• last year
A poor couple raises and educates their only son by making many sacrifices. When the boy grows up to be a rich man, he s | dG1fUUJOUEE3ZUpLU00
00:00Azaaruddin, Kapil Deva, Sirang Jeevi
00:09You are also a watchman right?
00:11In Hyderabad club
00:12What brother-in-law?
00:13Did you quit watchman job and started farming business?
00:17I was roaming in cars since my childhood
00:19After I got legs, I stopped roaming in cars
00:22You told me to send Rs.5000 for my son right?
00:24There is Mr.Jeevi on top
00:25What is his full name?
00:27Jeevi Sachin Narayana
00:29Is he your son?
00:30No one knows your full name
00:33Is there any problem if they know that you are a farmer?
00:35You are watchman Suri's son right?
00:36No, I am a businessman
00:40Who are you telling?
00:41If I tell, it will be cheap for 4 people
00:45If my son is a businessman than you, who is this watchman?
00:48Who is he?
00:54If you both don't come, our lives will be different
00:59I am feeling shy to tell my parents that I am a farmer
01:02But I am feeling shy to eat food
01:04Suri has allowed me once
01:06My wound has healed
01:07If I want to get her, I have to operate
01:09It will cost atleast 2 lakhs
01:13Look son, everyone is lucky to have parents
01:17I can't do anything about this
01:19My father has blamed me
01:20Don't you have anything left for me?
01:22I don't have anything left for anyone
