Naughty Naughty Pets S01E26 Your Call Is Important To Us

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Naughty Naughty Pets S01E26 Your Call Is Important To Us


00:00Is your toilet working?
00:14Then send it on vacation!
00:18Ah, good one! Nice one, you know?
00:33Is your stove hot?
00:35Oh, yes.
00:38Then marry it!
00:44Hello? No, there's no one here by the name Frankfurter.
01:01Jock Rockstar, are you making prank phone calls again?
01:07You'd better not be, or you might make someone really mad!
01:26Hello, you've reached Mars.
01:29For alien abduction, press 1.
01:32For global annihilation, press 2.
01:35Oh no! Jock, not the Martians!
01:41You'd better apologize!
01:45Never do it again!
01:53Don't call me, why don't you dial?
02:13Somebody else you haven't called in a while.
02:15Don't call me, you've got the wrong number.
02:18Could you be, be any number?
02:20Don't call me, you can't fool me.
02:22I've got me some caller ID.
02:25Don't call me, leave me alone.
02:27And please stay off the phone!
