Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 1 Buffy Vs Dracula

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 1 Buffy Vs Dracula


04:10I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:12I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:13I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:14I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:15I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:16I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:17I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:18I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:19I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:20I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:21I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:22I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:23I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:24I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:25I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:26I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:40I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:41I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:42I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:43I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:44I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:45I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:46I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:47I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:48I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:49I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:50I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:51I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:52I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:53I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:54I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:55We'll turn it on inside.
04:58Darn it!
04:59Ah, fudge people!
05:10There you go. All set.
05:13Thank you, Willa.
05:14Obstinate bloody machine, simply refused to work for me.
05:18Just call me the computer whisperer.
05:21Let's get skinned, and I want to see this puppy go.
05:24Start with it.
05:26Start? Where's finish?
05:29Willa, it's essential that we begin to archive the library.
05:32I mean, most of these texts have no duplicates.
05:36But now?
05:39Doesn't winter seem more like archiving season?
05:43Well, you don't have to, Willa.
05:45I mean, you're welcome to leave if...
05:49No, it's fine.
05:52It's just you've been Mr. Project all summer.
05:56You know?
05:57Labelling the amulets and indexing your diaries.
06:01I draw the line at making giant rubber band balls.
06:04That's when you'll just have to get a life.
06:09That's what I'm trying to do, actually, is get a life.
06:14You might go better if you left the house.
06:17Willa, you mustn't repeat what I'm about to say.
06:22Especially not to Buffy.
06:27You promise?
06:29Oh, God.
06:31I guess, now that I know there's something to know,
06:34I can't not know just because I'm afraid somebody will know I know, you know?
06:39Did that mean yes?
06:44We're doing all this because I want you and the others
06:47to have everything you need at your fingertips.
06:50You see, I'm going back to England.
06:56You're... What?
06:58But you can't. You're Buffy's watcher.
07:03I mean, in a fired way, but...
07:06It's becoming quite obvious that Buffy doesn't need me anymore.
07:10If you say that in a self-pitying way, I'm quite proud, actually.
07:17But what about the rest of us? We still need to be watched.
07:21Personally, I can't get through a day without a little hairy eyeball.
07:26I appreciate the sentiment, but it's just not so.
07:30You'll be fine. You all will.
07:33And, you know, we'll stay in touch.
07:36You can always call me whenever you like.
07:41When are you going to tell Buffy?
07:46It won't be easy, but...
07:49I know she'll understand.
07:52Thanks, Mom. Everything was yummy.
07:55Hey, you up for dessert? We could take a drive, get some ice cream.
08:00You know, I would, but I kind of have to get out on patrol.
08:04Now? It's 8.30.
08:07Well, VAMs don't really care what time it is.
08:10You know, dark equals dinner bell.
08:13Right. Of course.
08:16You know, I'm going to have to get used to this place without you again.
08:20It gets so quiet.
08:22You know, maybe we should make a regular date of this when school starts.
08:28I'm sorry. Duty calls. It's a total drag.
09:26Very impressive, Hunt.
09:30Such power.
09:35That was no hunt.
09:37That was just another day on the job.
09:41Care to step up for some overtime?
09:44We're not going to fight.
09:48Do you know what a Slayer is?
09:50Do you?
09:55Who are you?
09:58I apologize. I assumed you knew.
10:03I'm Dracula.
10:09Get out.
10:20What if somebody had a secret,
10:23that somebody promised somebody else that they wouldn't tell anyone?
10:28Newsflash, Will. Everybody knows.
10:31No, this isn't about me and Tara.
10:34Oh. Well, not that I wouldn't be all ears if you wanted to tell me a secret about you two,
10:39even if it was very, very naughty.
10:41Sorry. This is the non-naughty variety.
10:45And I'm not telling you.
10:49Want to see if Buffy's hanging around the headstone?
10:51Sure. So if I was going to tell you, which I'm not going to...
10:55So let me get this straight.
10:57You're Dracula.
11:00The guy. The Count.
11:03I am.
11:05And you're sure this isn't just some fanboy thing,
11:08because I've fought more than a couple pimply, overweight vamps that call themselves Lestat?
11:14You know who I am.
11:18As I would know without question that you are Buffy Summers.
11:25You've heard of me.
11:30You are known throughout the world.
11:35Nah. Really?
11:38Why else would I come here?
11:41For the sun?
11:44I came to meet the renowned Killer.
11:48Yeah, I prefer the term Slayer.
11:51You know, Killer just sounds so...
11:55Like I paint clowns or something.
11:59I'm the good guy, remember?
12:02Perhaps, but your power is rooted in darkness.
12:06You must feel it.
12:12You know what I feel?
12:26Okay. That's cheating.
12:29Hey, Buff. What's up?
12:32You look like you just...
12:34Get out of here. Now.
12:37Fine, but I was gonna give you a sip of my Double Mint Mocha, but...
12:40Behind you.
12:48Look who's got a bad case of Dark Prince envy.
12:51I have no interest in you.
12:53Leave us.
12:56No, we're not going to leave you.
12:59And where'd you get that accent? Sesame Street?
13:02One, two, three.
13:04Three victims.
13:09I'm pretty sure that's Dracula.
13:12Wow, really?
13:15Hey, sorry, man. I was...
13:18Just joking around.
13:21This is not the time.
13:26I will see you soon.
13:40And then Buffy's all, look out,
13:43and then frigging Dracula is standing right behind us.
13:46And then he lunges at us like moosh.
13:49He totally looked shorter in person.
13:51I told you he'd heard of me, right?
13:53I mean, can you believe that?
13:55Count Famous heard of me.
13:57I couldn't believe it the first 20 times you told us,
14:00but it's starting to sink in now.
14:02I'm sorry, my repeat-o-girl.
14:05I was just blown away.
14:07It's not that surprising that he's heard of you, Buffy.
14:10You are the Slayer.
14:12I guess. It's just the way he said it, you know?
14:15I mean, he made it sound so...
14:17Sexy? I bet he made it sound sexy.
14:20Kind of.
14:22He, of the dark, penetrating eyes and lilty accent.
14:26I wonder if he knows Frankenstein.
14:28You thought Dracula was sexy?
14:31Oh, no.
14:33He was yuck.
14:35Right, except for the whole tall, dark and handsome thing.
14:41How would you know?
14:43We hung out a few times.
14:45Back in my demon days.
14:47You know, once or twice.
14:49He was pretty cool.
14:51You know, from a whole evil thing perspective.
14:55Please. He was no big whoop.
14:58No big whoop?
15:00What about that thing where he turned himself into a bat?
15:03That was awesome.
15:05It must have been. I must admit, I'm sorry I missed that.
15:08Me, too.
15:10The whole time, I was thinking,
15:12Gosh, I wish Giles were here.
15:14He'd know what to do.
15:16Didn't you guys think that?
15:19Actually, I was more thinking bat.
15:23How come he can do that?
15:25I have no idea.
15:27There's a great deal of myth about Dracula.
15:30I imagine the trick to defeating him
15:32lies in separating the fact from the fiction.
15:35Great point.
15:37That is so Giles, to think of something like that, you know?
15:41That we would have never...
15:44We should take things slow with Dracula.
15:48He said that we would meet again,
15:50but I would like to avoid that until we do some serious homework.
15:53I don't know.
15:55I mean, he may have a bunch of swell party tricks,
15:57but he's still just a vampire.
15:59I say we load up with stakes and crossbows and go after him now.
16:03No, Buffy's right.
16:05Dracula's too slick to fall for the usual stuff.
16:07We hold off.
16:09No killing until we know exactly what we're dealing with.
16:11You're not just saying that
16:13because of those dark, penetrating eyes of his, are you?
16:16No, his eyes were...
16:19There were... There was no penetration.
16:22Crossed my heart.
16:24All right.
16:26Willow, you and Tara find out everything you can
16:29about the actual legend of Vlad the Impaler on the Internet,
16:32and I'll check the library.
16:36If the initiative was still around,
16:38we'd be able to find everything on this guy in a few hours.
16:40We may not be as fast, but we'll find him.
16:43You guys will reconvene here in the morning?
16:47What's your plan?
16:49Big sleep.
16:51Did you count your white meal?
16:54I'm kind of wired.
16:56Maybe I should just let you get your rest.
16:58Are you sure?
17:00I mean, maybe if you just lie down with me for...
17:03Nothing you are about to say will lead to rest.
17:07I guess you're right.
17:09I'll see you in the morning.
17:18A little sugar, and I'm all yours.
17:20Dracula Schmackula.
17:22I doubt he'd remember me.
17:25I was just a silly young thing, like 700 or so.
17:29But he did say that this guy I cursed was doomed forever,
17:33which was really sweet, don't you think?
17:37It was a great spell.
17:39I made this jerk incredibly fat, like a human minivan.
17:45Did he just mention my name?
17:47Did you see him again?
17:49Or better yet, why don't you just go sit on top of a crypt
17:52and flaunt your neck cleavage until Dracula shows up?
17:56Then you two can talk private.
17:58Please, don't tell me you're jealous.
18:00How now?
18:01Just because you're panting over the guy.
18:03I am not panting.
18:07Now stop being silly.
18:09I'll see you tomorrow.
18:11You don't want to come back to my place?
18:13It's White's Day, remember?
18:15The bleach smell makes me nauseous.
18:21I suppose Dracula doesn't use bleach, huh?
18:25He's a darks-only man.
18:45You know what?
18:47You're not so big.
18:49One round of old-fashioned fisticuffs,
18:51I bet you'd fold like a bitty baby.
18:57Let's do it.
18:59No poofing.
19:01Come on, puffy shirt.
19:02Buckle on up, because you can kiss your pale-ass good...
19:05Yes, Master.
19:08No, that's not...
19:10You will be my emissary,
19:13my eyes and ears in daylight.
19:17Your emissary.
19:19Serve me well.
19:21You will be rewarded.
19:24I will make you an immortal,
19:29a child of darkness that feeds on life itself,
19:34on blood.
19:37Yes, yes.
19:39I will serve you, your excellent spookiness.
19:44Or Master, I'll just stick with Master.
19:46You are strange and off-putting.
19:49Go now.
19:53But Master, how can I find...
19:59What an exit.
20:01Guy's a genius.
20:24Well, well.
20:27You can take the boy out of the initiative,
20:30but you can't take the initiative out of the boy.
20:35I'd put that down unless you were bucking for one hell of a headache.
20:42I can't be too careful.
20:45I got quite a few demons after me these days.
20:49I'm looking for some information.
20:52You might pay a little.
20:55I'll play.
21:00What can you tell me about Dracula?
21:08Poncy Bugger owes me 11 pounds for one thing.
21:11You know him?
21:13Know him?
21:15We're old rivals.
21:18But then he got famous.
21:21He got all about his foes.
21:24I'll tell you what.
21:26That gloryhound's done more harm to vampires than any slayer.
21:30His story gets out, and suddenly everybody knows how to kill us.
21:34The mirror bit.
21:36But he's not just a regular vampire.
21:38He has special powers, right?
21:40Nothing but showy, gypsy stuff.
21:42What's it to you, anyway?
21:45He's in town, making his presence known.
21:50Relax in Sunnydale, eh?
21:55I guess the old boy needed closure after all.
22:00Actually, he's gunning for Buck.
22:03But I'm out to find him before he gets another shot at her.
22:06Tough talk, cowboy.
22:08But you're not going to catch him napping in a crypt.
22:11No, the Count has to have his luxury estate
22:15and his bug eaters and his special dirt, doesn't he?
22:21So you're saying I should check out mansions, that sort of thing?
22:28I'm saying you should go home to your super honey.
22:34Have a nice, safe snog.
22:37You're out of your depth on this one, boy.
22:42You've helped Buffy before,
22:44so she has a problem with killing you now that you're helpless.
22:48I don't.
22:57I'd like to see you try.
23:04Would you?
23:22You're never going to find him.
23:29Not before he gets to her.
23:42You're never going to find him.
24:13You are magnificent.
24:17I bet you say that before you bite all the girls.
24:21No, you are different.
24:32Pull your hair back.
24:43This isn't how I usually fight.
24:53You can just waft in here with your music video wind and your hypno-eyes.
25:01I have searched the world over for you.
25:08I have yearned for you.
25:13For a creature whose darkness rivals my own.
25:23You have been tasted.
25:30He was...
25:38He let you go.
25:49But the embrace...
25:52Is bite.
25:58You remember?
26:11Do not fight.
26:19I can feel your hunger.
26:37I can feel your hunger.
27:07I can feel your hunger.
27:28It's a jelly one. You want it?
27:32Got it, got it. Mine, mine.
27:36Well, I think we have Dracula factoids.
27:39Lucky name that's enough to fight the Dark Master.
27:46A lot of it we already knew.
27:48Turn-offs, wood, fire, crosses, garlic, turn-ons, nice duds, minions, long, slow bites that last for days.
27:58Yeah, I did a little research, too.
28:00Dracula likes to live in style, which means we can rule out the usual dumps vampires haunt.
28:05Ah, but he's smart enough to figure that we'd probably already know that.
28:09I'm guessing he's laying low.
28:11Actually, my research backs Riley up.
28:14Drac isn't the lay-low type.
28:16So we can check out the nicer places.
28:20Don't you think, Buffy?
28:27Yeah, we'll check all the swanky places first.
28:31What else did you guys get?
28:33Well, Willa. Willa has most of it, actually.
28:37Only because you give me super pointers.
28:40I would never would have...
28:41Just go ahead, Willa.
28:46Dracula's modus operandi is different from other vampires.
28:50He will kill just to feed, but he'd rather have a connection with his victims.
28:56And he has all these mental powers to draw them in.
29:00He can read and control minds and appear in dreams.
29:08Makes sense.
29:10That stare.
29:12He just kind of looked right through you.
29:15Didn't you feel it, Buffy?
29:23No, I didn't.
29:27Buffy didn't feel it.
29:29I think you're drawing a lot of crazy conclusions about the unholy prince.
29:37The point is, though he goes through the motions of an intimate seduction,
29:42the end result is the same.
29:44He turns him into a vampire.
29:47Well, that is intimate.
29:51Dracula's gifting these ladies with his own blood.
29:55And blood...
29:58Blood is life.
30:02According to them.
30:05Um, just be aware that he tends to form a relationship with his prey.
30:11It's not enough for him to take her.
30:13She must want to be taken.
30:15She must burn for him.
30:18That's interesting. I'm gonna go find him.
30:22You shouldn't go by yourself, Buffy.
30:24I mean, this guy's seriously dangerous.
30:26It's cool. I got it.
30:37Take off that scarf.
30:39What? How?
30:43You're under the thrall of the dark prince.
30:46I am not under the thrall of the dark prince.
30:50Then take off the scarf.
30:53Let go of me. This is ridiculous.
31:11Oh. Why didn't you say anything?
31:14Because she didn't want to worry us. Right, Buster?
31:16It's nothing. It's just a scratch.
31:18Two deep, punctury scratches.
31:24I'm not sure why I tried to hide it.
31:31There was just this voice, and it was telling me to cover it.
31:36And what'd I tell you? That's thrall.
31:39You're saying Dracula has some sort of freaky mind control over her?
31:43You're watching too many creature features, man.
31:45It does seem like he has this control over me,
31:49even though a big part of me is resisting.
31:52No, it's okay. I shouldn't take this personally.
31:55I mean, well, with Angel,
31:58it's understandable that there would be transference.
32:01I mean, they're both broody immortals.
32:07I am not trans-furry.
32:12I swear to you.
32:14I'm your girl, and I'm gonna stay that way.
32:17Okay. But you are not going anywhere near him again.
32:21Riley's right. You should stay out of sight.
32:25Let the rest of us look for Dracula.
32:27I can't go home. I already got inside once.
32:31You can come over to my place. I'll make sure you stay put.
32:34Good. Riley and I can search for Dracula,
32:39and you and Tara could do a protection spell at Buffy's house.
32:44Got it. How'd he get inside, anyway?
32:47He seemed so nice and normal. A little pale.
32:52A good Sunday-day rule of thumb? Avoid white-skinned men in keeps.
32:56I'm not like this. I don't invite strange men over for coffee.
33:00It's just...
33:02Oh, when you girls are older, you'll understand.
33:05It's hard to date.
33:07Sometimes you just have to get used to it.
33:11It's hard to date.
33:13Sometimes you just feel like giving up on men altogether.
33:27Another bust.
33:29It's getting dark. I shouldn't have turned up without a lead.
33:32There must be an easy way to find him.
33:34Too late to worry about that now.
33:36If we hurry, we can hit these last places.
33:40How come I have to be here slayer-sitting
33:42while the other guys get to look for Dracula?
33:44I mean, just because I'm...
33:46What time is it?
33:48Almost six.
33:50Look, I mean, I'm the one who knows him.
33:52I'm the one who had a really good look at him, and...
33:54I mean, what? Hey!
34:00I'm supposed to deliver you to the Master now.
34:04There's this whole deal where I get to be immortal.
34:07You cool with that?
34:10Take me to him.
34:12Come on, Xander, we're gonna be fine.
34:34Master, I delivered the slayer.
34:36See who you most desire.
34:38Sorry, whom?
34:43So now comes the immortality, right?
34:45You do the thing, and...
34:46Leave us.
34:48We must not be interrupted.
34:51You bet.
34:59I knew you'd come.
35:06Because I'm under your thrall?
35:08Or guess again, pal.
35:11Put the stake down.
35:21That was not you.
35:25I did that.
35:27I did that because...
35:29I wanted to.
35:34Maybe I should...
35:37Maybe I should rethink that thrall thing.
35:51I've lived in Sunnydale a couple of years now.
35:54Know what I've never noticed before?
35:56Uh, a castle?
35:58A big honking castle.
36:06Come on.
36:32Stay away from me.
36:34Are you afraid I will bite you?
36:40Slayer, that's why you came.
36:46Last night.
36:49It's not gonna happen again.
36:52Stop me.
36:54Stake me.
36:58Any minute now.
37:00Do you know why you cannot resist?
37:04Because you're famous?
37:07Because you do not want to.
37:13My friends are...
37:14They're here.
37:16They will not find us.
37:19We are alone.
37:26Always alone.
37:29There is so much I have to teach you.
37:33Your history.
37:35Your power.
37:37What your body is capable of.
37:41I don't need to know.
37:43You long to.
37:47And you will have eternity to discover yourself.
37:54But first...
37:56A little taste.
38:00I won't let you.
38:04I didn't mean for me.
38:27Nobody harms my master.
38:30Your master?
38:32You want him?
38:34You come through me.
39:00Oh, good show, Charles.
39:04At least you didn't get knocked out for a change.
39:17You would be the three sisters, yes?
39:22Excellent, right?
39:25I heard that you were a myth.
39:27Obviously, Heronius.
39:42Oh, dear God.
39:50What are you...
39:51All these years fighting us.
39:54A power so near to our own.
39:59And you've never once wanted to know
40:02what it is that we fight for.
40:07Never even a taste.
40:14If I drink that...
40:16I have not drunk enough for you to change.
40:19You must be near death to become one of us.
40:22And that comes only when you plead for it.
40:27I'm not hungry.
40:30Your craving goes deeper than that.
40:39You think you know
40:42what you are,
40:44what's to come.
40:48You haven't even begun.
41:22Name it.
41:24The darkness.
41:28Find you to a nature.
41:48That was gross.
41:53You are resisting.
41:56Looks like.
41:58Come here.
42:00Come to me.
42:02You know, I really think the thrall has gone out of our relationship.
42:08But I want to thank you for opening up my eyes a little.
42:11What is this?
42:13My true nature.
42:16You want taste?
42:40Giles! Giles!
42:46Come on! Come on!
42:48Grab my hand!
42:49Thank god you came.
42:50Come on!
42:51There's no possible escape.
43:06My shoe.
43:07Sit with me. I'll just pop it.
43:09No, no, no, sir.
43:10No more chick pit for you. Come on.
43:21Come on.
43:56A guy like you should think about going electric.
44:17How do you like my darkness now?
44:22Out of my way.
44:38You okay?
44:41Top full of free will.
44:43And Dracula?
44:46You're all trashed.
44:49Where is he?
44:51Where's the creep that turned me into a spider-eating man-bitch?
44:54He's gone.
44:56Damn it!
44:57You know what?
44:59I'm sick of this crap.
45:01I'm sick of being the guy who eats insects and gets the funny syphilis.
45:06As of this moment, it's over.
45:09I'm finished being everybody's butt monkey.
45:16No more butt monkey.
45:18It could have been worse.
45:19At least you weren't making time with the dracu-babes like Giles here.
45:22No, I was not making time.
45:24I was just about to kill those loathsome creatures when Riley interrupted me.
45:30You were gonna nuzzle them to death?
45:33Of course not. I was in complete...
46:00You think I don't watch your movies?
46:03You always come back.
46:13I'm standing right here.
46:20You wanted to see me?
46:22Yes. Thanks for coming.
46:24Can I offer you some tea?
46:26Oh, no, thanks.
46:28Oh, cookies.
46:31How come I rate little cookie treatment?
46:34Well, actually, I have something to tell you.
46:38Actually, I have something that I'd like to talk to you about, too.
46:42Oh, well, you go first, by all means.
46:45No, go ahead.
46:46No, insist.
46:53You haven't been my watcher for a while.
46:58I haven't been training.
47:01And I haven't really needed to come to you for help.
47:07I agree.
47:12And then this whole thing with Dracula.
47:17It made me face up to some stuff.
47:23Ever since we did that spell where we called on the First Slayer,
47:28I've been going out a lot.
47:33Every night.
47:35What do you mean?
47:40That's what Dracula called it.
47:43And he was right.
47:47He understood my power better than I do.
47:52He saw darkness in it.
47:56He saw darkness in it.
48:02I need to know more.
48:05About where I come from.
48:07About the other Slayers.
48:10I mean, maybe...
48:12Maybe if I can learn to control this thing, I could be stronger.
48:16I could be better.
48:19But I'm scared.
48:23I know it's gonna be hard.
48:27And I can't do it without you.
48:33I need your help.
48:38I need you to be my watcher again.
48:43Boy, I just keep talking, don't I?
48:46I'm sorry. You had something you wanted to say.
48:54No, it's nothing.
49:13I'm out of here. Riley and I are going to the movies.
49:16Okay. Have a good time.
49:21What are you doing here?
49:27Buffy? If you're going out, why don't you take your sister?
50:12Grr. Arrgh.
