• last week


00:00这一切就是老爷策划的 I suspect that this was all planned by Master.
00:20可这一次,治法犯拿了别人的黑钱替人消灾 But this time, the law-abiding criminal took someone's money and helped people get rid of the disaster.
00:24我怀疑他查那个案子真正的故事 I suspect that he is really investigating this case.
00:27甚至我感觉不到他曾经犯过这种罪 I can't feel that he has ever committed such a crime.
00:29我怀疑他查那个案子真正的故事 I suspect that he has ever committed such a crime.
00:59你知道,拴着咱们两只马呢? Do you know, he is holding our horses?
01:04骑马的种族,我还抢,人格我还要,良性我不要! I am proud of my horse's race, but I still want my life!
01:12朱磊他就是个疯子! Zhu Lei is a madman!
01:13他没有嫌你一个不死! He doesn't care about you at all!
01:29朱磊他就是个疯子! Zhu Lei is a madman!
01:52医生,一定要选择他最热爱的治疗! Doctor, you must choose his favorite treatment!
01:55你就不能跟我说到底是咋回事! You can't tell me what's going on!
01:58别走这个绝门,你毁了我的一生! Don't leave this hellhole, you will ruin my life!
02:01你必须接受我的烈焰圣派! You must accept my烈焰圣派!
02:15一条悲壮的人生路,一条悲壮的人生路! A tragic way of life!
02:18一条悲壮的人生路,一条悲壮的人生路! A tragic way of life!
02:49你敢把劳动林这样的人留在公司! How dare you keep a person like Lao Donglin in the company!
02:53昨天晚上的事,当然不一定是冲着劳动林来的! What happened last night, of course, was not necessarily for Lao Donglin!
02:57即便是,也肯定与贵公司没有关系! Even if it was, it must have nothing to do with your company!
03:03可如果劳动林出了什么事,不管大事小事, But if anything happens to Lao Donglin, no matter big or small,
03:08省公安厅派个十几个人的专案组往你这儿一驻, the provincial police department will send a team of more than ten people to help you.
03:12你开发的那么多房地产,我不知道还有没有人敢买! I don't know if anyone dares to buy all the real estate you've developed.
03:17你的度假村酒店,还有没有人敢住? Does anyone dare to live in your resort hotel?
03:24劳动林是你的副总,专案组一来,难免要把所有的事情都插上。 Lao Donglin is your vice president, and once the special investigation team comes, it is inevitable that everything will be investigated.
03:31你当然是遵纪守法的,你不会有任何问题。 You, of course, abide by the law, and you won't have any problems.
03:36可难免你手下的人出过什么差错。 But it is inevitable that your subordinates have made some mistakes.
03:43经济上的,税务上的,万一查出什么,那你麻烦可就大了。 In terms of the economy and taxes, if anything goes wrong, you'll be in big trouble.
03:53这球场真是漂亮。 This court is really beautiful.
03:57这可都是你的心血啊。 This is all your hard work.
03:59喂,老张,你赶紧查一下,看看今天马三有没有上班。 Hello, Zhang, please check if Ma San is at work today.
04:14如果他上班了,你打个电话过来,告诉我他在哪儿。 If he's at work, call me and tell me where he is.
04:19喂,是我,你能不能来公司一下。 Hello, it's me. Can you come to the office?
04:25现在吗?我去你办公室合适吗? Now? Is it appropriate for me to go to your office?
04:29偶尔来一次也没什么关系。我有急事,马上。 It's okay to come once in a while. I have an emergency. Right away.
04:34好。 Okay.
04:49喂,什么?没有上班?他请假了没有? Hello? What? He didn't go to work? Did he take a day off?
05:08也没有。 Did he?
05:10你有没有去他宿舍看过? Did you go to his dormitory?
05:18没有。 I didn't.
05:48什么情况? What's going on?
06:31我跟你的秘书说是你的朋友,他就让我进来了。 I told your secretary that I'm your friend, and she let me in.
06:35赶紧想办法找到他。他没有上班,也没有请假,人又不在宿舍。赶紧想办法找到他。赶紧想办法找到他。 He didn't go to work, didn't take a day off, and he's not at the dormitory.
06:39他一定是想再下手,帮我阻止他。 He must be trying to stop him again.
06:42你说的是马小伟吗?你昨天不还劝我让他早点动手吗? Are you talking about Ma Xiaowei? You also asked me to tell him to do it earlier yesterday, didn't you?
06:46我想过了。为了你,我可以的。 I've thought about it. I can do it for you.
06:50他已经动手了,就在昨天晚上。但是没有成功。幸好没有成功。 He already did it, just last night. But it didn't work. Fortunately, it didn't work.
06:57公安厅已经派专人在桃李根保护老爷了。 The Public Security Bureau has already sent people to protect the master in Taoligun.
07:01我怀疑这一切都是个圈套,老爷拿自己当诱饵,巴不得我对他下手。 I suspect this is all a trap. The master is using himself as bait, and he wants me to do something to him.
07:08只要我动了他,就给了公安厅一个彻查盛唐集团的机会,那样我们就完了。 As soon as I touch him, I'll give the Public Security Bureau a chance to investigate the Shengtang Group. Then we're done.
07:13我没明白,他们为什么会拿老爷当诱饵呢? I don't understand. Why are they using the master as bait?
07:16是老爷拿自己的命当诱饵。 He's using his own life as bait.
07:20他一直都是个疯子,只要能破案,什么事全都豁得出去。 He's always been a lunatic. As long as he can solve the case, he can get everything out.
07:25他迟迟不敢正面对着我来,肯定是没有拿到证据。 He didn't dare to face me directly, so he must have got no evidence.
07:28赶紧找到马三,给他钱,让他赶紧走,别再给我添乱了。 Hurry up and find Ma San, give him the money, and tell him to leave. Don't cause me any more trouble.
07:58他不接电话。 He doesn't answer the phone.
08:29今天晚上,老爷在哪儿,我们就得在哪儿。 Tonight, we have to be where the master is.
08:35咱们俩得给老爷当保镖啊。 We have to be the bodyguards for the master.
08:46二哥,大哥,今天这事说什么我也得干了,要不然我就干不成了。 Brother, I have to do whatever it takes, or I won't be able to do it.
08:59他们在楼道里安了监控器了,我虽然蒙着脸,可他们不一定是认不出我来。 They set up security cameras at the end of the corridor. Although I cover my face, they may not recognize me.
09:16可这仇一定得报啊,要不然我马上要给那三十多天的工资都没活了。 But I have to avenge this. Otherwise, I will be dead soon.
09:21我就是死了,我还要杀死这老狗呢。 Even if I die, I will kill this old dog.
09:41师傅,刚才我去了保安监控室,邪门的事,那监控袋子居然没找着。 Master, I went to the security monitoring room just now, but I couldn't find the security camera.
09:52师傅,有您这样的吗?那持枪带兜可是冲着您来的,您怎么一点也不上心呢? Master, is there anyone like you? The gun was aimed at you. Why don't you care at all?
10:01我怀疑啊,那袋子是监守自盗,整不好,想害你的人就在您保安部呢。 I suspect that the security camera was stolen. If you can't fix it, the person who wants to hurt you is in your security department.
10:09那袋子是我偷的。 That camera was stolen by me.
10:12啥? What?
10:14我怕我不想下手,有人偷了,怎么办?不好办啊。 I'm afraid I don't want to do it. If someone steals it, what should I do? It's not easy.
10:21高啊,师傅,师傅就是师傅。 Master, you are really a master.
10:25那个书桌左边就上到一个抽屉里,拿着纸巾慢慢看去吧。 The desk is in a drawer on the left, take your time to look at it.
10:36您打扮这么漂亮去干嘛去啊? Why are you dressed up so beautifully?
10:40今天啊,那个何副总请客,恭喜我高升,说是完了以后还要请我去唱卡拉OK。 Today, Mr. He invited me to sing karaoke. I don't know who he invited.
10:51说我儿媳妇歌王,多少年没唱了,什么歌王? He said my daughter-in-law is a king of singing. I haven't sung for many years. What king of singing?
10:57就您还歌王啊?我看是北方的狼差不多。 Are you a king of singing? I think you are more like a wolf in the north.
11:01他拍了我们。 He was filming us.
11:16想不想听听,少常水是怎么威胁我的? Do you want to hear what Shao Chang Shui did to threaten me?
11:22你录了音了? You recorded it?
11:24没办法,跟他们这些人打交道啊,我只能这样。 No way. I can only do this when I deal with them.
11:28I've seen this person.
11:29I've told you, he's very good.
11:32Yes, he's very good.
11:35Maybe one day, this thing will be able to help me.
11:41Who is it?
11:42Lao Zhang.
11:43Come in.
11:48President He.
11:51President He is treating us to dinner tonight.
11:53What's the occasion?
11:56President He is treating us to dinner tonight.
11:58He said he's going to Lanxing Night Club after dinner.
12:01Lanxing Night Club?
12:03Did President He book a room?
12:05I think so.
12:06How about this?
12:07Call Lanxing Night Club.
12:09Book a room for me next to President He's room.
12:17I booked this room for you.
12:19As long as you see Ma San,
12:21you have to get rid of her no matter what.
12:25Lanxing Night Club
12:32Hello, how many people do you have?
12:34Just me.
12:36Our room has the lowest cost.
12:39I know.
12:40Our room has the lowest cost.
12:44I know.
12:46Why are you alone?
12:48Don't you have any friends?
12:52No friends.
12:54I don't have any friends now.
12:57I'm not from here.
12:59Then I'll find a few friends to sing and chat with you.
13:13Don't let anyone disturb me.
13:15Don't worry, sister.
13:17Lanxing Night Club
13:24President He, we're going to drink a lot.
13:26Can you give me a leave of absence?
13:28Don't worry, Director.
13:29I'm here to give you a leave of absence today.
13:31Come on, sister.
13:32You're welcome.
13:33Come on, Director.
13:34Leave of absence.
13:38Ma San.
13:47You sing, too.
13:50You sing whatever you want.
13:56I just want to drink today.
14:07Pour it.
14:15Boss, what are you doing?
14:17I'm going to the bathroom.
14:18Go to the bathroom.
14:19You follow me.
14:24Good evening.
14:29This way, please.
14:32This way, please.
14:34This way, please.
14:49Good evening.
14:51Good evening.
14:56No, no.
14:57I want to rest tonight.
14:58Go in.
15:00Go in.
15:17Go in.
15:48The number you have dialed is power off.
16:17What up?
16:21Hey, sir, this is the back door, employee notice, if you want to play, please go upstairs.
16:30I'm not here to play, I'm here to find someone. My sister is here.
16:35Hey, sir, what is this?
16:39Your family asked me to bring her something.
16:43Well, it's convenient for you.
16:47Hey, sir, what the hell is this?
16:52It's ointment.
16:54Hey, sir, you're funny.
16:57Go in, don't let our manager see you, or he'll scold you.
17:50Hey, sir, drink.
18:03Why do you always say boss? Did you do it on purpose?
18:05I'm angry.
18:07I deliberately asked you to drink.
18:11I'm afraid of hitting you.
18:15Don't lie to me.
18:24Come on, come on, come on, come on.
18:41Your hands are shaking.
18:44These tears are flowing.
18:47I'm afraid of hitting you.
18:51I'm afraid of hitting you.
18:58Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.
19:01I'm afraid of hitting you.
19:08Don't push me anymore.
19:11I can't think of a way now.
19:14I'll tell you if there's a way.
19:21Sorry, I'm on a mission.
19:24You and your daughter go to bed first.
19:31I'm sorry.
19:33I'm sorry.
19:56Hello, hello, I'm waiting for you.
20:00I can't talk to you today.
20:06It's okay. I love you.
20:18Why didn't you answer my call?
20:23Sorry, I'm busy now.
20:25Let's talk later, okay?
20:27What's the matter?
20:28Are you doing something stupid?
20:30I'm busy.
20:32What's in your bag?
20:36Do you want to die?
20:40None of your business!
20:51I recommended you to work in Shanghai.
20:54If you make a mistake,
20:55I'll be implicated.
20:57I'll be implicated, too.
20:59We're just classmates.
21:02You can tell them I lied to you.
21:03I lied to you, too.
21:05Ma Xiaowei, I'm telling you.
21:07As long as I'm here today,
21:08you can't do it.
21:11Zhang Yiqing, I'm telling you.
21:12I'll do it today.
21:15I won't be polite to anyone who stops me.
21:17I won't be polite to anyone who stops me.
21:26I'll ask you one last time.
21:28Are you going to let me go?
21:31I can't let you die.
21:34Are you going to let me go?
21:38I can't let you die.
21:40Get out of my way.
21:44Ma Xiaowei.
21:45Get out of my way!
21:47You beat me to death.
21:51Zhang Yuqing.
21:56You beat me to death.
22:02Ma Xiaowei.
22:06I love you.
22:12Zhang Yuqing.
22:18I'm sorry. I was wrong.
22:33Zhang Yuqing.
22:47I love you.
23:13Let's have a toast.
23:16Hurry up.
23:18It's great.
23:22Come on.
23:24It's been a long time.
23:27Come on.
23:31Don't drink so much.
23:32Who told you to drink so much?
23:33Today you testify with me.
23:36I must kill Wang Badan
23:39when I die.
23:42I'll kill you if I see you again.
23:56Sit down.
24:02You go.
24:03Get out of Taoligan.
24:04Don't go back to your hometown.
24:07Live well.
24:08Don't do anything stupid again.
24:09Live well.
24:10Don't do anything stupid again.
24:20Take it.
24:21It's not easy for you to be out alone.
24:23I'm not going anywhere.
24:26Why don't you understand?
24:27The man who opened our door just now is a police officer.
24:30It's a police officer who specializes in protecting labor forests.
24:32If you did something stupid,
24:34you would have died a long time ago.
24:39Why are you so nice to me?
25:09I'm sorry.
25:19You're not drunk, are you?
25:25Leave a phone number.
25:29I'm afraid I can't find you when I want to find you in the future.
25:38The phone.
25:47My name is Jingjing.
25:49The gold of Baigongjing.
25:51The gold of crystal.
26:02The gold of Baigongjing.
26:32The gold of Baigongjing.
27:03The gold of Baigongjing.
27:16Behind of Buqi and QingDu.
27:33What am I doing here?
27:35Of course I'm happy.
27:39I think that person looks a lot like Mazer.
27:42The Mazer who was working for you.
27:45How similar is he?
27:47Mazer has already escaped from us once.
27:49It's because Shao Changshui was able to prove
27:51that he just came from the provincial capital.
27:53But there's another possibility.
27:55That is, Mazer has been following you.
27:57Shao Changshui was able to see him in the provincial capital
28:00That's because he has been following you from Taoligun
28:03back to the provincial capital.
28:05Now is not the time to talk.
28:08At 12 o'clock in the evening,
28:10at the residence of Shao Changshui.
28:13Be careful when you go.
28:16Don't cause him any trouble.
28:30Let's go.
28:50Who is it?
29:01Welcome back.
29:05I heard from Master that you were drunk in Guangzhou.
29:07Three cups of wine.
29:40It's hard for you.
29:44I've been staring at the door.
29:46I saw Mazer.
29:48I was so worried.
29:50But I know you're here.
29:53You can save Wei Yi.
29:55You are my blessing.
30:00We don't have to live in fear anymore.
30:03Take me away from here.
30:06Don't you have enough money?
30:09Don't worry about Lao Donglin,
30:11Ma Xiaowei.
30:13Don't worry about Gu Liyuan.
30:15Come out.
30:17Let's get out of here.
30:20You don't speak foreign languages.
30:23I can.
30:25When we get outside,
30:27I can slowly teach you.
30:30If you think there's nothing to do,
30:32I'll give you a baby.
30:34How many do you want?
30:36I'll give you a few.
30:47It's not as simple as you think.
30:50It's easy to leave.
30:54If you are led back by them,
30:56it will be terrible.
31:01The woman who was with Mazer
31:03is Zhang Hai's sister.
31:07Zhang Yiqing.
31:09There must be something wrong with this woman.
31:11I suggest we start investigating her right away.
31:14The teahouse is so big.
31:16Where does the money come from?
31:18We need to find out all kinds of social relations.
31:22Okay. I'll contact the court tomorrow morning.
31:25Did you see Mazer tonight?
31:30He was missing for a hundred days.
31:32Then he suddenly appeared next to me at night.
31:36It sounds a little strange.
31:39I've been in contact with him a few times.
31:42I don't think he's a professional killer.
31:46If he really came for you,
31:48it should be revenge.
31:50If he really came for you,
31:52it should be revenge.
31:58Captain Xu.
31:59Have you confirmed Mazer's ID card?
32:02I checked it online.
32:03Photos, name,
32:05where he lives, date of birth, all the same.
32:08Family information?
32:11Then contact the police station where he lives right away.
32:18I remember he seems to be from Dongan County.
32:23Which county?
32:25Dongan County.
32:29Dongan County.
32:35Ma's third son.
32:39If his family ranks third,
32:42there must be two brothers.
32:44One is called Ma Xiaolong and the other is called Ma Xiaohu.
32:46This should be a gang of gangsters in Dongan.
32:49Ma Xiaolong was arrested and killed by you on the spot.
32:52Ma Xiaohu was sentenced to death in the end.
32:55Assistant Shao.
32:57How do you know this so well?
32:59You should learn from Ma's design.
33:08I can't take it anymore.
33:17What? Who?
33:20Bai Goujin, I heard it.
33:22You've been missing me for a while.
33:28No, no, no.
33:30I can't drink anymore.
33:31Tomorrow, tomorrow.
33:32I, I, I will definitely go to you.
33:36It's a deal.
33:39I suggest you search Ma's third son all over the city.
33:44I've been with Ma's third son for almost half a month.
33:47He trains with me every day.
33:51I don't think this kid is a big villain.
33:56If he really came to me alone,
33:59he wouldn't have brought so much harm to others.
34:02Look, he didn't shoot Cao Yuefang, did he?
34:05So I don't want to make it a big deal.
34:08Make the people feel uneasy.
34:12Yes, Master.
34:13I'll leave this to you.
34:16Secretly check.
34:18Check if he's really Ma Xiaolong or Ma Xiaohu's brother.
34:22If he is, it's best to take him by force.
34:25I understand, Master.
34:28You have to give me a living one.
34:30I'm useful.
34:39don't go home.
34:41Suffer here for a night.
34:43Protect me.
34:46You can say that.
34:51I'm not as smart as before.
34:54I'm really sleepy today.
34:57I'm going to the bathroom.
35:00I'm going to the bathroom.
35:15Why don't you answer my phone?
35:18What's the matter with you?
35:20What are you doing?
35:23Ma Xiaowen.
35:27I love you.
35:30I love you.
36:00I love you.
36:15Who is it?
36:18Bai Gujing.
36:20You're so noisy.
36:22Why did you call me so early?
36:26You said you wanted revenge yesterday.
36:28Are you drunk?
36:30Of course I'm drunk.
36:32Who is so bold not to drink?
36:37What revenge?
36:39I can't revenge.
36:41I have nowhere to buy explosives.
36:43I want the whole family to die.
36:46I have no grudge with his father and children.
36:51It's better to shoot him.
36:56You haven't sobered up yet, have you?
36:59It's all your fault.
37:01Okay, I'm sorry to bother you.
37:03Go on sleeping.
37:14It's good to sleep.
37:26What do you want me to do?
37:30I don't know what you're doing here.
37:33I've already taken off my uniform.
37:36I can't control you.
37:39I didn't snore last night.
37:42I didn't snore.
37:54Did you take away the material written by Zhu Lei?
37:58Don't make trouble.
38:00I'm sleepy.
38:02I helped you yesterday.
38:04It doesn't mean I respect you.
38:07You took away the material that should belong to the organization through Cao Nan.
38:11You used Zhu Lei's notebook as a fake material to deceive the organization.
38:16You're not making a mistake.
38:19You're breaking the law.
38:23Do you hear me?
38:27I must have snored last night.
38:41I've already verified it.
38:43Ma San's name was changed later.
38:45He used to be called Ma Xiaowei.
38:47It is indeed the location of Ma Xiaolong and Ma Xiaogui.
38:50I understand.
38:53Do as you said last night.
39:11Mr. Zhang.
39:16Mr. Fu.
39:18Mr. Fu.
39:20I saw your face in Lushan yesterday.
39:24You're a good drinker and a good singer.
39:28I'm flattered.
39:30Mr. Zhang.
39:32I have to ask you for someone.
39:36Ma San.
39:37Ma San?
39:39You asked me to recruit Ma San to the Security Department, right?
39:44He suddenly disappeared these days.
39:47He didn't ask for leave or resign.
39:50I have to ask you for someone.
39:53Ma San.
39:56Who asked him to come to me?
40:00I can't remember.
40:02It's impossible.
40:03It's just a matter of a few days.
40:06Think about it.
40:08I'll think about it.
40:10I really can't remember.
40:12It's just a matter of a few days.
40:14You know.
40:16It's not easy to remember people who are in the military.
40:19Besides, there are too many people who come to me every day.
40:24It doesn't matter.
40:26Think about it slowly.
40:28Tell me when you think of it.
40:31Even if you don't want to do it,
40:33at least say hello to me.
40:36Say hello to me.
40:39I'll think about it.
40:57Didn't I say I'd go at night?
40:59Why didn't you call me?
41:00My friend.
41:02I'm Jingjing's brother.
41:06Listen to my sister.
41:07Someone has offended you.
41:11Do you need help?
41:16Forget it.
41:18We don't know each other.
41:20I'm from another place.
41:21I don't want to make trouble.
41:24Listen to my sister.
41:25I thought you were a man.
41:27You're a liar.
41:37You're a liar.
41:58There was a man just now.
42:00He called me and said he was your brother.
42:03Is that true?
42:07I can't trust him easily.
42:10No, no.
42:13I've thought about it.
42:16I still have to do it.
42:18What should I do?
42:19Help me come up with an idea.
42:23This person
42:24has been in Taoleigen for a long time.
42:26He knows the geographical environment of Taoleigen.
42:29And he has his own secret hiding place.
42:32Once everyone finds his whereabouts
42:34and takes action,
42:35don't let your guard down.
42:37Because he has a gun.
42:39We can't give him a chance
42:40to take out his gun.
42:43Mobilize the forces of the Security Union.
42:45See if there's any clue over there.
42:49You all see this portrait, right?
42:52He's very cunning.
42:53He used to stay with us for more than ten hours.
42:55He ate several instant noodles
42:57and then left.
43:00We can't fall into his trap again.
43:03Do you understand?
43:06Captain Xu.
43:07They asked me to meet you.
43:08You will notify me with a text message.
43:11After you receive the address,
43:12let me know.
43:13I'll go with you.
43:14Wait a minute.
43:20Twelve o'clock.
43:21Wuhao Road, Gonggongqi Station.
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