BIBI FILES - FULL MOVIE- Benjamin Netanyahu - KING B

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documentary : BIBI KING -2018- BIBI FILES

Benjamin Netanyahu is the past and soon to be again prime minister of Israel. In his new book, Bibi: My Story, Netanyahu describes how he went from an Israeli American high school student in Philadelphia to a member of the Israeli Defense Force, detouring along the way to study architecture and get a master’s degree from the MIT Sloan School of Management in 1976. His studies were interrupted when his brother Yoni was killed in the raid on Entebbe, Uganda, which inspired Bibi to return to Israel and dedicate his life to protecting that state. This interview covers those events as well as his rise to the top of Israeli politics—multiple times.

بنيامين نتنياهو هو رئيس وزراء إسرائيل السابق والذي سيعود قريبًا. في كتابه الجديد، بيبي: قصتي، يصف نتنياهو كيف تحول من طالب ثانوية إسرائيلي أمريكي في فيلادلفيا إلى عضو في قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية، وانحرف في طريقه لدراسة الهندسة المعمارية والحصول على درجة الماجستير من كلية سلون للإدارة التابعة لمعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في عام 1976. انقطعت دراسته عندما قُتل شقيقه يوني في الغارة على عنتيبي في أوغندا، مما ألهم بيبي للعودة إلى إسرائيل وتكريس حياته لحماية تلك الدولة. تغطي هذه المقابلة تلك الأحداث بالإضافة إلى صعوده إلى قمة السياسة الإسرائيلية - عدة مرات.

#full #movie #israel #benjaminnetanyahu #bibi
#TheBibiFiles #NetanyahuScandal #NetanyahuDocumentary #BibiFilesPremiere #BenjaminNetanyahu #IsraeliPolitics #DocumentaryFilm #NetanyahuInterrogation #IsraeliPrimeMinister #PoliticalDocumentary #NetanyahuFootage #FilmPremiere #IsraeliCorruption #UnseenFootage #NetanyahuCase #FilmFestivalNews #IsraeliCourt #PoliticalScandal #NetanyahuLeaks #DocumentaryRelease #IsraelLegalBattle #NetanyahuInvestigation #PoliticalFilm #FilmFestival2024 #NetanyahuDocumentaryFilm #BibiFilesToronto #CourtRuling #FilmAboutNetanyahu #NetanyahuPetition #IsraeliJustice #DocumentaryPremiere #NetanyahuFilm #PoliticalDocumentaryFilm
00:00:00In May 2015, U.S. President Barack Obama leads the world's superpowers in signing a historic
00:00:29agreement with Iran, lifting economic sanctions in exchange for a commitment to restrict its
00:00:35nuclear program.
00:00:40The agreement's main opponent is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
00:00:44The Assembly will hear a statement by His Excellency Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister,
00:00:53Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister for Health, and Minister for Communication of
00:00:58the State of Israel.
00:01:2870 years after the murder of 6 million Jews, Iran's rulers promised to destroy my country,
00:01:47murder my people.
00:01:50And the response from this body has been absolutely nothing, utter silence, deafening silence.
00:02:17Iran lied, big time.
00:02:25After signing the nuclear deal in 2015, Iran intensified its efforts to hide its secret
00:02:32nuclear files, 55,000 pages, another 55,000 files on 183 CDs.
00:02:47Last week, Israel published intelligence documents conclusively showing the Iranian's regime
00:02:55and its history of pursuing nuclear weapons.
00:03:00Therefore, I am announcing today that the United States will withdraw from the Iran
00:03:07nuclear deal.
00:03:15America's withdrawal from the nuclear deal is the highlight of Benjamin Netanyahu's
00:03:20long career.
00:03:22The leader of a small country had convinced the world's greatest superpower to defy the
00:03:27other parties.
00:03:31How did Netanyahu become so indispensable that his supporters and opponents alike can't
00:03:36imagine Israel without him?
00:03:58Netanyahu spends much of his adolescence in America.
00:04:04The right-wing views of his father, historian Ben Sion Netanyahu, are deemed objectionable
00:04:11under the glooming left-wing government in Israel.
00:04:14So he takes his family to the United States.
00:04:20There, he re-encounters a new idea.
00:04:24The kind of country we have here, the kind of society we have, the kind of strength we
00:04:29build in the United States will be the defense of freedom.
00:04:32Bibi is shaped by these two worlds, Israel and America.
00:04:45Upon finishing high school in Philadelphia, Bibi enlisted the Israeli army.
00:04:51He serves five years in an elite unit alongside his beloved brother, Yoni.
00:04:56After his release, he returns to school in Boston.
00:05:00Together with his wife, Nikki, their daughter, Nora, is born there.
00:05:04Mr. Natai is a graduate of MIT.
00:05:08He is an Israeli.
00:05:10I wanted to be self-sufficient.
00:05:11I wanted to be at least possessing the knowledge that I could earn my living and not be depending
00:05:15on politics to feed my family.
00:05:19As he completes his MBA, Bibi plans to take corporate America by storm.
00:05:25But on 4th of July, 1976, he discovers that fate has other plans for him.
00:05:49As America celebrates its 200th birthday, Israelis are rejoicing at a commando raid
00:05:55that freed 102 hostages.
00:05:58While Netanyahu is celebrating with his friends in Boston, his brother Yoni is leading an
00:06:03Israeli commando force in a raid on Entebbe Airport, Uganda.
00:06:10Air France Flight 139 had been hijacked by Palestinian and German terrorists who demanded
00:06:16the release of hundreds of terrorists held in Israeli prisons.
00:06:22Rather than surrender to their demands, Israel's leaders decided on a bold rescue mission.
00:06:28In 36 minutes, they killed seven hijackers.
00:06:33And they helped the hostages to the waiting planes and took off again for the long flight
00:06:37back to Israel.
00:06:38104 hostages were rescued.
00:06:40However, three hostages died and the raid commander lost his life.
00:07:03The operation took place on the night between 3rd and 4th of July.
00:07:08I just finished my studies in Boston, in the United States.
00:07:13We were sitting, a few friends of mine, in my apartment, a few Israeli students.
00:07:17Suddenly, someone ran into the room and said that he heard the news that an Israeli commando
00:07:24had captured the hostages in Uganda.
00:07:26The next morning, the phone rang.
00:07:30I went to the kitchen and opened the door.
00:07:35I heard Ido's voice saying,
00:07:38Bibi, Yoni was killed.
00:07:42I don't know how he killed himself.
00:07:45I just remember that at that moment, he destroyed my life.
00:07:51Israel paid its debt of final honor today to Lieutenant Colonel Yonatan Netanyahu
00:07:56in a state funeral on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
00:07:59Practically all of Israel's present and past leaders were there,
00:08:03along with Netanyahu's comrades-in-arms and thousands of Israelis who had never met the commander.
00:08:13The whole world watches as Yoni Netanyahu is laid to rest.
00:08:17Bibi is still unknown.
00:08:19It is the first time he appears on American primetime.
00:08:22Professor Benzion Netanyahu, his father, teaches at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
00:08:28The father came here for the funeral.
00:08:43We would like to present the Foreign Film Award
00:08:47from Israel, Operation Thunderbolt.
00:08:54In less than a year, the Netanyahu family's tragedy becomes an international blockbuster.
00:09:09Yoni becomes a legendary figure,
00:09:11the family establishing the Jonathan Nems Institute to study terrorism.
00:09:15Bibi is now invited to speak at events honoring Yoni's memory.
00:09:19He's not bad at it either.
00:09:21He fought and died in the war against terrorism,
00:09:24and we thought that the task of the institute could be to help shape the battle
00:09:29and win the battle against terrorism worldwide,
00:09:32and that was more a political battle than a military one.
00:09:35The legend of Yoni gives rise to a new hero.
00:09:38American senators and top Israeli officials
00:09:41attend a conference on terrorism organized by the family.
00:09:46One of them is Moshe Adas, Israel's ambassador to the United States.
00:09:51He asks Bibi to become his deputy at the embassy in Washington.
00:09:55Bibi accepts the offer and resigns from his position
00:09:58as the marketing director for a large furniture company.
00:10:01We have held two days of intensive talks with Prime Minister Shamir and his colleagues
00:10:07covering a broad range of subjects including political and military cooperation.
00:10:12Bibi positions himself in center frame.
00:10:14To his left is an American president who was once a movie star.
00:10:18To his right, an Israeli prime minister with broken English.
00:10:22Bibi is watching and learning.
00:10:25These discussions have been carried out in the spirit of the traditional friendship
00:10:31and the common bonds of mutual understanding that bind our two countries.
00:10:42Bibi arrives in Washington with his second wife, Fleur, a British-American.
00:10:47When he met her in Boston, he was still married to Mickey, his childhood sweetheart from Israel.
00:10:54Bibi and Fleur fit in easily in Washington and New York's high society.
00:11:02Has anyone who has seen the sights and listened to the sounds of war
00:11:05on their television sets for the last month knows very well
00:11:08the battle of Lebanon has been ferocious.
00:11:10With the Lebanon war already raging, Netanyahu is tasked with defending Israel
00:11:15from the harsh images flooding the airwaves and sharp criticism from the U.S. administration.
00:11:22Beirut was a city of firing squads last night,
00:11:25of executions against civilians in their refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila.
00:11:30The Israeli chargé Benjamin Netanyahu arrived at the State Department.
00:11:34After his meeting with the acting secretary, Netanyahu rejected the U.S. charge
00:11:39that the Israeli tanks had attempted to cross into the territory...
00:11:41After an incident between Israeli and American forces and a long night of discussions,
00:11:46Bibi makes his first TV news appearance.
00:11:49He is tired, disheveled and unshaven.
00:11:52It is the last time his American audience will ever see him like that.
00:11:56There was no attempt whatsoever to cross or to challenge
00:12:02the American marines or the territory that they are holding.
00:12:09Don't talk down, don't talk up.
00:12:12Talk to them from your heart.
00:12:17Bibi takes classes in public speaking with Lillian Weiler,
00:12:21who also coached Oprah Winfrey and George W. Bush.
00:12:25Of course you're not here to learn to act,
00:12:27but using your own experience and your own sense of reality while you're speaking
00:12:32connects you to your subject and your audience as nothing else can.
00:12:37Acknowledge and believe that you are a person of intelligence and authority.
00:12:42Believe you have something of value to say.
00:12:46The time to start saying it is now.
00:12:49In the apartment he shares with Flair,
00:12:52he sets up a makeshift studio to practice for future TV appearances.
00:12:57I'm just going to ramble a bit at the start just so we'll get a picture of you.
00:13:01This will be a general discussion of terrorism.
00:13:05Early this morning you told an anecdote about the grizzly bear.
00:13:08I wanted to, in light of your answer just now, if you could tell that again.
00:13:15Let me stop the camera here for a second.
00:13:22The attitude of some governments in the West reminds me of the story of the grizzly bear
00:13:28that appears in the forest, too.
00:13:30Let me say it differently.
00:13:35The attitude of some in the West regarding terrorism reminds me of the story of
00:13:41It shows you the difference between politicians and diplomats and actors.
00:13:55There's a story about two people who walk in the forest
00:14:00and are suddenly confronted by a grizzly bear charging at them.
00:14:04One of them begins to run away.
00:14:06The other asks him, why are you running? Don't you know you can't outrun a grizzly bear?
00:14:10And the man running turns around and says, I don't have to outrun the bear.
00:14:13I have to outrun you.
00:14:15That's the attitude, I think, of some in the West.
00:14:18They think that they can run away from the grizzly bear of terrorism
00:14:22and leave a few countries behind to be gobbled up by it.
00:14:26But in fact, no one can outrun it.
00:14:28The only thing you can do with this phenomenon is to turn around, squarely face it,
00:14:33confront it, and defeat it.
00:14:35And you can only do that together.
00:14:48Hijackings, hostages, bombings, terrorism in all forms.
00:14:52In the 1980s, terrorism spreads around the world.
00:14:55America's TV audience is horrified.
00:14:58Tonight they are still counting the dead.
00:15:00When we return, we'll talk live with Ben Netanyahu,
00:15:03charge d'affaires at the Israeli embassy in Washington, and an expert on terrorism.
00:15:08Practicing before the camera helps Netanyahu express the ideas he absorbed at home clearly and succinctly.
00:15:15I think we have to recognize that the free world is at war.
00:15:18It's at war with international terrorism.
00:15:20This war is arranged by states.
00:15:23And the question is, what do you do against a factory that produces the modern plague,
00:15:28the viruses of the modern plague, which is terrorism?
00:15:31What do we do?
00:15:32I think what we have to do is arrest the disease and strike at the centers of this cancer.
00:15:37BB's appearances on American television impress Israel's foreign minister.
00:15:42At just 35, he's appointed Israel's ambassador to the UN.
00:15:48Benjamin Netanyahu, like the country he represents, believes in attacking his attackers.
00:15:54In his recently published book, Terrorism, How the West Can Win, Netanyahu presents a primer for response.
00:16:01President Reagan read the book and was so impressed, he read parts of it aloud to Secretary of State George Shultz.
00:16:08Shultz wrote Netanyahu about that and added,
00:16:11The president and Nancy also saw you on TV and told me they thought you did a terrific job.
00:16:17When our citizens are abused or attacked anywhere in the world on the direct orders of a hostile regime,
00:16:23we will respond so long as I'm in this Oval Office.
00:16:27When President Reagan ordered the attack on Libya in retaliation for the West Berlin disco bombing,
00:16:32he knowingly or unknowingly subscribed to the Netanyahu-Israeli line.
00:16:37Increasingly, people and governments are listening to one man in the fight against terrorism.
00:16:43Ambassador Netanyahu is a rising star in world politics.
00:16:47Some see him as a future prime minister of Israel.
00:16:53Netanyahu is a rising star in world politics.
00:17:01Ambassador, Israel Week at the UN, Benjamin Netanyahu.
00:17:09To whom do we owe the pleasure of your visit to Israel?
00:17:13For Passover. I'm here on holiday, and it's a pleasure.
00:17:19As for the UN, it's a great pleasure.
00:17:21What's so difficult about the UN? I mean, it's a representative position.
00:17:25It's a position in a place that's not so easy for Israelis.
00:17:30The region doesn't exactly like us.
00:17:32Really? They don't like us?
00:17:34Not really.
00:17:35You're a media star in the United States.
00:17:37I appear occasionally. It's part of the job.
00:17:39How did you make it?
00:17:40I didn't sign up for a job. I appear once.
00:17:43American media is very cruel.
00:17:45If you don't find a way in between, you won't appear a second time.
00:17:48I think that the key to success is not in gimmicks.
00:17:51You need to present your case.
00:17:54If you believe in it, and you tell the truth,
00:17:56people listen to it, and they want to hear it.
00:17:58Do you always speak the truth?
00:18:00I never lie to Jews.
00:18:02I may not say all the things I know, but I will never lie.
00:18:05You used to do advertising for raitim, right?
00:18:10Is that similar?
00:18:11What kind of question is that?
00:18:14Look, everything you do...
00:18:17Is that a business model?
00:18:19It's a model of something.
00:18:21It's similar in the sense that
00:18:25in business, in diplomacy, in the army,
00:18:29in any field I know of,
00:18:31the key is your ability to create real contact with people.
00:18:35Benjamin Netanyahu.
00:18:48At the time, Israeli TV had just one channel.
00:18:52Millions of viewers tuned in on Friday nights
00:18:55to watch its talk show.
00:18:57They never saw an Israeli politician
00:18:59who looked and sounded like Bibi Netanyahu.
00:19:09When the UN Secretary-General gave a speech about him,
00:19:13he said,
00:19:19Though popular with the American media,
00:19:22some Israeli journalists are wary of Netanyahu.
00:19:26To Bibi, these are the same people
00:19:29who held up his father's academic career.
00:19:32The family calls them altruists.
00:19:44I have to go back to Israel.
00:19:46You're going to run for office?
00:19:48Are you going to think of us, come to the United States?
00:19:51If you'll invite me, if you send me the ticket, definitely.
00:19:55To Americans, Netanyahu personifies Israeli heroism.
00:19:59Now, if given a chance,
00:20:01he wants to bring the American dream to Israel.
00:20:05Bibi takes off his expensive suits and loses his tie.
00:20:11Donors are met in New York in the crew of eager volunteers
00:20:15helping run a new kind of campaign.
00:20:18But flair is not at home in Israel,
00:20:21and they soon divorce.
00:20:25Netanyahu is appointed Deputy Foreign Minister
00:20:28in its HaShemuer White Wings.
00:20:31His skill at arguing Israel's case is needed now more than ever.
00:20:35Scenes from the occupied territories.
00:20:38The images are brutal.
00:20:40The blood is flowing, and the whole world is watching.
00:20:44Palestinians launch their Intifada,
00:20:46a revolt against the Israeli occupation.
00:20:49The Americans start pressuring Israel to find a diplomatic solution.
00:20:54I definitely understand why they're fighting me, sure.
00:20:57What are the reasons?
00:20:59What are the reasons? They're suppressed by us.
00:21:23I don't believe that the war with the Arabs will last forever.
00:21:26I think that the Arabs, in the end, are human beings.
00:21:29They're human beings. They won't bow their heads in the city forever.
00:21:32But if they see bloodshed in the city,
00:21:35if they see that part of the city has been destroyed,
00:21:37then of course they will continue, and the whole world will help them.
00:21:40Therefore, what is needed at the moment is to stand up to this,
00:21:43to stop the evil, and simply to unite,
00:21:46so that Israel will pass this barrier, and I have no doubt that it can stand.
00:21:49But we're going to a crossroads with the American government.
00:21:52The U.S. is not one force. It's not one force.
00:21:55There's the Senate. There's the Congress.
00:21:57There's the Jewish force, which is huge, stronger than ever.
00:22:00There's public opinion. We have huge forces in the public opinion
00:22:03that oppose this policy, great interpreters.
00:22:05America won't do anything to us if we don't want it to.
00:22:08Just two hours ago, allied air forces began an attack
00:22:12on military targets in Iraq and Kuwait.
00:22:15Iraq fired seven Scud missiles at Tel Aviv this afternoon.
00:22:19As a result of the missile attack on Israel,
00:22:21a true force was deployed on all residents of Israel
00:22:24to immediately intercept the missiles,
00:22:26to encircle the atomic chamber,
00:22:28to attack around the entrance of the bomb shelter.
00:22:31The first Gulf War restores Israel's status as victim
00:22:34and pushes the Palestinian issue aside.
00:22:37Netanyahu is ready for battle.
00:22:39Five months before the war,
00:22:41he instructs the foreign ministry to set up TV studios in Jerusalem
00:22:45to accommodate hundreds of journalists.
00:22:51In the midst of a missile attack,
00:22:53BB offers CNN an interview like nothing they've seen before.
00:22:57I must say that this is the darndest way to conduct an interview,
00:23:01but of course what it does demonstrate
00:23:04is the kind of threat we're facing.
00:23:10Well, we don't know exactly what the switch was to Tel Aviv.
00:23:14Do we want to go to Richard Blystone or...
00:23:18By night's end, Netanyahu's performance would be a major symbol
00:23:22of the first war fought live on TV.
00:23:25Maybe if you can get with me on this map...
00:23:28Well, this is the Arab world.
00:23:30I'm just going to put my hands on it for the benefit of the viewers.
00:23:35I have a size 10 shoe, an American size 10 shoe.
00:23:39I could walk on this map on the Arab world.
00:23:42This is Israel. I cover it with my thumb.
00:23:45Now that tells me the whole story.
00:23:47Israel is one of the tiniest countries in the world.
00:23:50Bring something to show.
00:23:52Visual aids enhance presentation because they are dialoguing devices.
00:23:57If you can show as well as tell,
00:24:00you will have everyone's undivided attention immediately.
00:24:04Imagine you are putting together the main body of a documentary film
00:24:08in which the narrator tells us in logical order what is happening
00:24:12while the camera shows evidence to our eyes.
00:24:26In the summer of 1991,
00:24:29photographers are invited to Bibi's wedding to Sarah, his third wife.
00:24:34Covering the private lives of politicians
00:24:37is still new to Israeli journalists.
00:24:40Now, a family man, Netanyahu is ready for the next stage in his career.
00:24:47MK Binyamin Netanyahu wants to be the head of the Likud.
00:24:50Netanyahu claims that the public did not want the Likud
00:24:53because of the discontent it caused.
00:24:55In order to restore the faith in the Likud,
00:24:57he called for clean politics.
00:25:16Netanyahu's first new film in 2002,
00:25:24The Great Loss,
00:25:26this is how you can describe the evening's attack on a McDonald's snack in Yalona.
00:25:30No eating here.
00:25:32What will you do?
00:25:34Will you take me to the police?
00:25:46No married couple should ever discuss that with anyone but themselves.
00:25:53Many compare your husband to Billy Clinton and you to Hillary.
00:25:58Do you see it as a competition?
00:26:01We are who we are.
00:26:03Anyone can compare anyone to anyone they want,
00:26:05but we don't compare ourselves to anyone.
00:26:10And now, to the fascinating story about the political system in the Likud.
00:26:13Al-Moni threatens to publish material that reveals intimate relationships
00:26:16between MK Binyamin Netanyahu and another woman.
00:26:19He appealed to his wife, MK Netanyahu,
00:26:22and asked Netanyahu to remove his position as head of the Likud,
00:26:25and if not, to publish the material that will expose Binyamin Netanyahu.
00:26:29Good evening MK Netanyahu.
00:26:31You brought a little of the American style to Israeli politics,
00:26:35so maybe we'll ask you the first question.
00:26:37Did you have intimate relationships with another woman?
00:26:41There was such a thing. It ended a few months ago.
00:26:44What we have here is personal.
00:26:46Between me and my wife, my family, and no one else, with all due respect.
00:26:52It's personal, and it will remain personal.
00:26:54At 6 p.m. yesterday evening, Al-Moni called me.
00:26:58At the time I was out of the house, collecting votes.
00:27:01He threatened my wife to remove his position as head of the Likud,
00:27:09and to publish the material that will expose Binyamin Netanyahu.
00:27:12When will your wife respond before we move on to Yaakov?
00:27:15I leave these things.
00:27:17It's personal, and it will remain personal.
00:27:19But there is something else here.
00:27:21A national concern.
00:27:22Because if we don't remove this phenomenon now,
00:27:25remove it from the roots,
00:27:27then I will not be the first.
00:27:29There will be more.
00:27:30There will be another candidate.
00:27:31And another candidate.
00:27:32A candidate for president, and a candidate for chief of staff,
00:27:34and a candidate for Supreme Court judge,
00:27:36and a candidate for new MPs.
00:27:38There is no end to it.
00:27:39The question here is not the question of Binyamin Netanyahu,
00:27:42but the question of the appearance of Israeli democracy.
00:27:45If it starts here, it's cancer that will spread to our entire society.
00:28:09The tape is never found.
00:28:17Binyamin Netanyahu was elected as the head of the Likud,
00:28:20and received more than 52% of the votes.
00:28:23The entrance of the winner,
00:28:25not without reason, they say,
00:28:27Binyamin Netanyahu,
00:28:28who is the Israeli Clinton,
00:28:31he will allow the whole world to be on his side,
00:28:34and only then will he enter the world
00:28:38and finally I want to thank
00:28:42those who stood by me
00:28:45and stood by me
00:28:48on all the way to the top.
00:28:51And the press, the computers, the computers,
00:28:55continued to work with me.
00:28:57To my dear wife, Sarah, who is standing next to me.
00:29:08The day after his primary victory,
00:29:11photographers are invited to document the Netanyahu family
00:29:15on their day off.
00:29:17The crisis in Bibi and Sarah's relationship
00:29:20is created on camera,
00:29:22and resolved on camera too.
00:29:25Five years after returning from America,
00:29:28Bibi is ready to run for primary office.
00:29:31Six weeks ago, Benjamin Netanyahu was elected
00:29:33the leader of the opposition Likud party in Israel.
00:29:35As the Middle East peace talks continue in Washington,
00:29:38Netanyahu stands as the strongest candidate
00:29:40to replace Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
00:29:42in the next Israeli election.
00:29:44Netanyahu has just published
00:29:45A Place Among Nations, Israel and the World,
00:29:48and I'm pleased to have him here.
00:29:51Conocra, you've been in the White House
00:29:53for a long time,
00:29:54you've been in the White House for a long time,
00:29:56you've been in the White House for a long time,
00:29:58and I'm pleased to have him here.
00:30:00Conocra O'Brien wrote a review in the New York Times,
00:30:03rather complimentary of this,
00:30:06and when I read it I said,
00:30:07my gosh, this must be one of your best friends.
00:30:09Well, he is now.
00:30:12What is the message that you bring in this book
00:30:16to people who care about the survival
00:30:19and the future of Israel?
00:30:21I think in the world there are two types of peace.
00:30:23The peace of democracies which require no strength
00:30:27and no deterrence,
00:30:28and no armies, and no territories,
00:30:30and no land barriers,
00:30:31because democracies by their nature tend to peace.
00:30:35But there's another kind of peace,
00:30:37and that's the peace of deterrence,
00:30:39the peace opposite dictatorships,
00:30:41where the only thing that keeps the peace
00:30:43is the inability of the dictatorships
00:30:45or the despotisms to go to war.
00:30:47I think in this century,
00:30:49the greatest tragedies occurred
00:30:51when the democracies failed to distinguish
00:30:53one type of peace from another.
00:30:58Good evening and peace to you all.
00:30:59A little more than two hours ago,
00:31:01at a large gathering in the White House in Washington,
00:31:03Israel and the PLO signed the agreement
00:31:05for a ceasefire and initial preparations.
00:31:09We have come to try and put an end
00:31:13to the hostilities
00:31:16so that our children,
00:31:18our children's children,
00:31:20will no longer experience
00:31:23the painful of cost of war,
00:31:26violence and terror.
00:31:28Standing in Netanyahu's way
00:31:30is Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin,
00:31:32a revered general
00:31:34who led Israel to historic reconciliation
00:31:36with the Palestinians.
00:31:38Clinton sees Rabin as a father figure.
00:31:40The peace process
00:31:42is one of the most important projects
00:31:44of his presidency.
00:31:48Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
00:31:50shook hands with Yasser Arafat
00:31:52and held demonstrations
00:31:54in front of the Prime Minister's office.
00:31:56The sky did not fall.
00:31:58The sky fell.
00:32:00It was a very difficult event.
00:32:02I think it was an event of national humiliation.
00:32:08With Israel in a state of euphoria,
00:32:10Netanyahu's gloomy predictions
00:32:12seemed detached from reality.
00:32:14Ladies and gentlemen,
00:32:16peace, peace, peace!
00:32:22We ask you to sing the song.
00:32:24No problem.
00:32:26Don't spoil the evening.
00:32:30The press supports the peace process
00:32:32and Rabin.
00:32:34Bibi, who opposes the process,
00:32:36finds himself marginalized.
00:32:38These are people who believe
00:32:40in the return of every centimeter,
00:32:42not from an external pressure,
00:32:44but from an internal desire
00:32:46to spread, to dissolve,
00:32:48to give.
00:32:50It's not even to sell,
00:32:52it's to spread.
00:32:54They believe in the theory of the end of history.
00:32:56They really think that
00:32:58all these criminal regimes
00:33:00that give the heights and mountains
00:33:02over our home and our city,
00:33:04give it to Arafat,
00:33:06and to Khabash, and to Khawatmeh,
00:33:08and to all these philanthropists,
00:33:10they believe in it.
00:33:12You ask me, what is the essence of this campaign?
00:33:14The essence of this campaign
00:33:16is that I want to live.
00:33:18And with them, we will not live.
00:33:20With them, we will reach a danger.
00:33:22The danger of real existence.
00:33:24And so, I am afraid.
00:33:26I am afraid of my home,
00:33:28of my country.
00:33:30I am even afraid of my son.
00:33:32It's a new thing. I have a little baby, by the way.
00:33:34Today, by the way, he was born.
00:33:36Nine months old.
00:33:38I want him to stand proud
00:33:40in this country.
00:33:42And for that, I come to you,
00:33:44I oppose you, so that you will leave
00:33:46with the same enthusiasm,
00:33:48with the same willingness
00:33:50to fight for the essence.
00:33:52Because what stands here on the stage is the essence.
00:33:54And you said it, the Land of Israel stands on the stage,
00:33:56and we all stand on the Land of Israel.
00:34:16You need to hear this from me now.
00:34:18And remember,
00:34:20the essence of persuasion is
00:34:22what do I want them to do?
00:34:47But he is a terrorist.
00:34:49And he supports violence.
00:34:51And he is afraid of violence.
00:34:53And he wants violence.
00:34:59This terrible explosion
00:35:01occurred on a bus
00:35:03on line number 5.
00:35:05Apparently, they claimed
00:35:07dozens of kilograms.
00:35:16It leaves Israelis feeling helpless.
00:35:19News studios have no time
00:35:21to censor the images.
00:35:23Bibi is first to arrive at the scene.
00:35:27I saw
00:35:29behind me
00:35:31scenes of
00:35:39The stench of death is everywhere.
00:35:41I think that
00:35:43Mr. Rabin bears
00:35:45grave responsibility indeed.
00:36:16The audience is very, very
00:36:18excited, very, very
00:36:22The voice
00:36:24of a bloodthirsty man
00:36:26in the whole Land of Israel
00:36:28in the process of victory
00:36:30is guaranteed
00:36:32by hundreds of police officers
00:36:34and soldiers
00:36:36of the State of Israel.
00:36:46This is a sign
00:36:48of the utter
00:36:51and humiliating
00:36:53victory of the State of Israel.
00:36:59A member of the Knesset
00:37:01and head of the Likud
00:37:05turned to me for a meeting.
00:37:07I came home on Friday
00:37:09after the rally.
00:37:11I saw a demonstration.
00:37:13The letters of the Likud
00:37:15were full of
00:37:17murderous cries.
00:37:19I said to myself,
00:37:21it is a shame
00:37:23to play
00:37:25with the loyalty
00:37:27of the Likud.
00:37:29He sat there
00:37:31and acted under the images
00:37:33of the Gestapo.
00:37:35He offered me a meeting.
00:37:37I believe him.
00:37:39It will go on until the elections.
00:37:41It could be.
00:38:09He was a victim of hate.
00:38:11He was a man of courage.
00:38:13A man of vision.
00:38:15And he was endowed
00:38:17with one of the greatest virtues
00:38:19that any man can have.
00:38:21He was endowed with humility.
00:38:39The whole world stops
00:38:41to watch Rabin's funeral.
00:38:43For so many Israelis
00:38:45and the U.S. President,
00:38:47Netanyahu emerges
00:38:49as the villain in this saga.
00:39:53Shimon Peretz
00:39:55replaces Rabin.
00:39:57The media embraces him
00:39:59and the polls predict a resounding victory.
00:40:01President Clinton
00:40:03comes to Israel
00:40:05to report.
00:40:09Top Likud party officials
00:40:11look into replacing Netanyahu.
00:40:17But Bibi won't give up.
00:40:19He recruits Arthur Finkelstein,
00:40:21a senior American political consultant
00:40:23who worked for Nixon and Rabin.
00:40:25Finkelstein polls
00:40:27show that conservative forces
00:40:29in Israel are much stronger
00:40:31than portrayed by the press.
00:40:33Since there are more people
00:40:35who call themselves conservatives
00:40:37than call themselves liberals,
00:40:39our job in race after race
00:40:41is to make it conservative
00:40:43versus liberal.
00:40:45It's just that simple.
00:40:47Why is Arthur Finkelstein so mysterious?
00:40:49Arthur Finkelstein is a good man.
00:40:51How did you get to him?
00:40:53He got to me.
00:40:55Arafat leads Peretz to divide Jerusalem.
00:40:57Peretz will divide Jerusalem.
00:40:59And we will live in fear.
00:41:01Peretz will continue to rely on Arafat
00:41:03to protect our security.
00:41:05And we will live in fear.
00:41:07Finkelstein's guide to victory
00:41:09includes short, simple messages
00:41:11and the systematic disparagement
00:41:13of the rival candidate.
00:41:15There is no reason to vote for Peretz.
00:41:27We have a wonderful country.
00:41:29We have wonderful people.
00:41:31We have a wonderful youth.
00:41:33We have a will. We have hope.
00:41:35In fact, we have everything
00:41:37except two things.
00:41:39We have no real peace.
00:41:41Despite Finkelstein's efforts,
00:41:43Peretz still leads in the polls.
00:41:45But then, Peretz attacks return.
00:41:49I have no doubt
00:41:51that we can defeat this terror.
00:41:53I have no doubt
00:41:55that we can reverse this cycle.
00:41:57If Israel finds the policy I proposed,
00:41:59and finds it,
00:42:01it will bring international terrorism
00:42:03as we know it,
00:42:05to the ground.
00:42:07One week before the election,
00:42:09Finkelstein and Bibi
00:42:11cloistered themselves in a hotel room
00:42:13to prepare for Israel's first election debate,
00:42:15aired by the new commercial channel 2.
00:42:17Good evening and calm.
00:42:19I hope it is also intelligent
00:42:21for the viewers at home
00:42:23and for both candidates
00:42:25if they had to choose
00:42:27an example
00:42:29and not a prime minister.
00:42:31The age issue was the issue.
00:42:33My health is excellent.
00:42:35My working capacity is full.
00:42:37And my head is young.
00:42:39I know a lot of people
00:42:41whose age...
00:42:43Peretz looks tired.
00:42:45In the first ten minutes,
00:42:47he says just 301 words,
00:42:49compared to Bibi's 576.
00:42:51I would like to turn to Benjamin Netanyahu.
00:42:53After your military service,
00:42:55you returned to the United States,
00:42:57took back your American citizenship
00:42:59and changed your name to Benjamin Netanyahu.
00:43:01Is it legitimate
00:43:03on the part of Israeli citizens
00:43:05to think that you considered
00:43:07staying in the United States
00:43:09and not returning to the State of Israel?
00:43:11Let me tell you something.
00:43:13I am angry.
00:43:15I am not saying I am angry at you.
00:43:17You say what you say.
00:43:19It is my intention
00:43:21to fight for this country
00:43:23with a family that fought
00:43:25for this country.
00:43:27May God help us.
00:43:31The ultra-Orthodox parties
00:43:33throw their support behind Netanyahu.
00:43:35They use a controversial slogan
00:43:37which isolates Israel's Arab population
00:43:39and evokes criticism from the left.
00:43:41Its message will get stronger
00:43:43over the years.
00:43:45Bibi is good for the Jews.
00:43:47He has fantastic results.
00:43:51This is it.
00:43:53As we said, we have
00:43:55dramatic results for you.
00:43:57Half a year after Rabin's assassination,
00:43:59the man whose campaign
00:44:01was deemed a lost cause by the press
00:44:03ends the night as the winner.
00:44:05Say one word to us.
00:44:07One word.
00:44:17I hope he follows through
00:44:19on the agreement.
00:44:23I don't know.
00:44:25I am worried. I am scared.
00:44:27And I am sad.
00:44:49The State of Israel
00:44:51goes out today
00:44:53on a new path.
00:44:57We believe
00:44:59that every citizen of Israel
00:45:03Why are you shouting at the media?
00:45:07After all,
00:45:09he said...
00:45:13After all, he said
00:45:15that the elections of these ministers
00:45:17have clearly shown
00:45:19that there is a God in heaven.
00:46:09After his victory,
00:46:11Bibi's life is like a dream come true.
00:46:13He defeated the left, the media,
00:46:15and even an American president
00:46:17who campaigned against him.
00:46:19The journey that began
00:46:21with his brother's death
00:46:23came to a happy ending.
00:46:25Let's get everyone in first.
00:46:27This is the most
00:46:29gentile press of all,
00:46:31the Israeli press.
00:46:33All pussycats here.
00:46:35Let me first of all say I am delighted
00:46:37to have the Prime Minister here.
00:46:39I look forward to having a chance
00:46:41to have this conversation.
00:46:43After their first meeting at the White House,
00:46:45Clinton tells one of his advisors
00:46:47that Bibi acts as if he's the leader
00:46:49of the world's greatest superpower.
00:46:55At age 46,
00:46:57the man raised and educated in the United States
00:46:59returns to address Congress.
00:47:01Mr. Speaker,
00:47:03the Prime Minister of Israel.
00:47:05Thank you very much.
00:47:11Thank you very much.
00:47:21I don't see her.
00:47:35Since his election,
00:47:37Prime Minister Netanyahu
00:47:39has expressed determination
00:47:41to dismantle the socialist structure
00:47:43that dominates Israel's economic system.
00:47:45And the time has come to
00:47:47change Israel, to move it forward,
00:47:49to make it, I think, one of the great successes
00:47:51of the close of the 20th century,
00:47:53and I think...
00:47:55Bibi is planning an American revolution in Israel.
00:47:57He promises his donors rapid privatizations
00:47:59and unbridled capitalism.
00:48:01He appoints a chief of staff
00:48:03and a national security advisor.
00:48:05Two positions
00:48:07which did not exist before.
00:48:11He holds some of his meetings in English
00:48:13with advisors raised and educated
00:48:15in the United States like him.
00:48:17Much of their time is devoted
00:48:19to handling the media.
00:48:21What do you want from the media?
00:48:23What do you want from the media?
00:48:27Okay, I understand you.
00:48:29You want us to dismantle the media.
00:48:31I understand. Good. Thank you very much.
00:48:33I don't hear well.
00:48:35I didn't get it.
00:48:41Bibi's American revolution
00:48:43runs into a wary media.
00:48:45Journalists weren't forgiving
00:48:47for the events leading up to
00:48:49Rabin's assassination.
00:48:51Publishers are concerned
00:48:53of his plans for the media market.
00:48:55At the end of the week, for example,
00:48:57what didn't they say about you?
00:48:59Pressure, incitement, political cover-up.
00:49:01Do you feel bad about this description?
00:49:03Listen, if I were dependent on what
00:49:05journalists and the media say about me,
00:49:07believe me, I wouldn't be
00:49:09comfortable sitting behind this table.
00:49:11The bickering gets personal.
00:49:13Unflattering photos
00:49:15are chosen intentionally.
00:49:17Stories about her abusive staff
00:49:19and obsessive meddling in state affairs
00:49:21make Sarah Netanyahu
00:49:23an easy target.
00:49:25An investigative report
00:49:27in Yediot Achronot,
00:49:29Israel's most widely read paper,
00:49:31reveals embarrassing information
00:49:33about her.
00:49:51To handle the crisis
00:49:53surrounding Sarah,
00:49:55the prime minister's office agrees
00:49:57to a recorded interview
00:49:59with an established journalist.
00:50:27For example,
00:50:29the claim
00:50:31is that
00:50:33there is an agreement
00:50:35between you and your boss
00:50:37and according to it, he is obligated
00:50:39to you to do all sorts of things.
00:50:41Yes, trying to go abroad.
00:50:43First of all, yes,
00:50:45trying to go abroad.
00:50:47Showing off, giving you respect,
00:50:49giving you a hand.
00:50:51First of all, you have to bear in mind
00:50:53that a major part of the media
00:50:55is cooperating with the opposition,
00:50:57with the left.
00:50:59In addition to that,
00:51:01there are, of course,
00:51:03certain people, and not a few,
00:51:05who are interested in hurting us,
00:51:07and that's not a secret either.
00:51:09And they are trying,
00:51:11through their media connections,
00:51:13to change history.
00:51:15They are also obligated to decide
00:51:17certain things that he is not involved in.
00:51:19I don't want to get into all these things.
00:51:21You don't want to?
00:51:23Let me cut the interview short.
00:51:25She is furious about the questions.
00:51:27Her outburst at the crew is cut in editing.
00:51:53Bibi and Sarah feel like they live
00:51:55in a toxic, dirty world.
00:51:57The people admire them,
00:51:59but the media is still critical.
00:52:07To improve their public image,
00:52:09they allow a film crew to follow them for a year.
00:52:13Benjamin Netanyahu is in his third marriage.
00:52:15His union with Sarah
00:52:17has produced two young sons.
00:52:19It's the first and last glimpse
00:52:21that viewers get of day-to-day life
00:52:23in the Prime Minister's residence.
00:52:27Sarah has been lampooned
00:52:29by Israel's merciless columnists and satirists
00:52:31as a domestic tyrant.
00:52:33The hostile coverage has left its scars.
00:52:51Dad, I don't want to study.
00:52:53I'll give you something.
00:52:55Give it to me.
00:52:57I'll give it to you.
00:52:59But I don't want to study.
00:53:01I don't want to study.
00:53:03I'm bored.
00:53:05I'm bored.
00:53:07I'm bored.
00:53:09I'm bored.
00:53:11I'm bored.
00:53:13I'm bored.
00:53:15I'm bored.
00:53:17Stop filming.
00:53:21Stop filming.
00:53:27The peace and quiet
00:53:29BB promised is shattered quickly.
00:53:33He decides to open the Western Wall tunnel
00:53:35right next to Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque.
00:53:41The Palestinians rise up in protest.
00:53:47Dozens of Israelis and Palestinians
00:53:49gather in the riots.
00:53:51BB's image as a security hawk
00:53:53is challenged.
00:53:55The generals, who often become
00:53:57Prime Ministers,
00:53:59consider him an outsider.
00:54:03Clinton forces him to meet
00:54:05with Arafat and sign the Hebron Protocols,
00:54:07transferring control of the city
00:54:09to the Palestinians.
00:54:11After all his speeches and demonstrations
00:54:13against the Palestinian leader,
00:54:15BB's base sees him
00:54:17shaking hands with Arafat again and again.
00:54:21The need to move ahead with the peace process
00:54:23despite his right-wing government
00:54:25forces BB to attend
00:54:27a tangled political maneuver
00:54:29that ends with his first criminal investigation.
00:54:39An exposé by Channel One News,
00:54:41which he detests,
00:54:43found that he made a deal with his
00:54:45Palestinian minister, Aryeh Derry.
00:54:47BB will appoint an attorney general
00:54:49who will close the bribery charges
00:54:51being brought against Derry
00:54:53in exchange for Derry's support of the Hebron Accords.
00:55:15You have a gun in your hand.
00:55:17You have a mouth, you have a camera.
00:55:19You can't just insult a government,
00:55:21a prime minister,
00:55:23say things without a basis,
00:55:25without checking them,
00:55:27without knowing you have a basis for things
00:55:29and you don't have a basis for things.
00:55:46Still, he is very critical
00:55:48of the prime minister's behavior.
00:55:50Many ministers also express
00:55:52their concern and misgivings.
00:56:16Before I give you the press release,
00:56:18the Prime Minister asked
00:56:20that there be only one camera
00:56:22in his office,
00:56:24without the presence of journalists.
00:56:26You can't ask him questions.
00:56:28The simple truth is that
00:56:30a number of politicians,
00:56:32a number of media people,
00:56:34and I want to say a number of people
00:56:36especially on the first TV channel,
00:56:38are still not ready to agree
00:56:40with the election decision
00:56:42in the last elections.
00:56:44They are trying to undermine
00:56:46the legitimacy of the government.
00:56:48They will not succeed in this.
00:56:50In democracy, only you, the voters,
00:56:52are allowed to decide on the state's path.
00:56:54What I am trying to clarify is
00:56:56whether you understand that
00:56:58during this struggle,
00:57:00what you are doing is an attempt
00:57:02to destroy the same elites,
00:57:04the same powerhouses,
00:57:06without whom we have no democratic existence,
00:57:08which is a strong regime,
00:57:10and self-proclaimed pragmatism,
00:57:12and so on and so forth.
00:57:14But you are speaking to the people
00:57:16over their heads,
00:57:18over the heads of the elite.
00:57:20Maybe because you asked me a question,
00:57:22let me answer it.
00:57:24The first thing I think is that
00:57:26we need to create here more freedom,
00:57:28more security, more separation,
00:57:30more means of communication.
00:57:32The citizens of Israel are entitled
00:57:34to hear different opinions,
00:57:36and they will decide on their own.
00:57:38And there are broad sections of the people
00:57:40who want to hear the truth.
00:57:42The truth!
00:57:44The truth!
00:57:46The truth!
00:57:48Thanks to his struggle with the media,
00:57:50Netanyahu, the son of a professor
00:57:52and the product of an elite American education,
00:57:54comes to represent the common people.
00:58:02I read a long interview with you
00:58:04in Tel Aviv.
00:58:06Sometimes, as you say,
00:58:08there are rooms full of people
00:58:10who, through television,
00:58:12chant the message
00:58:14to hate Bibi Netanyahu.
00:58:16To hate.
00:58:18To hate.
00:58:20Do you really hear the voices
00:58:22and imagine rooms full of people
00:58:24who say to hate Bibi Netanyahu?
00:58:26There is a wild incitement
00:58:28on television,
00:58:30and not just on television,
00:58:32through the media.
00:58:34Open the newspaper today.
00:58:36Open the newspaper today.
00:58:38Open the newspaper today.
00:58:40Now, I can ask you a personal question.
00:58:42Please, go ahead.
00:58:44You are not alone.
00:58:46You are left completely alone.
00:58:48As if you were left without a place to rest.
00:58:50I have to tell you something.
00:58:52First of all, leaders need to know
00:58:54how to be alone.
00:58:56I do not know a single leader
00:58:58in the 1920s
00:59:00who did not remain,
00:59:02for a few moments,
00:59:04for a few moments.
00:59:09Why is getting an immediate response
00:59:11so critically important?
00:59:13Because when you make that initial connection
00:59:15to a listener,
00:59:17you are no longer isolated
00:59:19or all alone up there
00:59:21in the spotlight.
00:59:23You are inviting them to come with you
00:59:25to a destination you have chosen.
00:59:27Once the journey begins,
00:59:29you'll be surprised and delighted
00:59:31at how your fear will fade.
00:59:36I would like to congratulate you
00:59:38on reaching the Prime Minister's
00:59:42On this website,
00:59:44you will be able to find
00:59:46different information
00:59:48on the activities of the Prime Minister,
00:59:50on my activities,
00:59:52and on the activities of the Prime Minister.
00:59:54A decade before the rise
00:59:56of social networks,
00:59:58Netanyahu lays the groundwork
01:00:00for direct contact with voters.
01:00:03You are not dependent
01:00:05on all kinds of interpreters
01:00:07and mediators in the media.
01:00:09You can ask what you want to ask,
01:00:11get to where you want to get,
01:00:13and be those who determine
01:00:15what you see, what you hear,
01:00:17and also decide for yourself
01:00:19what your opinion is.
01:00:21I think this is a fascinating innovation,
01:00:23and it is the innovation of the future
01:00:25that I am committed to.
01:00:33My dear,
01:00:35once in a while you remind me
01:00:37of all the programs I watch,
01:00:39especially the one you organized
01:00:41for the right wing.
01:00:43Once in a while, a small one like this,
01:00:45a small one like that.
01:00:47Why, did you see me organizing for the left wing?
01:00:49All the time, if you're against the right wing,
01:00:51you're afraid of the left wing, aren't you?
01:00:53What can we do so that we don't get
01:00:55beaten like you think?
01:00:57A Prime Minister who will stand
01:00:59against the whole world, not a friar,
01:01:01but a Prime Minister who will stand
01:01:03against the whole world.
01:01:31Clinton has a critical interview with
01:01:33Bibi's own father, Benzion Netanyahu.
01:01:37Clinton's advisers arrive in Israel
01:01:39to help Bibi's election rival.
01:01:43Ehud Barak is a decorated general.
01:01:45He was Yoni Netanyahu's close friend and commander.
01:01:49In the last few days, I've heard
01:01:51a very fierce attack on Ehud Barak
01:01:53and the Labor Party.
01:01:55Is this the new Finkelstein?
01:01:57Is this the new trend?
01:01:59Finkelstein sent Shimon Peres to Ramallah
01:02:01where he declared the Palestinian state.
01:02:05It's not Ehud Barak.
01:02:07I'm asking about Ehud Barak.
01:02:09Both Benny Beggin and Ehud Barak.
01:02:13Ladies and gentlemen,
01:02:15this is on account of the time
01:02:17of our guest, whom you all love so much,
01:02:19so I ask for silence.
01:02:21When you say this about Ehud Barak...
01:02:23Let's hear it on Israeli television.
01:02:25It's not Israeli television.
01:02:27Shimon Peres, the Prime Minister.
01:02:33Look, I have to tell you one thing.
01:02:35I can't compete with you
01:02:37in manipulating the public.
01:02:39I raise my hands.
01:02:41Why do you think they're robots?
01:02:43Do you think they're not human beings with feelings?
01:02:45Do you think they don't express what they feel?
01:02:47You know how to manipulate them,
01:02:49and I don't.
01:02:51So I suggest, gentlemen,
01:02:53I ask for silence.
01:02:55He's behind in the polls,
01:02:57but his most devoted followers remain loyal.
01:02:59They accompany him
01:03:01from one studio to the next.
01:03:09Ehud Barak!
01:03:11Ehud Barak!
01:03:13I ask for silence.
01:03:15I ask to honor
01:03:17the MK Ehud Barak.
01:03:19Ehud Barak!
01:03:21Ehud Barak!
01:03:23Ehud Barak!
01:03:25I apologize, MK Barak.
01:03:27In the end...
01:03:29You have nothing to apologize for.
01:03:31You hear me?
01:03:33Only a group that is loyal
01:03:35because it understands
01:03:37that the election deadline is approaching
01:03:39and it will turn it once and for all
01:03:41like a political plan
01:03:43that was not a total loss
01:03:45and is behind us.
01:03:47Only a group that is loyal
01:03:49can act this way
01:03:53There is a huge hostility here,
01:03:55and you need to ask yourselves
01:03:57why they are hostile.
01:03:59They are hostile for one reason.
01:04:01They are afraid.
01:04:03They are afraid.
01:04:05They are afraid.
01:04:07They are afraid.
01:04:09They are afraid.
01:04:11They are afraid.
01:04:13They are afraid.
01:04:15They are afraid.
01:04:17They are afraid.
01:04:19They are afraid.
01:04:21They are afraid.
01:04:23They are afraid.
01:04:25In the first and only public
01:04:27in the 99th elections
01:04:29according to the second election
01:04:31the next prime minister is Ehud Barak
01:04:33in a big ceremony.
01:04:39It's been almost 20 years
01:04:41that I serve the public
01:04:43and serve the State of Israel.
01:04:45Bibi! Bibi! Bibi!
01:04:47Bibi! Bibi! Bibi!
01:04:49I believe that now the time has come
01:04:59And so today I announce
01:05:01my intention
01:05:03to leave the leadership of the Likud.
01:05:15I leave the leadership of the Likud.
01:05:17I leave the leadership of the Likud.
01:05:19I leave the leadership of the Likud.
01:05:21I leave the leadership of the Likud.
01:05:31When they say prime minister of the past
01:05:33you turn your head
01:05:35do you realize it's yours?
01:05:37Does it bother you a bit?
01:05:39Listen, I probably
01:05:41surprised him.
01:05:43I never thought that the government would choose us, not in the Likud and not in the
01:05:54I always said to Yair, this house that we are in is a temporary thing.
01:06:06Today we are very fortunate to have with us someone who has been leading the fight against
01:06:17terrorism most of his life.
01:06:19There are many of us, I'm certainly one of them who considers you frankly the Winston
01:06:23Churchill of our times.
01:06:25The application of power is the most important thing in winning the war on terrorism.
01:06:29If I had to say what are the three principles, what are the three principles of real estate,
01:06:35the three L's, location, location, location.
01:06:37The three principles of winning the war on terror
01:06:40are the three W's, winning, winning, and winning.
01:06:43The more victories you amass,
01:06:45the easier the next victory becomes.
01:06:47And therefore, I think the choice of Iraq is a good choice.
01:06:49It's the right choice.
01:06:51Bibi uses his break from politics
01:06:53for business and the lecture circuit.
01:06:55He sees how quickly the world is changing.
01:06:59When we first launched, we were hoping for,
01:07:01you know, maybe 400, 500 people.
01:07:03And now we're at 100,000 people.
01:07:05So, who knows where we're going next.
01:07:06We've never had a team lose so bad.
01:07:10You're all fired, all four are fired.
01:07:14A huge explosion rocking the office
01:07:16of the US appointed mayor of the Occupy City of Beirut.
01:07:19Bibi finds the success of Fox News,
01:07:21the popular conservative outlet, particularly intriguing.
01:07:25He starts planning his return to power.
01:07:42Netanyahu makes a list of donors
01:07:45with whom he should develop a closer relationship.
01:07:48At the bottom of his list are millionaires.
01:07:50At the top, billionaires.
01:07:53Some have been there for him since the 1980s.
01:07:58They helped Bibi and Sarah maintain the same lifestyle they were used to.
01:08:08One donor, Sheldon Adelson, launches a newspaper which plays a pivotal role in Netanyahu's
01:08:14return to power.
01:08:15Adelson invested fortune in Israel today, it has ended out for free, and soon, has the
01:08:38highest circulation in the country.
01:08:39Netanyahu is in constant contact with the paper's editors, he's personally involved
01:08:40in its headlines, articles, and opinions.
01:08:41The Israeli people are not getting a fair and balanced view of the news and views, they're
01:08:42attacking Bibi all the time, just attacking her.
01:08:43After a decade of failed attempts, Bibi has returned to power.
01:08:44Sheldon Adelson is now the head of the Israeli newspaper.
01:08:45Sheldon Adelson is now the head of the Israeli newspaper.
01:08:46Sheldon Adelson is now the head of the Israeli newspaper.
01:08:47Sheldon Adelson is now the head of the Israeli newspaper.
01:08:48Sheldon Adelson is now the head of the Israeli newspaper.
01:08:49Sheldon Adelson is now the head of the Israeli newspaper.
01:08:50Sheldon Adelson is now the head of the Israeli newspaper.
01:08:51Sheldon Adelson is now the head of the Israeli newspaper.
01:08:52The Israeli people are not getting a fair and balanced view of the news and views, they're
01:08:58attacking Bibi all the time, just attacking her.
01:09:06After a decade of failed attempts, Bibi has a real chance of winning the 2009 election.
01:09:11We are now in a very simple danger of destruction, we are not only in a danger of survival, but
01:09:20also in a danger of destruction, they think that the destruction, that is, the revival
01:09:26is over, it is not over, it continues all the time.
01:09:29Netanyahu recruits his father to rehabilitate his image with right-wing supporters.
01:09:33He is suitable to be a foreign minister, a certain foreign minister, or he can also be
01:09:37a certain foreign minister.
01:09:38I think that in the current situation, he is the best candidate to be prime minister.
01:09:48Benjamin Netanyahu has been formally tapped to put together Israel's next government,
01:09:52The Hardline...
01:09:53The people of Israel said what they said in a one-sided and clear manner.
01:10:02Bibi learned his lesson.
01:10:03He returns to power stronger and more experienced.
01:10:04Over the next three terms at least, he continues the revolution he began in the 1990s that
01:10:08shapes Israel into a very different place.
01:10:13This time, he won't be pushed out so easily.
01:10:18Mr. Vice President, do you remember the time that we were the new kids in town?
01:10:27Bibi spent decades studying America. No foreign leader knows Washington's inner workings better
01:10:40than the Israeli Prime Minister. They said that Bibi's an American, but he really used
01:10:46everything he learned about the U.S. to serve Israel's interests as he sees them.
01:10:53I think for there to be peace, the Palestinians will have to accept some basic reality.
01:11:00It cannot go back to the 1967 lines.
01:11:04It was a stone-faced Barack Obama and Netanyahu basically treating him like a schoolboy.
01:11:13His clashes with Obama create tensions, but they also strengthen Netanyahu's stature in
01:11:18the Republican Party and conservative circles in Washington. Bibi becomes an articulate
01:11:23spokesman for the new conservatism in the United States and the antithesis of Obama.
01:11:29Did you know that Sheldon Adelson spent $100 million of his own money last year on negative ads?
01:11:36You've got to really dislike me to spend that kind of money.
01:11:42Sheldon would have been better off offering me $100 million to drop out of the race.
01:11:53More than ever, he presents Israel as standing on the front lines of a culture war between
01:11:58Islam and the West. The battle between good and evil is reaching its climax.
01:12:05The medieval forces of radical Islam, they want to destroy Israel, Europe, America.
01:12:11They want to end the modern world.
01:12:15What began with lessons on impressing the cameras in the 1980s becomes a performance
01:12:20that leaves the world riveted.
01:12:22Here's a diagram.
01:12:27This is a bomb. This is a fuse.
01:12:30This is a fuse.
01:12:31Here's a piece of uranium.
01:12:33In the case of Iran's nuclear bombs,
01:12:35these plans of the Moschvitz-Birkenau Concentration Plan
01:12:38are not a goal you can see for yourself.
01:12:41With enough enriched uranium, they contain
01:12:43Mr. Zarif,
01:12:44and Iran has to go through
01:12:45do you recognize
01:12:46three stages.
01:12:47Bibi's performance becomes part of his policy, and his status only grows stronger.
01:13:01Fear of Iran silences all debate.
01:13:04The Israeli welfare state is privatized and disappears.
01:13:09The Palestinians are hidden behind fences.
01:13:14The settlements are thriving.
01:13:17So far, at least, Netanyahu has given Israelis more security and stability than ever.
01:13:24He proves to them that despite terrorism, the occupation, and the casualties,
01:13:29they can still live a good life in the only democracy in the Middle East.
01:13:38My name is Donald Trump, and I'm a big fan of Israel.
01:13:41And frankly, a strong prime minister is a strong Israel.
01:13:45And you truly have a great prime minister.
01:13:48In Benjamin Netanyahu, there's nobody like him.
01:13:52He's a winner. He's highly respected.
01:13:55He's highly thought of by all.
01:13:57Terrific guy, terrific leader, great for Israel.
01:14:04You had a resounding electoral victory in Israel.
01:14:08Many people didn't expect it would be as big as it was.
01:14:17How many terms as prime minister do you want to serve?
01:14:20You're already either the longest serving or the second longest serving.
01:14:26Who's counting?
01:14:33Bibi continues to bask in the spotlight of the American media.
01:14:39In Israel, as his status grows, he practically stops giving interviews.
01:14:44He decides what he will talk about, when, and with whom.
01:14:50He picks his makeup, hair color, and even the room's temperature.
01:14:55We no longer see him sweat.
01:14:58We no longer hear him stutter.
01:15:01He appoints himself minister of communications.
01:15:17His son Yair starts getting involved in government, too.
01:15:21His friends are appointed new media consultants for the prime minister.
01:15:29Bibi's Facebook page soon has more followers than any Israeli politician or media outlet.
01:15:35Thank you to all my friends on Facebook.
01:15:38Thank you for the likes.
01:15:40Thank you especially for the comments.
01:15:42You were great.
01:16:06The media still publishes embarrassing stories about Bibi and his family.
01:16:11There is growing evidence of their lavish lifestyle on the public's dime.
01:16:35The police also investigate the Netanyahu family's efforts to influence the media market.
01:16:40The people closest to Bibi are suspected of bribery in a sensitive defense deal.
01:16:46Yet despite all the publicity, people admire Bibi and Sarah even more.
01:17:06Bibi! Bibi! Bibi!
01:17:12We really live in a world of short attention spans.
01:17:16Arthur Finkelstein is replaced by Vincent Harris, a 26-year-old Texan media strategist who specializes in harvesting Facebook data.
01:17:25How do you get a policy discussion going in a 10-second snap?
01:17:33How do you talk about the Israeli-Palestinian crisis in 140 characters?
01:17:39The right-wing government is in danger.
01:17:41The Arab voters are in dire need of Calphi.
01:17:45Left-wing groups bring them by bus.
01:17:48Every attack is directed abroad.
01:17:51To the left-wing groups, with one goal.
01:17:55To replace the Likud government under my leadership.
01:17:58There is only one thing that needs to be done.
01:18:02After decades attacking the media and the left, Netanyahu needs just one sentence
01:18:08to tell the people who its real enemies are.
01:18:11Both the left and the media, and that's the same thing,
01:18:15are now joining a side-obsessive campaign against me and my family
01:18:21with the goal of carrying out a coup.
01:18:26In a few weeks' time, the media will be sitting in front of the TV
01:18:32writing and interpreting books
01:18:37and they will open the newspapers with explosive headlines.
01:18:45The most serious recommendations.
01:18:49There are very serious recommendations.
01:18:53If we don't waste time and waste public money,
01:18:56then there will be applause.
01:18:58So what?
01:19:03Netanyahu's tactics are rejected by many in Israel and around the world.
01:19:08But they are accepted and admired by others.
01:19:11So far, Bini's political gambles are paying off.
01:19:29This is a battle between barbaric criminals
01:19:33who seek to obliterate human life and decent people.
01:19:38This is a battle between good and evil.
01:19:44Great. Great.
01:19:46Welcome to our palace.
01:19:49It's very homey, very modest.
01:19:51But thanks to you, we could paint the wall.
01:19:55We've got the budget to paint the wall.
01:19:59This is Sarah Jarrett. Have you seen her?
01:20:01Oh, hi there.
01:20:02That's the son-in-law.
01:20:06President Trump's visit to the Prime Minister's residence is aired live.
01:20:11The excitement of the event exposes moments that are usually hidden from the public.
01:20:16It's an honor to meet you.
01:20:17Hello. Hello.
01:20:19It's an honor to meet you.
01:20:21I'm a big, big fan of both of you.
01:20:23I've heard about you so much from my mother.
01:20:25She talks about you all the time.
01:20:28You know, I can relate a lot to what Baron is going through
01:20:31because I've been in his age in my dad's first term.
01:20:34They were doing satires on me when I was three years old.
01:20:37Five years old, yeah.
01:20:38They were waiting for us...
01:20:39We don't know what Bibi and Trump discussed privately.
01:20:42Maybe they mentioned Vincent Harris.
01:20:45After his success with Netanyahu, he went on to join the Trump team.
01:20:52After bringing America to Israel, Bibi is bringing Israel to America.
01:20:57His attacks on the establishment and the media, which started in the 1990s,
01:21:02are now a trademark of top politicians,
01:21:04especially the leader of the world's greatest superpower.
01:21:09Thank you very much.
01:21:11Like Trump, Bibi's actions lead to a clash with the law.
01:21:16His endless obsession with his image and the media
01:21:19threaten Netanyahu's very survival.
01:21:26He's suspected of attempting to bribe media tycoons
01:21:29to improve their coverage of him and his family.
01:21:34Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
01:21:36is now in the midst of a major political scandal.
01:21:38He's under investigation for bribery, fraud and breach of trust
01:21:42and things may have just gotten a whole lot worse.
01:21:47The police recommend that he and Sarah be indicted.
01:21:50But Bibi knows that regardless of what they find,
01:21:53he can always tell his supporters his version of events.
01:21:56Bibi, Bibi, Bibi, Bibi...
01:22:27We can no longer ignore the long journey ahead.
01:22:30So I want to tell all the reporters,
01:22:34the whistleblowers, the whistleblowers,
01:22:37and the messengers among them,
01:22:39I want to tell you,
01:22:41be ashamed of yourselves.
01:22:43So I want to tell you,
01:22:45I'm with you.
01:22:46They're not with me anymore.
01:22:48They're only strengthening my determination.
01:22:51So if you want to hear the truth,
01:22:54go to my Facebook page.
01:22:56This is where you'll hear the truth.
01:22:59Shabbat Shalom.
01:23:25But this is only a beginning.
01:23:28It is my fervent hope
01:23:30that the 7 Steps to Fearless Speaking
01:23:32becomes an ongoing resource for you
01:23:35and that you continue to grow.
