Rasool e Kareemﷺ Ne Farmaya

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Rasool e Kareemﷺ Ne Farmaya

#peer_Ajmal_Raza_Qadri_#Islamic statues#shorts#trending#islamic#urdu#hadees


00:00The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has given his Ummah the wealth of certainty.
00:07How has he given it?
00:11The disbelievers of Mecca had come right in front of the cave of Saur.
00:18O Messenger of Allah, they have come!
00:21What did the Prophet say?
00:23In the Qur'an, Surah Tawbah, it says,
00:26Abu Bakr, do not grieve.
00:29What did the Prophet say?
00:31Do not grieve.
00:33Why should I not grieve?
00:35On what basis should I not grieve?
00:37So that they listen to the basis and understand it.
00:40We are Muslims.
00:42We should have a little individualistic thinking with others.
00:45We are not heirs.
00:47We belong to the Lord and the Messenger.
00:49Our words should not be impure.
00:52They should have clarity.
00:54The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was sitting in a mosque in Itikaf.
01:00He used to go far away and sit in Itikaf.
01:03He used to say, here in Bastam, people kiss their hands a lot.
01:06People see that such and such has a lot of glory.
01:09But if a person is a Sufi, a dervish, then he is afraid.
01:12He says, so many people follow me.
01:15I have to answer in the presence of the Lord.
01:17The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, intended to go far away and sit in Itikaf.
01:21He said, I have to sit in Itikaf.
01:23Get up, let's sit there.
01:25Where all the others do not sit.
01:28Neither does anyone recognize us, nor does anyone believe in us.
01:32People did not know Itikaf when they went far away.
01:35So the Prophet took his dry food, etc.
01:38He sat in Itikaf.
01:40Whoever came, he said, where will you eat bread?
01:43He said, Allah will make means.
01:46God willing, it will be better.
01:48He said, that is fine, but how?
01:50He said, I am saying, Allah will give.
01:53Allah does not need any means, God forbid.
01:56He will give.
01:58Although the world runs on means, but I have some things.
02:01But whoever comes,
02:03Where will you eat bread?
02:06One day, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
02:10When I got tired, every worshiper asked,
02:12So he said, this is the house of seven Jews.
02:14I have given the money.
02:16Two breads in the morning, two in the evening, give me.
02:17What will you do?
02:19And he said in a little loud voice, so that everyone can hear.
02:21Now those people stopped asking.
02:23In the evening, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:26He made all the worshipers sit.
02:28He said, listen, friend,
02:30When I used to say to you, God will give,
02:32You used to ask, how?
02:34And when I said,
02:36They will come from their house,
02:38You are quiet.
02:40Come, let's think again,
02:42Where is our perfect belief?
02:44Come, let's see where that trust is.
02:47Iqbal said,
02:49Listen, you who are in the grip of the present civilization,
02:51Your unbelief is worse than slavery.
02:55When you speak the truth,
02:57You will live a life worse than the slaves.
03:00If it is the truth,
03:02If there are strong nerves,
03:04If it is strong,
03:06If there is no weakness in it,
03:08If there is no worry in it,
03:11If a person moves forward with strong thoughts,
03:14Then he moves towards the wealth of perfect belief.
03:18Then he is blessed with strength.
03:20But in our society,
03:22It is the words of very weak people,
03:25They are very weak.
03:27The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
03:29Is saying in Ghar-e-Saur,
03:31Do you pay attention to what I am saying?
03:33The Quraish of Mecca are standing in front of him,
03:35And the Prophet says,
03:37Do not grieve.
03:39The Prophet,
03:40There should be a reason for something,
03:43But Kareem said,
03:45Do not grieve.
03:47Abu Bakr said, do not grieve.
03:49Why not?
03:51Do not grieve,
03:53Because Allah is with us.
03:55Those with whom there is a Lord,
03:57Are never sad in worldly affairs.
04:01Those with whom there is a Lord,
04:03But we are not.
04:05Akbar Al-Abadi said,
04:07Even in trouble,
04:09We do not remember Allah.
04:11Prayers do not come out of our mouths,
04:13But from our pockets.
04:15We go to offices,
04:17But we do not lay down our arms.
04:19We look for recommendations,
04:21But we do not pray.
04:23Here and there,
04:25We fight our relations,
04:27But we do not celebrate Allah's mercy.