Dora the Explorer - 303 - Louder!

  • last week


00:00Good morning! I slept over at Dora's house, and we got up early.
00:09Boots, we got up so early, I think the sun is still sleeping.
00:15Do you see the sleeping sun?
00:25Yeah, there's the sleeping sun.
00:27And he's snoring.
00:31Every morning Red Rooster climbs the highest hill to wake up the sun.
00:35There's the highest hill.
00:37Let's look for Red Rooster.
00:40Do you see Red Rooster?
00:46Red Rooster!
00:48Red Rooster, what are you doing here?
00:51I thrown a sword. I can't cock-a-doodle-doo.
00:54Aw, Red Rooster. Lo siento mucho.
00:58I don't know what to do.
01:00It's time for me to wake up the sun.
01:02But just listen.
01:09My cock-a-doodle-doo couldn't wake up anybody.
01:13Mami, mami, ven rápido.
01:15¿Qué pasa?
01:16Red Rooster's throat is sore.
01:18He can't cock-a-doodle-doo to wake up the sun.
01:21If the sun keeps sleeping, it will be dark all day.
01:24Oh, no!
01:27I gotta wake up the sun.
01:29Ay, pobrecito.
01:31Maybe some honey will make your throat feel better.
01:33Honey! Great idea, Mami.
01:36Will you check my backpack for honey?
01:38You have to say, backpack.
01:48Backpack, backpack.
01:50Backpack, backpack.
01:52On the backpack loaded up with things and knick-knacks too.
01:55Anything that you might need, I got inside for you.
01:58Backpack, backpack.
02:00Backpack, backpack.
02:04Buenos días.
02:06Dora needs honey.
02:08Is this the honey?
02:12Oops, that's the bunny.
02:15Is this the honey?
02:19Oops, that's plain money.
02:21Is this the honey?
02:26Yeah, there's the honey.
02:28Smart looking. Muy bien.
02:30Yum, yum, yum, yum.
02:38Here you go, Red Rooster.
02:40This will make your throat feel better.
02:42Sing a feel-better song, Mami.
02:48Sana, sana, colita de rana.
02:51Sino sana soy, sana las mañanas.
02:58My throat feels better.
03:06Thank you, thank you, thank you!
03:08And thank you.
03:10Now I can wake up the sun.
03:12But I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
03:14Dora, Boots, you two better go with Red Rooster and help him get to the highest hill.
03:21What's the quickest way to the highest hill, Dora?
03:24Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?
03:31Well, you check the map to find out how to get to the highest hill.
03:34You have to say map.
03:43Who's the guy you need to know when you've got a place to go?
03:46What's my name?
03:47Say it again!
03:49Who can help you say, hey, I figured out the way!
03:52What's my name?
03:54Say it again!
03:55I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map.
04:01I'm the map!
04:03Good morning! Buenos dias!
04:10Oh no! The sun is still sleeping!
04:13We have to wake up the sun!
04:16Well, I know the quickest way to the highest hill to wake up the sun!
04:20First, you go down Noisy River.
04:25Then go over the Troll Bridge.
04:29And that's how you get to the highest hill to help Red Rooster wake up the sun!
04:40A star!
04:42Oh, stars! Try and catch stars along the way!
04:47So remember, river, bridge, highest hill!
04:53Say it with me real loud!
04:56River, bridge, highest hill!
05:00River, bridge, highest hill!
05:05River, bridge, highest hill!
05:11River, bridge, highest hill!
05:16Where do we go first?
05:22River, right! The Noisy River!
05:27So first we have to find the Noisy River!
05:31I hear the Noisy River, but I can't see it!
05:34¿Dónde está? Do you see the Noisy River?
05:42Right! There it is! Vámonos! Let's go wake up the sun!
05:47Come on, say it with us!
05:49River, bridge, highest hill!
06:07Come on, vámonos! Everybody let's go!
06:10Come on, let's get to it! I know that we can do it!
06:14What are we going to do? Cock-a-doodle-doo!
06:22Hey, we woke up the frogs!
06:31We made it to the Noisy River!
06:34Listen! The Noisy River is louder than ever!
06:38How are we going to ride down Noisy River?
06:41We gotta ride down Noisy River so we can wake up the sun!
06:44Do you see something we can use to ride down Noisy River?
06:52The boat! Right! That's our friend, El Bote!
07:00But El Bote is sleeping!
07:02We woke up the frogs! We can wake up the boat!
07:05Boat, I know what to do! We have to cock-a-doodle-doo!
07:09Can you say cock-a-doodle-doo?
07:13Say cock-a-doodle-doo!
07:25Oh! Buenos días!
07:27Buenos días!
07:29All right! We woke up El Bote!
07:33Con permiso!
07:35¿Nos puedes llevar al otro lado?
07:37Claro que sí!
07:38Great! El Bote will give us a ride!
07:42Life jackets! So we can be...
07:45Uh-oh! That sounds like Swiper the Fox!
07:48That sneaky fox is always trying to swipe our stuff!
07:52He'll try to swipe our life jackets!
07:54Do you see Swiper?
07:59Yeah! There he is! And he's in his pajamas!
08:04We're going to have to say Swiper no swiping extra loud!
08:08Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping!
08:13Oh, man!
08:15Yay! Thanks for helping us stop Swiper!
08:19Life jackets! So we can be safe!
08:26Snakes! Snakes! Snakes!
08:28Oh, no! Look! Noisy snakes!
08:30Snakes! Snakes! Snakes!
08:33Will you help El Bote stay away from the noisy snakes?
08:38Great! El Bote speaks Spanish!
08:41To tell him you see a snake, say Culebra!
08:44Can you say Culebra?
08:48Say Culebra!
08:51A snake!
08:53Say Culebra!
08:59Ay! Culebra!
09:04A snake!
09:06Say Culebra!
09:11Oh, no!
09:13It's so loud on the river that El Bote didn't hear us!
09:17El Bote didn't hear us!
09:19Yell Culebra!
09:24Ah! Culebra, sí!
09:28Did you see a snake?
09:30Where's the snake?
09:32Behind us?
09:34Uh-oh! We have to say Culebra!
09:37Say it with us real loud!
09:44Yay! We made it away from all the noisy snakes!
09:48Gracias for saying Culebra!
09:51Gracias, Bote!
09:53De nada!
10:00Where do we go next?
10:03River? Bridge? Highest hill?
10:07We went down Noisy River!
10:10Where do we go next?
10:15Bridge, right! The Troll Bridge!
10:20So next we need to find the Troll Bridge!
10:22¿Dónde está? Where is the Troll Bridge?
10:28Sí, ahí está!
10:30Yeah, there it is! Vámonos!
10:32Let's go wake up the sun!
10:37I hear stars! Estrellas!
10:41Do you see stars?
10:44Yeah, there they are!
10:50Look, it's Noisy Star! He's an explorer star!
10:54He can help us wake up the sun!
10:56If we can catch him!
10:59We need to catch the stars!
11:01Reach up to catch the stars!
11:04Catch him! Catch him! Catch him!
11:09Let's put him in the star pocket!
11:11Star pocket! Star pocket!
11:15Good star catching! Vámonos!
11:19We made it to the Troll Bridge!
11:21Do you see the Grumpy Old Troll?
11:26Yeah, there he is! In his pajamas!
11:31I'm the Grumpy Old Troll, who lives under the bridge!
11:34Hey! I'm the Grumpy Old Troll, who lives under the bridge!
11:38Who's there?
11:39If you want to come over, all you have to do is this!
11:43All you have to do is this!
11:47Solve my riddle!
11:49No one goes over my bridge unless you solve my riddle!
11:54But we've got to get over this bridge so we can wake up the sun!
11:57Don't worry, Red Rooster! We can solve his riddle!
12:00Will you help us solve the Grumpy Old Troll's riddle?
12:05Here's my riddle!
12:06It's a toughie!
12:08Solving riddles makes us proud!
12:11How many things are very loud?
12:14We have to find all the loud things!
12:18Can a drum make a loud noise?
12:26Can a firetruck make a loud noise?
12:34Can a feather make a loud noise?
12:39A feather is quiet!
12:42Can a radio make a loud noise?
12:52How many loud things did we find?
12:55One, two, three!
12:58Three loud things!
13:01So, how many loud things did you find?
13:06I can't hear you!
13:10Three! That's right!
13:12You're really good at solving riddles!
13:15You can go over my bridge!
13:21Good luck waking up the sun!
13:27Where do we go next, Dora?
13:30River, bridge, highest hill!
13:35We went down Noisy River.
13:37We went over the Troll Bridge.
13:39Where do we go next?
13:44Hill, right!
13:45The highest hill to wake up the sun!
13:53We need to find the highest hill!
13:56Where is the highest hill?
14:02Yes, there it is!
14:04There's the high hill, the higher hill, and the highest hill!
14:09And look! The sun is still sleeping!
14:15I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!
14:17Let's go wake up the sun!
14:25Look! Sleeping pigs!
14:30Those pigs are sleeping right in our way!
14:33I know what to do! We have to cock-a-doodle-doo!
14:37Say, cock-a-doodle-doo!
14:51The pigs woke up!
14:53Thanks for saying cock-a-doodle-doo!
14:55Good morning!
14:57Buenos días! Buenos días!
15:00Hey! Why isn't the sun up?
15:02¿Dónde está el sol?
15:04Where's the sun?
15:05We're on our way to wake up the sun right now!
15:08And I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!
15:13Good luck! Buena suerte!
15:15Go, Red Rooster! You can do it!
15:17Hurry! Vayan rápido!
15:20We made it to the bottom of the highest hill!
15:23But we have to get to the top of the highest hill!
15:26And we have to get ready to cock-a-doodle-doo!
15:28Say it with me!
15:40Yay! We made it all the way up to the top of the highest hill!
15:44Thanks for helping!
15:46Hey, Red Rooster, what's this big machine?
15:49It's a loudometer. It measures how loud we get.
15:52If we're going to wake up the sun,
15:54this arrow has to get all the way to ten!
15:57We need to make lots and lots of noise!
16:00Are you ready to make some noise?
16:03Great! Clap your hands!
16:06Clap, clap, clap!
16:08Look! The arrow is moving!
16:11Now stomp your feet real loud!
16:14Stomp, stomp, stomp! Stomp harder!
16:20And noise starts helping too!
16:23Now say, cock-a-doodle-doo!
16:32Even louder!
16:37Look! The arrow is at ten!
16:40Hooray! Cock-a-doodle-doo!
16:46Did we wake up the sun?
16:49The sun's awake! The sun's awake!
16:52Buenos dias!
16:54Buenos dias!
16:56You woke me up just in time!
17:00Now everyone's awake!
17:05Good morning, Isa!
17:08Buenos dias, Tico!
17:11Good morning, Benny!
17:13Buenos dias, Bacaros!
17:15Good morning, Big Red Chicken!
17:22We did it!
17:26We did it! We did it! We did it! Yay!
17:29Yo, Isima! We did it!
17:31We helped the red rooster's throat feel better with some honey!
17:35We did it! We did it! Hooray!
17:37We solved the grumpy troll's riddle!
17:39He was really funny!
17:41We did it! We did it! We did it!
17:43To wake up the sun!
17:44We helped Cock-a-doodle-doo!
17:46Couldn't have done it if it weren't for you!
17:51We did it!
17:56We had such an exciting trip today!
17:58What was your favorite part of the trip?
18:01I like that too!
18:03My favorite part was waking up the pigs!
18:06My favorite part was helping red roosters yell,
18:11To wake up the sun!
18:13Hey, let's see how many stars we caught!
18:15To open a star pocket, say, estrellas!
18:21Count with me!
18:23One, two, three, four!
18:27Two, three, four!
18:30Cuatro estrellas! Four stars!
18:33I love that noisy star!
18:35We couldn't have done it without you!
18:37Thanks for helping!
18:41Noisy star!
18:48What is noisy star warning us about?
18:51Point to it!
18:57Noisy star!
19:19You found everything noisy star was warning us about!
