Doraemon New Episode 2023 - Episode 05 - Doraemon Cartoon - Doraemon In Hindi - Doraemon Movie

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Doraemon New Episode 2023 - Episode 05 - Doraemon Cartoon - Doraemon In Hindi - Doraemon Movie


00:00Spoil me, Sticker!
00:05What will I do now? I can't tell my mom that I got zero in the test.
00:16Jeeyan, if that's the case, then the best idea is to hide the test papers somewhere in the room.
00:20Look, I think we should never tell our moms that we get zero in every test.
00:25When your mom and my mom are angry, it becomes difficult to stop them.
00:30Hi, Nobita! Hi, Jeeyan!
00:32Are you coming from school right now?
00:34Well, where are you going right now, Shizuka?
00:37I'm going to the supermarket with my mom. Right, Mom?
00:41I told her that if she wants to stay at home, she can, but she insisted on coming.
00:46Bye, Nobita!
00:48Bye, dear!
00:52Mom, what are we going to buy in the market?
00:55Wow! Shizuka's mom is so sweet!
00:58You're right, Jeeyan.
01:08Take care of yourself.
01:10Thanks, you too!
01:12Stop right there, Nobita!
01:14Don't you think it's important to tell me that you're back home?
01:17Sorry, Mom. I made a mistake.
01:19What took you so long, Nobita?
01:21Don't tell me that you forgot to do your homework and that's why the school told you to stay after school.
01:27No, I was stopped because I got a zero.
01:30What did you say? You got a zero, Nobita?
01:33Actually, Mom...
01:35Getting a zero is more important than forgetting to do your homework.
01:37Okay, you won't get breakfast today.
01:39Go to your room and study, Nobita!
01:43Mom always scolds me and never loves me.
01:46When you always get a zero in every test, what can Mom do about it?
01:51But what's the point?
01:52If she had explained it to me with love, I would have realized it.
01:56If she had been nice to me, I would have studied hard and got good marks.
02:01What are you saying, Nobita?
02:03Listen, Doraemon. Do you have anything that would make her nice to you?
02:07I don't have anything like that.
02:09But I do have one thing that will make her do whatever you tell her to do.
02:14The Small Mean Sticker!
02:16Stick it on her forehead and ask her to do something.
02:20Whoever sticks it on her forehead will listen to her.
02:24Listen, Mom.
02:25You don't have to talk to me.
02:27You won't get breakfast today, Nobita.
02:29Do whatever you want to do, okay?
02:33What's the matter, my dear son?
02:35This is done.
02:36Mom, I want to have breakfast.
02:38If that's the case, I'll make breakfast for you right away.
02:43Sit comfortably on the chair.
02:47Open your mouth quickly, son.
02:50I'll feed you with my own hands.
02:53Here you go.
02:57Would you like to have some more?
02:59I made it with a lot of love for you.
03:01Come on, open your mouth.
03:05No, Nobita will never change.
03:07Doraemon, I've kept your breakfast in the fridge.
03:10You can take it out yourself, okay?
03:12Okay, fine.
03:13Doraemon, I have some work to do.
03:15But I want you to feed Nobita with your own hands.
03:18Can you do that, Doraemon?
03:21Thank you so much, son.
03:24Nobita, are you happy now?
03:34Mom, I don't have a sticker on my head.
03:36So don't fool me.
03:37By the way, are you having fun?
03:39Tell me, Nobita.
03:40Really, Doraemon, I had a lot of fun.
03:42So, how did you like my Spoil Me sticker?
03:44It was fun.
03:45Should I keep it on his head?
03:48No, it will lose its effect and he will fall.
03:51Yes, right, Doraemon.
03:52Can you give me another Spoil Me sticker?
03:55Nobita, whom do you want to use it on?
03:57I want to give it to Jian.
03:59After listening to his mom's scolding,
04:01he must be in a bad condition right now.
04:13Jian, how is it going?
04:15Nothing is going well.
04:17My mom yelled at me a lot today.
04:19I thought so.
04:20I was also scolded.
04:21But you look very happy.
04:24Because I used it.
04:27What is this?
04:28This is a Spoil Me sticker.
04:30I bought it from Doraemon.
04:32But how do you use it?
04:34Do this, Jian.
04:35Stick it on your mom's head
04:37and then tell her to do anything.
04:40Nobita, you are such good friends.
04:43Leave me, Jian.
04:45Leave me, Jian.
04:47Mom, listen to me, please.
04:49Can't you see that I am very busy right now?
04:52Mom, please, can I...
04:54Don't bother me.
04:55I am busy, Jian.
04:56Do you understand?
04:57Mom, but listen to me.
04:58What am I saying?
04:59Why don't you understand anything at once, Jian?
05:02I am telling you that I am very busy right now.
05:03You sit quietly at the shop, okay?
05:05I'll be right back.
05:08Did you see how my mom
05:10keeps running on her own?
05:11She never listens to me.
05:13Jian, this is too much.
05:15Forget it.
05:16Who cares?
05:18Did you see, Doraemon?
05:20Jian's mom is not even ready to talk to him.
05:25And as far as I know,
05:26the one who was stopped after school
05:27must have completed it.
05:29So, what did you do with the spoil me sticker?
05:32I left it with him.
05:33When his mom comes back home,
05:35he will try again.
05:36But what if he does something wrong?
05:40I don't know if the thing
05:41Nobita gave me will work or not.
05:43Jian, are you at home?
05:45Listen, you have come at the right time.
05:47But why?
05:51Takeshi, tell me.
05:52Would you like to come to my house?
05:55What happened to him?
05:57I will let you play with my remote-controlled car
05:59and whatever video games you want.
06:01This sticker works.
06:08What have you done, Takeshi?
06:10You are too much.
06:11Now give it to me.
06:12Now I will become your elder brother
06:14and show you how to do it.
06:16Did you understand?
06:17What did you say, elder brother?
06:19Yes, if you ask me to do anything,
06:21I will definitely do it for you.
06:22Okay, now I will also do the same.
06:25So, I will teach you
06:26the right way to drive a remote-controlled car.
06:28Elder brother, leave this.
06:30I want to do something else.
06:33Like what?
06:39So, you want to play sumo wrestling with me.
06:43Yes, you are right.
06:44Now you understood.
06:45Let's start.
06:46Okay, let's start.
06:52Wow, you are really very strong.
06:58Why does this happen to me?
07:00Hey, Nobita.
07:01I have heard that
07:02you have given that weird sticker to Jayaan.
07:04I am sorry, Sunil.
07:05I didn't think that
07:06he will use the sticker on you.
07:08Enough is enough.
07:09Just take it back from him.
07:15I got to know from Sunil.
07:17If you want to make a mess,
07:18then return my sticker to me.
07:19Sorry, I actually wanted to try it.
07:22I haven't tried it on mom yet.
07:24Okay, then return it to me.
07:27Can't you trust me so much?
07:29No, it's not like that.
07:31If it is like that, then take this.
07:35Jayaan, what kind of game is this?
07:37Do you want to play with your elder brother?
07:41I got a chance to have fun again.
07:44What do you want to do, Jayaan?
07:46I want to play horse-riding.
07:48Okay, Jayaan.
07:49Let's play horse-riding.
07:50Okay, elder brother.
07:51Now I am ready to sit.
07:56Let's go, horse.
08:01I can't do this, Jayaan.
08:03Come on, my horse.
08:04Come on, try.
08:08What is this?
08:09You are already tired, my horse.
08:11I am sorry, Jayaan.
08:12Let's try again.
08:13No, leave it now.
08:14Actually, I am very hungry right now, elder brother.
08:17I want to eat a French fries.
08:19I want to eat.
08:20I want to eat.
08:21I want to eat.
08:22I don't have money.
08:23But you don't worry at all, Jayaan.
08:25I will get it right now.
08:34Tell me one thing.
08:35Why have you put this on your head?
08:37Leave that.
08:38I am taking this.
08:42No, wait.
08:43What are you doing?
08:44My cute little Jayaan is hungry.
08:46No, son.
08:47You shouldn't do all this.
08:49But he is my cute little younger brother.
08:51I am leaving.
08:52Hey, why don't you spend your money?
08:57You are late.
08:58Where were you?
09:00I am very sorry, Jayaan.
09:02Where is my French fries?
09:03Come on, let's buy.
09:04No, no.
09:06No one will eat French fries.
09:08What did you say?
09:09Jayaan, return my sticker right now.
09:11No, I haven't used it on my mom yet, Doraemon.
09:15Quickly remove this sticker from Nobita's head.
09:17No, you remove it yourself.
09:19The one who puts it can remove it.
09:24Elder brother, do you want me to remove it?
09:26Do as you wish.
09:28What do I want?
09:29What if...
09:30Jayaan, did you manage the shop properly today?
09:33Tell me.
09:34Mom, you...
09:37Mom, you came back early.
09:39I have to put this sticker on him today.
09:42Why is he behaving so well today?
09:44Anyway, leave it.
09:45Look at this.
09:46What I have brought for you.
09:48I have brought this because I know you like it a lot.
09:53What did you say, mom?
09:54After eating this, your brain will work fast.
09:57And then you will never have to scold in school, son.
10:01Mom, you will see.
10:06Once upon a time, a boy named Sabal lived in a city.
10:10He was very disappointed with his life.
10:12This was the reason for his disappointment.
10:14He was not doing anything in his life till now.
10:17His parents used to taunt him.
10:20That all your friends are doing something or the other.
10:23But you are still sitting at home.
10:25He was often made fun of even among his friends.
10:29When he used to go somewhere, people used to ask him.
10:31What are you doing?
10:33He was ashamed to even tell this.
10:36He is not doing anything.
10:38Gradually, he stopped meeting his relatives.
10:42And stopped meeting people as well.
10:44He used to stay at home most of the time.
10:47He used to live alone.
10:48And used to curse God.
10:50And used to blame his fate.
10:52Now he was feeling burdened with his life.
10:55Sometimes he used to think.
10:56When will he be able to do something?
10:59And then he used to think.
11:00It is better to die than to live.
11:03One day, he was passing by a street in his city.
11:06Then he saw.
11:07A Guru was giving a sermon on sorrow and problems.
11:11He also sat in the back of the crowd.
11:14And started listening to the Guru's discourse.
11:16Guru was saying.
11:17That sorrow is like a teacher.
11:19Which shows us the truth of life.
11:22And teaches us the right way to live.
11:25If you want, you can learn to live life.
11:28If you want, you can achieve anything.
11:31And if you want, you can sit in one corner and cry.
11:35He was listening to all these things carefully.
11:38But he did not like these words of the sermon.
11:40He stood up and said.
11:42That teaching anything does not remove sorrow.
11:44It only causes pain.
11:46The pain of sorrow is infinite.
11:48It feels like nothing is going to happen after this.
11:51It does not make any difference.
11:53Even death seems small in front of it.
11:55Then the Guru said.
11:57Son, what is your sorrow?
11:59Sabal told him all his problems.
12:02And asked the Guru.
12:04Do you have any solution for my sorrows?
12:07Hearing this, the Guru smiled.
12:09And said.
12:10You come to me that day.
12:12When there is real sorrow in your life.
12:14I will definitely solve your problem.
12:16Saying this, the Guru left from there.
12:18Sabal thought.
12:19Is this not my sorrow?
12:21Then what is it?
12:22The pain that I am going through.
12:24Is that not real sorrow?
12:25No one can understand my sorrow.
12:27When parents do not understand.
12:29Then what will Guru understand?
12:30Being overwhelmed by that sorrow.
12:32Sabal took a decision.
12:34That now he will do something.
12:36Sabal started a small business.
12:38But he was not getting success.
12:40But his family was happy.
12:42He is trying something.
12:44He is investing in his business.
12:46And slowly he started getting success.
12:48Then he caught up.
12:50And in just three years.
12:52He became a big businessman.
12:54Now there were many people around Sabal.
12:56Who used to take care of him.
12:58Who used to love him.
13:00Now the members of his family.
13:02Were not tired of praising him.
13:04Day by day.
13:06The number of his friends was increasing.
13:08Now he was very happy with his life.
13:11Some of his friends advised him.
13:13That when you become a big businessman.
13:15And become very happy.
13:17How happy you will be.
13:19If you become the biggest businessman.
13:21In this city and this state.
13:23Then how many people will want to join you.
13:25How big your business will be.
13:27And the king himself will also want to befriend you.
13:29And when needed.
13:31He will also borrow money from you.
13:33This thought of friends.
13:35Sat in Sabal's mind.
13:37Now he started trying to earn more money.
13:39But he wanted all this very soon.
13:41He did not want to waste time.
13:43He spent most of the time.
13:45Trying to get these things.
13:47That's why he started doing such things.
13:49Which were not right.
13:51He started borrowing money.
13:53Out of greed for money.
13:55And to earn more profit.
13:57From his friends.
13:59He started adulterating his wealth.
14:01He also conspired against other businessmen.
14:03And threatened them.
14:05As his friends used to say.
14:07He used to do the same.
14:09He was earning more money.
14:11But now there was no peace in his life.
14:13He was not as peaceful as before.
14:15His peace of mind was gone.
14:17And he could not sleep at night.
14:19He was in thoughts.
14:21Even after getting everything.
14:23He was not getting happiness in anything.
14:25One day Sabal was going somewhere in his car.
14:27On the way.
14:29He saw Guru's Ashram.
14:31He stopped.
14:33And went to Guru and said.
14:35Guruji, you had told me.
14:37Whenever there is true sorrow in life.
14:39I am very sad.
14:41My life is ruined.
14:43I am not getting peace anywhere.
14:45In this way Sabal.
14:47Told all his problems to Guru.
14:49Guru said.
14:51When you came to meet me for the first time.
14:53Even then you were in some sorrow.
14:55What did you learn from that pain?
14:57Sabal said.
14:59That just thinking and worrying.
15:01Does not help.
15:03To make your vision come true.
15:05Hard work is also necessary.
15:07And just working hard does not help.
15:09Your goal is not going to be achieved.
15:11Then no matter how many difficulties come in the way.
15:13No matter how disappointed the mind is.
15:15Now nothing is going to happen.
15:17Then believe in yourself.
15:19Whatever I am doing.
15:21I will definitely be successful in it.
15:23People only respect successful people.
15:25No matter how good someone is.
15:27They always remain a burden in people's eyes.
15:29Hearing all this, Guru smiled and said.
15:31This is not real sorrow.
15:33When there is real sorrow in your life.
15:35Then come to me.
15:37I will make it right.
15:39While Sabal was leaving.
15:41He gave Guru a pot full of gold coins.
15:43Looking at the pot, Guru said.
15:45This is of no use to me.
15:47Dig a pit under that tree and bury it.
15:51Sabal buried the pot under the tree.
15:53As Guru said.
15:55He did the same.
15:57And left from there.
15:59Business was going well for a few days.
16:01But due to the wrong way of business.
