• last week
great film
00:00The UK's debt tots up at around £5,000 per second. Currently at over £2 trillion, the
00:22annual cost of the interest alone amounts to about £48 billion a year.
00:28In 2016, the Rand Corporation were awarded a lucrative commission by the EU to make a
00:33study into one specific area of economic loss in Great Britain. It would transpire that
00:39in the previous 12 years, we had lost over €43 billion due to one factor alone. And
00:46what else in a post-9-11 society could that be? Oh yeah. But by who?
01:04The people collecting your hard-earned money to throw at this long-running, profligate
01:08waste are Her Majesty's revenue and customs. A somewhat dark irony, given Her Majesty only
01:13began paying taxes at the age of 66. But as of May 12, 2011, you have been quite lawfully
01:20entitled to withhold all payments to the UK government. These payments would include your
01:25council tax and your income tax. In fact, payments of any kind.
01:32The reason for this is as shocking as it is tragic. Fourteen summers ago, London suffered
01:38its worst bomb attack since the Blitz, and 56 people lost their lives in what has now
01:43become remembered as 7-7. And it gave rise to a court case, and verdict, we suspect few
01:50of you have even heard of, and doubt you were meant to.
02:09Following the attack, the British tabloids employed their usual calm and restraint, welcoming
02:13the inevitable raft of so-called security measures that now stands at at least one surveillance
02:18camera for every eleven people in the UK. Conversely, some chose to step back and review
02:26the day with a wider perspective, scrutinising the government's often conflicting and puzzling
02:31story on 7-7, writing books, making films, and disseminating information across the web.
02:40One of these films would lead to what is arguably the most extraordinary, and legally significant,
02:45yet most unreported trials in modern history. This homemade desktop documentary would prompt
02:51the BBC into ensuring as many British households as possible were warned off such heresy, spending
02:58thousands upon thousands of licenced payers' money in the process to counter the claims
03:03of 7-7 ripple effect.
03:11John Hill, John Hill, BBC Conspiracy Files. Can I ask you why you've made a film accusing
03:17innocent people of mass murder on 7-7 with no evidence at all? Can I ask you why you're
03:24ignoring the huge weight of evidence against the four men blamed for the 7-7 bombings?
03:33You have made a film which is damaging trust in the British government and is undermining
03:38community cohesion in Britain. Is that your intention, Mr Hill?
03:45Since we caught up with him, John Hill has been arrested. He is facing extradition to
03:50the UK on a charge of perverting the course of justice by sending DVDs of 7-7 ripple effect
03:57to the judge and jury foreman in a trial linked to 7-7.
04:04True enough, John Hill had anonymously sent copies of ripple effect to the judge and jury
04:08at Kingston Crown Court in 2008 because he feared that the three men on trial, who were
04:14charged with assisting the alleged 7-7 bombers, may well suffer a miscarriage of justice were
04:19relevant information not made available.
04:30Details of John's hearing in Ireland make it very clear that the reason for his extradition
04:34was because he had not only questioned the official story on 7-7, but that he'd made
04:39the assertion that agents of the UK government had actually carried it out.
04:49And so, for 150 days, he awaited trial at Wandsworth Prison until May 2011, where he'd
04:56stood trial at Southwark Crown Court, facing a potential life imprisonment for daring to
05:01suggest the unthinkable.
05:06In court, John was confronted by the considerable skills of the publicly funded prosecution,
05:11who again pointed out the allegedly baseless accusations made in his documentary.
05:17We doubt Ms Darlow cared to mention such cases as Operation Northwoods or Gladio,
05:22the Newburgh Four, and if you Google any of them, you'll see why.
05:32And so on May 11th, the third day of the trial, the jury was shown the hour-long 7-7 ripple
05:37effect, a film which, according to the BBC, contained no evidence at all.
05:45Having taken just three hours to return from their deliberations, the jury foreman announced
05:49they couldn't reach a unanimous verdict, so the judge, reportedly quite unfriendly to
05:54John Hill, stated he would accept a majority verdict of no less than 10-2. It would then
06:01take just 90 minutes before the jury returned with the majority verdict.
06:07What followed from our giants of the British press and TV was this.
06:26The almost total silence from the UK mainstream media spoke volumes for the enormity of the
06:31jury's decision and its implications for the establishment.
06:36One of the few useful reports on the verdict came from John's native Yorkshire, that well-known
06:41epicentre of British journalism. If you wish to find the BBC's grovelling apology, that
06:49never happened and it took them a whole month before they added this to one of their lesser
06:54read webpages.
07:07Likewise, Annabel's glowing CV, perhaps unsurprisingly, has no mention of the case amongst their impressive
07:17victories in the War on Terror.
07:23So what are the legal implications?
07:28Well, when a jury decides that a film alleging the British government murdered 56 of its
07:35own citizens is fair comment, it's not too unreasonable a question to ask, if that was
07:40the case, who funded it?
07:44Now take a wild guess.
07:53So what is reasonable cause in law?