Dora the Explorer - 305 - The Big Potato

  • last week
00:00Next on Nick Jr.
00:04Are you ready to explore? Come on!
00:06Come with us, Reba!
00:08All right!
00:13Let's go!
00:19We need your help!
00:20Grab your backpack!
00:21Let's go! Jump in!
00:22Follow us!
00:31Oh, man!
00:36Hola! Soy Zora!
00:38And I'm Boots!
00:40Zora! Boots!
00:42Hey! That sounds like our amigo, Benny the Bull!
00:46But I don't see Benny!
00:48Do you see Benny?
00:53Yeah! There he is!
00:55And he's holding something in his hoof!
00:57I wonder what it could be!
00:59Zora! Boots! Look what I found!
01:02It's a magic wand!
01:04A magic wand?
01:06Yeah! I bet I can use the magic wand to do a magic trick!
01:10What kind of trick, Benny?
01:15I know! I'm going to turn this rock into a potato!
01:20A potato?
01:22Yeah! A potato!
01:25Now you are a potato!
01:30The rock is still there!
01:34I guess the magic trick didn't work!
01:36Sorry, Benny!
01:38Hey! Where's Benny?
01:42Do you see Benny?
01:48Oh, no!
01:50Benny turned himself into a potato by mistake!
01:54Are you okay, Benny?
01:56I'm okay! But I really don't like being a potato!
02:00I want to be a bull again!
02:02Here! Maybe I can turn you back into a bull!
02:05Now you are Benny the Bull again!
02:11It didn't work! Now I'll be a potato forever!
02:15Poor Benny!
02:17Don't worry, Benny! We'll figure something out!
02:20Look! This wand belongs to the young wizard!
02:23We've got to find the wizard so he can change Benny back into a bull!
02:28And then I won't be a potato anymore!
02:31But we don't know where the wizard lives!
02:35Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?
02:40The map!
02:42The map! That's right!
02:44Will you check the map to find out where the wizard is?
02:47You have to say map!
02:49Say map! Say map!
02:53I'm the map! I'm the map! I'm the map!
02:57Dora and Boots need to find the young wizard so he can turn Benny back into a bull!
03:03Do you see the wizard?
03:09Right! There he is! At the wizard's castle!
03:13To get to the wizard's castle, first you go through the magic garden.
03:20Then you go through the golden gate.
03:25And that's how you'll get to the wizard's castle!
03:30A star!
03:32Oh, stars!
03:34Try and catch stars along the way!
03:37So remember!
03:39Garden, gate, wizard's castle!
03:43Say it with me!
03:45Garden, gate, wizard's castle!
03:50Garden, gate, wizard's castle!
03:55Garden, gate, wizard's castle!
04:01Garden, gate, wizard's castle!
04:05Where do we go first?
04:10Garden, right! The magic garden!
04:14So first we need to go through the magic garden.
04:17¿Dónde está? Where's the magic garden?
04:23Yeah! There it is!
04:25Come on! Let's go see the wizard!
04:27So he can turn me back into a bull!
04:30And I'll put the magic wand in my backpack for safekeeping!
04:34Yum, yum, yum! Delicioso!
04:37Come on! Let's go!
04:39Hey guys! Don't forget about me!
04:46Uh-oh! Benny can't walk because he's a giant potato!
04:50We need to find something we can use to carry Benny!
04:53Do you see anything we can use to carry Benny?
05:00The wagon, right! Good thinking!
05:09Let's go!
05:25Thanks guys! This wagon is great!
05:29That sounds like stars!
05:31Do you see stars?
05:36It's Maya!
05:39Catch us!
05:41Now you see me! Now you don't!
05:44Wow! A magic explorer star!
05:47It's Magico! He can help us along the way!
05:50If we can catch him!
05:54We need to catch them!
05:55Reach up and catch the stars!
05:57Reach up!
05:58Catch him! Catch him! Catch him!
06:00We caught them!
06:02Did we catch the magic explorer star?
06:10Let's put them in the star pocket!
06:12The star pocket! The star pocket!
06:17Good star catching!
06:19Now we're ready to take Benny to the wizard!
06:21Let's go! Vamonos!
06:31Hey guys! Did you hear that?
06:33That sounds like Swipe of the Fox!
06:35Oh no!
06:36That sneaky fox will try to swipe Benny the potato!
06:41If you see Swiper, yell Swiper!
06:50You see Swiper?
06:56Yeah! There he is!
07:02You're too late!
07:04You'll never find that potato now!
07:09Oh no!
07:10We have to find Benny!
07:12Don't worry Boots!
07:13We'll find Benny!
07:15Will you help us find Benny?
07:20We need to find Benny the potato!
07:23Is this the potato?
07:27Oops! That's an owl!
07:30Is this the potato?
07:35Oops! That's a pineapple!
07:38Is this the potato?
07:42Right! Here I am!
07:46You found Benny!
07:47Smart looking!
07:48We better hurry and get you to the wizard!
07:51So he can make me a bull again!
08:05The magic garden!
08:12Que lindo!
08:13The magic garden is so beautiful!
08:16And look!
08:17There are giant flowers!
08:19And corn stalks!
08:20And tomatoes!
08:22And trees with pinwheels!
08:27But Dora, there's no path through the garden!
08:30How are we going to get through it?
08:34The flowers say arriba when they're going up!
08:43I know!
08:44We can ride up the giant flowers to get through the magic garden!
08:54We have to say the Spanish word arriba to get the flowers up!
08:58Can you say arriba?
09:01Say arriba!
09:05The flower heard you and it's going up!
09:11Say arriba!
09:21What do we say?
09:42We're almost through the magic garden!
09:44We just need to go down to the ground!
09:49The flower said abajo to go down!
09:52Right, Boots!
09:53We have to say abajo to get the flower down!
09:58Can you say abajo?
10:02Say abajo!
10:19Where do we go next?
10:25Wizard's Castle!
10:27We went through the magic garden.
10:29Where do we go next?
10:35Right, the Golden Gate!
10:39So next we need to find the Golden Gate.
10:42¿Dónde está?
10:43Where's the Golden Gate?
10:49Sí, ahí está!
10:50Yeah, there it is!
10:52Let's go see the wizard!
10:54So he can turn me back into a bull!
11:03I wonder who's snoring.
11:07I'm not snoring.
11:09I'm not snoring.
11:11I'm not snoring.
11:13Do you know who's snoring?
11:18The dragon!
11:19The dragon?
11:24A dragon!
11:27She's snoring, so she's still asleep.
11:30But how will we get past her without waking her up?
11:34La lechuza, la lechuza
11:38Hace shh, hace shh
11:42Háganos silencio, háganos silencio
11:46Por favor, por favor
11:50La lechuza is telling us to be quiet.
11:52Then we'll get past the sleeping dragon.
11:55Will you help us be quiet as we sneak past the dragon?
12:00We'll sing the song really softly.
12:03And when we say shh, you say shh.
12:07Here we go!
12:10La lechuza, la lechuza
12:14Hace shh, hace shh
12:18Háganos silencio, háganos silencio
12:22Por favor, por favor
12:27We made it past the dragon!
12:29Without waking her up!
12:31Thanks for singing!
12:33Gracias, lechuza.
12:34De nada.
12:41We made it to the Golden Gate!
12:51The gate is locked.
12:53We need keys to open the gate.
12:56Let's count the keyholes to see how many keys we need.
12:59Count with me!
13:01One, two, three, four, five, six, seven!
13:11Seven keyholes!
13:12So how many keys do we need?
13:15Seven, right!
13:17So we need to find seven keys.
13:20Siete llaves!
13:22Let's count in Spanish.
13:24Count with me!
13:26Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete!
13:49I see pixies!
13:51And I see elves!
13:53Where do we go next, Dora?
13:56Garden, gate, wizard's castle!
14:01We went through the magic garden
14:04We went through the magic garden
14:06And through the golden gate
14:09Where do we go next?
14:13Wizard's castle!
14:19So we need to find the wizard's castle!
14:22I don't see it!
14:25Look! It's the magic explorer star!
14:28He's going to help us find the castle!
14:35Where is the wizard's castle?
14:40Yes, there it is!
14:42Thanks, Marico!
14:47Come on! Let's go see the wizard!
14:50So he can turn me back into a fool!
14:52Let's go!
14:57Wow! The wizard's castle is high up on that hill!
15:01How are we going to get all the way up there?
15:03Do you see anyone who can help us get up that hill?
15:09Yeah! The magic horse!
15:12He's a unicorn!
15:14He can fly us up the hill!
15:16Hola, unicornio!
15:18Hola, amigos!
15:20¿Nos puedes llevar al castillo, por favor?
15:23Sí, con mucho gusto!
15:25Unicornio is going to fly us up to the castle!
15:34We have to say arriba so unicornio will go up!
15:38Say arriba!
15:47Gracias, unicornio!
15:50De nada!
15:52Now, let's go see the wizard!
15:55Hola, wizard!
15:58Hola, amigos! ¿Qué pasa?
16:02Hola, amigos! ¿Qué pasa?
16:04We need your help!
16:05Fanny the bull turned himself into a potato!
16:08Can you turn him back into a bull, por favor?
16:11I wish I could, but I lost my magic wand!
16:14I can't do any tricks without it!
16:16But, wizard, we found your magic wand!
16:19Right, Boots?
16:20Do you remember where we put the wizard's magic wand?
16:25In my backpack, right!
16:27Will you check my backpack for the wizard's magic wand?
16:30You have to say backpack!
16:33Say backpack!
16:38Backpack, backpack! Backpack, backpack! Yeah!
16:44I have lots of stuff, but Dora needs you to find the wizard's magic wand!
16:49Is this the magic wand?
16:52Right! ¡Ahí está! ¡Muy bien!
16:55Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! ¡Delicioso!
16:59Now I could change Benny back into a bull!
17:02But, I need your help!
17:04We have to wave the magic wand together!
17:08Wave it around and around! Wave it, wave it!
17:12Now you have to say, wickedy, wackedy, wolf!
17:15Say it with me!
17:17Wickedy, wackedy, wolf!
17:19Wickedy, wackedy, wolf! Wickedy, wackedy, wolf! Wickedy, wackedy, wolf!
17:25Turn the potato back into a bull!
17:31Look! It worked!
17:33You're not a potato anymore!
17:36I'm Benny the Bull!
17:40Benny the Bull! Benny the Bull!
17:44I like being a bull more than being a potato!
17:47Thanks, amigos!
17:54We did it!
17:58We did it! We did it! We did it! Yay!
18:01Now we steam up! We did it!
18:03Through the garden and the gate and past the sleeping dragon!
18:06We did it! We did it! We did it! Hooray!
18:09We took Benny the Potato to the wizard in a wagon!
18:12We did it! We did it! We did it! We did it!
18:15Benny really liked being a bull,
18:17so we turned him back again by saying, wickedy, wackedy, wolf!
18:20Yay! Woo! Hooray!
18:22We did it!
18:26We had such a magical trip today!
18:29What was your favorite part of the trip?
18:36I like that too.
18:38My favorite part was when we said,
18:40Ariba and Unicornio flew us up to the wizard's castle.
18:44My favorite part was when we helped the wizard turn Benny back into a bull!
18:48Let's see how many stars we caught!
18:50¡Seis estrellas!
18:54Count with me!
18:55One, two, three, four, five, six, seven!
19:03Seven stars!
19:05¡Siete estrellas!
19:07Wow! Seven stars!
19:10And there's the Magic Explorer star!
19:15We couldn't have done it without you!
19:18Thanks for helping!
19:27Tell us what's missing!
19:30What's missing here?
19:35What's missing here?
19:41What's missing here?
19:45What's missing here?
19:50What's missing here?
19:55Adiós! Goodbye!
