• last year
The thing about catfish is that they don’t go down without a fight, and Allison knows this firsthand.

"I took a friend catfish noodling," Allison told WooGlobe. "I was coaching her along and blocking the hole so the catfish couldn’t escape when it came up and bit my leg."

Allison does her best to stay calm to ensure her friend catches her first catfish.

What’s even funnier is that this incident wasn’t out of the ordinary for Allison.

"That was the second bite on the same leg that week," she revealed.

Location: Indiana, United States
WooGlobe Ref : WGA872408
For licensing and to use this video, please email licensing@wooglobe.com


00:00it went up oh hello did you see it
00:07calf yeah go in and get him he's ready bottom they're like getting bitty in
00:10there i don't want to get bit good god
00:17that one got me i'm excited
