Kasak _ Uncut Full web series streaming on RATRI App

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00:00What are you doing? Can't you see I'm working?
00:20Sanju, all the time, only work, work and work.
00:25Work in the office, work at home, work everywhere.
00:31Do you value my feelings? Do you value my needs?
00:37No, right?
00:47I can't be a mother.
00:55Not even with your love.
01:02Sanju, I can't do it. I can't do it.
01:05Love me. I don't need your love.
01:08Smita, please.
01:10No, I won't listen.
01:12You know, right? Why don't you understand?
01:21Sorry, baby. I hurt you.
01:25But you can understand my problem, right?
01:28It's been six years. I haven't been able to give you a baby.
01:31Doctors say that my body can't produce sperm.
01:36I explained to myself that now sexual dysfunctions will start.
01:42I'm tired of getting treatment.
01:46Look, I understand you.
01:51Be patient. Everything will be fine.
01:55Everything will be fine.
02:01Sorry, I'm late for office today.
02:03Give me the tiffin, I'll eat in the office.
02:09What happened, Smita?
02:12Say something.
02:17Then why are you so quiet these days?
02:19Oh yes, I forgot to tell you something yesterday.
02:21You know, my friend Rakesh met me after many years.
02:25His brother also had the same problem that I have.
02:28He took treatment from a doctor and today he is happy.
02:31And you know, he has a baby too.
02:33I took the doctor's number and address from him.
02:36You are listening, right?
02:42You can be angry with me.
02:45But how do I make you understand how worried I am?
02:48You know, you live alone in the house.
02:51They say, empty mind is devil's house.
02:55I mean, when the acting class starts, some kids will come.
03:00If you mix up with them, you will feel better.
03:04Acting class?
03:06Not even an enquiry has come.
03:09Acting class.
03:11That's it.
03:13Let's meet the newspaper guy tomorrow and get some pamphlets printed.
03:15It will be a little advertised.
03:17People will get to know.
03:19Gradually, students will start coming.
03:21Don't worry.
03:23Your acting class will start very soon.
03:25Okay? Now I am getting late.
03:27See you in the evening.
03:42Hello, ma'am. Myself, Aryan Puri.
03:45I saw the board of acting academy outside.
03:48So, I came to enquire about that.
03:50Are you Ms. Smita?
03:52Yes, I am. Come in. Let's talk.
03:56Aryan, have you ever taken any acting classes before this?
04:01I mean, any formal training or something like that?
04:04Ma'am, I haven't taken any acting classes or any formal training.
04:09Actually, I never got a chance to do all this.
04:12But ma'am, I have performed a little on stage.
04:15So, now I just want to make my career in acting.
04:22But, acting doesn't come from learning.
04:24It comes from observation.
04:26I mean, acting is all about observation, feeling and execution.
04:32Anyways, when I get classes done, I will teach you all this.
04:35Ma'am, when will the classes start?
04:38We will start soon.
04:40If we get some more students, we will open an institute type together.
04:43But yes, we will talk after 4 in the evening.
04:46Let's start your class from tomorrow.
04:49When we get some more students, then we will look for some other place and start a batch.
04:54If it's not a problem for you.
04:56No, ma'am. It's fine.
04:58So, I will come from tomorrow at 4 in the evening.
05:00Come from tomorrow.
05:02Okay, ma'am. Thank you.
05:05Sanjay, I think you don't have to give this acting class ad through the newspaper.
05:13Why? What happened?
05:15A student came today.
05:17He has joined.
05:20May be, the number of students will increase one by one.
05:23Okay, that's good.
05:26You will feel better.
05:29I hope so.
05:35So, what if I lied just to get you?
05:39So, what if…
05:44Ma'am, I forgot the dialogue.
05:47Aryan, acting is not just about saying the dialogue.
05:53I have been saying this since yesterday.
05:56Acting is all about observation.
06:00First observe, then imagine.
06:05Then you feel it.
06:08After that, execute.
06:10The day, the moment you touch the soul of the character in the script,
06:17you will live that character.
06:19After that, you won't need to remember the dialogue and say it.
06:22You will say the dialogue yourself.
06:24All those dialogues will come out of you.
06:28Okay, ma'am. I understood.
06:30Let me try again.
06:31I am sorry, ma'am.
06:33So, what if I lied just to get you?
06:39I can't do it, ma'am.
06:41You can't do it, Aryan.
06:44You have to feel it.
06:50Let's do it like this.
06:52Imagine that your girlfriend is standing in front of you.
06:57And then you say all those dialogues.
06:59Ma'am, I don't have a girlfriend.
07:02You don't have a girlfriend.
07:04But this character has a girlfriend, right?
07:09Now you are saying the lines of this character.
07:12So, you have to feel it.
07:14You have to touch her soul.
07:16You have to live the soul of this character.
07:19You have to feel that you have a girlfriend.
07:22Okay. Let's do it in this way.
07:25I am standing in front of you.
07:26Imagine that I am your girlfriend.
07:30And you are saying your lines.
07:33Let me try.
07:37So, what if I lied just to get you?
07:41So, what if I can't see any other face other than your face?
07:47So, what if...
07:49So, what if...
07:51I can't do it, ma'am.
07:53So, what if...
07:54So, what if I lied just to get you?
08:01So, what if...
08:03I can't hear any other name other than yours?
08:07So, what if...
08:09I can't hear any other name other than yours?
08:18So, what if...
08:22If I...
08:24If I love you endlessly?
08:32Love is not everything, right?
08:39Love is not everything, right?
08:54Love is not everything, right?
09:08Why are you looking so tensed?
09:10Well, the acting session is going on.
09:14You came so early?
09:16The work got over early. So, I came early.
09:20By the way, this is Aryan.
09:22My acting student.
09:23Hello, sir.
09:25You have a beautiful name. Just like a film star.
09:27Thank you, sir.
09:29Ma'am, I'll leave now.
09:31Why are you leaving? You guys carry on.
09:33I have some office work left. I'll do it in the bedroom.
09:35No, Aryan, that's all for today.
09:37You come back on time tomorrow. Okay?
09:39Okay, ma'am.
09:41Bye, sir.
09:56Reduce the volume of the TV.
09:58There's a call for you.
10:01Good evening, sir.
10:05Thank you. Thank you so much, sir.
10:07Thanks a lot.
10:09Yes. Sure, sir.
10:11I'll be on time tomorrow.
10:13Yes, sir.
10:15Sir, good night.
10:19What a great news!
10:21What happened?
10:23I'm going to be a director.
10:25My dream is going to come true, Smita.
10:32Aren't you happy?
10:38There are happiness and needs in my life.
10:41There's something else.
10:43You'll understand it someday.
10:48Aryan, today...
10:50Today, we'll work on the reaction.
10:53Okay, ma'am.
10:55Reaction is a very important part of acting.
10:59Reaction is...
11:01Let's say I act something.
11:03And you give me an answer.
11:06I mean, you'll react to what I do.
11:11So, you get to know the mood.
11:14You get to know the character.
11:16You get to know the relation.
11:18So, reaction is very, very important
11:21to portray a character
11:23and to play any role from your heart.
11:28For example,
11:30I just told you that...
11:34Aryan, I'm sorry.
11:37You had to wait.
11:39You got the answer.
11:41It's okay, ma'am.
11:43No problem.
11:47Your reaction makes me feel
11:50that our relationship is very formal.
11:55But think about it.
11:58If we were friends,
12:02if we were...
12:04If we were...
12:06If we were meeting openly,
12:09would you have given me an answer?
12:12I mean, would you have reacted to my action?
12:19That's why we'll work on this today.
12:22Okay, ma'am.
12:24Let's make a plot today.
12:29Let's say I'm your girlfriend.
12:34And you're leaving me.
12:43Stand here in front of me.
12:46Now, I'll say the dialogue.
12:48I mean, I'll act.
12:52And you'll react to my action.
12:55Yes, ma'am.
13:01How can you be such a stranger?
13:09You didn't tell me anything.
13:15Not even a letter.
13:17Not even a message.
13:21You know
13:23how I spend each day without you.
13:29You've come after so many days
13:32and you're saying there's no relationship between us.
13:37You want to leave me today.
13:43I won't let you go today.
13:47I won't let you go.
13:49I won't let you go.
13:52I won't let you go.
13:54Look into my eyes.
13:56Don't you see love in them?
13:59Touch them.
14:01Don't you like me?
14:03Hold me in your arms.
14:05What are you doing? Leave me.
14:07I can't act like this.
14:12I need time.
14:17See, listen.
14:19It's okay, Aryan.
14:21You take your time.
14:24But, see, you have to remember one thing.
14:27If you want to be a good actor,
14:29you can't say
14:31I can't do this, I can't do that.
14:34You can't say that, Aryan.
14:36And I...
14:38How can I romance with you?
14:40You're my teacher.
14:42You're older than me.
14:45Aryan, I want to tell you again and again
14:48to forget that I'm your teacher.
14:54Right now, feel that I'm your girlfriend.
14:59You have to play that role.
15:02Come with me.
15:04Stand here.
15:10Close your eyes.
15:13And feel me.
15:18Feel that
15:21right now, you're not you.
15:25I'm not me.
15:28Right now,
15:30I'm just your girlfriend.
15:37Mom's calling.
15:46Yes, mom.
15:48Yes, I'm in the acting class.
15:51I have to leave right now.
15:54Okay, then.
15:56I'll come.
16:00I'm sorry, ma'am.
16:02I have to go.
16:04I have to take mom to the doctor.
16:22Aryan, how are you?
16:24Fine, sir.
16:26How are your acting classes?
16:28It's going well, sir.
16:30Good, good. See you. Bye.
16:32Bye, sir.
16:33All the best.
16:39Why didn't you close the door?
16:40Aryan left five minutes ago.
16:43That's why it's open.
16:45Yes, I saw him outside.
16:47He's a very decent guy.
16:49Listen, I have to leave for Nashik early tomorrow.
16:52I have to go to work.
16:54Wake me up early.
16:56When will you be back?
16:58I can't say.
17:00It might be 8 or 9 at night.
17:02If there's traffic in Kasaraghat,
17:04it might take a long time.
17:06Okay? I'm going to sleep.
17:33What's wrong with me?
17:35Why am I getting attracted to Aryan?
17:37Why am I waking up every day?
17:39Why does his touch
17:41excite me?
17:44Is this right?
17:46Do I have this right?
17:48Or is it just written in my fate
17:50to suffer like this?
17:52It's been six years since I got married.
17:54But I haven't been able to become a mother yet.
17:57Sanjay is my friend, right?
17:59And punishment?
18:01Why am I getting punished?
18:03If I had a medical problem,
18:04would Sanjay have stayed for me?
18:07Maybe we would have
18:09broken up and got married.
18:13I'm sure
18:15Aryan can take care of me and Sanjay.
18:20He can fulfill our wish to have a child.
18:27he can fulfill my needs too.
18:30Take care.
18:45do you know why I'm wearing all this today?
18:48I mean, why have I put on so much make-up?
18:51Why, ma'am?
18:53For you.
18:54For me?
18:56For you.
19:03we'll do an act
19:05that's a little mature.
19:07In which
19:09you'll play the role of a husband
19:11and I'll play the role of a wife.
19:14I mean, imagine that
19:16we're newly married
19:19and this is our first night.
19:21Our first meeting.
19:22I know it's mature, but...
19:24But, ma'am,
19:26how can I play the role of a husband?
19:28How many times do I have to tell you, Aryan?
19:31For an actor, age
19:33doesn't matter.
19:35Just remember the role and feel it.
19:40Look, I know you can do it.
19:43And why am I here?
19:45I'll help you, right?
19:53I'll say the dialogue.
19:55You have to react.
20:09You accepted me.
20:13I'm thankful to you.
20:23It's my fate
20:28that I have
20:31a loving husband
20:36like you.
20:53I want to settle in your eyes.
21:00Let me settle in your eyes.
21:08Let me settle
21:12in your heart.
21:22Let me settle
21:24in your heart.
21:29Not ma'am.
21:31I'm not your teacher on the bed.
21:36Only Smita.
21:40I didn't do it right.
21:50There's nothing wrong with love.
21:58Okay, tell me something.
22:01Didn't you like it?
22:02I liked it a lot, ma'am.
22:05Ma'am's son?
22:07I told you.
22:08I'm not your teacher on the bed.
22:16You can call me Singh.
22:20Yeah, okay.
22:22Okay, Simi?
22:48What happened?
22:51Why did you come so late?
22:55I came at 5 o'clock.
23:005 o'clock?
23:05Do you know?
23:07Coming early has changed my life a lot.
23:11What do you mean?
23:14I came early so I thought
23:15I'll meet the doctor and the doctor's wife on the way.
23:24What did Dr. Atula say?
23:25What did he say?
23:27I can be treated.
23:28I can become a father.
23:30My passion can come back.
23:32Smita, I'm so happy today.
23:34That's great news.
23:36Very good news.
23:39What happened to you?
23:41You used to cry every day.
23:42You should be very happy today.
23:46I'm very happy.
23:47I'm very happy.
23:48I'm very happy.
23:50I was just thinking that
23:54it would have been better if I had met this doctor a few days ago.
23:58You know, Smita?
24:00When you are destined,
24:03it happens.
24:04Okay, listen.
24:05I'm very hungry.
24:07Do one thing.
24:08Serve me food quickly.
24:09I'll be back in a jiffy.
24:12You get fresh.
24:37Whose vest is this?
24:41I don't remember when I bought it.
24:43You know I don't wear a vest.
24:45No, no.
24:46My cousin, Vinod.
24:48Last year.
24:49It must be his.
24:51I was cleaning my bag today.
24:52That's when it came out.
25:02Your student.
25:03What's his name?
25:05Did he come?
25:11He came.
25:13Why did you cough all of a sudden?
25:20Something got stuck in my throat.
25:28Be careful.
25:29What did you wear?
25:30And what are you wearing?
25:34Sanjay got this.
25:36I know how I managed it.
25:40Okay, sorry.
25:42come now.
25:43I told you.
25:45I've been waiting for you.
25:46Do you know?
25:50Don't be like this.
25:51Yes, I'll be careful from now on.
25:57You came so soon.
26:00I was missing you a lot.
26:02So, I thought let's finish the work quickly.
26:05And I came to you.
26:08What's the matter, Smita?
26:10You look very sweet today.
26:11When don't I look sweet to you?
26:13Yes, you always look sweet.
26:15But, I don't know why you look sweet today.
26:18There's dust on your eyes.
26:21I remembered.
26:22Close your eyes.
26:24You censor a lot of questions.
26:26Close your eyes.
26:31What is it?
26:35Tell me quickly.
26:36Tell me.
26:40What are you doing?
26:47It's beautiful.
26:49Did you like it?
26:51It's very beautiful.
27:07Look, Aryan.
27:08Listen to what I am going to tell you very carefully.
27:13I have made a big mistake.
27:17For my selfishness,
27:20I made an illicit relationship with you.
27:25I am your culprit.
27:27Look, let's forget whatever happened till now.
27:30From today,
27:31I am just your acting teacher.
27:34And you are just a student for me.
27:35That's all.
27:36But Simi, this...
27:37Not Simi.
27:39Please, call her ma'am.
27:41Okay, ma'am.
27:43What mistake did I make that you are angry with me?
27:47I am not angry with you.
27:48I am angry with you.
27:49I am angry with you.
27:50I am angry with you.
27:51I am angry with you.
27:52I am angry with you.
27:53I am angry with you.
27:54I am angry with you.
27:55I am angry with you.
27:56I am not angry with you.
27:57And I am not angry with you either.
28:00In my life,
28:01because of some situations,
28:04I was carried away, Aryan.
28:13Our relationship
28:15will be exactly the same
28:16as you came to meet me.
28:19I am just a teacher for you.
28:22And you are a student for me.
28:24That's all.
28:31Concentrate on your script and dialogues.
28:54I'll be right back.
29:20Smita, are you okay?
29:22I've been knocking on the door for so long. Why are you late?
29:26I was making tea in the kitchen.
29:29My tea!
29:33You could have opened the door.
29:41If you were in the kitchen, how did the tea get burnt?
29:45The flame was too high.
29:48It's okay.
29:50Be careful next time.
29:52Otherwise, our dry house will be on fire.
29:55I'm going to freshen up.
29:57Make a nice cup of tea for me.
30:06Be careful next time.
30:08Otherwise, our dry house will be on fire.
30:48What's the matter?
30:51You woke up so early.
30:53You even made breakfast for me.
30:56I made breakfast for you and kept it in the kitchen.
30:59It's your favourite, Masala Omelette.
31:02Eat it quickly or else it will get cold.
31:05Why are you so kind?
31:10It's your favourite, Masala Omelette.
31:13It's your favourite, Masala Omelette.
31:18Did you get a new contract?
31:21Yes, I contacted someone 7 years ago on this day.
31:25Let me guess.
31:28Oh God!
31:30I'm so sorry.
31:32Happy Anniversary.
31:35Same to you.
31:37There's one more good news.
31:39What is it?
31:41My treatment is starting from today.
31:42If God wills,
31:44you will give me a nice gift till the next anniversary.
32:15I texted you yesterday, right?
32:17That the class is closed from today.
32:19Ma'am, you can't use me like this.
32:22You know I love you.
32:24But I don't love you.
32:26I'm a married woman.
32:28Please try to understand. You are younger than me.
32:30You go.
32:32You told me that there's no age in love.
32:35And when you were spoiling me,
32:37wasn't I younger then?
32:39Weren't you married then?
32:40Please forget me.
32:42Please stop following me.
32:44Please go. I'm sorry.
32:47Please go.
32:49Ma'am, no.
32:51Ma'am, open the door.
32:56Ma'am, I can't live without you.
32:58I love you.
33:07Simi, listen.
33:08Simi, listen.
33:10Listen to me once.
33:12Simi, don't do this to me.
33:15Don't leave me.
33:17I can't focus on anything without you.
33:20Please agree.
33:22I love you.
33:24How many times have I told you to stop following me?
33:27I don't understand.
33:29You have to make your career, Narayan.
33:32You can choose a girl of your age.
33:35You can marry her.
33:36Please stop following me.
33:38But I'm not asking you to marry her.
33:41I'm just saying what's decided between us.
33:44Aryan, I can see people.
33:46Aryan, I'm telling you.
33:49I can see people.
33:51You've crossed the line.
33:53Don't follow me.
33:55If you follow me,
33:57I'll go to the police.
33:59And I'll file a case against you
34:01for harassment and molestation.
34:02I'll file a case against you.
34:05I'm your student.
34:10You taught me to love.
34:12Will you file a case against me?
34:14Yes, I will.
34:16What will you do?
34:18I'll see how you go to the police.
34:20Leave my hand.
34:22Leave it.
34:24Leave it.
34:26I'll go to the police.
34:32I'll go to the police.
35:02I'll go to the police.
35:32I'll go to the police.
35:34I'll go to the police.
35:36I'll go to the police.
35:38I'll go to the police.
35:40I'll go to the police.
35:42I'll go to the police.
35:44I'll go to the police.
35:46I'll go to the police.
35:48I'll go to the police.
36:02I'll go to the police.
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36:54I'll go to the police.
36:56I'll go to the police.
36:58I'll go to the police.
37:00I'll go to the police.
37:02I'll go to the police.
