
  • 4 days ago
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; just as it is right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers with me of grace. For God is my witness, how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1.3-8

#church #faith #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #salvation #thankfulness
00:00Praise God. Please be seated. I'll ask Ken to come and lead us in prayer.
00:15Morning Church.
00:18Well, Tony reminded me
00:20before I came up here that I'm Irish and it's five minutes, and we always say don't ever use one word when ten can suffice.
00:33Always like to start prayer with thankfulness
00:37because if you're not starting from the right place, you ain't going anywhere and
00:42I think I can speak for a lot of people here. We can be thankful that we're saved
00:48How simple it is?
00:51Confessing Romans 10 9 and 10
00:53just knowing that we are saved and I just know the peace that has brought to my heart in knowing my salvation and
01:01We're just talking about troubles that people are going through at the moment and how much more compounded they would be
01:07If we didn't have the peace of knowing our salvation, amen.
01:14I always use
01:15Jeremiah 29 11, which is that God, I know the plans I have for you the plans that will better you
01:22We all fears are normally driven by what we don't know the future and stuff like that
01:27We're talking about Covid and all that kind of nonsense
01:31And just knowing that one verse just gives me that chilled feeling
01:37but to know that I have access with the Father is
01:41one of the most
01:43heartwarming feeling and
01:45the verse that
01:48Always comes to mind and that is Matthew 27 51 where the veil was torn from top to bottom
01:55allowing us
01:57access and Tony and was sharing earlier about us wearing royal robes as
02:02a paddy from a mucky field in Ireland
02:06To feel that I am now having access to the father to feel that I'm wearing royal robes
02:12I wasn't by the way from a mucky field
02:14Just gives you that confidence and
02:17the other verse that I use is go boldly to the throne of grace and
02:21I think of in my old nightclub days
02:24You come up to the nightclub door and a bouncer there standing there
02:29And he says if your name ain't down yet not coming in. Do you remember that?
02:33Remember there's a song on it. Our name is down in the book of life. We are coming in. We have open access to the father
02:39We are coming in we have open access to the father
02:42So I need to be need to be aware of him
02:46my time I've kept a
02:50thankfulness diary for many years
02:52Because one of the things that I find with my kids particularly and certainly with my own life and for many times in my life
02:59not thankful
03:01Not thankful for what I've been given not thankful for what I am not type like what I'm doing now
03:05Not thankful the fact that I can stand before people and talk as a dyslexic
03:10shy individual before all these people about the most important thing in my life, which is Jesus Christ and
03:16I said instead of going through
03:1810 pages of my thankfulness again driven by our friend. I thought I'd just stick to
03:26being thankfulness about
03:29our church
03:30Being thankful about where we are and what we have
03:34We would not be sitting around like this in openness in Saudi Arabia
03:37I know I've been to Pakistan in the condolence in Pakistan just can't do it
03:42So the thankfulness of knowing you can sit give thanks sing top of a voice with no real issue. I
03:51also know that
03:55We can
03:56Fellowship one with another
03:58We can openly go and meet we can openly go and pray in the streets, which another place we can't I
04:04Think of this church in particular that we are getting the word of life the true word
04:09Tony Cowan did the the ministry again, we know we're getting good food
04:15We're not getting the slops from there from from you know, other other sources
04:19That led me to think it's free missions that I've been sent to and I'll talk about them
04:23But the one of the one that came up it was interesting and standing right beside it
04:28Because I was two years into seminary to become a Roman Catholic priest priest because the youngest kid in the Irish situation
04:33Youngest boy becomes a priest. So answer the postcard. Yeah, my dad wanted me to be a priest two years in
04:40I walked away from it to the disdain of my family and my in-laws and all that kind of stuff great
04:45but I remember this and
04:47The great stay that was given over to the fact that if you do right you can do this magic
04:56Do we know we're talking about the Catholic faith I
04:59Too can do the magic
05:01What we just know that we can just celebrate
05:04the life and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as it should be I
05:08Think of Tony's ministry that the light of light of the end times
05:12the books that are going out the tapes that are going out the
05:16Teachings that are going out
05:18Across the world. I know that I'm dealing with people in Pakistan and India who are dealing with his stuff translating his his
05:26They're getting great material. I thank God for the Internet
05:31What I thank God for the Internet. Why because what the devil does to
05:40Its growth in pornography and X and whatever else goes on the internet we use to spread God's Word
05:46so one connection to the Internet can get people that
05:51Missionaries you can get a hundred people when missionaries could get one in the old days
05:55So let's remember that God has a purpose in his stuff
06:01Remembering the time
06:08Remember the bravery of Martin Luther when he went to Wiesenberg and I went there first 500 anniversary where he nailed
06:17wrongness in the Catholic Church and
06:20Took the risk. Yeah, I mean he gave up his his his role as occupation his job by confronting a
06:28Mammoth that since then has got even more out of control. I
06:33Thank God for my mission to Roman Catholics father
06:36I've been back to churches all over Ireland all over here. Just sitting with them and taking them out and talking to him about
06:43That Protestants Pro Testament people like I am now was a Catholic
06:48Don't have a tail and don't have here's ears
06:51We are we are showing them the right way. We're showing that the Bible is actually the revealed Word and will of God
06:58Yeah, I want to talk to two things very close to my heart the first one is the clerical sexual abuse in Ireland
07:06Which may have gone unnoticed a lot of you and it's very close to my heart
07:144,000 victims survivors have come forward talking about being molested by
07:20860 already convicted priests
07:25The lice have been changed. I ran I ran a group called snap which was for survivors and
07:31Of the 900 that came to that meeting only a handful maybe 10 12 15 people said they had a relationship with God
07:39Let that sink in these are people who came through the Catholic background the church background and
07:45Virtually all of them said if this is what your God will do. I
07:49Preferred to Satan. I prefer the world
07:51And the verse I was going to use and that is the one of
07:54Matthew that a millstone be tied around the neck. Where's it?
08:01Sorry, I'm a little bit okay
08:06Yeah, so
08:09Sorry, it's only gonna find it, you know the verse for people who who
08:15Do such a thing. Let a millstone be tied around their neck and that is my plea to them
08:23That was that was it
08:25I'm getting a little
08:27Yeah, and and Matthew 1914. Jesus said suffer little children and forbid them not for there is the kingdom of heaven
08:34We need to and I thank God that we have a children's group here
08:38It's the children who need to have a relationship with God that
08:44Unfortunately, these days are being completely missed out on
08:48They aren't going to church. They're not seeing the word being done. They're not seeing people people of God
08:55Jumping around a bit. I want to give thanks that on the 26th of September. I will be seven years sober and
09:02I can tell you that for an Irishman to say that that's a pretty good deal
09:06but what I can say is Matthew 1926 said to me that to Ken this is impossible, but
09:15All things
09:17All things so your impossibilities is
09:23God's I'm possible. I am possible. I'm possible for you
09:28So when we finish that stand up here
09:31We say going boldly to the throne of grace the the veil being torn from top to bottom
09:37Let's give thanks for what we've got and then let's go and ask for
09:43new things I think of David and
09:46Tony's healing and all the other deliveries of babies all the other healings within the church
09:51We need to be thankful for those. We need to thankful that God has done that for us
09:56I've looked up again one at a time
09:58So father, I just thank you for this time father
10:01I think for the ability to stand before my church with honesty and transparency father father, you know
10:07I'm a sinner and I am
10:09Wholly willing to acknowledge that and admit that but father by grace you have saved me through Romans 10 9 and 10
10:17so I thank you that you have
10:20Dressed me in as was as a song says and purple robes that I don't deserve
10:25I definitely don't deserve but I know that Paul says that he's the worst of all the sinners
10:30So I'm happy to stand one behind him. I
10:33Thank you that we as a church remember our self sinful nature
10:37But remember the greatness of his deliverance in us
10:41So I thank you that we will remember to go boldly remember to be bold not in a rude sense
10:48But know the way of access no
10:50we can knock on the door and walk in and be in the presence of God as we are now because the word says
10:55Whenever any two of us are gathered you are in the midst you are here now, so I stand before you
11:01I know that you are here. Listen to me
11:04Thanks father for all the challenge. We have as a church all challenges. We have as individuals father all the challenge we have
11:11In ministry father that we know that we can just smile and say all things work for good for those who are in Christ
11:18Jesus father you have a plan and purpose as Jeremiah
11:212911 says you have plans for us God and we don't know them yet. So let's just go and fill them out father
11:27thanks for today for the teachings that we'll have later and
11:30Also just for maybe some of the things I've said sinking into people's life so they can honestly know
11:37That they are a royal priesthood name is son Christ Jesus. I pray him in
11:50Okay, you can thank you for sharing some of your testimony as well god bless you
