00:00It was over in the morning, all three of them
00:05It was between 10 in the morning and night
00:08I don't have anything to eat
00:15I don't have anything to eat
00:19Where do you eat?
00:21Rice and roti
00:24No sir, I don't eat fish
00:27Where do you eat?
00:29We don't have anything to eat
00:31Do you cook?
00:32No, we don't cook
00:34Are you going to get married?
00:36No, I am not going to get married
00:39Why not?
00:41I am going to get married
00:46I don't have any money
00:49I don't have money
01:24I have been eating fish since I was a child, I used to bring it home and ask my mother to cook it for me, but she would not cook it for me, so I used to bring it home and eat it.
01:33At 10 o'clock in the morning, my elder father would come home, and he would cook it for me.
01:41I used to eat it at around 2.30 or 3.30 in the morning.
01:46Do you get the fish from the lake or from Narwa?
01:48From Narwa.
01:50Where in Narwa do you get it?
01:52From Khar.
01:56I don't eat fish.
01:58You have only one child, right?
02:02Did you make Kadhi rice at home or did you get it from somewhere else?
02:04I got it from a farmer.
02:06From which farmer?
02:08I don't know.
02:10So you didn't make Kadhi rice at home?
02:12I didn't make it, I ate it.
02:14What water do you use to drink it?
02:16From the tap.