The Curse of the Crying Boy Paintings

  • 4 days ago
The Curse of the Crying Boy paintings refers to a series of mass-produced artworks depicting a tearful child, which gained notoriety in the UK during the 1980s due to a bizarre urban legend. After a number of house fires, it was reported that these paintings were often found undamaged amid the ruins, leading to rumors that they were cursed. Some believed that owning one of these paintings would bring misfortune or that the paintings themselves were somehow resistant to fire. Though no concrete evidence of the curse exists, the legend grew, making the "Crying Boy" paintings infamous in paranormal lore.


00:00In the 1980s, a series of mass-produced paintings called The Crying Boy gained notoriety in
00:05the UK.
00:07Legend had it that homes containing these paintings were prone to fires, but the paintings
00:11themselves would survive unscathed.
00:13Despite investigations and debunking attempts, the urban legend and fear associated with
00:18these paintings persist.
