• letztes Jahr
Im Zeichentrick-Klassiker Unten am Fluß begibt sich eine Gruppe Kaninchen auf die gefährliche Suche nach einem neuen Bau.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/unten-am-fluss


00:00We've got to go away from here, all of us.
00:07Something very bad is going to happen.
00:09Well, it's not going to be easy, but we don't have much choice.
00:18Well, come along then.
00:21Is it a kind of dream?
00:28Floating out on the tide.
00:32What was left unfinished will be finished now.
00:35But nobody seems to know where you go.
00:41My courage, my spirit, it's so much less than it was.
00:44We can escape, believe me.
00:47Yes, I think we can.
00:49We all got into this together, we'll all get out of it together.
00:56We go by the will of the Black Rabbit.
00:59When he calls you, you have to go.
01:04We shouldn't be fighting each other.
01:06There's nowhere left to run.
01:11The field, the field, it's covered with blood.
