smb vs nlex [09.11.24]

  • last week
00:00:00This is our main game this Wednesday evening.
00:00:02It's Bollick, Roger, Henry, Valdez, and Miranda.
00:00:06The starting five for Enlex, for San Miguel,
00:00:09they've got Ross, Perez, Fajardo, Mack,
00:00:13and Marshall Lassiter.
00:00:18This is Thriller Reloaded.
00:00:23As we now have the tip-off brought to you by Honda,
00:00:26official motorcycle of the PBA.
00:00:30First possession to Ross and the Behrman.
00:00:41Marshall launches a three and hits.
00:00:44Nothing but the bottom of the net.
00:00:45That's right.
00:00:47Good start here for Lassiter,
00:00:49and you don't want him to get started.
00:01:01Miranda has worked his way to the starting lineup
00:01:04with his stellar shooting from the outside.
00:01:06Here's Henry.
00:01:07Will overshoot.
00:01:09Getting away with an offensive rebound
00:01:11against Junmar Fajardo nonetheless.
00:01:14Yeah, that was a good bounce off of that offensive rebound
00:01:19by Valdez to be able to get that foot back.
00:01:27They go inside to the Kraken.
00:01:29CJ for three, overshoots.
00:01:39Miranda didn't want to launch.
00:01:44Here's Henry inside.
00:01:46That's too easy.
00:01:48Like you said, too easy.
00:01:50Not much resistance there from the San Miguel defense.
00:01:59Here's Mack in action.
00:02:01All eyes on him.
00:02:02They'd like to be able to see how he performs.
00:02:08Valdez will be called for a foul here as Mack went down.
00:02:18So nice to see Fajardo attacking from the outside,
00:02:21getting that shot off somewhere in the free throw line.
00:02:26He's also developed a three-point shot, coach.
00:02:29Yes, yes.
00:02:30And you remember that game winner against Rain or Shine.
00:02:32That is right.
00:02:34That was from about 18 feet.
00:02:37Mack's going to lose it.
00:02:38Valdez finds Bollick.
00:02:42Sidestepping move.
00:02:45Now they're going to reset.
00:02:51Miranda's going to hit.
00:02:53It's now a four-point advantage.
00:02:54Very quickly for Enlex.
00:02:55Yeah, we're going to see a lot of that from Miranda
00:02:58as he will try to force Fajardo to come out of that paint.
00:03:03Inside to Jun Marnot, quick spin.
00:03:06He will take his time.
00:03:07He'll bully his way in and just impossible to stop.
00:03:10Yeah, Enlex knew that he was going baseline,
00:03:13but the double team was too late
00:03:15and he was able to make that shot.
00:03:207-5, our early tally.
00:03:22Marcio with the task of having the guard, Henry.
00:03:28Valdez back to Bollick.
00:03:30Nice swing.
00:03:32Stepping on the four-point line.
00:03:34Miranda will be short on that long three.
00:03:39CJ Perez will be stopped there.
00:03:44Mack, that's a great pass inside.
00:03:47A three-second violation is going to be called
00:03:49on the Kraken.
00:03:51Yeah, the pass took too long.
00:03:53And by the time Fajardo got that ball,
00:03:56it was called for a three-second violation.
00:03:58But as you can see here, Miranda is down on the floor.
00:04:02Then he got hit by the elbow of Jun Marnot.
00:04:06But he's okay.
00:04:07Get out of my way.
00:04:12He got his wind knocked out of him.
00:04:15Junmar apologizes as they meet on the other end of the court.
00:04:24Mack with the steal.
00:04:27Will come up short, though.
00:04:33They get it to Valdez.
00:04:36On the outside, Miranda for another three.
00:04:39That rims out.
00:04:41That's his third try from the three-point area.
00:04:45Here's Mack.
00:04:48Mack for three.
00:04:50Will misfire.
00:04:51Junmar can't clear the board.
00:04:52Pretty good job there by Miranda.
00:04:54Yep, yep.
00:04:54So far, Mack hasn't gotten his first two points yet
00:05:00in this game.
00:05:06Bollick there, a little chat with Mack,
00:05:08saying, hey, you got me on the arm.
00:05:10Mack saying, come on, man, don't flop.
00:05:15But the referee didn't see it, so.
00:05:18Play on.
00:05:19Just continue to play.
00:05:23Mack will try to make a quick move.
00:05:24Goes inside.
00:05:27He was looking for an easy three-point play,
00:05:29but he'll come up short.
00:05:36I mean, you can see the difference, no,
00:05:38for how Mack plays and Adams.
00:05:42Mack is more of a perimeter guy
00:05:44that can put the ball down and attack the basket,
00:05:47while Adams more of a slow,
00:05:51slow, you know, bring the ball down,
00:05:53back to the basket guy.
00:05:55And I feel that Mack should compliment Fajardo
00:06:00better than Adams.
00:06:04But we'll see.
00:06:05Well, the jury's still out on him.
00:06:07This is only his first game.
00:06:08That's right.
00:06:09But Adams had pretty good numbers.
00:06:11The thing is, with him and Junmar inside that paint,
00:06:15they just might not have that much room.
00:06:17That's right.
00:06:19And Ocbaldez sneaks it in.
00:06:23Gets away there from the defense of Mack.
00:06:26Good right there.
00:06:28Challenging the defense of Mack.
00:06:30Going to his left, finishing off,
00:06:33and getting a foul from Mack.
00:06:35And Ocbaldez.
00:06:41Well, he got hammered in the face.
00:06:42That was clear.
00:06:48Ocbaldez looking to complete a three-point play
00:06:50and is able to buy points early here for Ocbaldez.
00:06:56The protege of CJ Perez.
00:07:01Here's Perez saying, this is how to do it.
00:07:04Good defense.
00:07:12Quick move here by Henry.
00:07:14They find Miranda long too.
00:07:17And Miranda hits.
00:07:20That's his second basket of the game.
00:07:22And that's, you know, like what we mentioned earlier,
00:07:25he's going to keep shooting those shots.
00:07:27Challenging Fajardo.
00:07:32As you can see here in the slow-mo,
00:07:34that nice kick-out play.
00:07:37And a medium shot by Miranda.
00:08:33Let's take a look at the numbers here of Michael Miranda.
00:08:5217 points, six out of 10 from the field.
00:08:55This was in the first meeting.
00:08:57And he also added three rebounds and three assists.
00:08:59So a great all-around game here for Miranda
00:09:02as we send it over to Ayanna.
00:09:04Anthony and Coach E, they might've won in the first round
00:09:07against the San Miguel Beermen,
00:09:08talking about the Enlix World Warriors,
00:09:10but they know that SMB is more than ready for them today.
00:09:13Recently, they've been lacking in manpower.
00:09:15They've been predictable on both their defense and offense.
00:09:17Basically, their whole system has been clamped,
00:09:20causing them to not be fluid in the past games.
00:09:23And today, they just need to get this out of their system
00:09:26and get back into their winning ways
00:09:27because we all know what happens
00:09:28when you have an off night against the Beermen,
00:09:30and they do not want that.
00:09:32Back to you guys.
00:09:33They definitely don't wanna lose three straight games.
00:09:35That's right.
00:09:37Roger from the outside will come up short.
00:09:40Won and done that time.
00:09:42Remember, Junmar had 17 boards the last time out,
00:09:45but still, the Beermen were out-rebounded.
00:09:50And then, take note, Adams is also a big man.
00:09:53So imagine you had two big men,
00:09:56and they were still out-rebounded.
00:09:58EJ Perez is gonna grab that rebound.
00:10:00Roger will be called there with loose ball foul.
00:10:09But you know, if you take a look at the lineup of handlicks,
00:10:12these guys are really capable of getting those rebounds.
00:10:15Roger, Valdez, and Marcelo as well.
00:10:25Robbie Herndon will check in for the first time
00:10:28for the NLEX Road Warriors.
00:10:33Extra pass, here's Ross.
00:10:34Ross, he'll have to kick it out.
00:10:37That's bad spacing.
00:10:38Two individuals were there.
00:10:40CJ puts it up.
00:10:43What a way to beat that shot clock with a four-point shot.
00:10:52And just like that, it's a two-point lead for the Beermen.
00:10:54Yeah, exactly, I was about to say that.
00:10:58Nice find.
00:10:59Herndon, for three, will come up short.
00:11:02There's another offensive rebound here
00:11:04for the boys in blue.
00:11:05Yeah, way to get that offensive rebound
00:11:08by Valdez to keep that ball alive.
00:11:12Nice look.
00:11:13Mack there with the last second block.
00:11:21They're swinging it around, gets it back to Mack.
00:11:25Into the Kraken.
00:11:28CJ Perez inside will get denied.
00:11:34That's the second time he has been blocked today.
00:11:41Turnover there by NLEX.
00:11:43Could have been an easy basket off that transition,
00:11:46but the ball goes to San Miguel.
00:11:51Jericho Cruz will check in here.
00:11:54In place of CJ Perez.
00:11:58CJ Perez!
00:12:03Mack trying to make his move.
00:12:04Valdez has done a good job.
00:12:05They set up Ross.
00:12:06Ross for three.
00:12:11Still a two-point lead enjoyed by the Beermen, though.
00:12:19Bollick inside, has to give it up.
00:12:21Valdez will put up a three.
00:12:23And hit!
00:12:26Mack was too late to challenge that shot by Valdez.
00:12:29And now NLEX has a one-point lead.
00:12:34So far, you know, it's been, for the last eight minutes,
00:12:38Mack has been scoreless in this game.
00:12:42Jumar looking for space.
00:12:47Jumar, exactly.
00:12:48He can't get in that deep.
00:12:50Yep, yep.
00:12:50Plus, with no double team,
00:12:52it's going to be very hard to stop Jumar in the post.
00:12:56Back up to a three-point lead here for the Beermen.
00:13:05Under four and a half remaining in the opening period.
00:13:09Bollick finds Valdez.
00:13:10Another three for Eno!
00:13:12At that time, Ross tracks it down.
00:13:15They find Mack.
00:13:16This could be his first basket.
00:13:18There you go.
00:13:19Off the transition pass by Ross.
00:13:23Well, the scouting report on him is he's a scorer.
00:13:25Yep, yep.
00:13:29Bollick gets to his spot.
00:13:40Eno Valdez is going to be called for a foul here.
00:13:43That was away from the play as well.
00:13:49Side-stepping move, and that was a pretty good challenge
00:13:52there from Eno.
00:13:53Yeah, that's a pretty good move there by Mack.
00:13:56That Eurostep to a half-time using the last.
00:14:02Get them that one-point lead here in the first quarter.
00:14:07That was just better offense, really.
00:14:10Let's see what the referees saw in that last play.
00:14:14They went to the monitors just to be able to double-check.
00:14:19So Eno Valdez will be called for a technical foul.
00:14:24This is what happened.
00:14:31He just threw Mack to the floor.
00:14:38Though Eno is talking to the referees saying,
00:14:39yeah, I know-
00:14:40But why is Lassiter the one shooting the free throw?
00:14:42Technical foul.
00:14:43Technical foul, okay.
00:14:44Anybody can shoot it.
00:14:45So Eno's telling the referees,
00:14:47yeah, I go to the gym,
00:14:48but I don't think I'm that strong
00:14:49to be able to throw him to the ground.
00:14:55But you can see Mack is still adjusting
00:14:56to the PBA brand of play.
00:15:04And he has a little chat there with Enoch
00:15:05about that last incident.
00:15:13Terrence Romeo has checked in.
00:15:16Nice to see Terrence healthy.
00:15:20Almost always in and out of the lineup.
00:15:22Mack to the floor, short.
00:15:35Bollick will get it back.
00:15:36A little stab from the back from Mack.
00:15:39Shot clock winding down.
00:15:41It's at nine.
00:15:42Bollick looks inside.
00:15:44And a foul's gonna be called there in the crackin'.
00:15:48That was a late reaction play there for Fajardo.
00:15:54He wasn't able to recover back to Marcello
00:15:56of that ball screen defense.
00:16:00So Marcello for two free throws.
00:16:04The PBA's back with its newest season.
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00:16:08on RPTV, PBA Rush, and Pilipinas Live App.
00:16:12PBA, angak ang laban.
00:16:22Baser Romero will check in together with Paulie Policarpio.
00:16:33Two point lead still enjoyed by the Behrman.
00:16:39Marcello knocks down the second.
00:16:42After an air ball on his first free throw.
00:16:48His teammates are gonna let him hear
00:16:49about that tomorrow in practice for sure.
00:16:51That's right.
00:16:58Shot clock's winding down.
00:17:00It's at four.
00:17:01Terrence will get denied there by Marcello.
00:17:04The road warriors are gonna sue for time here
00:17:06as we take a look at this block from Marcello.
00:17:09He timed that one perfectly.
00:18:05Let's take a look at Jonel Paulie Policarpio
00:18:08and his numbers against San Miguel Beer.
00:18:10This guy has made a very quick transition
00:18:13to pro basketball.
00:18:14Yes, very promising rookie.
00:18:16Came from LaSalle and look at his numbers.
00:18:1912 points, but what is glaring
00:18:21is that he's not a pro.
00:18:23He's a pro.
00:18:24He's a pro.
00:18:24He's a pro.
00:18:25He's a pro.
00:18:26He's a pro.
00:18:27He's a pro.
00:18:28He's a pro.
00:18:29He's a pro.
00:18:29He's a pro.
00:18:30He's a pro.
00:18:31He's a pro.
00:18:32He's a pro.
00:18:33He's a pro.
00:18:34But what is glaring there is he scored 12 points
00:18:36in a very limited time of 13 minutes.
00:18:40What a very efficient production from Policarpio.
00:18:45That's the key, the efficiency.
00:18:47That's why he's been seeing a lot of playing time.
00:18:53Controlling the boards once again
00:18:54are the NLEX road warriors here.
00:18:58Marcelo back to him.
00:19:03One and done for the road warriors.
00:19:06Still a one point lead in Jordan Behrman.
00:19:09Approaching the two minute mark.
00:19:12Romeo hits.
00:19:15This is a quick line up here for San Miguel
00:19:19and he's got a lot of speed.
00:19:21He's got a lot of speed.
00:19:21He's got a lot of speed.
00:19:22He's got a lot of speed.
00:19:23He's got a lot of speed.
00:19:24He's got a lot of speed.
00:19:25He's got a lot of speed.
00:19:26For San Miguel.
00:19:28See here, Terence Romeo with that
00:19:32talented fallaway jumper.
00:19:34Henry has really not looked for a shot here today yet.
00:19:39He'll come up short.
00:19:40The tap will go to the Behrman.
00:19:52Rodney Brandial now on the line for two shots.
00:19:56First foul will be called there on Marcelo, that is the fourth team foul for NLEX.
00:20:04Brundial now on the line for two shots.
00:20:11Guinness Pilipinas continues its journey in the second window of the FIBA Asia Cup qualifiers this November.
00:20:16Watch the games live at the Mall of Asia Arena.
00:20:18Get your tickets now via
00:20:2722-18 is our tally, this is now the biggest lead in the ballgame for the San Miguel Beermen at four.
00:20:35Pass behind, but still Herndon able to adjust.
00:20:42Passeramere will launch, and will misfire.
00:20:50Dontrollano, sidestepping move.
00:20:53That was an easy shot. Basket there by Dontrollano.
00:20:57Not much resistance from the NLEX defense.
00:21:01When he saw Robby Herndon he said, I can take this guy.
00:21:05But like what you said earlier, it seems that Henry isnt that aggressive and looking to score in this game.
00:21:15Marcelo is going to score inside once again, he has really been exceptional rolling to the basket.
00:21:22That's where he's really good at, setting those screens and rolling to the basket.
00:21:31Will it be an airball or will it be a swish?
00:21:34Let's see. There you go.
00:21:36It's a swish. So he's two out of three from the free throw line, cuts that lead down in half.
00:21:45Altua in the ballgame.
00:21:48Finds Jericho, Jericho left wide open.
00:21:51Back rims that one.
00:22:01They're sagging off Marcelo.
00:22:04Here's Henry inside.
00:22:07That's the Henry that we saw in those previous games where he was scoring in the 30s.
00:22:15But now it seems like Coach is picking his spots.
00:22:18So I think he's now understanding how to pace himself, because he knows that it's a 48 minute game.
00:22:24That's right.
00:22:32Will he copy, will he try to attack?
00:22:39With the pass, straight there to Altua Agustin.
00:22:43In between the two guys there.
00:22:46Altua was about to launch, he can hit from there.
00:22:50And Altua was wearing black, not blue.
00:22:55Maybe Policarpio is colorblind.
00:23:00One foul to give here for the Road Warriors and that's what they did.
00:23:07So now, no more fouls to give here.
00:23:164.5 seconds remaining.
00:23:19They get it to Dunn.
00:23:21Dunn with a quick move.
00:23:24It will be short though.
00:23:3112 minutes done here.
00:23:33At the Nina Aquinas Stadium here this Wednesday evening and it's a 4 point lead enjoyed by the Behrman at 27-23.
00:24:03Come on!
00:24:09Do it!
00:24:10That's what I'm talking about!
00:24:13That's what I'm talking about!
00:24:14That's what I'm talking about!
00:24:15Right there!
00:24:19How about these guys?
00:24:30Go, go, go!
00:24:34It was kind of shaky but you have to think our losses just came from two or one possessions away.
00:24:44We just have to learn from those small things.
00:24:49We just have to defend better for me coming to the fourth quarter.
00:24:53And just follow what we have to do.
00:24:57This team is a veteran team.
00:25:00Coming to the end, I think they should be better in situations like that.
00:25:12Well, you can see he's very confident about the fact that they do have a lot of veterans.
00:25:16It's a championship squad but they haven't been playing like one here at this conference.
00:25:22It's a matter of putting everything together.
00:25:25Again, like what he mentioned, the close games.
00:25:28They have to learn how to close games.
00:25:32It was a good sign when they won against Rain or Shine with that last second shot by Fajardo.
00:25:40I think looking at San Miguel, it's good for them to lose some games here in the eliminations rather than during the playoffs.
00:25:48That's a very good point.
00:25:49Robert Bollick hits a three there.
00:25:51Off-terrific defense by the Behrman but just better offense once again.
00:25:56Cutting that lead to just one.
00:25:5727-26 is our tally as we join the action here in the second period.
00:26:02Motau Tumaw from the outside will miss.
00:26:05Jericho Cruz with a putback.
00:26:08San Miguel sticking to their all-Filipino lineup as they gave Mack a breather here in the start of the second quarter.
00:26:16Let's see if the Road Warriors try to go to their import a little bit more.
00:26:22The flip's not going to work there for Bollick.
00:26:25Trolliano gliding down court.
00:26:35Terrence Romeo will hit.
00:26:37Yeah, this three-guard combination of San Miguel is a very dangerous lineup with Jericho Cruz, Trolliano and Terrence Romeo.
00:26:49From the wing, it's not going to drop.
00:26:51One and done here for NLEX.
00:26:58Romeo's feeling it.
00:26:59I think he wants to take Bollick.
00:27:09Door shot on him there by the double team.
00:27:19Turnover there from San Miguel as Jericho Cruz got stuck there on the baseline as he saw two guys double-teaming him and he couldn't find a teammate to pass to.
00:27:37Bollick brings it down against Jericho.
00:27:41He'll get it back.
00:27:43Asking for some movement here from his team.
00:27:45There's a double.
00:27:46They send it out to Miranda.
00:27:47Miranda for four.
00:27:52Miranda is really shooting well lately, as of late.
00:27:55You know, not only this game, but those previous games that they played.
00:28:00He was very productive in terms of scoring and as you can see, he has gained confidence shooting those outside shots.
00:28:07Oh, definitely.
00:28:08The confidence is at an all-time high, coach.
00:28:11He didn't even think about that one.
00:28:13That's right.
00:28:14He saw a little bit of space and he launched.
00:28:19Romeo will head to the line.
00:28:24Look at this here.
00:28:26He says, you're going to give me that much space?
00:28:28I'll make you pay.
00:28:29Yeah, for a big man, he's capable of shooting that far, you know, at the four-point area.
00:28:35As we now check back in with Ayana.
00:28:39Anthony and Coach, earlier you mentioned that they are not playing like a champion team.
00:28:42Talking about the San Miguel Bearmen and that is exactly what Head Coach George Gallant mentioned in the huddle coming to this quarter.
00:28:48He is nowhere near satisfied with how they are playing.
00:28:51The lead should be bigger than this, but they are forgetting the basics.
00:28:54They have zero ball movement.
00:28:56They are taking predictable and easy target shots, so they need to readjust, realign and refocus if they want to take home the win tonight.
00:29:03Back to you guys.
00:29:05Thanks Ayana, not to mention the fact that there is porous defense that they are showing right now.
00:29:10That's something that they need to really work on.
00:29:16You know, obviously this team is very talented and sometimes they tend to rely on their talent when they win games.
00:29:23So right now it seems like it's a shootout at the OK Corral as Robert Bollick will get to the free throw line once again.
00:29:37Watch this best move of the game brought to you by Honda, the official motorcycle of the PBN.
00:29:43Again, Terence Romeo getting his way inside.
00:29:52But you know, Robert Bollick will have his way and he will continue to attack the paint.
00:29:57And every time he attacks the paint, something happens.
00:30:00Whether he gets a foul or he makes that shot or he'll be able to dish it off to his teammate.
00:30:06Dominic Fajardo is in.
00:30:11He made his presence felt a while ago with that quick bucket.
00:30:15Three minutes quickly gone here in the second period.
00:30:19Jericho has to go inside. They're going to bring it out. Almost a three second violation.
00:30:29Brondial will launch.
00:30:35Terence says, let's go for four.
00:30:43That time Mo was caught pushing off to get that rebound.
00:30:50I'm quite surprised they don't have C.J. Perez back in the ballgame.
00:30:54Well, even their import now has been sitting well.
00:31:00He's coming in now as we mentioned.
00:31:07Nava in for the very first time here this evening.
00:31:12I believe he's their only draft pick this season.
00:31:15And Bollick takes him to school early.
00:31:19Tough matchup there for Nava.
00:31:22And Bollick taking advantage of the rookie.
00:31:29Trolliano asking for a pick. They go to Junmar.
00:31:32No quick move to the baseline that time.
00:31:34Trolliano inside for two.
00:31:38Good pass there by Fajardo.
00:31:41Seeing that cutting Trolliano underneath the basket.
00:31:45Yes, Miranda once again telling Junmar, you're going to really give me all that? Thank you very much.
00:31:50Again, that pick and pop works wonders for Miranda as he's able to get that three pointer again against Fajardo.
00:31:58Miranda already in double digits.
00:32:02Nava will go inside to Brondial up against Fajardo.
00:32:06Trolliano will be fouled.
00:32:09Trolliano will be fouled.
00:32:14You know that cutting play by San Miguel of that post play has been working wonders for them.
00:32:19They're able to spot Trolliano and that time was able to get a foul.
00:32:26There goes Mike Miranda once again.
00:32:29He can't believe that they're giving him all these shots.
00:32:32I guess they didn't read the scouting report because he's been nailing those shots.
00:32:36Especially in the last couple of games.
00:32:38Yes, I think, as you can see here, the tandem or the Batman and Robin of San Miguel against Rain or Shine.
00:32:49They're decent numbers, 10 points for Jericho, 9 for Trolliano.
00:32:55But they were instrumental in that win against Rain or Shine.
00:33:01Marshall getting ready to check in for Trolliano in the next dead ball situation.
00:33:08Dunn makes the second.
00:33:12That's going to cut the lead here of Enlex down to one.
00:33:18Biggest lead here for the Behrman today was at six.
00:33:21The biggest lead for Enlex was five.
00:33:26Nice find there.
00:33:27Nice find there.
00:33:29Eno Valdez gets blocked by the blackboard.
00:33:34So I think Coach George will challenge the call of the referee.
00:33:39So we'll see.
00:33:51Well, George was very sure about that one.
00:33:54He quickly looked over at the referee after that call and he said, I'm challenging.
00:33:59He didn't even ask his players.
00:34:02Usually they ask their players, what do you think?
00:34:05But this time, you know, he saw it himself and he decided to challenge the call.
00:34:10Let's see.
00:34:11Quick review as we have our referees heading over to the table.
00:34:16Let's find out.
00:34:28Coach George there with a nice smile.
00:34:35Coach George there with a nice smile.
00:34:38I guess he didn't see it right.
00:34:44Road Warriors will sue for time here.
00:34:48It's 39-38 with them on top.
00:35:04And here we go.
00:35:34Flex, flex.
00:35:37Good job, Gabi.
00:35:47Flex, flex, flex.
00:35:53Let's go, Alex. Flex it.
00:35:58It's a big one.
00:36:01Flex, flex, flex.
00:36:04Flex, flex, flex.
00:36:11Right now, let's take a look at the stellar play so far here of Michael Miranda.
00:36:16Making Junmar pay for all the space that he's being given here.
00:36:21Knocking down a lot of those shots, especially from deep.
00:36:29Steps into this
00:36:31deep three-point shot.
00:36:35That one, a long two.
00:36:43Very good game here so far, but he just missed.
00:36:47He's going to keep taking those shots.
00:36:49And that will really force Fajardo, Junmar, or even Mototua to come out and challenge those shots.
00:36:56And that's going to open up the lane for the guards to drive to the basket.
00:37:01CJ not wanting to take it.
00:37:05He'll put it up there.
00:37:08That's a hard fall there by CJ as he drove to the basket, although he was able to get a foul.
00:37:18Miranda will be called for the foul there.
00:37:27Miranda not happy with the foul.
00:37:30That's his second.
00:37:31Sometimes there's a tension between, you know, whether you give the space for CJ to be able to attack the basket,
00:37:40or you give the ball to Junmar in the post.
00:37:44Great numbers for CJ Perez up against Enlex. 29 points.
00:37:49He also had nine rebounds and nine assists.
00:37:52So close to a triple-double.
00:37:54That's right.
00:37:55That's how dominating his performance in that game.
00:38:00He's going to miss that free throw though, the second one.
00:38:05And Miguel still trails.
00:38:06Here's Bollick inside.
00:38:08Finds Robbie, and Herndon connects!
00:38:13Good kick-out play there by Bollick, creating shots for his teammate.
00:38:17That time, he found Herndon open for the three-pointer.
00:38:22Four-point advantage for the Road Warriors.
00:38:31Trying to go to work.
00:38:32Puts up a three.
00:38:34Back rims that one.
00:38:39Robert trying to go to work.
00:38:40Puts up a four-pointer!
00:38:43Not that time.
00:38:51He saw Robbie Herndon as the lone defender inside and attacked him quickly.
00:38:55Oh, so hard. So hard to stop CJ.
00:38:57When he gets that momentum, when he drives with the basket,
00:39:00count that as two points already.
00:39:08Enoch with the handoff.
00:39:10Shot clock now winding down.
00:39:11It's at seven.
00:39:14Mack defending Bollick.
00:39:21They find CJ.
00:39:23CJ just gets around the defender.
00:39:26Good sidestep move there by CJ,
00:39:29eluding Miranda for that easy layup.
00:39:33And the lead
00:39:36is evaporated
00:39:38as Henry will check back in.
00:39:42Robbie Herndon will hit the three-point shot though
00:39:45and re-establish a three-point lead here for the NLEX Road Warriors.
00:39:48Herndon has been waxing hot here in this second quarter
00:39:52and has been keeping NLEX at bay here
00:39:55and even giving them the three-point lead
00:39:57with four minutes and 40 remaining.
00:40:01Julmar gets away inside again.
00:40:03He just inches his way inside that paint
00:40:05and when he gets under,
00:40:07just count the basket.
00:40:09Yeah, Julmar knows that, you know,
00:40:12San Miguel needs that basket.
00:40:17Ooh, misfiring there.
00:40:18Usually Bollick's able to complete that.
00:40:23Once again, Miranda trying to do his very best.
00:40:27They swing and it falls to Nava.
00:40:29Extra pass!
00:40:33How did he leave Marshall that wide open?
00:40:35Yeah, well, it was caused by the double-teaming
00:40:38of Julmar Fajardo
00:40:41and with that extra pass,
00:40:42that quick ball movement by San Miguel
00:40:44found Lassiter wide open for that three.
00:40:47Now two-point lead.
00:40:48Again, Miranda!
00:40:52And he can feel it, you know.
00:40:54And he knows that he's not going to be challenged.
00:40:57He's going to take his time
00:40:59and he knows that, you know,
00:41:02this is what they say,
00:41:05the ring has a big hole.
00:41:09He's got it.
00:41:11He's got it.
00:41:13He's got it.
00:41:15He's got it.
00:41:17Already with 15 points is Michael Miranda.
00:41:27The Behrman will sue for time
00:41:29as we take a look at it here once again.
00:41:31Marshall Lassiter.
00:41:35Michael Miranda answers right back.
00:41:37Tonight seemingly might be his career high.
00:41:42Let's find out in a while.
00:41:43We'll be back for more action here
00:41:45at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium.
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00:42:16He's got it.
00:42:17He's got it.
00:42:18He's got it.
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00:46:01He's got it.
00:46:02He's got it.
00:46:03He's got it.
00:46:04He's got it.
00:46:05He's got it.
00:46:06He's got it.
00:46:08Boy, the shooting percentages of these two squads from deep have been very high.
00:46:14Game has been very close from the get-go.
00:46:20Mack trying to get away inside.
00:46:22Will lose it.
00:46:23Valdez in the open court.
00:46:26Will score.
00:46:28Coach George Gallant is living there in the sidelines.
00:46:34Yeah, that turnover was very costly for San Miguel as it created a transition basket.
00:46:41As you can see here, off that penetration, they were able to swipe that ball and result
00:46:48into a layup for Valdez.
00:46:53Only a 30-second timeout called here.
00:46:57And Lex has retaken the lead.
00:46:59So it's been a real see-saw battle that we're witnessing here tonight, Coach.
00:47:06That last possession, I felt that they did not have the spacing to be able to give a
00:47:12lot of room for Mack to get away.
00:47:16They did not have the spacing to be able to give a lot of room for Mack to attack the
00:47:26And it's really hard to penetrate inside when a team is going zoned.
00:47:29Yes, yes.
00:47:30Go far, and Lex has done a great job protecting the paint and limiting those inside incursions
00:47:45by San Miguel.
00:47:51Trying to look for Mack outside.
00:47:53Doing a weave.
00:47:55Inside, nice flip there from CJ Perez.
00:47:58That's a great move there by CJ Perez to tie the score again at 55.
00:48:05Here's Henry.
00:48:09Henry against a double team.
00:48:15Rogers not going to launch.
00:48:17Henry from deep!
00:48:19Not that time.
00:48:20CJ tracks it down.
00:48:24Final seconds here.
00:48:30Will be called for a foul there as he lost possession.
00:48:45They're going to review that play and check if there's a play that fouled.
00:48:54It was just a loose ball foul for Herndon.
00:48:59For Lassiter, sorry.
00:49:01On Herndon.
00:49:02On Herndon.
00:49:0636.6 seconds remaining.
00:49:13So Junma is going to be replaced here for the final 36 seconds.
00:49:17Coach George wants to make sure that there are no cheap fouls here.
00:49:21Picking up by the Kraken.
00:49:23They want to save his fouls for the second half of this game.
00:49:31The Beerman with a foul to give.
00:49:35And Lexus wants to give as well.
00:49:38Mack almost did a steal.
00:49:39Enoch inside.
00:49:41Can't finish.
00:49:42Easy put back there by Henry.
00:49:45Bad mistake there by Mack as he was trying to steal that ball and that cost him that basket.
00:49:56Easy spin there.
00:49:59Good move by Mack.
00:50:01Let's see if Enoch can score off that heave.
00:50:04Enoch can score off that heave.
00:50:11Referee didn't...
00:50:14No basket right there so...
00:50:20It's halftime here in Manila.
00:50:24And we are deadlocked at 57.
00:50:26Don't go away.
00:50:27Second half will prove to be very exciting.
00:50:35Here we go.
00:50:37And Lex added 11-0 edge over San Miguel.
00:50:42Roger opens things up here with a three.
00:50:45And Enlex quickly up by three here at the beginning of the second half.
00:50:56Same starting five for Coach George Gallant.
00:50:59To begin the third.
00:51:01Lassiter out of line.
00:51:03And way short.
00:51:09I think Lassiter kind of hurried that shot.
00:51:15I don't know but lately he's been taking those quick shots off the threes.
00:51:22Now it might be time for Henry to go to work.
00:51:26It's the second half and he's well rested.
00:51:31There you go.
00:51:36First five points from Enlex coming from Henry.
00:51:42As he gives Enlex a five-point lead.
00:51:45Foul is going to be called there on Ross.
00:51:54Ross was saying he'd get all ball.
00:51:56The thing is you can't challenge anymore if you're the San Miguel Bear.
00:51:59No more.
00:52:00George used it up in the second period.
00:52:05Now a six-point lead.
00:52:06This is the biggest lead in the ball game right now for the Enlex Road Warriors.
00:52:16Now you look to Mack.
00:52:20Finds Marshall.
00:52:22Marshall will overshoot though.
00:52:29Still San Miguel's ball.
00:52:31With 14 seconds in the shot clock.
00:52:36Everybody waiting for Mack to really explode here.
00:52:42Shot not going to work there for CJ.
00:52:47Enlex will also start with their same starting five that they had to open this ball game.
00:52:55Foul is going to be called there on CJ.
00:52:57The second and that's also the second team foul very quickly on the Behrman.
00:53:07And put the hand off.
00:53:08Here's Ritchie.
00:53:11Robert Bollick with all day to shoot!
00:53:16Bad rotation there for San Miguel.
00:53:18As we saw Bollick wide open for that three.
00:53:24And a very quick timeout.
00:53:27From Coach George here.
00:53:29He is not pleased with what he's seeing here to begin the third.
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00:54:53Senator Bongo in the house as always.
00:54:57Thank you for enjoying the PVA.
00:55:04Things are getting real physical inside.
00:55:06They didn't call a foul there.
00:55:08Whether it's an offensive foul or a blocking foul.
00:55:11No foul called there by the referee.
00:55:16And that would give Jun Marfajardo an extra free throw.
00:55:21To close that lead to six points if he makes this basket.
00:55:27It's a check game with Deanna.
00:55:37Anthony and Coach E coming from the half-time huddle of the
00:55:40San Miguel Beermen Head Coach George Gallant admitted that
00:55:43yes they are being selfish but Coach George knows that it's
00:55:46for a good cause.
00:55:47They just want to win.
00:55:49But their excitement to get this revenge game against NLEX is
00:55:53getting to them.
00:55:54their number that they are one team their defense is extremely messy with what they showed in the
00:55:59first half and like what i said earlier they have zero ball movement now coach george commended them
00:56:03for being eager but they have to remember that at the end of the day they cannot win the game
00:56:08alone they need to be able to play as one team again in the second half if they want to take
00:56:12home the win back to you guys well very quickly there was one-on-one basketball once again being
00:56:17shown that's why and lex has raced up to a big advantage here but they're coming back as roger
00:56:23hits for nlex but that's where that's where san miguel is really strong when they go to their
00:56:29transition especially when cj goes court to court and scores on that lay layup and then this is the
00:56:36second one those post-ups by june marco jardo gets them that easy basket mac is going to knock down
00:56:44that three slowly but surely you can see he's kind of just here to philippine basketball
00:56:51yep needs been cut down to just three from a high of nine sidestepping move roger's gonna
00:56:59come up short and of all this inside no here comes san miguel again
00:57:07sidestepping move mac has had a couple of opportunities to get easy three-point plays
00:57:14such as that one but he's blown it yep but um at least san miguel after the timeout
00:57:21they uh came out really aggressive and uh scored on two pass break opportunities
00:57:30and uh was able to get a foul just like that mac gets uh his first free throw in
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00:57:49two free throws he's gonna cut that lead which one stood at the high of nine to just one point
00:58:01miranda eventually gives it up shot clock at three robert bolick yes
00:58:12again bolick scoring off that ball screen he knows that uh
00:58:17june myer will have to come out and challenge his shot
00:58:23they get it to valdez valdez is going to complete the three-point play
00:58:30and there's a little shove against his mentor cj perez saying that's what you've taught me take that
00:58:37right and lex able to stand with that uh mini run
00:58:45by uh san miguel and they see that little playful shove after
00:58:57you know because we told everybody that he really looks up to cj
00:59:07so lane violation is going to be called here
00:59:10and that's with no rebounders at all here from endless
00:59:27that uh free throw gives nlex a little bit of caution here in the third quarter with a seven
00:59:33point lead they gave up an extra point there if they lose this ball game by one
00:59:44mac from the outside speeding shot not going to be there
00:59:49ball will be called that might be on valdez
00:59:55very quickly the lead is back up to seven here coach right and um
01:00:00um you know san miguel after the timeout came out really strong was able to score
01:00:10a little bit of uh about six points but uh
01:00:13and next quickly answered back and they were able to regain their lead
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01:00:37because george is going to get a warning there for a seven to a call
01:00:42and we saw that from all the way here he was talking to the referee saying
01:00:47in terms of the rebounding here so he was wondering how the lane violation was called
01:00:53but nonetheless he gets a warning back to live action and it's a five-point lead enjoyed here
01:01:00by nlex and they've got possession
01:01:06herndon catch and shoot
01:01:11herndon continued to wax hot as uh what he did in the second first half he now has uh
01:01:17how many points for herndon got six that's his ninth point in this game extra pass
01:01:30and he's still down holding on to his shoulder
01:01:34not exactly sure what happened there but they're gonna attend to him and he's gonna have to be
01:01:38replaced i think he got hit by the elbow in his throat or neck
01:01:50let's see if he can catch that piece of action but you can see here henry
01:02:00he's quickly whipped the nlex road warriors into a fighting squad
01:02:09so well guess with a handoff henry
01:02:15not really being as dominant as he was in the first couple of games he's really picking his spots
01:02:32we'll also be relieved here comes the ultimate scorer in terrence romeo
01:02:38terrence actually played really well in the first half scoring 11 points in only seven minutes of
01:02:43play bolick will come up short there
01:02:56cj with possession here
01:03:00will rise above the defense there of robbie herndon
01:03:08here's bolick once again he might want to try to take advantage of that mismatch there against
01:03:18herndon stops pops from four no
01:03:24enoch valdez might be called for this one yep
01:03:30for enoch valdez of that uh jockeying for position to get that rebound
01:03:34marshall will be replaced jericho checks in
01:03:54fans of the beerman here looking for an explosion from mac
01:03:59so much has been said about the fact that he is a proven scorer
01:04:04but so far you know it's been uh bolick and cj who has been really
01:04:12asserting themselves in this game
01:04:18four seconds now just two seconds remaining in the shot clock
01:04:26amer will check in for marcello
01:04:28center for a point guard
01:04:41quick play not gonna work here's bolick finds henry
01:04:48with fast break player there play there by nlex i think san miguel needs to really get back on
01:04:53defense quickly to be able to prevent those uh fast break points by san miguel
01:05:00coach they've really not been able to establish anything defensively
01:05:04as junwa gets away for two inside
01:05:13three-point lead here for nlex and henry with possession henry flips it up not a good shot
01:05:19nice look inside mac puts it through again you have to give credit to cj for pushing that ball
01:05:32and creating shots for his teammate as he was able to give that dish off that pass but then again
01:05:39valdez was wide open underneath and nobody from san miguel was able to get him
01:05:44well he fell down a little awkward
01:05:59for the second time in about three minutes he's going to get some attention
01:06:04oh it's cramps it cramps it's cramps he just made that shot and you can see
01:06:09he's really been working overtime on both ends yes
01:06:11and that's a great lap pass there by bolick recognizing oh he landed on one leg
01:06:27hope he's okay
01:06:3281-78 he's got a big smile he's
01:06:35nodding looking at the coach saying i'm good anytime you want to send me back in
01:06:56back on the outside they go inside to the kraken once again
01:07:01he's just too big henry can't do anything
01:07:04and smart play there for san miguel they know their strengths what their strengths are or what
01:07:14their strength is and they go to their big man sure two points and able to get a foul
01:07:23coach jung and chico very frustrated because obviously they're they were calling for a double
01:07:32and there was no double that's right got all the way inside yeah they not they have to do a better
01:07:36job with that double teaming scheme but here comes san miguel with their zone defense to see if uh
01:07:44and next can break this zone shot clock now at four bolick realizes it extra pass henry
01:07:54the flip almost dropped polycarpio that's the offensive rebound good play there by
01:08:00polycarpio keeping that ball alive giving uh endex an extra possession here
01:08:07henry finds robert at the corner yes
01:08:13that's the value of that offensive rebound as uh you know it resulted into a three-pointer by bolick
01:08:23to see if uh and next able to do a good job with the double team scheme better that time
01:08:35cruz will come up short it falls right back to jericho
01:08:49mac will be replaced trolliano checks in as we take a look at
01:08:53a three-point shot here from robert bolick was wide open in the corner
01:09:00see now as uh san miguel will continue to play their continues to stay with their zone defense
01:09:07they're only down by four
01:09:14basera mare for three short polycarpio almost got his team another extra possession
01:09:22here comes terrence
01:09:26they look inside to the crack and henry almost with a steal
01:09:29almost with a steal
01:09:35vnx road warriors will call for time here as they try to protect this lead it's 84 to 80
01:09:43and lex on top
01:10:47look at this match-up everybody was looking forward to this one exceptional look at those
01:10:50numbers from these two superstars yeah this this two are the the cream of the crop in terms of
01:11:00overall performance as you can see in that match-up uh slightly bolick had an edge especially on in
01:11:06the assist department let's see what diana has anthony and coach e one goal of the nlex road
01:11:13warriors today was to avoid complacency due to the fact that they have one of the best decision
01:11:18makers in robert bolick in their squad yes they're known for the transition game and bollick is one
01:11:23of the main reasons for that but he he cannot do it alone now assistant coach emin monfort talked
01:11:28about how they have multiple shooters they just have the tendency to forget because of again the
01:11:33complacency in robert bollick is actually to refigure out their individual strengths which
01:11:41and make use of them in today's game which actually seems to be effective as everyone
01:11:46has a boost in confidence good example is imac veldes and of course michael miranda doing
01:11:51a lot for their team in today's game back to you guys oh definitely a very good scoring night for
01:11:55both those individuals but also guys like polycarpio and enoch also got away inside
01:12:03against that zone yep that's right almost still completed still here by san miguel
01:12:12but good luck there by henry and he had juba for harder there basera mayor for three yes
01:12:20yes victory there by basera mayor of the transition play off of black
01:12:30by henry that would have tied the ball game if they got it to junmar but
01:12:35terence romeo defended well there
01:12:41there good good look there good fine although uh bahardo missed the point blank shot underneath
01:12:48one of the few times you're going to see a miss that deep here robbie herndon goes
01:12:52to the left hand will miss polycarpio almost at another offensive board
01:12:59here's romeo looking for his spot will misfire though
01:13:09george not happy
01:13:10the beerman not playing team basketball yep let's see where nx will go at this play
01:13:23another drive and kick play by nlex and all of a sudden with less than 15 seconds remaining in
01:13:30this third quarter they're up by eight huge turnaround here in the final minute of the third
01:13:39here's terence once again
01:13:43for liana was wide open there but a good spin-off layup by parents romeo
01:13:52to beat the buzzer they're going to double check if they're going to count it
01:13:59i think they're going to count it in
01:14:01watch it there once again at the last second getting it over henry
01:14:15three quarters done here at the nino akina stadium and it's the nx road warriors
01:14:21looking to make it back-to-back victories over the beerman
01:15:20right now let's take a look at a game summary and we begin here with the three-point field goals
01:15:25and lex 15 out of 27 as compared to the just 7 out of 19 for the san miguel beerman and then
01:15:33let's take a look at the robert bolick cj perez matchup first robert bolick so far already with
01:15:3918 points he's got 14 assists a double double here for robert bolick
01:15:48his counterpart cj perez also doing great guns he's got 20 points
01:15:53five rebounds and two blocks as well so the superstars have come to play here
01:16:05up and under move flips it through both teams now are playing all filipinos they give their
01:16:12imports a little bit breather before the the last ditch here in the fourth quarter
01:16:1792 88
01:16:23as you take a look at a quarter scoring there a big third period
01:16:28for nlex another three why not at that time bolick's able to get there first
01:16:34nice handoff and again pasera mere scores he's got eight points that's the 15th assist
01:16:40of robert bolick what a game by robert bolick
01:16:48they find marshall
01:16:51marshall for three that's gonna drop
01:16:56that was uh twice already that uh last year was able to score off that ball screen
01:17:04all-time leading three-point shooter
01:17:08continues to add to his tally
01:17:09three-point lead still enjoyed by nlex four-point shot that's not gonna drop there from bolick
01:17:19jericho will find marshall
01:17:23marshall inside for two
01:17:27back-to-back baskets by marshall of course and next to call a timeout
01:18:23and we have
01:18:43marshall lasseter starting to go to work heating up getting the shooters bounce there
01:18:55and that's five-point explosion as you see him there inching closer
01:19:06he's gonna get that for sure for sure for sure
01:19:13of course the fans are saying you know mom you gotta add the four-point shots that he makes us
01:19:18three pointers yep henry wild shot that time wild shot from henry he's claiming he got
01:19:24clipped on the arm don't rolliano gets away inside there and it's now a one-point lead
01:19:32enjoyed by the san miguel berman a big blast seven to nothing yeah and they were able to
01:19:36do this uh they were able to overhaul this lead by nlex without mac inside
01:19:48macera mary looking for space
01:19:51nice find inside polycarpio will get that one to roll in again good read there off that ball screen
01:19:57that's um amer was able to find polycarpio for that uh loader
01:20:11shot clocks winding down shot not gonna drop from terence romeo
01:20:25terence romeo with a quick foul there because he knew he was going to be replaced and he wanted to
01:20:30get off the floor and send chris rosales in quickly
01:20:40so far in the third quarter nlex has been dominating in the perimeter points with 21
01:20:46versus eight of san miguel
01:20:53amer trying to go to work up against rosales and he scores
01:20:58tough shot there by basera mayor of the outstretched hands of rosales
01:21:06here's trolliano
01:21:09cruz quick move for two
01:21:13bad defense there by nlex is uh nobody helped there on the penetration by trolliano
01:21:23an offensive foul is going to be called there on richie roger
01:21:32fourth personal foul going to be called there on richie
01:21:38let's send it now to ayana anthony and kochi coming from the huddle of the nlex road warriors
01:21:44all positivity as head coach jong oichito emphasized one thing we can get that win
01:21:50again we just need to spark it he just reminded the team of the in-game defensive adjustments that
01:21:55they have to make and told them that they really only need one good play
01:21:58for things to go their way in this ball game back to you guys
01:22:03trolliano gets away well that's the spark that san miguel was waiting for
01:22:10and uh now they take the lead and a chance to pad it up to two points
01:22:15the two-point lead here in the fourth quarter
01:22:20but that was a good transition play there of a miss from nlex
01:22:27almost four minutes gone here in the final period trolliano converts on that free throw
01:22:31and it's now 100 to 98 the beerman on top
01:22:37well the carpe on the outside almost lost it it's it out to roger henry now he's got to go to work
01:22:45not exactly a big scoring night here for henry but he gets the job done i think he heard you anthony
01:22:58henry barreled his way in against mototua that's not easy to do yeah mototua slightly limping
01:23:08as he goes down scoring there is jennifer cruz and shes that's how strong i am and they're making
01:23:16this run without junmar fajardo as well and also the import map two-point lead enjoyed by the
01:23:22beerman here comes henry it's fourth quarter time rosales almost with the steal
01:23:28this trolliano lassiter and cruz combination has been working well for san miguel
01:23:43we're gonna go to miranda now to amer amer on the outside
01:23:48shot clock at four baser puts up a three back rim
01:23:55rosales pushes it forward finds jericho cruz once again marcio left wide open
01:24:05again lassiter found himself wide open for that three and um again miscommunication
01:24:14from nlexus if they were not able to locate their man in transition
01:24:20here we go
01:24:22no look pass marcio slips to the wing swish
01:25:01good job
01:25:32marcio lassiter slowly but surely wanted to get to the pinnacle of three-point shooters here in
01:25:39the league he's got 17 points already now four boards and two assists as well yep you mentioned
01:25:47earlier they did this they were able to get that five-point lead without uh fajardo without mac
01:25:54and even without cj perez that is right and coach george sticking to this lineup here
01:25:59yep as they say if it ain't broke why fix it just seven three pointers away
01:26:06is marcio who knows maybe he can he can break it in this game there's still a lot of time here
01:26:23fall is going to be called there in jericho cruz that's
01:26:25the second team foul here for the beerman 635 to be played
01:26:35we go to their main man bollick two-man game there with henry
01:26:57along with coach george go without the kraken
01:27:02we'll find out henry looking for space up against trolley on and off picked up his dribble
01:27:07so the foul is going to be called there on jericho cruz yeah jericho cruz tried to deny
01:27:15bollick from getting that ball unfortunately you know he got a foul there as he pushed off
01:27:22bollick that's going to be 14 fouls now here on the beerman still six minutes remaining here in
01:27:28this fourth quarter and akvaldes will check in after that little bout of cramps let's see how
01:27:35well he's recovered
01:27:39they find baldess they go to henry
01:27:44handy to the wing roger for three yes big three there by roger
01:27:51got the lead to two points my son miguel we have a very exciting ball game here
01:28:00in the fourth quarter
01:28:03jericho cruz inside a foul is going to be called there on henry two fouls coming up here
01:28:08for cruz strong drive there by jericho cruz challenging the defense of enlix and uh
01:28:16able to get a foul
01:28:22rogers one of those individuals just can't leave wide open
01:28:25open guilas filipinas continues its journey in the second window of the feba asia cup qualifiers
01:28:32this november watch the games live at the ball of asia arena get your tickets now via
01:28:41second for cruz will drop it's now 107 to 104
01:28:47we've passed the halfway mark of the fourth two-man game once again henry extra pass roger
01:28:58from the other corner will overshoot yep but that could have been a great shot there wide open
01:29:06that's a long one there that was a long one
01:29:10i could have made an eight-point lead for the pyramid that went down
01:29:18final five minutes here bolick almost got stripped
01:29:23what an effort there
01:29:27and they're pushing it forward trojano a couple of sidesteps and miranda was right there
01:29:56action is picking up here don't go away we'll be back very quickly
01:30:45welcome back to the nino akino stadium here for this battle between san miguel and inlex
01:30:50and these two imports have not dominated the way fans expect them to here as we take a look at these
01:30:57numbers from both of them very low production for both the imports of these teams henry only
01:31:04with 15 sheldon with a bit of an advantage with 16 points but again the game is close and
01:31:13um but so far we haven't seen uh mac here in the last few minutes of the fourth quarter we have not
01:31:22seen him in the entire fourth quarter exactly we have also not seen junmar in the entire fourth
01:31:28period so far uh coach galleon does like what he's seeing from this uh from his lineup here
01:31:38on the floor to see if he's he will continue to stay with his lineup
01:31:45in the crucial part of this quarter trojano gets away for two
01:31:53again san miguel was able to assert themselves inside with those penetrations from truce
01:32:01to trojano and the outside sniping of of um lasiter has given them discussion looks like
01:32:10it's a man zone that they're playing here bolick will be fouled that's gonna put the
01:32:17beerman now in the penalty here for the final four minutes and 15 seconds
01:32:23and that will also give bolick two free throws to at least
01:32:28keep keep the get the lead closer to four points if he makes this two
01:32:43roberts first money
01:32:58second on the way
01:33:02and that lead is down to four
01:33:06check that to five
01:33:07five approaching the four minute mark not exactly the closing starting five that you'd expect to see
01:33:19for the beerman trojano inside they like that matchup against bolick deep inside the paint
01:33:27yeah actually trojano's playing a big man in this lineup he's the one setting the screen
01:33:32and they're looking for him and uh that ends up uh bolick guarding him in the post
01:33:39and at that time he was able to assert himself and get a foul so two free throws for trojano
01:33:47boy we talked about junmar we talked about mac i guess you gotta throw in the mix cj perez cj perez
01:33:56yes three of the stars of the beermen have not played in the final period
01:34:06trojano makes both that's how much confidence coach gallant has remember last year he said
01:34:14he has a death 15 no more death five that's true well he's proving it right now henry
01:34:23they need him to score or at least create wow and there he goes that was an inverted ball screen
01:34:32as bolick was the one setting that ball screen that found them henry wide open for that layup
01:34:40jericho now at the corner he's got a mismatch here against amer no rosales
01:34:49drop got bothered by that challenge by roger trying to cut into this four-point lead
01:34:58bolick is capable of that four what a move
01:35:05time out by san miguel only two points separating this team
01:35:13there's two teams
01:35:15the lead is down to two when we come back we'll find out if coach george opts to stick
01:35:24with his best players here in the final three minutes and three seconds
01:36:14let's take a look at the team standings here in both groups five and one five and one for tnt and
01:36:21meralco here over in group b rainershine leading the pack there also with the same slate yeah
01:36:29this this game will actually very will be very crucial for nlex and also san miguel because
01:36:36they want to stay in the top four for this group to be able to get into the next uh round which is
01:36:43the quarter finals that is right the bottom two teams are out yep so he and i were talking off
01:36:56the air and coach eric was telling me well maybe they might want to insert junmar because he's a
01:37:02multiple time mvp here in the league for the finishing kick yeah plus you know he was actually
01:37:10playing well in the first half still the junmar that we know scoring in the post
01:37:19shot clocks down to seven trojano
01:37:24wow time and time again he was able to deliver especially with those post-up plays and giving
01:37:30san miguel a little bit of caution having the four-point lead here in the last two minutes
01:37:36and trojano is picking up henry on the defensive end miranda
01:37:42now bolling he's got the size mismatch here against rosales
01:37:47they go to henry oh and almost a steal and it's stolen trojano will not force the issue
01:37:56why not wait for junmar
01:37:57they swing it
01:38:10shot clock down to six jericho yes
01:38:15that one two punch of san miguel trojano and cruz has been creating havoc
01:38:21for us san miguel here in the fourth quarter
01:38:28so the lead is at six miranda puts up a long four
01:38:36maybe not the best of shots there yep
01:38:41maybe not yet the right time for that
01:38:45i could see is there still the one minute and 21
01:38:49they go to junmar and the kraken will he go to work
01:38:52now he's gonna need to make his move what a steal there from miranda
01:39:02they set up roger redger for three back rim and a foul is going to be called there that was big
01:39:10that was big if he had made that shot that could have trimmed down the lead to two
01:39:16now because uh n-nexus in penalty oh no there it's a sideline out of bounds
01:39:25for san miguel
01:39:38so time out to be called here by the road warriors but we're going to hang on to the air
01:39:42hang on to the air 102 remaining in this one a six-point lead here for the san miguel
01:40:08one and a half remaining cj one more try for smb and one opportunity
01:40:14uh for the bierman high ball game 98 98 but there's still 1.7 seconds remaining
01:40:22final two minutes of the overtime period good pass
01:40:31oh roger a sneaky attack as he caught the defense of smb napping four points in the
01:40:50of a broken play rob herndon saves the day for the nlex road warriors converting on this three
01:40:57point shot cj for the tie no one more chance ross for the tie it won't land either one more rebound
01:41:07picked up by henry and the nlex road warriors will escape that pba flashback was their first
01:41:17round meeting yes and uh let's see let's see if that can happen again here in the last one
01:41:23minute of this game see if nlex can can come up with some miracle of sort
01:41:30short both teams in the penalty here for the final seconds
01:41:44and next needs to score and score quickly miranda for three yes
01:41:51now it's a two-point it's a three-point lead with 29.7 seconds remaining although
01:41:59cj perez will go to the line for two
01:42:05but again because of the power of the four-point shot anything is still possible
01:42:13115 to 112 cj perez on the line for two crucial free throws
01:42:25cj takes care of the first
01:42:33miranda's been stepping up big for nlex again making that very big shot
01:42:40but then again cj answered with the two points in the free throw
01:42:45needing to rush things bolick says he needs some movement
01:42:54foul is going to be called there on cj
01:42:59a lot of time expired there
01:43:05i think bolick was mentioned was signaling to his teammates keep moving keep moving you know
01:43:10keep moving you know be hard to guard let's see if we can find an opening
01:43:25bolick's first
01:43:31they'll cut the lead down to four
01:43:34four monster game here by rob robert bolick scoring 23 points 15 assists and three rebounds
01:43:50timeout will be called here by the beerman once again we're gonna hang on to the air
01:43:54this time
01:44:01what are the options right now for the beerman because they do have a comfortable three-point
01:44:05lead but again expect nlex to foul yes that's right expect nlex to foul and hoping that san
01:44:12miguel will miss their free throws at least one of the two or maybe two and then hope hoping that
01:44:19they could get a four-point shot in the next play anything is still possible that four-point shot
01:44:24here in the pb is a game changer yes yes next three games for the san miguel beerman they've got
01:44:30phoenix in nebra and rain or shine that begins on september 13th friday
01:44:40they wrap up on the 19th as we have the remaining game for nlex
01:44:44september 17th they've got rain or shine september 20th
01:44:48it's phoenix and they cap things off on september 22 against barangay jenevera san miguel
01:44:57so their next assignment rain or shine rain or shine has been playing really well lately and
01:45:05as you can see here this matchup thriller reloaded is what we're calling this one
01:45:11and we'd like to thank all of you for joining us here
01:45:15this wednesday evening anthony stye here together with coach eric altamirano ayanna
01:45:20perlas is also on the sidelines as we take a look at the game reset both teams with just a 30 second
01:45:26remaining little fist bump there in the backcourt henry and junmar fajardo exchanging some pleasantries
01:45:41so even if he makes only one there's still a big chance
01:46:01for there's still a chance for nlex to send this game into overtime
01:46:12cj's first there's money once again
01:46:19oh timeout is going to be called here
01:46:23no substitution so they're going to bring junmar out yeah because they're going to defend the
01:46:29three-point area or even the four-point area so they need a quicker guy who can
01:46:36stay with the perimeter players
01:46:42that's the last 30 second timeout of nlex
01:46:47try to map out the play that could give them either a three-point well should be a four-point shot
01:46:58these are the games tomorrow right here at the nino akino stadium
01:47:02at five it's miralco up against tnt and at 7 30 in the evening terra firma goes up against magnolia
01:47:12well the elimination phase is slowly winding down and so every game is important coach
01:47:18that that miralco against token texas is something to look forward to you know it's a very exciting
01:47:25both teams are really playing well they're on top of their standings and um they have
01:47:31exciting imports so
01:47:4418.1 remaining san miguel 119 nlex 114 we got 14 seconds in the shot clock
01:47:55looking for a quick strike yep let's see what kind of shot they're going to get here
01:48:01bollock with the move he'll overshoot
01:48:06they get it back roger for three oh no mac can't control it you see one more
01:48:17oh there's a block by cj that's the game right there
01:48:22san miguel was able to pull this off
01:48:25without their key players playing a lot of minutes in the fourth quarter
01:48:35well we talked about the san miguel beerman not being able to get any stops in the first half
01:48:40well they got a big defensive play right here yes our best player of the game is put to you by honda
01:48:47the official motorcycle of the pba and it's none other than marshall lassiter yeah we have to give
01:48:52it to marshall lassiter 17 points five rebounds two assists but most of those baskets came when
01:48:59it mattered when they when they made that big run in the fourth and gave them a comfortable lead
01:49:06in the fourth quarter
01:49:12the final score is brought to you by honda the official motorcycle of the pba it's the
01:49:18san miguel beerman 119 the nlx road warriors 114
