• 4 days ago
Just Smile ;
Everything starts when the only son of the humble family Civan Family, Sarp, completes his education and returns from America. The life of Sarp, who coincidentally encounters Yasemin, the young daughter of the Özdemir Family, will change as soon as she gets off the plane. Yasemin, who will get married the next day, is also unaware of what will happen to her while completing her final preparations. On the same day, Sarp's grandfather Hasan Efendi, who had been a driver for 30 years at the same place, was also fired from his job. What Sarp does not know is that it was Yasemin's father, Lütfü Bey, who fired his grandfather Hasan Efendi. Although Lütfü Bey does not tell anyone, he is in trouble with his company and he is about to lose all his wealth. These financial difficulties lie behind her desire to marry her daughter Yasemin to a rich family. He eventually becomes afraid and receives the news that he went bankrupt just the day he married his daughter. While the marriage, which was planned with great hopes, is in danger, Yasemin finds the solution by running away to Hasan Efendi, whom she regarded as her grandfather since childhood. After all these experiences, fate will bring together the socialite Özdemir and the humble Civan, who have nothing in common.

Erdal Özyağcılar
Aslı Bekiroğlu
Yılmaz Kunt
Seray Kaya
Pamir Pekin
Sermet Yeşil
Erkan Sever
Aslı Altaylar
Evrim Doğan
Uğur Kurul
Elif Andaç Çam
Barış Aytaç



00:05Come, come, come
00:09Sit down
00:22Why did you come?
00:24Did you miss home in two days?
00:26Valla ne yalan söyleyeyim, ben biraz özledim ya.
00:29Yani tamam orası bizim evimiz ama burası böyle çok başka.
00:35Yani burada çok mutlu günler geçirdim ben.
00:38San, duydun mu Yasemin'i?
00:40Bak ne diyor, sen ki bu evde doğdun büyüdün.
00:45Aslında Hasan dede, biz seni de oraya götürmek için geldik.
00:52O İstanbul'un öbür ucundaki eve, sizin eve.
00:55Ben gelmem, ben gelmem.
00:57Ben 40 sene önce dedenizi taşıdım, götürdüm, getirdim.
01:01Sonra babanızı getirdim, götürdüm o eve.
01:04Ben almayayım, ben o eve tokum.
01:07Dur dede ya, hemen kestirip atma.
01:09Evet Hasan dede, bak gerçekten orada çok daha rahat edeceksin.
01:13Bak hem ev çok büyük.
01:14Yani kimseyle karşılaşmadan istediğin kadar böyle rahat rahat kafana dinlersin.
01:19Evet gerçekten.
01:21Israr etmeyin o kadar çok.
01:23Yani Hasan dede istemiyor belli ki.
01:25Yasemin ne diyorsun sen?
01:26Biz niye o zaman geldik buraya?
01:28Tamam, Hasan dedeyi almak için geldik ama istemiyor.
01:31Yani ben de anlayışla karşılıyorum.
01:33Tam gazarkandayım Hasan dede.
01:35Sen hiç Yasemin'e bakma Hasan dedeciğim.
01:38Bak gerçekten orada çok rahat edeceksin.
01:40Hem bu evde rutubet var.
01:43Senin için iyi değil.
01:44Kış da yaklaşıyor.
01:46Zorla sınır bu ev.
01:47Hadi gel, inat etme.
01:51Zaten sabahtan beri içim şişti benim.
01:53Bir de siz konuşmayın, vır vır bağıracağım şimdi ama.
01:55Tamam dede niye bağırıyorsun ki?
01:57Ne dedi Yasemin şimdi?
02:01Gül ben.
02:02Yasemin değil.
02:03Ben ne dedim ki?
02:07Pardon Gül ya.
02:11Tamam canım ne dediyse dedi.
02:12Hadi bakalım siz kalkın kalkın hadi.
02:14İşte misafirliğe geldiniz gördünüz.
02:16Bak ben iyiyim.
02:17Hadi gidin doğru evinize hadi.
02:18Hem zaten yolunuz uzak.
02:20Yolcu yoluna gerek.
02:21Hadi hadi.
02:22Ya Hasan dede ben gitmesem?
02:25Şöyle bir odada ben böyle küçük küçük kendi kendime yaşarım.
02:27Olmaz mı?
02:28Ben çok özledim burayı.
02:29Ya Yasemin sen ne işe yararsın ya?
02:31Yemek yapmasını bilmezsin, bulaşık yıkamasını bilmezsin.
02:34Ya çay kahve hak ettire.
02:37Bu yaştan sonra bir de seninle mi uğraşacağım?
02:39Hayır olmaz.
02:40Hadi evine hadi.
02:42Keşke Yasemin Hasan dede ya.
02:44Tamam Yasemin ne yapalım?
02:45İstemiyor adam işte.
02:50Ben yürü Sarp.
02:52Ben ne dedim yine ya?
02:53Yasemin dedi Yasemin.
02:55Adam herkesi ben olarak görüyor valla.
03:02Siz ikiniz de bu Sarp'ı serseme çevirdiniz.
03:04Bak gül Yasemin.
03:06Hadi yolda konuşursunuz.
03:07Hadi yürüyün yürüyün yürüyün.
03:09Görüşürüz Hasan dede.
03:13Kıvırcık olanı Yasemin.
03:14Japon olanı gül.
03:16Tamam dede.
03:29Of Hasan dede ya.
03:32Ya benim içime sinmiyor böylesi Sarp.
03:35Yani Hasan dedeyi burada böyle bırakacak mıyız?
03:40Hayır hava da serinledi.
03:41Adamcağız hasta olmasa bari.
03:43Yok benim dedeme hiçbir şey olmaz.
03:46Ayrıca abla yani adam bin yıldır bu evde yaşıyor.
03:49Ne bu böyle gereksiz gereksiz duyar şeyleri?
03:51Ben anlamadım.
03:52Yani ne yapalım?
03:54Ne yapalım?
03:55Ne yapalım?
03:56Ne yapalım?
03:57Ne yapalım?
03:58Ne yapalım?
03:59Ne yapalım?
04:00Her şeyleri ben anlamadım.
04:01Yani birini mi etkilemeye çalışıyorsun?
04:04Ne saçmalıyorsun sen Yasemin ya.
04:07Hayır ben anlamıyorum yani sen ne zamandan beri bu kadar duyarsız ve bencil bir insana dönüştün Yasemin.
04:11Ne dedi ne dedim?
04:13Bencil bir insana dönüşmenden bahsediyorum Yasemin.
04:16Bencil Yasemin.
04:20Öyle mi?
04:21Bencil Yasemin.
04:26Ufaklık Yasemin.
04:27Kıvırcık Yasemin.
04:28Yasemin. Unemployed Yasemin.
04:30Oh, I don't know what Yasemin. Yasemin is Yasemin.
04:33What happened?
04:34Are you memorizing my name like everyone else?
04:38Oh, Sarp, by the way, let me introduce you.
04:40Gül, my sister. And I'm Yasemin.
04:42Bencil Yasemin.
04:45Okay, so Sarp already knows I'm Gül.
04:47You didn't have to emphasize that, Yasemin.
04:50Is that so? Are you sure?
04:51Because I couldn't be sure up there.
04:52I guess he told you my name.
04:55Come on, ladies.
04:56That's enough. We'll wait for the bus at the bus stop.
04:59Shall we go?
05:00I think we should go.
05:01You have a sister, you have a brother.
05:03You have a sister, you have a brother.
05:18Slow down.
05:20Tomorrow, a phase is closed.
05:22Another phase is...
05:26What was that?
05:27A new phase is starting, Nermin.
05:29A new phase is starting.
05:30The second phase of Lütfü is starting.
05:32Let the world see the businessman.
05:34Let them see.
05:36What if I can't adapt?
05:38What if I screw up?
05:39What if my business friends kick me out?
05:40What if the tea man doesn't give me tea?
05:42Don't be stupid.
05:43You are Lütfü Özdemir.
05:45For God's sake, Nermin.
05:46You're not just taking yourself there.
05:48My love, you're taking your experience with you.
05:52I'm taking my experience with me, right?
05:54Of course, years of experience.
05:59What have I been doing for years?
06:01Oh, my God.
06:02I've been sitting at home.
06:05I only have marriage programs in my mind.
06:07I don't remember anything about business.
06:09I mean, let's have tea together.
06:10Let's go to the red room.
06:11Let's go on a date.
06:13I'm full of these, Nermin.
06:15Don't be ridiculous.
06:16Don't mix hair and beard, my love.
06:18Once you get in there, everything will be fine.
06:21Especially you.
06:22The smell of that photocopy machine.
06:25Pull it in.
06:26Wait and go.
06:27Isn't that right?
06:28I'll do it.
06:29Of course, my love.
06:31What did they say?
06:32The caravan will be on its way.
06:34Come on.
06:35Go to bed, my love.
06:36Don't go there with purple eyes.
06:38They'll talk behind you.
06:39The purple-eyed manager is here.
06:41Good night.
06:50Everybody's sleeping.
06:51I'm going to bed, too.
07:01Good night.
07:02Good night.
07:08What's up, Yasemin?
07:09Why are you staring at me?
07:10Why are you talking to me so harshly, Sarp?
07:15Sarp, can we talk?
07:19Yasemin, we don't have anything to talk about.
07:21Are you sure?
07:23Because you've been calling me Yasemin since this morning,
07:27I didn't find what you said convincing.
07:29I'm just getting used to it.
07:30Don't think of anything else.
07:32Is that so?
08:03Look at him!
08:04What does she think of herself?
08:05What do you think of yourself?
08:17Look, Yasemin.
08:19We started something.
08:23We made a big mistake.
08:28So, it ended as it started.
08:31Don't think of anything else.
08:36Sarp, look, if you're doing this because of what Cem did...
08:39Yes, that's why I'm doing it.
08:41What do you think?
08:46I won't do it...
08:49...after I see you like this.
08:55It's over, Yasemin.
08:57Don't talk nonsense, Sarp.
08:58I'm not to blame.
09:00I said it's over, Yasemin.
09:05No, it's not over.
09:07Don't fool yourself.
09:10You love me, too.
09:24I don't love you, Yasemin.
09:27I don't.
09:39I don't love you.
