2023 Hauraki Naturally Mid Winter Swim

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The Hauraki Naturally Annual Mid Winter Swim.
In 2023 it was held at Rays Rest near Kaiaua.

A small but hardy group of individuals made the plunge into the cool waters to celebrate the winter solstice, and celebrate the beginning of the downhill run toward summer.

The event also served as a fundraiser for a great charity, and (not that we needed it) a good excuse to get together.

Music Attribution
Bensound - Summer
00:00It was a very bleak and blustery day at Ray's Rest for the annual midwinter swim, but that
00:18was okay.
00:27Our annual polar plunge this year was on Saturday, the 24th of June, the closest Saturday to
00:33the winter solstice, June 22nd.
00:36The idea we celebrated was, the calendar's shortest day heralding the return to summer.
00:44We met just on high tide at 11.30am at Ray's Rest, just south of Kai'awa on the Miranda
00:50Shorebird Coast.
00:52Ray's Rest is a shelly beach, which recedes hundreds of meters at low tide, so having
00:57a good tide for our swim was not only a blessing, but a necessity.
01:01With a chill in the air, the water at just over 12 degrees, and the sun struggling to
01:07make an appearance through the dark, overcast sky, it was down to the water for a quick
01:12dip for the seven of us.
01:23Some of the more hardy amongst us went for full immersion, but it wasn't a prerequisite
01:27of the event, after all it was a skinny dip.
01:53After donning clothes to warm up, after all we are naturists, not idiots, we set off to
01:59Kai'awa Fisheries for, arguably the best fish and chips in New Zealand.
02:04This year we made it a community-based fundraising event for Gumboot Friday, a great charity
02:09fronted by Mike King to help fund free counselling and support for kids suffering depression,
02:15anxiety, bullying, and a host of other mental health issues.
02:20See the link below if you want to offer your support.
02:25And as always remember to click on the subscribe link, and smash the like to let others know
02:29about the channel.
02:37If you have enjoyed this video series, and feel that you would like to contribute to
02:41our ongoing development of resources for naturists, and those that come into contact with naturists,
02:48please visit our webpage and consider purchasing some of our merchandise, or simply making
02:53a donation.
02:54We are a volunteer organization.
02:57All funds received are put toward the promotion and development of naturism events and media.