he's not like some journeyman coming in
06:27he's tough, he's rugged
06:29he's used to knocking people out
06:31he's undefeated himself and you're seeing him now
06:33he's controlling the center of the ring at this point
06:35they're making things very uncomfortable
06:37he's throwing shots confidently
06:39awkward wide shots
06:41but confidently throwing
06:43they're throwing Angeloni off
06:45and Angeloni's fighting his kind of fight
06:47you can see Medina's physically stronger
06:49Angeloni you see getting a little bit emotional
06:51getting a little upset at these clinches
06:53getting a little frustrated
06:55you see that little hop step Angeloni does
06:57you don't need that right there
06:59you gotta slide in
07:01that little hop step you lose a split second there
07:03when you got a guy kind of moving around
07:05especially an unorthodox guy who's coming in
07:07at weird angles and weird times
07:09the way that Medina is, good body work
07:11that's a great way to stem the flow of a guy like this
07:13dig him down low
07:15make him uncomfortable
07:17make him gassed
07:19look at those guys there
07:25first real exchanges as we get to the end of round number two
07:29alright stop, stop, break
07:45doing good my friend
07:47get that nose
07:49alright keep making it dirty
07:51keep fighting in the clinch until they break it
08:01we're good
08:03a fight has broken out Juan Carlos Campos Medina
08:05undefeated boxer
08:07right now using every trick in the book
08:09stay away from the technical brilliance of this man
08:11Noel Angeloni
08:13decorated amateur undefeated pro
08:17having trouble getting his offense going tonight
08:29sort of round number three
08:33the gentleman who talked about the confidence of Campos Medina
08:35slowly growing over the last couple rounds
08:37was willing to trade at the end of round number two
08:43look at Angeloni there
08:45he's got a slick stance
08:47he's got this slick stance here
08:49use some feints, give different looks
08:51I almost got this feeling that Angeloni
08:53just took Medina for granted
08:55like he was just going to be another opponent
08:57and then when you have that
08:59and you got a guy who's giving you much more resistance
09:01it's hard to refocus your mind
09:03you'd rather over give a guy more credit
09:05and then it turns out to be easier
09:07than think a guy's going to be an easy fight
09:09and then it turns out to be more difficult
09:11it's easier than you expected
09:13as opposed to when it's more difficult than you expected
09:15it's better to have it and not need it
09:17than need it and not have it
09:27you know what's killing me though from Angeloni
09:29no jab, no jab tonight
09:31he's just allowing Medina to use that awkwardness
09:33to step in, to do stuff like this
09:35and no jab
09:37and no feints on Medina's way in
09:39and he paused Medina's entrance
09:41with some hesitation
09:43and I think, I mean, from what I'm seeing
09:45Medina just looks like a strong guy
09:47he's very physical
09:49he probably has heavy hands
09:51he's here to win
09:53he showed up to fight and win
09:55and Angeloni almost took it for granted
09:57it's almost like he's mentally
09:59not ready for this kind of fight
10:01young fighters out there, you guys who are watching
10:03you guys who want to fight on Pro Box TV
10:05there's no easy fight
10:07I heard him there guys
10:09tempo shot
10:11best punch of the fight so far
10:13let's see if Angeloni can put it together here
10:15Medina trying to fight back
10:17can't look for one shot here
10:19you gotta put the punches together here when you got your main hurt
10:21he's loading up on that right hand
10:23beautiful left hooks on landing, real hard, real heavy
10:25but again, smothering himself
10:27looking for the big shot
10:29he should have kept, in my opinion, backing Medina up
10:31now Medina's going to have a chance to recover
10:33Medina's going to get back on that jab
10:35that hard, stiff jab was giving Angeloni
10:37some difficulty
10:39nice change up there
10:41nice straight left
10:43Medina now moving back
10:45a little momentum change here in this round guys
10:47I was getting worried Angelino was going back to the well
10:49too often with the right hook
10:51he had success and then went to it 2, 3, 4 more times
10:53but then he just found a really nice overhand left
10:55you gotta control these moves
10:57there's that jab
11:01Angeloni now finding some success
11:03Medina's not working the jab as well
11:05but he's found the home for his power punches
11:07I still feel like he's looking for a big shot too much though
11:09he's gotta work in between, in these lulls here
11:11because it gives Medina a chance to regroup if you don't work in the lulls
11:13especially with just simple things like the jab and the feints
11:15they're not there
11:17especially when you have a hand speed advantage
11:19the way that Angelino has
11:23Medina's going to chalk up this round to Angeloni
11:25and try to regroup
11:33from outside of Guadalajara
11:35the Mexican maestro
11:37the unified super middleweight champion of the world
11:39Canelo Alvarez
11:43his challenger
11:45undefeated knockout artist
11:47and pride of Puerto Rico
11:49Edgar Berlanga
11:51it's prime time
11:53Canelo vs Berlanga
11:55plus Laura vs Garcia
11:57Saturday live on PBC
11:59pay per view on Prime Video
12:01Don't miss it, Canelo vs Berlanga
12:03we covered the press conference today
12:05here on Pro Box TV
12:07we've interviewed both fighters
12:09check it out, Pro Box TV, download the app now
12:11finally some action
12:13when it comes to Angeloni in round number 3
12:15finding his mark, gentlemen
12:17Angeloni, a few moments before that
12:19really nice right hook to the head
12:21that's the shot there, high on the head
12:23that got the attention of Medina
12:25very much needed round for Angeloni there
12:27to assert his dominance
12:31round number 4
12:35sometimes a frustrated corner
12:37for Angeloni
12:39didn't really get going until that third round
12:41as you said, Paul, he might be overhunting
12:43for the big shot
12:45yeah, and that's the thing though, if you overhunt
12:47you end up waiting, looking for that perfect shot
12:49and you give a guy like Medina a chance to use that
12:51awkwardness to his advantage
12:53Angeloni doing a better job of getting off first here
12:55Medina's got to try to take that away from him
12:57good little counter there from Angeloni
12:59that was an effective jab that Medina had been using early on
13:01you want to make him pay for it
13:03when he uses it the way Angeloni did
13:05nice right hand on the way out
13:07that was a good body shot right hand combination
13:09from Medina there, caught Angeloni on the way out
13:11good body shot again from Medina
13:13once again, making it ugly
13:15Medina can fight, man
13:17he's finding these spots
13:19his punch selection is good, he's awkward as hell
13:21but he's effective
13:23he's been trying to take the center ring here
13:25force the younger Angeloni
13:27less physically developed Angeloni
13:29clearly the physical advantages on the inside
13:31have shown to be a strength advantage for Medina
13:33what stance is Medina today?
13:35lefty, righty, stepping through
13:37whatever works, huh?
13:39the paper says southpaw, I don't believe it
13:41I heard the great Gil Clancy once say
13:43about me and the amateurs when I was still learning
13:45he goes, northpaw, southpaw, whatever works
13:47as long as it works
13:49very true
13:53full time southpaw
13:55in the Cuban system
13:57been in camp
13:59with Terrence Crawford
14:01Angeloni having trouble fighting off the ring here
14:03doing a lot of following
14:05Medina does move in between
14:07his salvos, he'll circle, he'll move around
14:09and then he'll fire from that movement
14:13you know what it is
14:15there's less shots coming back from Medina
14:17in between that movement
14:19and it's giving Angeloni a chance to start taking control
14:21maybe some of those body shots Angeloni's used
14:23may have slowed down Medina a little bit
14:25also Medina's first 6 round fight
14:27so maybe trying to save some
14:29maybe going a little further than he's gone before
14:31in previous fights
14:33he's got 3 knockouts right
14:35so he's got knockout wins in all his fights
14:37in every single one
14:39so this guy's never gone the distance
14:43Angeloni, I'd like to see Angeloni put together some combinations
14:45he's looking for big shots
14:47I'd like to see a bit more creativity
14:49out of him, I mean he may get away with it tonight
14:51the momentum is starting to move in his direction
14:53if he can keep going
14:55but I'd like to see him go back to the gym
14:57and maybe understand the use of combinations
14:59in between all this
15:01yeah, just not looking for the big shots all the time
15:03take something off once in a while
15:05let the jab go, use some blinding punches
15:07and you can see he has that ability
15:09we've seen it in past events
15:11we've had him on our air
15:13we didn't have him on there for long
15:15because he got a first round knockout
15:17but you can see the hand speed, the power
15:19the physicality
15:21but he's being tested tonight, these are the kind of fights you need though
15:23as long as you come out with a win
15:25these are the kind of fights you need
15:27if you can win not showing your best self, it says a lot
15:29because Medina's not an easy fight
15:31the tool kit so far
15:33fairly basic
15:35for both men
15:37Angeloni relying on his power punches
15:39as you said, not a lot of jabs, not a lot of feints either
15:41not a lot getting Medina off balance
15:43Medina came in with guts and heart
15:45came in to win
15:47let's listen in to the corner
16:05for round number five
16:07Medina not sitting down in between rounds
16:09we've noticed he's a strong guy
16:11very aggressive, likes to get inside
16:13these are good rounds, keep it up
16:15let's go for it
16:21question is, does he have the gas
16:23for his first six rounder
16:27we're underway
16:29round number five scheduled for six
16:37you see Medina hasn't thrown a punch yet
16:39you see the round used to start
16:41he used to try to keep Angeloni off balance
16:43Angeloni's still waiting a little bit too long
16:45from my liking, but Medina's not getting off at all now
16:47he's not making it work at all
16:55here's a feint from Angeloni
16:57we finally got one
17:01nice straight hand down to the body
17:03there from Angeloni
17:07even this position, this posture, Angeloni controlling the center of the ring
17:09he's getting on his toes more
17:17nice shot
17:19catching Medina coming in
17:23Medina went and shot in between the two
17:25Medina's came to fight
17:27took a shot, looks to give one back
17:29he's doing his thing
17:31he's trying to talk in between these two now
17:35Angeloni can talk French in several languages
17:37remember they both speak Spanish
17:39so we're good, probably Spanish
17:43half Cuban, half Italian
17:51Angeloni living in Vegas, probably has some English as well
17:53gotta learn a little
18:07Chuck Hook has been working for Angeloni tonight
18:09that's something he's had
18:11the thing I want to see more is a combination punch
18:13good body shots as well
18:15he's really worked on some good body shots
18:19that's been a good shift, Angeloni
18:21once he started laying on those body shots
18:23because Medina's a bit of a stiff fighter,
18:25so you have the ability to take something off the shots
18:27and put together numbers, three, four punches on Medina
18:30and keep her frozen, you know?
18:32Put that up right now.
18:34Put that up right now.
18:37Okay, we'll get him up.
18:39Come on, let your hands go. Come on.
18:41Come on. Ain't gotta be hard.
18:44Oh, nice uppercut again.
18:48Sneak shot there.
18:49It's been those shovel punches
18:51that Medina has run into multiple times
18:53and been the difference so far in this fight.
18:55Yeah, yeah, good uppercut there on the inside.
18:56Yeah, good. Good uppercut combination there.
18:59Pick the head up, try and take it off.
19:02Ooh, digging hard to the body.
19:05Talking as they go at it.
19:07And we got a fight.
19:10Looks like Angeline may have caught the timing
19:11of Medina coming in and starting to time
19:13that uppercut shovel punch.
19:15Andorne looks more alert to me now as he's talking trash.
19:17I mean, the talking trash may wake him up, you know?
19:19More comfortable, too, just from his body language
19:22and everything.
19:23The Cuban-Italian so far looking sharp.
19:25Makes him more mean.
19:26Flashing the handspeed, too.
19:39All right, man.
19:40You got work, bro.
19:41Yeah, let's talk.
19:42You're looking at the show now, man.
19:44You're looking at the show this last round.
19:48Let's talk more work.
19:49This is it.
19:50Last round.
19:51This is round six, baby.
19:52Let's go for it, man.
19:54That's why we came here.
19:55Drop your head into it like you've
19:57been having success with.
19:58Don't try to outbox him.
20:00Get in there and fight him.
20:01We turn this into a fight.
20:03Coach has just said, don't try to outbox him.
20:07No hard in this sixth and final round.
20:10Sound advice, because Angelone's starting
20:12to open up in round five.
20:13Yeah, I mean, we said that right from the beginning
20:14for Medina.
20:15You don't want to box with a guy who has 100-plus amateur wins.
20:18But we have had a fight.
20:20He has forced Angelino to fight his fight to a degree.
20:22But Angelino, the last couple rounds,
20:24has really come on on the base of those body shots early on,
20:27some good hooks upstairs.
20:29But you're starting to see the body language has changed.
20:31Angeline will look a lot more comfortable here
20:34in round five and starting here in round six.
20:37Medina trying to make a statement here
20:39in this last round, trying to make sure he wins it.
20:41You can see his body language.
20:42Very, very good from Boyer, keeping
20:43him alive for the last two rounds.
20:44Big shots here from Medina, Angelino on the road.
20:47Big overhand left from Medina.
20:49Catches Angelino a little bit tall.
20:51And this is where the versatility
20:53would have helped Angelino.
20:55You haven't shown enough versatility.
20:57So Medina feels like he can just put effort and walk you down
20:59and take it to you.
21:01Had you shown different versatility in this fight,
21:02he wouldn't feel so comfortable just coming to you,
21:04because you have a change of pace,
21:06change of speed to your style.
21:07You haven't shown that tonight.
21:08So Medina can say, you know what?
21:09I'm just going to fight down and go for it this last round
21:12and feel comfortable doing it, as he's shown.
21:14Angelino so far content to let Medina in.
21:17Last round, he caught up with some uppercuts coming in.
21:20This round looks like the door's wide open.
21:24There, Angelino actually using the jab a little bit
21:26to set up that overhand shot.
21:28It's the lack of jab tonight.
21:30I mean, the jab can really, really offset guys like this.
21:33When you got a guy who's got that awkward movement, who's
21:37a little herky-jerky, is physical,
21:39you put that stick on him.
21:40You keep him on that at an arm's length
21:42to hold him in the fight.
21:43Also, Paulie, doesn't Medina seem like the kind of guy?
21:45I'll trade Paulie for Medina.
21:46I'll trade power punches.
21:47That's fine with me.
21:48He doesn't want to trade the stick,
21:49but he'll trade the power shots, right?
21:51Yeah, and honestly, his stick, he's pretty.
21:53It was, he used the jab, you know?
21:55No, but you can see he's a strong guy.
21:57He's got heavy hands.
21:58He's physical.
22:00Listen, if Medina wins this round,
22:01you should be possibly looking at a drawing, you know?
22:04He may have won the first two rounds.
22:05Let him go.
22:06Let him go.
22:08Let him go.
22:09Medina right now fighting hard.
22:11Ugly, it's dirty.
22:12It's been ugly, dirty from the beginning.
22:14At times, it's been effective.
22:15At least it's a competitive fight.
22:17Yes, absolutely.
22:19Guy's looking and saying, stay here.
22:22This is where you need a jab.
22:23You hit the guy with a jab, you say,
22:24no, you can get through this.
22:26You haven't shown the jab, so.
22:28There it is.
22:31A little bit of that trash talk.
22:33Back comes Medina, man.
22:36Tough as nails.
22:37Physical, see how he's moving.
22:39He's moving Angelino around.
22:40He's got that mature strength.
22:41Yeah, he hasn't been impressed with Angelino,
22:43so I'm sure he's ready to take a turn.
22:45Chris, you said in the beginning,
22:46you didn't come to fight.
22:47You came to win.
22:48This guy believes he can win.
22:52He's having a good time with it, too.
22:54No, not bad conditioning for his first six rounder is Medina.
22:57He's in this round.
23:10This is one of those, Chris, you go back to the gym,
23:12you go, look, you're going to fight guys like this.
23:13Be ready for guys like this.
23:18I remember sparring with young guys coming up
23:20and making it awkward, grabbing them, being physical.
23:23You're going to see guys like this.
23:24You've got to get used to it here.
23:29Come on.
23:42Come on.
23:58For my sponsors.
24:02He made it ugly, he made it dirty,
24:04but he made it a competitive fight.
24:07Juan Carlos Campos Medina taking on the talented professional
24:12amateur clean punches along to Angeloni,
24:15but it was not easy.
24:17No, no, if he does get the win here tonight,
24:19he definitely earned it.
24:21You know, Medina did not come to lay down.
24:23He made it a rough fight, he made it awkward,
24:25showed his physicality.
24:26Angeloni was tested tonight.
24:30He started to find himself in rounds five
24:33and four and five, that physicality, that power,
24:35the body punching like that,
24:37beautiful shot there with the right hand.
24:39But Medina came out like gangbusters in the last round,
24:41really wanted to make a statement.
24:43But Angeloni finished the round good,
24:44landed some good shots.
24:47Nice jab there, pin Medina on the ropes.
24:51Not a ton of follow-up though,
24:52which allowed Medina to fire back.
24:56Either he will learn a lot
24:57or he might get the first draw of his career.
25:01Paulie pointed out, certainly a possibility.
25:03Jim Sorensen, let us know if that's the case.
25:06All right, ladies and gentlemen,
25:08after six rounds, we go to the judges scorecards.
25:14Judge Shummy Shipman and Judge James O'Connor
25:17both score this bout 58 to 56.
25:22And Judge Joe Ware scores this fight 60 to 54,
25:27all in favor of your winner by unanimous decision.
25:32And still undefeated,
25:35Yoel Alcide-Daliano Angeloni.
25:42Paulie, a six round wipeout seems a little unfair, yeah?
25:44It's a shame, Joe Ware missed a good fight tonight, man.
25:46Yeah, he did.
25:47Good opening fight, he missed it, man.
25:49And he had the nerve to score it too.
