Beaming King Charles shares 'healing hug' with New Zealand rugby teamPA
00:00Can I just say that I'm so pleased to have this opportunity to greet you all for a short
00:19Apparently not to be able to give you a drink, but I've already said I hope that you have
00:28great success.
00:29I'm split in minorities, so I try to be as careful as possible.
00:34But can I also say that I felt deeply for the loss of Kingi so suddenly, having spoken
00:44to him on the telephone only recently, and then suddenly to hear that he'd died was a
00:52real shock.
00:53And I have such happy memories of seeing him in New Zealand, but also here at the time
01:00of the coronation that he so kindly came all the way for that.
01:04So, I can imagine just what an impact his departure has had in New Zealand on Maori
01:14So, again, my deepest condolences.
01:17And, as I say, I much appreciated this chance to meet you and to have such a warm hug from both of you.