Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, return for an exciting new adventure in the critically acclaimed Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise for the PS5 console. Equipped with Miles’ new bioelectric venom power and Peter’s Spider-Arms, the Spider-Men face the ultimate test of strength inside and outside the mask as they fight to save the city, each other and the ones they love, from the monstrous Venom. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 launches October 20, 2023.
00:00♪ ♪ ♪
00:17The city's being torn apart.
00:20I don't know if I'm strong enough to save it.
00:22Do I have what it takes to protect the people I love?
00:30♪ ♪ ♪
00:39You never gave up.
00:41Never backed down.
00:46Neither will I.
00:50This is my power.
00:52My responsibility.
00:58am Spider-Man.