• last year
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने गुजरात के अहमदाबाद से वर्चुअली 20 कोच की नई वंदे भारत एक्सप्रेस को हरी झंडी दिखाकर रवाना किया था। जो 18 सितंबर से रोजाना वाराणसी से दिल्ली तक जाएगी। पहले चलने वाली वंदे भारत ट्रेन में 16 कोच थे जिस वजह से यात्रियों को वाराणसी से दिल्ली तक का सफर करने में परेशानी हुआ करती थी लेकिन अब 20 कोच वाली केसरिया रंग की वंदे भारत ट्रेन के चलने से यात्रियों को काफी सहूलियत मिलेगी।
#vandebharatexpress #varanasi #newdelhi #vandebharattrain #pmmodi #ahmedabad


00:30Today, as you have heard, the Prime Minister has sent five people to Haryana.
00:35And along with that, a Delhi train from Banaras, which used to run with 16 coaches,
00:41has been converted into a 20-coach train.
00:43For the first time in India, a 20-coach train is going to be built.
00:45It is going to depart from here.
00:47But with this 20-coach train, four coaches have increased.
00:49And in about one train, in 20 coaches,
00:521440 passengers can adjust and go in their seats.
00:56So you can understand the problem.
00:58The percentage of seats has increased.
01:00And the waiting time in this train has also reduced.
01:03And it is very difficult to go to Delhi.
01:05As you have heard, our Chief Minister has also told us,
01:08three versions of Bandhe Bharat will come.
01:10This was a chair car.
01:12Today, Banda Metro has been upgraded.
01:14The name is also changed to Bandhe Bharat.
01:17After this, Bandhe Bharat sleeper coaches will come.
01:20They will come in the coming months.
01:21And there will be trials for them as well.
01:26For more information, visit www.globalonenessproject.org
