• last year


00:00:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:01:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
00:02:02Allah seen too weak gördüm iyi beslenmiyor musun sen yok anne Allah üç kişilik ya kurtlar
00:02:21senin boğulunun içinde aynen abisi tatta kara deliğim ben anne her şeyi yiyip yutuyorum ne bana
00:02:28ne de başkalarına bir faydam var o ne demek şimdi şey diyor anne ya şimdi biz şahane sofrayı
00:02:37hazırlarken bu bize hiç yardım etmedi onu söylüyor yani ondan pişman olmuş önemli bir şey değil
00:02:42senin hiç iyi görmedim gel bakayım bana çok solgun görünüyorsun ben mi evet
00:02:50anneciğim yani ben Türk gibiyim bence sen şu an artıyorsun biraz öyle değil mi güven
00:02:59annem çekip başladı da meslektaşı olarak senden destek bekliyor anneniz ne diyorsa bence doğru
00:03:09diyordur görüyorsunuz değil mi bak yemin ediyorum yanlış teşhis olmasına rağmen tam destek işte aşk
00:03:16siz özlemişsiniz birbirinizi sende de bir şey var sıra sana geldi doktor sende normal değilsin çok
00:03:25dalgası böyle davranmazsın sen neyin var yok bir şey yok bak sen bizim yanımıza geldin ya bizim
00:03:34her şeyimiz tamam hiçbir eksiğimiz yok çok mutluyuz hepimiz ya seni çok iyi gördüm ama aferin
00:03:42kendine iyi bakmışsın Cesur'a teşekkür edeceğim nerede cesur
00:03:46cesur da yok rüyada yok asil yok nerede bu çocuklar beni görmeye gelmediler mi
00:03:54biz bir şey unuttuk salata için hazırlayacağımız sürpriz sosu unuttuk şimdi iki dakikada yaparız
00:04:00bir tane mayonez bir şey değil miydi hadi gel sen de yardım et bana ne gereği var oğlum yemeğin
00:04:05yarısı oldu artık tamam yiyoruz ya tamam anneciğim sen en azından bir tadına bakarsın oldu bitti
00:04:09babacım sen sosunu yapalım ne salatası ne sosu delirdin mi sen
00:04:15babacım ben buraya seni konuşmak için çağırdım çünkü aklın yerinde değil ve sana bakıyorum seni
00:04:22yükseltmeye çalışıyorum falan ama yok sen mevzuya Fransızsın çünkü içim şişti benim oğlum benim
00:04:27içim şişti benim içim şişti zaten dünyayı annemden gizliyoruz bir de yetmiyormuş gibi sizin
00:04:32yalanlarınızı ortak olmak zorunda kalıyorum olmuyor bak böyle babacım dedi ki eninde sonunda
00:04:36söyleyeceğiz diye ama birazcık sabır ya zamanı gelince ben vallahi Çağla gibi düşünüyorum açıkçası
00:04:41onu söyleyeyim sana zaten zaten söylemeyecek miyiz kadın önünde sonunda söyleyeceğiz tabii ki
00:04:46söyleyeceğiz ama kadın biraz hazır olsun duyacaklarına ya kendini biraz hazır hissetsin
00:04:51alışsın bu yaşantısına patlayacağız ondan korkuyorum hakikaten ondan korkuyorum ama sen tutturdun
00:04:56abi kardeş tutturdunuz söylemeyeceğiz diye ya babacım Allah asta bende bir çıkar yolumuz olmadığının
00:05:03anlayacak benden anlayacak benim halimden anlayacak kadın hakikaten söylüyorum sana
00:05:08ama bak tabağınızdakileri bitirin anneniz birazdan sizi şey koyacak baskület artacak
00:05:18yeri gelirse onu da yaparım getir bakayım şunu neymiş böyle siz ne kaynatıyordunuz içeride baba
00:05:25ol bakayım şu Türkiye'yi ikiye bölen soru var ya işte merhaba soğanlı mı olur soğansız mı yani biz
00:05:31bir tartışmayı bu salata üstünden yürüttük ama sonuca değdi parmaklarını yiyeceksin
00:05:35iyiymiş gerçekten çok iyiymiş hem de ne koydunuz içine bonusları asla kaçırmam bunları da ben
00:05:46yaptım gül tensiz sen ekmek mi yaptın Evet sen sadece şöyle yapamazsın ki internetten çok kolay
00:05:53ve köfte de alamazlar hadi canım sizde köfte de yapacak değil köfte mi yaptın yani mutfaktan
00:06:00getirdi yani insanlık için küçük ama Allah için bayağı büyük bir adam her şey bıraktığımdan daha
00:06:09iyi galiba ha iş başa düşünce çocuklar pratik yapma şansı buldu tabii istedim ben artık doydum
00:06:17ben böyle yiyemeyeceğim daha fazla şimdi siz değdiyseniz şu masayı bir toparlayalım sonra da
00:06:23evimize gidelim bir duş alacağım sonra yatağımı o kadar özledim ki yatağımı şöyle bir olmaz
00:06:29çünkü daha tatlı var klimada bozuk bu arada anahtarları da unuttuk o yüzden gidemeyiz
00:06:34bu ne diyorsunuz siz ya
00:06:36of hadi tam söyleyip kurtulalım işte artık ya hayat olmaz anne biz sana bir şey söylemeyeceğiz
00:06:46öncelikle bu çağla sokaktan yavru kediler aldı eve biliyorsun küçükken de aynı şeyleri
00:06:54yapıyordu ve komple bir prebasta eve giremiyoruz e ne var bunda ilaçlatırsın giderler bu kadar basit
00:07:02ya zaten ilaçlattığımız için giremiyoruz yani ev şu an girilemez halde her yer ilaç
00:07:08benim buna bakmam lazım
00:07:12bu gece olmaz bu gece olmaz
00:07:28bu gece olmasın hangi kısmını anlamadın acaba
00:07:33yok gerginim sana değildi yani
00:07:38ya sen gelme sen gelme buraya niye gireceksin ki buraya
00:07:46aile bir mesele aile bir meseleden dolayı ne olacak
00:07:52sizde bir haller var kim bizde mi ne alaka ya
00:08:00var var bulacağım şimdi ben de hiç alakası yok Çağla
00:08:08anne biz biz kalkalım hadi biz kalkıyoruz nereye kalkıyorsunuz ben de geliyorum zaten
00:08:16gidip şu ilacı bir kontrol edeceğim ya ilaç kontrol mü edilir anne ne ilaç kontrol etmesi
00:08:21yapacak benim sen daha yeni geldin birazcık burada kalsın tadını çıkar ben burada mı kalayım
00:08:28her zaman bu konuda arıza çıkarırsınız yani o eskiden de bizde büyüdük artık anne evet çünkü
00:08:34bir insan ne istiyorsa öyle yaşamalı çalışan ne diyordun bir şey diyordun sen anı yaşamak
00:08:39hayatız kalamamak
00:08:41biz gidiyoruz güzelim oh hadi görüşürüz hadi Çağla abicim hadi yürü bakalım
00:08:49akşam yemeğe gelin
00:08:53akşama yemeği bekliyorum tamam mı
00:08:55tamam anne
00:08:57hadi anne geliriz
00:08:59kızım o kadar kaş göz yapıyor sana niye anlamıyorsun
00:09:01babam bile konuşmadı sen bir susmadın elin saf ya
00:09:03söyleyince her şey düzelecek sanki
00:09:05ya annem saf mı hesabını sormayacak mı öğrenci sizce
00:09:12akrayültü var mı
00:09:14bin şu arabaya
00:09:16yoksa pişman ederim seni
00:09:18bırak kolumu
00:09:20ilk defa
00:09:22allah sana aynı fikirdeyim
00:09:38gitti mi çocuklar
00:09:41sen bir şey dokuma ne olur
00:09:43sen hiçbir şey yapma
00:09:45ben halledeceğim bunları
00:09:47bir yarım saat işim var
00:09:49onu halledeyim geleyim masayı da toplarım
00:09:51etrafı da temizlerim merak etme
00:09:53sen hastaneye mi gidiyorsun
00:09:55ben de geleyim
00:09:57yok hastaneye gitmiyorum şey
00:09:59bir arkadaşımla şey olmuş
00:10:01dedi güven gelirsen bir yardım edersen
00:10:03ona bir bakacağım geleceğim hemen
00:10:07otursana şöyle
00:10:09geç geç otur lütfen
00:10:19ne oluyor
00:10:21sen de çocuklar da
00:10:23benden bir şey saklıyorsunuz
00:10:25farkındayım nedir
00:10:27yok her şey yolunda
00:10:29yapma güven lütfen
00:10:31yani neredeyse
00:10:33içerden çıkmama
00:10:35sevinmediğinizi söyleyeceğim
00:10:38belki bir şeylere boğulsun
00:10:40hiç böyle şeyler söyleme
00:10:48ben dediğim şimdi sana
00:10:50iki sene boyunca
00:10:52o acılar çekilmemiş gibi yapamıyorum
00:10:56çünkü hata bende
00:10:58adam gibi duramadım o herifin karşısında
00:11:00saçmalama güven
00:11:02daha ne yapacaktın
00:11:04hiç öyle değil bunların hepsi fakire ulusu ben yapmadım
00:11:06elinden geleni yaptım
00:11:08ya sen olmasaydın mesela
00:11:10çocuklar şu anda
00:11:12bu durumda olmazdı sabrılırlardı
00:11:14onlara baktın
00:11:16iyiler şimdi
00:11:18daha ne olacaktı
00:11:20neyse ben gideyim şu işi bir halledeyim
00:11:22bir aklımızdan aklımdan kafamdan
00:11:24bir çıksın
00:11:26dediğim gibi dönünce her şeyi ben halledeceğim
00:11:28hiç bir şey lütfen dokunma
00:11:30sen yat uzan
00:11:36seni burada rahat ettireyim
00:11:38rahatım ben
00:11:48hemen geleceğim merak etme
00:12:06iyi de ne zamana kadar
00:12:08yani annem kendi öğrense
00:12:10şok mu geçirsin istiyorsunuz siz
00:12:12kızım sabahtan beri neyi anlatıyoruz
00:12:14kafan basmıyor mu senin
00:12:16ya kızım bak sen niye anlamıyorsun
00:12:18annemiz daha yeni çıktı hapisten
00:12:20hani konuştuk ya her şeyin bir zamanı var diye
00:12:22doğru zamanda babam söyleyecek zaten ona
00:12:24tamam sakin
00:12:26amma darladınız kızı ya
00:12:28o zaman
00:12:30o zaman
00:12:32o zaman
00:12:34amma darladınız kızı ya
00:12:38biz mi darladık
00:12:40oğlum o bizi darladı esas
00:12:42ne evde sustu ne arabada vır vır vır vır
00:12:44ömrümüzü yedi ya
00:12:46kendini arabadan attıracaktı da iyi direndik
00:12:48bravo biz abisi gerçekten bravo
00:12:50Allah sabır verdi diyelim kardeşim
00:12:52yani ikiniz bir oldunuz
00:12:54iyice eşkıya kesildiniz başımıza
00:12:56siz ne diyorsanız o yani öyle mi
00:12:58hop hop hop
00:13:00yeter be birader
00:13:02kız hali kıran başka sen
00:13:04kız haklı onun da annesi ya bir yerde
00:13:06ne olmuş iki kelam ediyorsa
00:13:10arada hukuk falan okudun diyeceğim ama
00:13:12o beyinle zor
00:13:14bu avukatlık sevdası nereden geliyor
00:13:16biz hakkı hukuku sokakta öğrendik çok şükür
00:13:18herkes sevdiğinin arkasında
00:13:20durmayı bilmez tabi
00:13:22hele sen hiç bilmezsin Alaz efendi
00:13:24tamam oğlum tamam ya sırası mı
00:13:26şimdi ne yapıyorsunuz ya
00:13:28verdik mi her şeyi biz sana
00:13:36ayakkabıları da teslim et
00:13:38sakın üstüne yatayım deme
00:13:40benim bunlar
00:13:42cesur olacak hem parasını
00:13:44aynen öyle
00:13:46aldım ben onları prensese
00:13:48sıkıntı yok ne dedik
00:13:50sevdiğimize karşı boynumuz kıldan ince
00:13:54ne haliniz varsa görün
00:14:01oğlum sen niye gidiyorsun çocuğun üstüne ya
00:14:03zaten Asi diye diye kafayı yedi
00:14:05kaşınmasın kaşırlar o zaman
00:14:07o daha çok kafayı yer bu gidişle
00:14:11hadi gittim ben ya
00:14:13görüşürüz güzelim
00:14:15geç hayatım
00:14:31her şey
00:14:33iki yıl önce
00:14:35o Allah'ın belası geceyle birlikte başladı
00:14:37sizin yüzünüzden bütün evlatlarımı kaybettim
00:14:39daha kötü ne olabilir ki derken
00:14:41daha daha kötüsü oldu
00:14:43hayatımız her gün biraz daha altüst oldu
00:14:49hatta Alaz bile
00:14:51suçu üstlenmek istedi
00:14:53ama annem izin vermedi
00:14:55nesin ya
00:15:00bir süre avukat tutmamıza rağmen
00:15:02annem önce tutuklandı
00:15:04sonra hapse girdi
00:15:06Serhansa hani derler ya
00:15:08kötüye bir şey olmaz
00:15:10bunun canlı kanıtı gibi
00:15:12hala ayakta o iblis
00:15:14ama her zamanki gibi
00:15:16yalanları peş peşe dizmeyi başardı
00:15:18evimizin bodrumunda saklandığını
00:15:20hepimizi uyutup
00:15:22şebnemden olan çocuğunu kaçırmaya yeltendiğini
00:15:24inkar etti
00:15:26aksini ispat edemeyince
00:15:28suçlanabileceği birkaç suç kaldı
00:15:30çocukluğumda beni kaçırmış olması da
00:15:32hürriyeti kısıtlama
00:15:34ve yağma kapsamında değerlendirince
00:15:36suçu zaman aşımına uğradı
00:15:40o da hapse girdi
00:15:42ama aldığı ceza anneminkinin yanında
00:15:44devede kulak kaldı
00:15:46mecbur bir anlaşma yaptık
00:15:48karşılıklı şikayetlerimizi geri çekecektik
00:15:50annem özgürlüğüne kavuşurken
00:15:52o şeytan da
00:15:54hem özgürlüğüne
00:15:56hem de yerle bir olmuş itibarına kavuşacaktı
00:15:58ama bu bile yetmedi ona
00:16:00her zamanki aç gözlülüğüyle
00:16:02neyimiz var neyimiz yok sahip olmak istedi
00:16:04annemle ilgili ifadesini değiştirme karşılığında
00:16:06evimizde aynı
00:16:08şirketleri arazileri her şeyi istedi
00:16:12annem için annemin olan her şeyi
00:16:14feda etmeye değer miydi
00:16:16elbette değerdi
00:16:18annemi kurtarabildik
00:16:20ama babam
00:16:22onun için hiçbir şey yapamadık
00:16:24Serhan en başından beri babamı
00:16:26kafaya takmıştı bir kere
00:16:28Zafer Demirhan'ın ölümüyle ilgili babamı suçladı
00:16:30ispatladı da
00:16:32mesleğinden itibarından oldu babam
00:16:34en kötüsü de yaşama sevincinden
00:16:46bu ev gibi
00:16:48yıkık dökük ayakta durmaya çalışıyoruz işte
00:16:50benim geçmişimdi bu ev
00:16:52aç uyuduğum gecelerim
00:16:54yaralarımı sardığım çocukluğum
00:16:58daha küçücük yaşımda
00:17:02Cesur'a abi
00:17:04olmaya çalıştığım çaresizliğim
00:17:06beni ben yapan
00:17:08sığınağımdı bu ev
00:17:10ama Asi'de gidince
00:17:16Alaz'la aralarında ne geçti bilmiyorum
00:17:18ama sizden uzağa gitmem lazım
00:17:20dedi önünde dağ olsa duramadı
00:17:22yok öyle küsmedi
00:17:24ters yapmadı
00:17:26ama gitti işte
00:17:28Alaz'dan uzak olmak için bize de uzak oldu
00:17:38bin kere sorsam da
00:17:40Alaz'da anlatmadı bir şey
00:17:44sadece tek bir soru sordu
00:17:46Asi nerede?
00:17:48cevap alamadıkça delirdi
00:17:50delirdikçe aradı
00:17:52ama bulamadı
00:17:54giderek içine gömüldü
00:17:56üstüne bir de
00:17:58beş parasız kaldı
00:18:00ben de çekip gidince
00:18:02mecburen çalışıp ayakları üstünde duracak
00:18:04Çağla için de geçerli tabi
00:18:06ama kız kardeşim olduğu için midir nedir?
00:18:08kıyamıyorum ona
00:18:10e biraz da hassas zaten
00:18:12her şey elimizden gidince
00:18:14eve çıktılar
00:18:16önceleri tazdik yaptık tabi
00:18:18hele Alaz hiç istemedi
00:18:20nikah kıymışlar bir de gizlice
00:18:22bize diyecek söz kalmadı
00:18:24bari Çağla mutlu olsun dedik
00:18:26ses etmedik
00:18:28hem Cesur iyi de kazanıyor
00:18:30Çağla'yı gördüğünden geri bırakmıyor
00:18:32bana gelince
00:18:34her şey boş artık
00:18:36çünkü o gitti
00:18:40benim her şeyim
00:18:42ölüm gibi bir şey oldu ama
00:18:46say nasıl ölmedim bilmiyorum
00:18:48buz gibi bir mektup bırakıp
00:18:50terk etti beni
00:18:52kardeşini de alıp kayboldu ortada
00:18:54benimle bir hayat düşünemiyormuş artık
00:18:56bundan sonra ikimizden
00:18:58olmayacağını anlamış
00:19:02inanamadım yok dedim olmaz
00:19:04rüya benden ayrı kalamaz
00:19:06her neye kızdıysa öfkesi
00:19:08geçer geri döner dedim ama
00:19:10ama yok
00:19:12bir defa ya bir defa bile aramadı
00:19:14sormadı hadi benden vazgeçti
00:19:16annemi bile bir kere
00:19:18ziyaret etmemiş hapishaneden
00:19:20belki yaşadıkları taşlaştırdı kalbine
00:19:22ya da zaten öyleymiş
00:19:24ben görmek istememişim
00:19:26oğlum Yaman
00:19:28baltayı taşa vurmuşsun da
00:19:30haberin olmamış dedim
00:19:32kendi kendime
00:19:40Yaman ne olur bul beni artık
00:19:42Hande'nin evindeyim
00:19:44bu kitabı bulduğun çöpün oradaki ev
00:20:32bir kez daha anladım ki
00:20:34iyiler sadece
00:20:36masallarda kazanıyor
00:20:40ne kadar güzeller
00:20:42mis gibi
00:20:44dur ben alacağım
00:20:46niye sen alıyorsun ben çıkartırım
00:20:48tamam ben alacağım
00:20:50bir yardım edince beceremiyorum
00:20:56ben hayatım boyunca bunu düşündüm biliyor musun
00:23:00The interest rates are still low.
00:23:03It's even worse. The money is running low, sir.
00:23:06The loans we've made to the banks...
00:23:08...are turning out to be negative.
00:23:13...don't you have any companies...
00:23:15...that you can partner with?
00:23:18No, sir.
00:23:28Who are these people?
00:23:30They're the ones who gave us a negative answer...
00:23:33...and didn't even hear our request for an appointment.
00:23:37We can overcome the financial problems...
00:23:46Find me my son.
00:24:10Did it hurt?
00:24:12Where are you, mommy?
00:24:16Where are you, Nefise?
00:24:18Didn't I tell you to stay away from Emir Asaf for a minute?
00:24:21Sir, I went to heat the milk.
00:24:23It's your fault.
00:24:25Don't you have men in the kitchen?
00:24:27I can't heat it enough.
00:24:29She's still talking. Get out!
00:24:31I don't want to see you.
00:24:33I can't take it anymore. Find someone else.
00:24:37My baby! Don't fall.
00:24:39You're so beautiful.
00:24:41You know it's not that easy, Hande.
00:24:43He's your son, Iskender.
00:24:45Make sure he keeps quiet...
00:24:47...and save me.
00:24:53Let's go there.
00:24:57Of course.
00:24:59You brought me flowers once when I was in prison.
00:25:03The execution officer told me.
00:25:05He brought flowers for a visit...
00:25:07...but we couldn't take them because it was forbidden.
00:25:09Back then...
00:25:11...I didn't know the rules yet.
00:25:14Then he told me...
00:25:16...that I could only bring books and clothes.
00:25:19Isn't it strange?
00:25:21Even smelling flowers...
00:25:23...was such a great freedom.
00:25:30You know...
00:25:32...maybe I'll never...
00:25:34...smell a flower again.
00:25:36I'll pass away like that.
00:25:42But now...
00:25:44...all the flowers...
00:25:46...are ours.
00:25:50It's all over.
00:25:52It's all behind us.
00:25:54We're free.
00:25:57When I was in prison...
00:25:59...you know what happened?
00:26:03When I made eye contact with people...
00:26:07...I started to read their minds.
00:26:11It was like an emotional joke.
00:26:17I regretted it the most.
00:26:20All of it.
00:26:22Then one day...
00:26:24...I woke up...
00:26:28...I saw the same thing in my own eyes.
00:26:31That regret.
00:26:33I didn't notice any difference.
00:26:36But that...
00:26:38...wasn't because I shot Serhan.
00:26:42It was because I lost you again.
00:26:48Don't do it.
00:26:50Don't do it.
00:26:52You're being unfair...
00:26:54...to yourself.
00:26:56You stood behind me like a mountain.
00:26:58My children would have suffered.
00:27:00You took care of them.
00:27:02Don't do it.
00:27:04No, Neslihan.
00:27:06I couldn't do it.
00:27:08What else were you going to do?
00:27:14We're healthy.
00:27:16We're fine.
00:27:18We missed each other so much.
00:27:20We love each other.
00:27:22We respect each other.
00:27:31Marry me.
00:27:38Marry me.
00:27:42How? Marry me.
00:27:44As far as I know...
00:27:46...if they hadn't changed you...
00:27:48...you'd have been a police officer.
00:27:50Right away.
00:27:52You're not kidding, are you?
00:27:54If you want, we can watch it on TV.
00:28:02Are you sure you want to marry a man like me?
00:28:04Yes, Güven Aydın.
00:28:06I want to marry a man like you.
00:28:08I want to marry you.
00:28:10Which woman wouldn't want to marry you?
00:28:12You must be crazy.
00:28:16...if there's something I haven't told you...
00:28:20I don't know. Your love for someone is over.
00:28:22Don't be ridiculous.
00:28:24You can't even joke about this.
00:28:26There's only one woman I love in my life.
00:28:28And that's you.
00:28:30And this will never change.
00:28:36...marriage is...
00:28:42I want us to be together...
00:28:44...in good and bad times.
00:28:46In sickness and in health.
00:28:48That's all.
00:28:50Maybe we can't make up for the time we've lost.
00:28:52But we'll live together from now on.
00:28:54We'll live side by side.
00:28:56Look, we're wasting time.
00:28:58Even when we're talking.
00:29:00Güven Aydın.
00:29:02Look at me.
00:29:06Güven Aydın.
00:29:08Will you...
00:29:10...marry me?
00:29:18I don't want you to...
00:29:22...say good morning to me...
00:29:24...without drinking coffee in the morning.
00:29:26I don't want you...
00:29:28...to be sad when you're hungry.
00:29:30Would you like to raise a grandchild with me?
00:29:34For the rest of your life...
00:29:36...for the rest of your life...
00:29:40...would you like to spend it with me?
00:30:02I need it.
00:30:04Damn it.
00:30:10Yes, mom.
00:30:14Should I bring Alas and Çağla?
00:30:16Should I bring both of them?
00:30:18Okay, mom.
00:30:20It's not a big deal, right?
00:30:22My voice is shaking.
00:30:24Okay, mom.
00:30:26Don't worry. I'll bring both of them.
00:30:34My mom called.
00:30:36She said there's something important.
00:30:38She'll be here in an hour.
00:30:40Where are you?
00:30:42You're on the beach.
00:30:44Do you believe the lie you're telling?
00:30:46You're in the caravan.
00:30:48How do I know?
00:30:50We'll figure it out later.
00:30:52I'll come and stick to you.
00:30:54You're an animal.
00:30:56Damn it.
00:30:58I wish I could beat you up...
00:31:00...and throw you in my face.
00:31:04I wish I could beat you up...
00:31:06...and throw you in my face.
00:31:12Come on, son.
00:31:14I'm not making that money...
00:31:16...just because you're here.
00:31:18Don't exaggerate.
00:31:20It's like you're making a fortune.
00:31:22Of course it's a fortune for me.
00:31:24You're sweating.
00:31:26It's the sweat of the noble hands.
00:31:28You're sweating so much.
00:31:30I'm going to cry.
00:31:32I'm going to put you in my eyes...
00:31:34...and I'm going to make you cry.
00:31:36Come on, guys.
00:31:38There's a pool here.
00:31:40You'll love it.
00:31:42Come on, son.
00:31:44Let me go.
00:31:50Why are you here?
00:31:52What are you doing here?
00:31:54What are you looking for?
00:31:58I've been everywhere...
00:32:00...I could sing.
00:32:02This is the only place left.
00:32:08Oh, my brother.
00:32:10What is Asiye doing here?
00:32:12Look around you.
00:32:14The girl is looking for you.
00:32:16She says she's fine every week.
00:32:18What is a good person doing here?
00:32:20Look at her.
00:32:22Maybe she even stopped singing.
00:32:26She didn't.
00:32:28I know.
00:32:30How do you know?
00:32:34I have a feeling.
00:32:40What's it to you?
00:32:42Go away.
00:32:44Leave me alone.
00:32:46Let me go.
00:32:48My mother just got here.
00:32:50Let's not drive her crazy.
00:32:52Please, let's go home.
00:32:54Alas, please.
00:32:56Take me into your arms.
00:33:04Are you talking to me?
00:33:06She's talking to me.
00:33:10Look, we don't want trouble.
00:33:14I'm talking to you.
00:33:16My son...
00:33:18...learn to walk first.
00:33:20There are four sheep...
00:33:22...in front of me.
00:33:24What are you talking about?
00:33:26His mother is beautiful.
00:33:28Don't get me involved.
00:33:30Is your mother beautiful, too?
00:33:36I'm sorry.
00:34:00Let me go!
00:34:06Let me go!
00:34:10Okay, we'll go to your place.
00:34:12He's back.
00:34:14You started the fight.
00:34:16Who? Me?
00:34:18If it wasn't for me...
00:34:20...they would have beaten you.
00:35:38I'm in the wind, I'm wrapped up
00:35:43The troubles have become the sea, I'm a sandal
00:35:49I'm turned upside down, I'm drowned
00:35:55The troubles have become the sea, I'm a sandal
00:36:01I'm turned upside down, I'm drowned
00:36:08I'm turned upside down, I'm drowned
00:36:38I'm turned upside down, I'm drowned
00:36:44I'm turned upside down, I'm drowned
00:37:09I told you you had to retire by this time, didn't I?
00:37:12We'll see you later.
00:37:13My love, we're going to bed now, okay?
00:37:17Come on, baby.
00:37:18Yes, we're going upstairs to bed.
00:37:21Good night, baby.
00:37:22Good night.
00:37:23It's right to be childless, of course.
00:37:26At this time, we are not used to someone coming to the house.
00:37:31I'm sorry, I've bothered you like this all night.
00:37:35But it's an urgent situation that can't wait.
00:37:50Let's continue outside.
00:38:05Let's go.
00:38:27I ask you to re-evaluate my offer.
00:38:31If there are numbers that make you think, it's not a problem.
00:38:35Of course, there is a middle way to satisfy both sides.
00:38:39This will be a good partnership for you.
00:38:44We clearly stated that we are not interested in your lawyer and your shares.
00:38:48You've exhausted yourself for nothing so far, Mr. Serhan.
00:38:52I hope you find yourself a good partner as soon as possible.
00:38:56I'm sorry.
00:38:59If there's nothing else...
00:39:11What a pity.
00:39:13Although I thought this would be a very good partnership.
00:39:18After all, we are both victims of a lawsuit.
00:39:23Am I right?
00:39:33Still undecided.
00:39:57What are you doing?
00:40:09I'm telling you, my kids have changed.
00:40:12How can they change?
00:40:14They are still wearing their scarves.
00:40:20Are you stupid?
00:40:22At least you would have had a reason.
00:40:24I don't understand what happened now.
00:40:26What's the point of turning a man on the street?
00:40:28I'm fed up with hearing this.
00:40:31Take it easy, son.
00:40:33Dad, we're just a couple of people.
00:40:36We'll get better eventually.
00:40:38A couple of people?
00:40:39The blows you received may be harmful to your life.
00:40:42You know that, right?
00:40:43How would you know?
00:40:44If you knew, you wouldn't fight.
00:40:47You should hide your advice to Mr. Alaz.
00:40:50If he continues to act like this, he will soon change his mind.
00:40:54I told you to let me go.
00:40:56If it wasn't for me, they would have crushed you like a dozer.
00:41:00He still came up to me and said, let me go.
00:41:06A little bit.
00:41:11What's so funny?
00:41:13Why are you laughing?
00:41:16I mean, it's nice to see that some things haven't changed yet.
00:41:21What does that mean?
00:41:22What has changed?
00:41:27What has changed?
00:41:31There's something wrong with you.
00:41:33I understand, but I can't figure out what it is.
00:41:35Nothing happened.
00:41:36Everything is the same.
00:41:37We still love action.
00:41:39Your daughter is still your daughter.
00:41:42You were going to say something important.
00:41:45That's why you called us here, mom.
00:41:47You haven't said it yet.
00:41:52We're getting married.
00:42:03Is it tomorrow?
00:42:04Right now?
00:42:07Get started.
00:42:10Welcome to the club.
00:42:12You don't have to think about anything anymore.
00:42:14Your mother will plan everything for you.
00:42:16Dad, this is great news.
00:42:19I'm so happy.
00:42:20Congratulations to both of you.
00:42:22I'm looking at you, but you don't waste any time.
00:42:25Oh my God.
00:42:27I offered Güven to marry.
00:42:30I wanted to get married.
00:42:32I was kidding.
00:42:34I'm glad.
00:42:35After all, a man who marries his mother will never be happy.
00:42:44Wait a minute.
00:42:45I'm going to do your makeup.
00:42:49Should we go shopping?
00:42:52That's not the point.
00:42:54I'm going to ask you something.
00:42:56What's the reason for your happiness?
00:42:59Excitement is so sweet, honey.
00:43:01But I don't want anything so exaggerated.
00:43:03Don't look at me like that.
00:43:05In the end, she will be the most beautiful woman in my environment.
00:43:08Is that so?
00:43:09Don't make fun of me.
00:43:15What's going on?
00:43:16Mom, look.
00:43:18Everything suits my mother.
00:43:20You are the most beautiful woman in the world.
00:43:23Don't kiss me.
00:43:24Don't kiss me.
00:43:26Don't kiss me.
00:43:27I'm very angry with both of you.
00:43:28This is not over.
00:43:29We'll talk when we get home.
00:43:32I'm coming home with you tonight.
00:43:34I have a few pieces of furniture.
00:43:35I have to buy them.
00:43:36But we'll sit down and talk about it.
00:43:41Why not?
00:43:42Why not?
00:43:43Isn't the treatment over yet?
00:43:45It's not over, mom.
00:43:46What do you mean?
00:43:47What are you doing?
00:43:48Did the dragon come out and you're treating it, son?
00:43:51Something happened, mom.
00:43:54You were going to tell me.
00:43:55You knew.
00:43:56You were interested in that subject.
00:43:58Tell me.
00:43:59Tell me, son.
00:44:00Tell your mother why she can't go home.
00:44:15So we went home.
00:44:18There were insects everywhere, mom.
00:44:20They only killed the fleas.
00:44:22That's why we called the pharmaceutical company again.
00:44:27There were even huge insects, mom.
00:44:30Even you were afraid.
00:44:31And the house was so neglected.
00:44:33We'll stay at the hotel in Alaz.
00:44:36You say big insects.
00:44:38Of course, we can't go then.
00:44:40You stay at the hotel, too.
00:44:43But it's just that, son.
00:44:45I was wondering.
00:44:48Where's Rüya?
00:44:49You can stay in Rüya.
00:44:56Where's Asi?
00:45:09Cesur's not here, either.
00:45:11Where are the kids?
00:45:17Is anyone going to answer?
00:45:21Okay, then I'll start.
00:45:23Cesur's fine.
00:45:24He's very busy, by the way.
00:45:26He's working.
00:45:27That's why he couldn't come to see you.
00:45:30Did you start calling me crazy when I was your son?
00:45:33Did you think I wouldn't hear?
00:45:36My son.
00:45:37My son.
00:45:38God damn it.
00:45:39I didn't steal anything.
00:45:41I swear I didn't steal anything, brother.
00:45:43Don't deny it.
00:45:4420 grams is missing.
00:45:46If you're not the thief, the one closest to you...
00:45:55But it's coming, right?
00:45:57Yes, yes.
00:46:01So where's Asi?
00:46:07I know this look so well.
00:46:09You did a new trick, didn't you, son?
00:46:12Son, why are you doing this?
00:46:14Why can't you love without breaking it?
00:46:19Mom, Asi's gone.
00:46:23Where did he go?
00:46:33Because I did something.
00:46:54Oh, our meetings
00:47:00My love stayed in the city
00:47:20I'm so sorry.
00:47:24I'm so sorry.
00:47:28But let me tell you something.
00:47:32I'm proud of you.
00:47:34Because you didn't stand in front of Asi to do what he wanted.
00:47:40You supported him.
00:47:41You were with him.
00:47:43This is a very good thing.
00:47:44Well done, my son.
00:47:47I'm sure he missed you as much as you missed him.
00:47:54So what?
00:48:05Yes, so.
00:48:09What's Rüya doing?
00:48:12Was he alive?
00:48:14What's up with her?
00:48:16I don't know.
00:48:18I guess they're fine.
00:48:21What do you mean, I don't know?
00:48:23He took Rüya away.
00:48:27I don't believe in such a thing. He wouldn't do such a thing.
00:48:31He left a letter and took her away without even looking back.
00:48:37Seeing me reminds him of all the bad things he's been through.
00:48:43He can't stand looking at me.
00:48:47It's as if I'm responsible for all the bad things he's been through.
00:48:50He destroyed all the guilt and took her away.
00:49:17Let go!
00:49:19He wrote a letter as if he was mocking her.
00:49:21But he loved you so much.
00:49:24So he doesn't love her.
00:49:33Look, son. Rüya has been through a lot.
00:49:37Sometimes people need time to digest what they've been through.
00:49:42Maybe she's living that time.
00:49:44Then she'll definitely come back to you and everything will be the same.
00:49:48Of course, if I still find Yaman here.
00:49:51What does that mean?
00:49:53God knows.
00:49:55What's going on?
00:49:57What's going on, son?
00:49:59Nothing. It's nothing important.
00:50:01I just want to get away and listen to my head.
00:50:04That's all.
00:50:10Where did he come from? Where are you going?
00:50:13Mom, am I a kid?
00:50:15I guess I'll figure something out.
00:50:17What are you thinking?
00:50:19You're here.
00:50:21You're safe.
00:50:25Cesar is calling.
00:50:30Leave me alone.
00:50:32Let me live my life for a while.
00:50:34Oh my God.
00:50:46What is it, dad? What do you want?
00:50:49I just moved into our new house.
00:50:51I just wanted to let you know.
00:50:53What do I care?
00:50:55Is that why you called me?
00:50:57No, no, no.
00:50:59If you want to come home, the room is ready.
00:51:03I don't want to.
00:51:07My daughter.
00:51:09Çağla, let's go.
00:51:11Is that Alas?
00:51:13Yes, Alas.
00:51:15If he finds out you're calling, it won't be good.
00:51:23Alas' room is ready, too.
00:51:37See you, guys.
00:51:39Dad, this is great news.
00:51:41I'm really happy for you two.
00:51:43I hope you'll be happy for a year.
00:51:46He'll find out everything before the wedding.
00:51:52On his happiest day?
00:51:54Okay, you'll tell him.
00:51:56We'll tell him.
00:51:58You'll tell him.
00:52:00When, son?
00:52:02After he finds out what kind of a man I am?
00:52:04We're lying to your mother.
00:52:06Let's not take away his right to make a decision.
00:52:08Okay, son?
00:52:12Dad, my mother loves you.
00:52:16There's no such thing as me anymore.
00:52:18There's no old trust.
00:52:20Our life is not like it used to be.
00:52:22You're the best father in the world.
00:52:24You're loved like a man.
00:52:26There's no one in this world who can make my mother happier than you.
00:52:30Dad, you had one flaw.
00:52:32He's sitting in the living room now.
00:52:36What would she do?
00:52:38Say yes to a lie?
00:52:42Should she build her happiness on the games we played?
00:52:46I couldn't protect your mother.
00:52:48I can't do this to her.
00:52:52That's why before the wedding,
00:52:54you either talk to your mother
00:52:56or I will.
00:52:58It's up to you.
00:53:02Come on.
00:53:10Cesur, I'm here.
00:53:12Welcome, princess.
00:53:14Let me tell you something.
00:53:16You're just in time.
00:53:18This frog prince made me spill the beans today.
00:53:20Cesur, what happened to your face?
00:53:22It's okay. Don't exaggerate.
00:53:24What do you mean exaggerate?
00:53:26Look at your face.
00:53:28Did you fight with someone again?
00:53:30And I'm glad you're comfortable.
00:53:32I'm comfortable.
00:53:34I'm not comfortable yet.
00:53:38I left the market today.
00:53:41They got into a fight in the middle of the road.
00:53:43I got in between them to separate them.
00:53:45It happened to me.
00:53:47Of course, we had a little fight.
00:53:49What are you looking at?
00:53:51Let's not do it in humanity.
00:53:53Okay, it doesn't hurt.
00:53:55Forget about me now.
00:53:57How's the table?
00:53:59It's nice.
00:54:01It looks nice.
00:54:03It looks nice.
00:54:05Look at their taste in a minute.
00:54:07You're going to eat their fingers.
00:54:09I'll wash my hands.
00:54:39What's up, princess?
00:54:41Are you surprised by the way to the bathroom?
00:54:43Or are you looking for something?
00:54:45Like what?
00:54:47You tell me.
00:54:49I'm not looking for anything.
00:54:51The light was on.
00:54:53I came to turn it off.
00:54:55I'm going to the bathroom now.
00:54:57You eat.
00:54:59I'll be right back.
00:55:01I'm going to the bathroom.
00:55:03I'm going to the bathroom.
00:55:05I'm going to the bathroom.
00:55:07I'm going to the bathroom.
00:55:38Who is this?
00:55:40Let me introduce you, my brother.
00:55:42Your new neighbor.
00:55:44Good luck.
00:55:46Is it funny?
00:55:48I don't care.
00:55:50I'm going to go anyway.
00:55:54There's nothing left to tell my mother.
00:55:56After I've told you everything.
00:55:58Give me your hand.
00:56:00What do you want with this baby?
00:56:02What do you want with this baby?
00:56:06At least one of us can still dream.
00:56:08At least one of us can still dream.
00:56:10It's not a dream, it's real.
00:56:12It's not a dream, it's real.
00:56:14We're going to travel with this baby.
00:56:16We're going to travel with this baby.
00:56:18Right, honey?
00:56:22If this baby works in this century.
00:56:24If this baby works in this century.
00:56:26It will work.
00:56:28But I don't understand one thing.
00:56:30But I don't understand one thing.
00:56:32This baby is working.
00:56:34I couldn't figure it out.
00:56:36But I believe in this baby.
00:56:38But I believe in this baby.
00:56:40We're going to travel the world with this baby.
00:56:42I'm going to make him travel.
00:56:44I'm going to make him travel.
00:56:46I don't know.
00:56:48Come on, baby.
00:56:50Come on, don't embarrass me.
00:56:52Come on, don't embarrass me.
00:56:54Come on, don't embarrass me.
00:56:58I can't reach you.
00:57:00I can't reach you.
00:57:04I can't reach you.
00:57:06I can't reach you.
00:57:08I can't do this to you.
00:57:10If I want the baby, I can't get in the way of this.
00:57:12If I want the baby, I can't get in the way of this.
00:57:14If I want the baby, I can't get in the way of this.
00:57:16Look, I can stay with you.
00:57:18Baby together-
00:57:20You don't have a baby.
00:57:22I mean yes.
00:57:24Because I killed one.
00:57:26You were right.
00:57:28I need someone who doesn't even know what he wants.
00:57:30Who drowned like a child.
00:57:32I was dragged after you while everyone was trying to show me the truth.
00:57:41But this time I didn't do the same thing to myself.
00:57:48I'm done crying.
00:58:25Are you going to take our minds, girl?
00:58:28You were going to call me every week.
00:58:32I talked to Cesur, but you didn't call him either. Where are you?
00:58:35Are you okay?
00:58:37No, I'm fine, but I'm bored of staying in the same place.
00:58:40I live in the city, so I couldn't call you.
00:58:42How are you? What is Cesur doing?
00:58:44I'm fine. Cesur is fine, too. Forget about us.
00:58:47Are you okay? What are you doing? Where are you?
00:58:51I'm in a place with the sea.
00:58:53You know, there are pictures.
00:58:56Trees around, quiet, calm.
00:58:59If Cesur sees it, he'll say, I don't feel like it.
00:59:02And I found a job right away, in a cafe.
00:59:06I have a new job, and I'm comfortable. Nothing bothers me.
00:59:09I'm an old woman in my own way.
00:59:12But I told him, if I get bored, let's go to the forest.
00:59:18I'm a little more around here. I'm fine.
00:59:20I mean, I'm fine.
00:59:27I think I'm a little bored now.
00:59:29Look, I understand you.
00:59:31You wanted to rest your head a little, but...
00:59:41We missed you.
00:59:54Asiye, who is he? What is he saying? What happened?
00:59:58Yaman, I'll call you, okay?
01:00:01The new owner of the place I work at has prepared some food.
01:00:04Say hello to Cesur. I'll call you. Come on, bye bye.
01:00:06Yes, ma'am.
01:00:24If you wait two minutes, you'll die, won't you?
01:00:27Why are you making me angry?
01:00:29Fidan said, go and tell him to leave.
01:00:31Take this.
01:00:33Give it to me.
01:00:35Yours is not gone yet.
01:00:37He's waiting for you at the table after the show.
01:00:39Where does mine come from?
01:00:41Go tell him, I'll break that table in his head.
01:00:43Okay, girl, okay, don't get excited.
01:00:45I told him, he's not a concert, he's a soloist.
01:00:47I said he wouldn't come to the table.
01:00:48I'll call you. I'm looking for a place to set the alarm.
01:00:56What did he say?
01:00:58Why didn't he call you?
01:01:00He went out of town.
01:01:10He was somewhere by the sea.
01:01:14He had someone with him, didn't he?
01:01:18Who was it?
01:01:24The owner of the place where he works.
01:01:32Didn't he say his name?
01:01:34What was his name?
01:01:36He didn't say.
01:01:38She was an old woman.
01:01:52Where is Asi?
01:01:54Look, the city hasn't changed, I know.
01:01:57I feel it, it didn't go here.
01:02:02Son, why are you looking like that?
01:02:04Do you want me to beg?
01:02:19I couldn't love him.
01:02:21I couldn't love him like a human being.
01:02:26I was afraid.
01:02:30I was afraid I'd be a man like my father.
01:02:34I was afraid and ran away from the girl.
01:02:36But I regretted it like a dog.
01:02:42I can't even forget Asi's piano.
01:02:45I can't even forget Asi's piano.
01:02:46I can't even forget Asi's piano.
01:02:51I'm dying.
01:02:55I'm dying more and more every day.
01:03:01The place I couldn't call.
01:03:03The person I couldn't ask.
01:03:05Where is Asi?
01:03:08I don't know.
01:03:10Don't lie to me!
01:03:12Am I too curious to lie to you?
01:03:16You're my brother.
01:03:20We can't see our brother because of you, son.
01:03:23Otherwise, I would have already killed you.
01:03:27I'm brave.
01:03:29We ask ourselves the same question every day.
01:03:31Where is this girl?
01:03:33Is she okay?
01:03:35Is there a place to sleep?
01:03:37Is there a pillow to put her head on?
01:03:39Is she hungry?
01:03:41We don't hear from her.
01:03:43We only hear her voice.
01:03:44What if she calls us?
01:03:46If we ask two questions,
01:03:48we can't ask the third one.
01:03:50She'll be afraid and run away from us.
01:04:15I swear to you, brother.
01:04:18If I knew where Asi was,
01:04:20I would have told you first.
01:04:22I swear to you.
01:04:24Go and clean up.
01:04:26I want you to bring the girl here.
01:04:28But I don't know, son.
01:04:31I swear to you.
01:04:33I don't know anything.
01:04:35I don't know anything.
01:04:37I don't know anything.
01:04:39I don't know anything.
01:04:41I don't know anything.
01:04:42I swear to you.
01:04:44I don't know anything.
01:04:46I don't know anything.
01:05:19Should we accept it now?
01:05:27We were abandoned, son.
01:05:30We were abandoned with her name and you.
01:05:32But you...
01:05:34I deserved it, okay?
01:05:36I said it a hundred times.
01:05:40They left us, son.
01:05:43They pulled us away.
01:05:48Rüya never loved me anyway.
01:05:50Stop there.
01:05:56Asiye loved me.
01:06:00She loved me very much.
01:06:04But I couldn't love her.
01:06:10What happened when I could love her?
01:06:13What changed?
01:06:15The result is the same.
01:06:27Maybe there is no such thing as love.
01:06:35You say it's not worth breaking up.
01:06:54But I missed her so much.
01:07:04Let's not fool ourselves.
01:07:06We love each other like dogs.
01:07:10We love each other.
01:07:30Get up and sleep.
01:07:32Don't hold me.
01:07:33Don't hold me.
01:07:39You say you saw Asiye in your dream.
01:07:44Wake me up.
01:08:04The client has a request.
01:08:08No, he wants another song.
01:08:10Open your eyes, tell him.
01:08:12He's already drunk like a man.
01:08:14Let him not cause trouble.
01:08:16Let's not get into trouble now.
01:08:20Give it to me.
01:08:33Give it to me.
01:09:04I'll hit you with my voice.
01:09:07Adem, calm down.
01:09:09Let me go.
01:09:11Let me go.
01:09:16Come here.
01:09:19Yes, brother.
01:09:21Tell him to come when he's done.
01:09:23I said I'd pay him.
01:09:25He won't come.
01:09:27He'll leave when he's done.
01:09:29We told him.
01:09:34If that's the case...
01:09:39Go tell him to come when he's done.
01:09:41Let him sing two songs here.
01:09:43Brother, would I ever break you?
01:09:45But if you have a song, write it down.
01:09:47I'll give it to him, he'll sing it.
01:09:49Don't worry.
01:09:50He won't.
01:09:54What are we going to do?
01:09:56If he doesn't come to me, I'll go to him.
01:09:58I won't run out of options.
01:10:00Look at me.
01:10:02I'm taking this girl out of here tomorrow.
01:10:04You're helping me.
01:10:06Do you hear me?
01:10:08Come on.
