We asked the general public what their thoughts were on this new statistic and why they think the North East have the highest unemployment rate.
00:00Like from personal experience I can't really say about that. Every time I've looked for work I've had it and more often than not we're short staffed than we are.
00:10Like have too many people looking for work and don't have it. Do you know what I mean? I think it's just a case of skill. I think it's education systems and stuff like that.
00:19We're not training the right kind of people so it looks as if we have unemployment rates and stuff like that but it's not. It's just everybody's trying to fight for the same sectors and stuff like that so it feels like there's no jobs.
00:29I've never had a problem finding a job. I don't know whether that might be more of a statement on the people than the employment rates because if you need a job you will go out and find one.
00:40Sometimes there's a bit of a drought but then there's a massive flood again. There's plenty of trades. People want to work in the trade, go and get a job. Maybe the people just aren't looking hard enough.
00:50I think it's different in the North East because the North East compared to other places is quite out on the sticks. Obviously you've got your main city which is for example Newcastle and the likes of Sunderland and all that but coming to Northumberland and stuff like that you haven't got many places that are full of industry.
01:17In my opinion anyway there's not enough opportunity for people. You can get these sort of low quality jobs but there's not the training for the higher quality ones and then even when there is the training there, there's not enough people who are ambitious enough to go for it. Other than that I can't really speak much about it.
01:36There is a lot of work. Since I've been in the working world I've always managed to get a job no matter what it is.
01:44The latest female and male working age employment rate, 69.6% for women and 69.1% for men, were both the lowest among the nine English regions. However the North East was the only region where the female rate was higher than the male.