トライアルマンデー 2024年9月9日 総勢何人 -全員で何人か本気で数えました-

  • 3 days ago


00:00Sushi is this kind of feeling, isn't it?
00:06Until the Sushi-Ikkan arrives in front of him.
00:13Do you know how many people are involved?
00:17Eh? From where?
00:19That's right.
00:20It's pretty rough.
00:22That's right.
00:24Let's ask Sushiro, who is the number one in the industry.
00:30How many people are involved?
00:33I haven't looked into it.
00:35Mr. Kazami, how about your business?
00:38We will count them ourselves.
00:42This program is to find out the number of people involved.
00:50This program is to find out the number of people involved.
00:59The number of people involved.
01:02How many people are involved?
01:07The Sushi-Ikkan arrives in front of him.
01:11How many people are involved?
01:16I haven't looked into it.
01:18That's right.
01:19Let's start the countdown.
01:23First of all, let's go to the kitchen of Sushiro.
01:27He is cutting and peeling the skin in the store.
01:32I'm counting on you.
01:33One person is cutting the sea bream.
01:35It's already in shape.
01:38The other person puts it on the rice.
01:40The second person.
01:41It's dangerous.
01:42It's already gone.
01:44Because you already turned it.
01:48The number of people involved in Sushi-Ikkan.
01:52Other than the kitchen.
01:56This sea bream is not frozen every morning.
02:02I was scared.
02:04I said it was a sea bream, but it was a big one.
02:09I'm in charge.
02:10This is a program called Sosei Nani.
02:13I don't know.
02:15That's right.
02:16The number of people involved in the shipping of sea bream.
02:20I asked Yamato Inu on the phone.
02:22Isn't that a maximum of two people?
02:25Let's go there.
02:31Do you explain it with an illustration?
02:34That's right.
02:35A total of 19 people.
02:37After this, let's stop the illustration.
02:42Let's go there.
02:44That's great.
02:45But I have to do that.
02:46I called everyone.
02:47What should I do?
02:50I went to Oase.
02:51That's great.
02:52There are many people.
02:53Thank you very much.
02:55In Oase City, Mie Prefecture.
02:57A processing plant that produces sea bream fillets.
03:00That's great.
03:01The more people there are, the more delicious it will be.
03:04That's right.
03:05From now on.
03:07Until the fresh sea bream becomes a fillet.
03:11How many people are involved?
03:14I will count at once.
03:18This is the start.
03:201, 2, 3.
03:31The expression of the person in charge of the factory is different from the song.
03:34That's right.
03:36It's calm.
03:42He is a craftsman.
03:44That's great.
03:45It's a sushi restaurant.
03:47Can you do this much work?
03:55It became a fillet.
03:56That's great.
03:57There are many people involved.
03:58There are many people involved.
04:01There are also machines.
04:03There are also machines.
04:04There are also machines.
04:05That's right.
04:06There are also machines.
04:16There are also people involved.
04:17There are also people.
04:18They are the experts.
04:1923 people.
04:20He is the expert.
04:21It's 23.
04:22It's 23.
04:23Here alone there are 23 people.
04:24The next two people will be waiting.
04:25That's right.
04:26The last two people are waiting.
04:27The last 2
04:2944 in total
04:31There's a mountain pass in the middle
04:35No, there's still a long way to go
04:37This is really dangerous
04:40That's right, we have to go from here
04:42Amazing, wonderful
04:43The stage is heading to the sea
04:46We're going to the Oase Bay
04:48We're going to the Oase Bay
04:52At the Oase Bay, which is on the east side of the processing plant that makes Kirimi
04:58This is not the only one, there's a lot
05:04We found a person
05:06We found a person
05:11There's a lot
05:13There's a lot
05:205 people are going to raise the stage
05:24One is a tamo, the other is a crane
05:27It looks fashionable
05:29It looks like a pop
05:31There are 3 people
05:34This is called Ikejime
05:38This is the freshest way to eat
05:42On this day, 156 horse mackerels are taken from the sea
05:46Only 5 people are doing such a big thing
05:48That's amazing
05:51In addition
05:53How many people are involved in the farming itself?
05:57On a daily basis, we feed them, manage the pond, and manage the fish farm
06:02Many people are involved
06:04I'm really sorry, but I'd like to be able to count to one
06:09In our group, there are 30 people
06:1430 people become one and support the growth of the horse mackerels
06:23There are quite a lot of horse mackerels
06:26There are 79 horse mackerels in total
06:29There are 200 horse mackerels made by 79 people
06:32We still have a long way to go
06:34The atmosphere is getting serious
06:36It's about to end
06:40Maybe what?
06:42Oh, I see
06:44That's right
06:48The visitor is
06:50J.A. Shigata, a farmer in Japan
06:53We plant rice paddies during the Golden Week in May
06:58From the end of August to the beginning of September, we harvest the rice
07:03How many people are involved in harvesting the rice?
07:0793 people are involved in the production of rice
07:11They help us harvest the rice
07:14That's amazing
07:21The rice is being harvested
07:23The rice is being harvested
07:25The rice is being harvested
07:27By machine?
07:29I'm surprised that there are not many people here
07:32There are so many people
07:36I'm impressed
07:38It's because of this song
07:40Because of the song?
07:44There are a lot of people
07:51There are a lot of people
07:53There are 174 people in total
07:56That's amazing
07:59There are more than 180 people
08:03There are 174 unknown professionals
08:08There are 174 people in total
08:11That means there are a lot of people involved in the production of sushi
08:15I see
08:16There are a lot of people involved in the production of sushi
08:19There is a memo in the VTR
08:22A memo in the VTR
08:24Why did you spill it?
08:26I'll read it
08:28If you are going to count the number of truck drivers,
08:32shouldn't you count the number of gas station staff?
08:37The gas station staff didn't count the number of trucks
08:41because they didn't know the number of trucks
08:44was related to the rice
08:46Is there a problem?
08:48There is no problem
08:50There wasn't?
08:51There is no problem at all
08:53On the contrary, if I had counted it,
08:55I would have said,
08:57It's only for people who want to make sushi
09:01I will definitely do it in the future
09:06I used to use it when I was in elementary school
09:10I think it was about 10 years ago
09:14It's a green phone
09:16It's like an air box
09:18It's a 5-character phone
09:20I don't see it anymore
09:21I don't see anyone using it
09:23I don't use it
09:25I have a mobile phone
09:29The number of mobile phone contracts is over 200 million
09:32That's a lot
09:33Currently, there are more than one mobile phone per person
09:39How many mobile phone users are there?
09:43That's interesting
09:45When we asked the NTT about it,
09:49the answer was
09:52That's amazing
09:53That's amazing
09:55That's right
09:58We will count it
10:04The stage is at Sendagi Station in Chiyoda
10:08There is a big room
10:10It's spacious
10:12A mobile phone
10:1624-hour charging
10:18They are doing their best
10:20Good evening, staff
10:22Good evening
10:23How many times have you questioned your way of life?
10:27What was I born for?
10:29You went that far
10:31You have never called a person by pressing a number
10:36I'm sorry
10:39What was he sitting for?
10:43Look at his dead eyes
10:45There was nothing
10:48Countdown starts at 10am
10:53A day that not a single person can miss
11:02Although he has his pants on
11:05There is no sign of him
11:12Why did he use his phone?
11:16He must have his phone
11:19He has a purpose
11:22There is a picture of his life
11:25It's in front of me
11:27It's like a dream
11:326 hours
11:34He was repairing a vending machine
11:36A user who can't even feel his presence
11:41What are you doing?
11:43I'm taking a picture
11:45Do you know how many people are using your phone?
11:48I do
11:50I wonder if they are using it all the time
11:52No one is using it now
11:54How long have you been sitting there?
11:56About 6 hours
11:57Still no one is using it
11:59That's right
12:00The scariest thing is that this is the biggest incident
12:04At this location
12:06You haven't seen anyone using it?
12:09I didn't know there were 10 people
12:13I have to find it
12:15Even the neighbors don't know where it is
12:19I have to make it stand out
12:22It's been a long time since I learned this
12:25The number of people using the phone has decreased to 1 out of 8
12:33He was born outside for the first time in October, 1933
12:38If you look back at the Meiji era, it's over
12:41It won't come back
12:43After that, the red color for 10 yen
12:46The yellow color for 100 yen
12:49That's why the color is different
12:51And the green color for the telephone card
12:57At that time, when I went to confess to the girl I liked
13:02The neighbors would ask me if it was a house call
13:05I told them
13:07I really can't press the last one
13:11I was young
13:12I had this drive
13:14No, no, no, no, no, no
13:16No, no, no, no, no, no
13:17The girl I like
13:18No, no, no
13:20He's using it a lot
13:21It's a telephone that has a lot of colorful patterns
13:25Until 1970, it was unlimited for 10 yen
13:31It's a telephone that was in a queue
13:36Now, you can't even feel the shadow of a person
13:41There's a scary sound
13:43The number of users is as you can see
13:46He's expressing his feelings
13:49I don't need the number of vending machines
13:51I don't want to be in charge of this location
13:56There may be a power outage at night
13:58Is the power outage going to Kojima?
14:01Let's go to a coffee shop and charge the phone
14:09You're going to do it?
14:11A man in a blue T-shirt stops in front of a phone
14:15If I use it, I'll be in trouble
14:21He's going to do it
14:22He's going to do it
14:29He did it
14:31He's here
14:38It's been 8 hours since he started charging
14:40Finally, the user of the phone
14:43Why did he use it?
14:44This is important
14:46He's here
14:47The user is here
14:53I'm sorry
14:54What's wrong?
14:55I'm not good at talking on the phone
14:58It hurts
14:59I thought I couldn't talk to you
15:01It's been 3 minutes
15:02You've been talking for a long time
15:03Thank you for 3 minutes
15:05Why did he use a public phone?
15:08He's charging his phone
15:10He uses a public phone at home
15:14I see
15:15What do you mean?
15:17I called an acquaintance of mine
15:21He said he's coming
15:24Do you use a public phone often?
15:27I want to use my phone
15:30Use it?
15:32So, he uses a public phone when he's charging his phone
15:38No, no
15:39He doesn't wait until he gets a certain percentage
15:43He just leaves it
15:45That's right
15:47Thank you for recording
15:49Thank you
15:50No problem
15:52He's an Ultraman
15:53He's the first one
15:56I'm glad
15:58He's trying to be the second one
16:06This song is over
16:08He's sending it away
16:10This song was played at the end of Sushiro
16:13He's the first one
16:20He's about to lose all of his assets
16:23If he slows down, it's over
16:32I'm scared
16:33I'm scared
16:34He's the first one
16:39As a result, he's the first one
16:47He set up a 24-hour camera at 4 locations in Tokyo
16:54As a result
16:55He set up a 24-hour camera at 5 locations in Tokyo
17:06He's the only one
17:08He's a superhero
17:09Because he's charging his phone
17:13He's the only one who survives when he's in trouble
17:16That's true
17:19This is the last train
17:22The last train supports the people
17:26The last train moves to the empire
17:31Between the last train and the last train
17:35How many people are working?
17:39The driver of the last train
17:42The driver of the last train
17:44Two people for sure
17:45Two people for sure
17:46Two people for sure
17:47Two people for sure
17:48Two people for sure
17:49There are many cars, so can he do it alone?
17:54It's fun
17:57It's exciting that it didn't happen when he was on the phone
18:01The last train supports the people
18:11The number of trains this time is more than 1.6 million people per day
18:18Tokyo Toyoko Line connects Shibuya and Yokohama
18:23The last train arrives at Moto Sumiyoshi Station
18:27The last train departs in a few hours
18:32Counting all the people involved
18:36Cleaning, maintenance, 6
18:40The day was disturbed by heavy rain
18:45The last train arrives at Moto Sumiyoshi Station 40 minutes late
18:50This is the last train
18:54There are 3 hours and 32 minutes left until departure
18:57Counting in the middle of the night
19:01The first person is
19:04First is Ichi
19:14I was found in an instant
19:16I can see
19:19In addition
19:21Two people at the station confirmed that there were no passengers
19:28The other two people cleaned and inspected the car
19:334 minutes and 57 seconds from the arrival
19:37Five people finished the final work in no time
19:442 o'clock in the morning
19:453 hours until departure
19:48There are so many people
19:51I've never seen this scenery
19:56What is it?
20:00There is a mysterious light on the line after charging
20:10There is one person in front
20:12What is this?
20:19What is that?
20:20It's a motor car
20:22It works from the last train to the first train
20:26I don't know if this will work
20:28Is it necessary to start?
20:31That's right
20:32If you don't go to count
20:36There are few people
20:39To the next motor car
20:42Let's get on
20:45It's over
20:47They didn't care
20:49The person in front is cool
20:51A few hours later, the train will start
20:54What is it?
20:59Wait a minute
21:01There are so many people
21:03There are so many people
21:06The line is being maintained
21:11Maintenance of the line was done in the middle of the night
21:16When you run on the highway
21:18You can find scratches
21:20You can find it on the spot
21:22You can tell if it's a good or bad scratch
21:26You can change the rail depending on the situation
21:30I see
21:31Why did we stop?
21:33The view is narrow
21:35That's right
21:38On this day, 12 lines were maintained
21:44How many people were working?
21:47102 people in total
21:52The number of lines maintained in one night is about 0.8%
21:57That's why they work in different places every day
22:00I see
22:05The train is amazing
22:07It's wonderful
22:14The train departs by itself
22:1612 lines
22:18This is amazing
22:20It's a sense of responsibility
22:22That's right
22:23The number of people is different
22:27108 people in total
22:37108 people in total
22:44Behind the comfortable train
22:47There were 108 people working hard
22:52After the shooting, one person forgot to count
23:09In the heart of the train called the operation command center
23:13One man was always watching the work in the middle of the night
23:19The address of the place is completely unknown
23:22But he sent us a special photo of that day
23:26I didn't know it would be hidden like this
23:29Where is it?
23:31It's like a gaming computer
23:35Everyone is so cool
23:37They care about me a lot
23:39I want to live my daily life better
23:41I feel relieved
23:43Thank you
23:45T-BIRD U-NEXT will deliver it to you
