• last year
Typhoon No. 13 is gradually moving away from the Amami area, but even after the typhoon has passed, you should be careful of sudden thunderstorms and strong winds and high waves. Weather forecast for the whole country: Today, due to the influence of the autumn rain front moving south, there will be areas on the Japan Sea side, such as the Hokuriku region, where there will be thunderstorms and heavy rainfall. On the Pacific side, there will be some sunshine. The highest temperature is expected to be slightly lower than yesterday due to many areas covered by clouds and rain clouds. It looks like the rain will ease the lingering heat. Weekly forecast: On the day of tomorrow's Monday route, there will be thunderstorms in some areas, mainly along the mountains. On Tuesday, the weather will improve and some places will be able to see the harvest moon over the Nakasu. From Thursday onwards, the front will stagnate and the autumn rain season will begin in earnest, so this harsh lingering heat will finally subside.
