• 2 months ago
Cabang olahraga soft tenis resmi dipertandingkan secara perdana di perhelatan Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024.
00:00The Soft Tennis Sports Branch was officially held for the first time at the National PON 21 Ace Sumud 2024 Sports Festival held since September 11 in Mapolda Ace Field,
00:20where at the PON Papua 2021, this sport will not be included in the list of branches contested due to a number of reasons.
00:31The General Manager of the PST Soft Tennis Association, Brik Jan Paul Awal Herudim,
00:38among them in Ace City on September 15, explained in principle,
00:44soft tennis is almost the same as general tennis, especially in the size of the field used.
00:51The main difference between the two sports branches is the racket and the ball used,
00:57where field tennis uses a large and heavy racket size, as well as a hard ball, so it requires a strong force to play it.
01:08While soft tennis uses a smaller racket with a soft rubber-based ball and tends to improve accuracy in every game.
01:21In addition to the equipment, the difference between soft tennis and general tennis is also found in the scoring system.
01:30Field tennis uses 15, 30, 40 games, while soft tennis uses 1, 2, 3, 4 games.
01:42On the other hand, the games are shorter in soft tennis.
01:46While soft tennis athletes from Central Java, Alif Nafia, said that the hitting technique in soft tennis is the same as field tennis.
02:16However, in soft tennis, there are some adjustments to adjust the accuracy of the hit.
02:24In Indonesia, the majority of soft tennis players are from field tennis.
02:29So, if the field tennis career is not good enough, they switch to soft tennis.
02:34Soft tennis is a great opportunity for us to perform well in the game.
02:40Because it is a new sport and it is rarely played by people.
02:46She also hopes that with the introduction of soft tennis as a sports branch that is competed in Aceh-Sumut Pond, the sport can be more popular in the community.
02:58From Aceh City, Aceh, Fandi Hyogari, Kantor Beritantara reported.
