Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 18 Intervention

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 18 Intervention


00:00Donnie, and she won't give it back. I bet you know where she put it, don't you?
00:04They had to be certain the Slayer would protect it with her life,
00:08so they sent the key to her in the form of a sister.
00:12Let Gloria understand this. I won't help her find the key.
00:16I would never do that to an innocent.
00:18An innocent?
00:20It's not a person.
00:23What about the key?
00:25He indicated that it was a person.
00:31Oh, God.
00:33I love you.
00:35The only chance you had with me was when I was unconscious.
00:39You are not my boyfriend!
00:43I kind of got the impression that she was a robot.
00:46Oh, yeah, a robot. She's a robot.
00:48I made her to love me. I didn't make a toy.
00:53I made a girlfriend.
00:55I'm placing an order.
00:57I'm placing an order.
00:59No, I'm not making any more girls.
01:01Sure you are.
01:03Here's your specs.
01:08What are you doing?
01:13We commend to Almighty God our sister, Joyce Summers.
01:19That is tomorrow that I'm worried about.
01:22What's tomorrow?
01:24That's exactly what I don't know.
01:28Giles, you don't have to help. You cook.
01:31Oh, come on. I quite like to cook.
01:33Helping you two out makes me feel useful.
01:36Want to clean out the garage on Saturday?
01:38You'd feel indispensable.
01:40How tempting.
01:42Don, if there are any plates in your room, let's have them before they get furry and we have to name them.
01:47Hey, I was like five then.
01:57How's she doing?
02:01And you?
02:04I'm okay.
02:06Some minutes are harder than others.
02:10I'm so sorry.
02:12All I can say is that it will get better.
02:17It has to.
02:20We're holding up, though.
02:22Getting into a routine.
02:24Good. Routine's good.
02:28In fact, I was thinking that we might return to our training schedule.
02:36I don't know.
02:38I was thinking about maybe taking a break or something.
02:47Just ease off for a while.
02:49Knock it into full slay mode.
02:52You were doing so well.
02:56And you were great helping me with everything.
03:01I'm just starting to feel uneasy about stuff.
03:09Training. Slaying.
03:11All of it.
03:13I mean, I can beat up the demons until the cows come home.
03:17And then I can beat up the cows.
03:21But I'm not sure I like what it's doing to me.
03:24But you've mastered so much.
03:26I mean, strength and resilience alone.
03:29Yeah, strength, resilience.
03:32Those are all words for hardness.
03:36I'm starting to feel like being the Slayer is turning me into stone.
03:42Turning you into stone? Buffy.
03:45Just think about it.
03:48I was never there for Riley.
03:51Not like I was for Angel.
03:53I was terrible to Dawn.
03:55At a time like this?
03:59I was terrible to you.
04:02I was terrible to Dawn.
04:04At a time like this?
04:07You're bound to feel emotionally numb.
04:10Before that, Riley left because I was shut down.
04:17He's gone.
04:20And now my mom is gone.
04:23And I loved her more than anything.
04:30I don't know if she knew.
04:33She knew.
04:38I don't know.
04:40To slay, to kill.
04:43It means being hard on the inside.
04:48Maybe being the perfect Slayer means being too hard to love at all.
04:53I already feel like I can hardly say the words.
05:00I love you.
05:02Love, love, love, love, love.
05:05Giles, it feels strange.
05:07I shouldn't wonder.
05:10How serious are you about this?
05:19Serious to the amount of ten?
05:25There is something in the Watcher's Diaries.
05:30A quest.
05:32A quest?
05:33Like finding a grail or something?
05:35Not a grail.
05:37Maybe answers.
05:40It would take a day, perhaps two.
05:43I'm not leaving Dawn.
05:45Not with Glory looking for her.
05:48Sure you can.
05:50What's the deal?
05:53Some Slayers before Buffy found it helpful in regaining their focus,
05:58in learning more about their role.
06:00There's a sacred place in the desert.
06:02It's not far.
06:04But I can't go.
06:07I'm not leaving you, Dawn.
06:11If you have to go learn.
06:13I mean, if it'll help you out.
06:17I think you should do it.
06:20I can hang with the gang.
06:22I'll be okay.
06:31I love you, Dawn.
06:33You know that, right?
06:37I love you, too.
06:39I love you.
06:41Really love you.
06:43Getting weird.
06:47But it's important that I tell you.
06:50Weird love's better than no love.
06:56Some say it's better than the real thing.
06:59Better than the real thing.
07:04She looks good, but what about the rest?
07:08A little walk, a little talk.
07:12Perhaps a zippy cartwheel.
07:14Hey, she's great.
07:17You'll be real happy, I swear.
07:19She's got everything you asked for.
07:21All the extra programming.
07:23Tons of real-world knowledge.
07:25The profiles you gave me about her family and friends.
07:27All the extra programming, right?
07:30The stuff that you wanted.
07:32The scenario responses.
07:34You know, the special skills.
07:38All of it.
07:40Now, you said that I could leave town.
07:42I'm not sure I'm a satisfied customer.
07:45She looks a little shiny to me.
07:47You know, a touch of plasticine.
07:54Oh, Spike.
08:04She'll do.
08:12She'll do.
08:42She'll do.
09:12He's getting stronger.
09:14I'm losing him.
09:16I'm losing control of him.
09:18You're speaking of Ben,
09:20most glamorous yet tasteful one?
09:23He stabbed you in your body.
09:26Jinx is all right, Your Highness.
09:28And we do have the new knowledge
09:31that the key is a human being.
09:34If time runs out on us
09:36and all we're left with is info,
09:38then we're screwed.
09:40Surely not.
09:42No, we're screwed.
09:44What, you're a god?
09:46The sacred glorificus?
09:48I'm a god in exile.
09:51Far from the hellfires of home
09:54and sharing my body with an enemy
09:58that stabs my boys in their mushy little stomachs.
10:03Ugh! I'm in pain!
10:06How can we help?
10:09We own our lives.
10:15The Slayer and the key are connected.
10:18She's going to have contact with it.
10:21Find out who's new in her life,
10:24who's special, who's different.
10:28Watch her.
10:30We can do that, oh, thou?
10:33I want to hear about everyone she has contact with.
10:39The girl has my key.
10:42And I'm trusting you boys to get it for me.
10:47If you love me, get it for me.
11:10What's in the trunk?
11:14Supplies? I was wondering about that.
11:17Like food, water, maybe a compass?
11:20What about a book, a gourd, and a bunch of twigs?
11:23I don't think I'll be that hungry.
11:26They're for me. Go this way.
11:28You see?
11:30The location of the sacred place
11:32is in the middle of the forest.
11:36The location of the sacred place is a guarded secret.
11:40I can't take you there myself.
11:43I have to perform a ritual
11:46to transfer my guardianship of you temporarily
11:50to a guide.
11:53This'll do.
11:55A guide, but no food or water.
11:59So it leads me to the sacred place,
12:01and then a week later it leads you to my bleached bones?
12:04It's a fluffy place.
12:06Takes more than a week to bleach bones.
12:11So how's it start?
12:14I jump out of the circle,
12:18and I jump back in it,
12:20and then I shake my gourd.
12:24I know this ritual.
12:26The ancient shamans were next called upon
12:28to do the hokey pokey and turn themselves around.
12:31This is my quest.
12:54And that's what it's all about.
12:57What you're searching for, Slayer?
13:00Try me.
13:01Give me the best you've got.
13:08Is that your best, Slayer?
13:11Why not?
13:12I want to hurt you,
13:14but I can't resist the sinister attraction
13:17of your cold and muscular body.
13:20Maybe I should repay you for your gentleness.
13:23Maybe I should let you go.
13:25No, Spike.
13:26Never let me go.
13:29You know you should be afraid of me.
13:32I'm bad.
13:33You are.
13:35You're very, very bad.
13:43You gonna do it that way?
13:52This way.
13:55You can't do it.
13:57I could never do it.
13:59I'm helpless against you, you fiend.
14:12I'll see you here.
14:27I'll see you here.
14:29Hello, Kitty.
14:55Hello, Kitty.
14:59Hello, Kitty.
15:29Hello, Kitty.
16:00I know this place.
16:08Warning spell's all set.
16:10So that's it?
16:11We're all protected up for the night?
16:13Well, it's probably not as good as Willow could do.
16:16She's a natural with magic.
16:18In just the time I've known her,
16:20she's already blown right past me.
16:22So, when the whiz kid gets back from Kiki's,
16:27So, when the whiz kid gets back from Kim lab,
16:29can you have her, you know,
16:31bulk up the stroller a little, if you want, maybe?
16:33While on your night, go do a quick patrol?
16:36Oh, I don't see why we have to patrol
16:39just because Buffy's away.
16:41I'd rather stay home and watch television.
16:43Oh, yeah, Willow wants to watch this thing
16:45on the History Channel tonight,
16:47saying the witch trial stuff,
16:48which is only gonna get her all upset.
16:50I was there. It really wasn't that bad.
16:52See, if you were really a witch,
16:54you'd do a spell to escape.
16:56So, really, it was only bad for the falsely accused,
16:59and, well, they never have a good time.
17:03So, guys, this is a real slumber party.
17:06Where's the pizza?
17:11You're evil.
17:14And that excites you.
17:16It excites me. It terrifies me.
17:19I try so hard to resist you, and I can't.
17:26Darn your sinister attraction.
17:30Are you afraid of me?
17:36You know I can't bite you.
17:39I think you can.
17:41I think you can if I let you,
17:44and I want to let you.
17:46I want you to bite me and devour me
17:48until there is no more.
17:51Like this.
17:55Oh, Spike, devour me.
17:57All right.
17:59Spike, I can't help myself.
18:02I love you.
18:04You're mine, Buffy.
18:06Should I start this program over?
18:10No programs. Don't use that word.
18:13Just be Buffy.
18:17It's got last week's notes, too.
18:19Just get it back to me by Thursday.
18:22And don't write in it
18:24or put a coffee mug down on it or anything.
18:28And don't spill.
18:31Oh, and don't fold the page corners down.
18:59Time to slay.
19:05Vampires of the world, beware.
19:47Hey, there.
19:55And Anya.
19:58How is your money?
20:01Thank you for asking.
20:05Isn't it a beautiful night for killing evil things?
20:09I guess.
20:11You're back very early.
20:13Yeah, how was the whole Vision Quest experience?
20:16I don't understand that question.
20:19But thank you for asking.
20:21You're my friend.
20:22And a carpenter.
20:24Are you all right?
20:26You're all...
20:27Hey, there.
20:28Wait up.
20:31It's Spike.
20:33And he's wearing the coat.
20:36Uh, hello, all.
20:39Uh, Buffy's back early, I see.
20:42Lots of patrolling all around tonight, then, is it?
20:46Ow! Hey.
20:48Give the fellow a break there, Slayer.
20:51Uh, I'm glad you're all here.
20:53Uh, because, uh...
20:55Because the place is crawling with vamps tonight.
20:59Uh, tons of them.
21:02I, uh, think we ought to split up.
21:04We haven't seen any vamps.
21:06Are you sure there's...
21:09You're right.
21:11Yep, guess so.
21:27Spike, be careful!
21:43Get away from him!
21:55I think that was probably the big action for tonight.
22:00You two can toddle on home if you want.
22:03Uh, Buffy?
22:06Yes, Spike and I will do it alone.
22:09You guys head home.
22:22I don't understand this.
22:25I did the slaying.
22:27I should be...
22:31But I'm not.
22:33I'm all...
22:36My skin is all hot.
22:39Do I look hot to you?
22:43You better feel me to make sure.
22:46I can do that.
22:54I breathed in like a quart of vampire dust.
22:58That can't be good.
23:00I wish Trial told us they were back from the desert.
23:03I wish I knew what went on there.
23:05Oh, you know, Slayer watcher stuff.
23:08Probably some silly ritual with an enchanted prairie dog or something.
23:12Whatever it was, I think she's still a little spacey.
23:16She fought okay.
23:22Hey, she never asked about Dawn.
23:25That's true.
23:27Something's wrong.
23:38Oh, Spike.
23:40You're the big bad.
23:42You're the big bad.
23:45Those darn Salem judges.
23:48They're less satanic than their attitudes.
23:51Oh, honey. Let's change it.
23:53The Discovery Channel has koala bears.
24:00Where's Dawn?
24:02She's in the bedroom. She fell asleep.
24:05What's going on?
24:06Buffy's gone insane.
24:08What? What'd she do?
24:10Brace yourself. You're not gonna believe it.
24:13Everyone, before we jump all over her,
24:15people do strange things when someone they love dies.
24:19When I lost my mother, I did some pretty dumb stuff,
24:23like lying to my family and staying out all night.
24:26Buffy's boinking Spike.
24:31Oh. Well, Tara's right.
24:34Grief can be powerful, and we shouldn't judge.
24:37What are you kidding? She's nuts.
24:40Well, it's not healthy. We're all agreeing there.
24:44What can we do?
24:46Sometimes in the movies, when they go crazy, they slap them.
24:49I'm gonna go find her and talk to her.
24:51If she's losing it, we gotta help her before she gets herself hurt.
24:55You aren't really gonna slap her, are you?
24:58No, but if I have to see her straddle Spike again,
25:01I will definitely knock myself unconscious.
25:13Who's there?
25:26Who's that?
25:28Down there.
25:30And no matter what, don't come out till I get you, OK?
25:42Oh. It's you.
25:45I saw you in the cemetery with Buffy.
25:53Can't see how it's any business of yours.
25:55It is my business because Buffy's my friend.
25:58And she's gone through some stuff lately that...
26:02Well, it's affected her, and you're taking advantage of her.
26:05She's upset about her mum.
26:08And if she turns to me for comfort, well, I'm not gonna deny it to her.
26:13I'm not a monster.
26:15Yes, you are a monster.
26:17Vampires are monsters. They make monster movies about them.
26:21Well, yeah, you got me there.
26:26Buffy has lots of friends, and we love her very much.
26:30And we'll do whatever it takes to protect her.
26:33Now, if that means killing you, then, well, that's just a bonus.
26:38Gentlemen, I'm so sorry to intrude,
26:42but I wondered if I might beg a moment of your time.
26:46Friends of yours?
26:48Very smart.
27:02Tie his hands!
27:04His glory will want him restrained.
27:06Let me go!
27:08She will want the key intact.
27:11Key? Who's the key? I'm not the...
27:19The End
27:27I know you.
27:29You're the First Slayer.
27:32This is a form.
27:34I am the guide.
27:37I have a few questions about being the Slayer.
27:42What about love?
27:45Not just boyfriend love.
27:47You think you're losing your ability to love.
27:50I didn't say that.
27:55You're afraid that being the Slayer means losing your humanity.
28:03Does it?
28:05You are full of love.
28:08You love with all your soul.
28:12It's brighter than the fire, blinding.
28:17That's why you pull away from it.
28:22I'm full of love? I'm not losing it?
28:26Only if you reject it.
28:29Love is pain, and the Slayer forges strength from pain.
28:40It is your pain. It is your nature.
28:44Love will bring you to your gift.
28:56I waited like you said.
28:59But then I missed you.
29:05Xander, did you...
29:06Spike's gone.
29:08Oh, Buffy. Come in.
29:11Shh. It's late.
29:13Everyone's asleep.
29:25We can talk out here.
29:32Did Xander find you?
29:34He was looking for you.
29:36He hasn't come back.
29:38Anya started waiting.
29:40I don't know where Xander is. I haven't seen him.
29:43And when I came out of the tunnel, Spike was gone.
29:47I need to find him.
29:49Um, Buffy, this thing with Spike, it isn't true, is it?
29:55You didn't, you know, sleep with Spike.
29:59No. I had sex with Spike.
30:03I'm sorry if it bothers you. You're my best friend.
30:07I am. And I always will be, no matter what you do.
30:13I'm just trying to figure out why this happened.
30:17And I think with your mom and everything,
30:22everyone was being all sympathetic and making you feel weak.
30:29And Spike wasn't like that.
30:31So just this one time, you just did something kind of crazy.
30:37It wasn't one time.
30:39It was lots of times. And lots of different ways.
30:42I could make sketches.
30:44No. Buffy, there is something seriously wrong here.
30:52Okay, yeah, you've been with a vampire before,
30:56but Angel had a soul.
30:59Angel's lame. His hair goes straight up, and he's bloody stupid.
31:05Okay. Look, I just want to help you.
31:11Let me help you.
31:13You're my best friend.
31:16Yeah, again, I really am, but...
31:20You're recently gay.
31:24Guys, guys, wake up.
31:30Sandra, I was scared. Are you hurt? What happened?
31:35Guys. Demony kinds of guys.
31:39Buffy. Yes, that's me.
31:41The guys that work for Glory, you said they're kind of like hobbits with leprosy?
31:46Well, this is a whole flock of hobbits. They just grabbed Spike.
31:49I think they're taking him to Glory.
31:51He knows about Don. We have to get him back.
31:56So how do we find him?
32:02I fight with weapons.
32:05Yeah, I get nothing. Let's eat your place. We'll stock up.
32:10Tara, can you stay here and watch Don?
32:13Of course.
32:18I'm sorry. I'm just a little confused.
32:22I'm full of love, which is nice.
32:26And love will lead me to my gift?
32:32I'm getting a gift?
32:34Or do you mean that I have a gift to give to someone else?
32:38Death is your gift.
32:42Death is your gift.
32:46Okay, no. Death is not a gift.
32:51My mother just died. I know this.
32:55If I have to kill demons because it makes the world a better place, then I kill demons.
33:01But it is not a gift to anybody.
33:04Your question has been answered.
33:21What the hell is that? And why is its hair that color?
33:24Stunning when we believe he is the key.
33:30Really? That's fantabulous.
33:34And impossible. He can't be the key.
33:39Because, see, the key has to be pure.
33:45This is a vampire.
33:47Lesson number one, vampires equal impure.
33:50Yeah, damn right, I'm impure.
33:52I'm as impure as the driven yellow snow. Let me go.
33:56You can't even brain-suck a vampire. He's completely useless.
34:00So, I'm just going to let myself out.
34:03But, Your Holiness, we observed the Slayer.
34:07She protected this one above all others.
34:10She treated him as precious.
34:14Really? Precious?
34:19Let's take a peek at you, precious.
34:24Sold off.
34:35He doesn't look very fancy to me.
34:37Hey, easy with the lift.
34:39What if the Slayer protects him?
34:43Maybe appearances are deceiving.
34:52Maybe there's something on the inside.
35:02What do you know, precious?
35:04What can I dig out of you?
35:10This is my house.
35:12If we're going to stop Spike from blabbing about Dunn, we're going to need these.
35:17Ooh, the big guns.
35:21Only not guns.
35:23Shouldn't we have guns?
35:25Those are my weapons. Give me something big and sharp.
35:28Um, Buffy, where do we go? Where should we look for Glory?
35:33She's a god. She wants the key.
35:36Yeah, so we should look.
35:39I don't know.
35:42Why are you all looking at me?
35:45Okay, Buff, it's okay. You're right. You shouldn't have to know everything.
35:48We need to rescue Spike.
35:51Um, Buffy, I think you have more weapons upstairs.
35:55Why don't you go get those?
35:57And maybe change your clothes, you know, something more...
36:02I can do that.
36:05Okay, this has gone way too far.
36:07She thinks we're going to rescue Spike.
36:09What are we going to do?
36:11Find him, keep from talking, whatever it takes.
36:14What do we do with Glory?
36:16Whatever we do, we're going to need Buffy's help.
36:19Then we're going to have to talk to her.
36:21Intervention time again?
36:23Yeah, because what we need right now is a sane Buffy.
36:26Whoa. Group hang time?
36:29That was quick.
36:31Didn't seem like it to me.
36:34Death is my gift.
36:37Buffy, we need to talk.
36:40What's wrong? Is Don okay?
36:43Don's fine.
36:45Buffy, we care about you, and we're worried about you.
36:48The way you're acting, the things you're doing...
36:51It's wrong.
36:55The way you're acting, the things you're doing...
36:57It's wrong.
36:59Wait. This shouldn't be about blame.
37:02Blame? There's blame now?
37:04No. There's only love.
37:07And some fear.
37:09We're just kind of thrown by the you having sex with Spike.
37:12The who wedding how with huh?
37:15Okay, that's denial.
37:17That usually comes before anger.
37:19I am not having sex with Spike.
37:23I'm not judging you. It's understandable.
37:26Spike is strong and mysterious
37:28and sort of compact but well-muscled.
37:31I am not having sex with Spike.
37:34But I'm starting to think that you might be.
37:37Buffy, I saw you. Anya, too.
37:41We saw you and Spike with the straddling.
37:45Spike's mine.
37:47Who's straddling Spike?
37:50Oh, my God.
37:52And so say all of us.
37:55Say, look at you.
37:57You look just like me.
37:59We're very pretty.
38:01Two of them.
38:03Hey, I know this.
38:05They're both Buffy.
38:09She's a robot.
38:11She acts just like that girlfriend bot that Warren guy made.
38:14You guys couldn't tell me apart from a robot?
38:17Oh, I don't think I'm a robot.
38:21It's very well done.
38:24Spike must have had her built so he could program her...
38:28Oh, God.
38:30Imagine the things...
38:32No. No imagining, any of you.
38:34I already got the visual.
38:36People, friends of mine,
38:38you're forgetting the most important thing.
38:40Glory has Spike, and she's going to harm him.
38:44Glory has Spike?
38:47We were gonna bring that up.
38:49We were getting weapons.
38:51Grab them. We're going now.
38:54I have to kill him.
38:56We don't even know where to look.
38:59I know where to start.
39:03I have a riddle for you, precious.
39:06How is a vampire that won't talk like an apple?
39:19Think I can do you in one long strip?
39:26No more.
39:29I'll tell you who the sodding key is.
39:42Glory's key-sniffing snake was about here when I killed it,
39:45and it was headed back to her.
39:47She lives around here?
39:49It's not allowed to go on.
39:51It's all we got.
39:53It's quite extraordinary, really.
39:57But I really think we should be listening to the other Buffy Giles.
40:00She's very smart, and she's gonna help us save Spike.
40:03Giles? Spike didn't even bother to program my name properly.
40:07Listen, skirt girl, we are not going to save him.
40:10We're going to kill him.
40:12He knows who the key is, and there's no way he's not telling Glory.
40:16You're right. He's evil.
40:19But you should see him naked. I mean, really.
40:26Okay, guys, split up and spread out.
40:28Check the priciest-looking places first.
40:30Xander, you come with me.
40:32Willow, Anya, stick together, and Giles...
40:35Giles, you can watch... it.
40:47Is that better?
40:50Do you think you can try to talk again now?
40:58Because I'm tired of these games.
41:00I need time, I need a drink.
41:02You're a very needy little bloodsucker, and it's not very attractive.
41:08So start talking.
41:15The key...
41:18is a thing.
41:22It's that guy...
41:24on TV.
41:26What's his name?
41:28On the television?
41:30That show? The price show?
41:33Where they guess what stuff costs?
41:36The price is right.
41:38Bob Barker.
41:40We will bring you Bob Barker.
41:42The limp and beaten body of Bob Barker.
41:44It is not Bob Barker, you scabby morons.
41:48The key is new to this world.
41:51And Bob Barker is as old as grit.
41:56The vampire is lying to me.
42:06But it was fun.
42:08And guess what, bitch?
42:10I'm not telling you, Jack.
42:13You're never gonna get your sodded key.
42:16Because you might be strong.
42:18But in our world, you're an idiot.
42:22I'm a god.
42:24The god of what?
42:26Bad home puns?
42:28Shut up!
42:30I command you, shut up!
42:32Yeah, okay.
42:34Sorry, but I just had no idea that gods were such prancing lightweights.
42:38Mark my words.
42:40The Slayer is going to kick your skanky, lopsided ass
42:47back to whatever place would take
42:50a cheap, whorish fashion victim
42:55ex-god like you.
43:03Good plan, Spike.
43:06Brings him back.
43:22Oh, god.
43:51You do not insult glory by escaping.
44:37I win.
44:42Spike! Spike's in there!
45:28The Slayer was there.
45:30A lethal fighter?
45:32She seemed to be everywhere at once.
45:34Do you have any weapons?
45:36There may have been demons.
45:39And where's my vampire?
45:55Is it weird?
45:59Oh, yeah.
46:01It's not a very good copy.
46:03I mean, look at it.
46:09Uh, yeah.
46:16What did you guys do with Spike?
46:18And please let the story have a dusty ending.
46:20We dumped him back in his crypt.
46:23Try to find out if he'd told her anything,
46:25but he was too badly beaten to make much sense.
46:28Well, even if he told her,
46:30he'd just lie to us about it anyway, right?
46:33Yeah. You can count on it.
46:36But I have to know. Now.
46:39If he did give us up, Donna and I need to get out of town.
46:43I mean, she could be on her way right now.
46:45But, uh, not to worry.
46:47You know, I'm sure we'll all be perfectly safe.
46:51We're safe. Right.
46:53And, uh, Spike built a robot Buffy to play checkers with.
46:57It sounded convincing when I thought it.
47:00Hey, I think I found something.
47:06Ugh. Looks very complicated in there.
47:09Personally, I'd rather look at guts.
47:11I found where she's broken.
47:14Some of these wires got fried. Extra crispy.
47:17It's an easy fix.
47:20I mean, not that I would.
47:24God, I feel kind of bad for the guy.
47:28Gets all whooped and his best toy gets taken away.
47:31Xander, please don't be suggesting
47:34what I'd have to kill you for suggesting.
47:36No, no. Travesty. Completely on board.
47:39It's just... the guy was so thrashed.
47:55Spike, you're covered in sexy wounds.
48:08I feel real sexy.
48:12Where you been?
48:15I fell down and got confused.
48:18Willow fixed me. She's gay.
48:21Will fixed you?
48:24I thought they'd melt you into scrap.
48:27They were confused, too.
48:29Do you want to ravage me now?
48:32Give us a minute.
48:34Got some burns need mending.
48:37Why did you let that glory hurt you?
48:42She wanted to know who the key was.
48:45Well, I can tell her, and then you won't...
48:51You can't ever.
48:54Glory never finds out.
48:59Because Buffy, the other,
49:03is not so pleasant, Buffy.
49:06Anything happened to Don, you'd destroy her.
49:10I couldn't live her being in that much pain.
49:14Let glory kill me first.
49:20Nearly blooded dead.
49:51Am I a robot?
49:55The robot is gone.
49:58The robot was gross and obscene.
50:01It wasn't supposed to...
50:05That thing, it...
50:08It wasn't even real.
50:21What you did for me and Don,
50:26that was real.
50:33I won't forget it.
50:50THE END
51:20THE END
