The Daily Life of the Immortal King S01E03

  • 2 days ago
In this episode, the focus shifts to the Ling family as they encounter a crisis that threatens to disrupt their peaceful life. Wang Ling’s parents are aware of his immense power and have spent years helping him suppress it, but they are also quite protective of him, despite knowing he’s practically invincible. His father, Wang Da, and mother, Wang Ma, are introduced in a comedic light, as they try to deal with the strange occurrences that happen around their son.

The episode starts with the family experiencing a supernatural incident caused by the residual power Wang Ling unconsciously emits, which begins to attract unwanted attention from the cultivation world. A group of evil cultivators aims to steal Ling Zhai (the family's spirit artifact), believing it will boost their own power. Despite this, Wang Ling remains unfazed and uninterested in the drama.

Meanwhile, Wang Ling’s school life continues with more humorous moments as he tries to avoid standing out, but his sheer power makes it difficult for him to blend in. His aloofness and lack of interest in mundane matters make him a source of curiosity for his classmates, including Sun Rong.

As the villainous cultivators make their move, they invade the Ling family residence, expecting a simple theft. However, they are met with Wang Ling’s effortless might. The would-be thieves are no match for him, and he dispatches them without breaking a sweat, all while ensuring his parents remain unaware of the real danger.

This episode combines light-hearted family moments with action, demonstrating again how Wang Ling’s overwhelming power casually resolves any major threats. It also emphasizes his struggle to maintain a normal life despite the continuous intrusion of supernatural forces into his world.