水野真紀の魔法のレストラン 2024年9月11日 #946「衝撃コスパスーパー【ロピア】プロが選ぶ!“コレ買い”商品」

  • 3 days ago


00:00In the morning of June, there is a long line in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture.
00:07There are more than 500 people.
00:12In fact, this is the line for the opening day of the new store of the supermarket Shokuseikatsu Love Love Roppia.
00:20It takes two hours to get to the store.
00:25What is the magic restaurant of tonight?
00:28This is the product that professionals choose at Roppia.
00:31There are a lot of shrimps in it.
00:33This volume and this price is amazing.
00:37In addition, it is sold twice a month.
00:40It is a huge onigiri that sells like flying.
00:44This is amazing.
00:47The biggest feature of Roppia is that good things are priced in large quantities.
00:53For example, the price of domestic pork is 185 yen for 100g.
01:00The price of carrots is 139 yen for three.
01:04Eggs are 324 yen for two packs.
01:10In any case, all products are cheap.
01:17This is amazing.
01:20This is amazing.
01:22This is a bright store.
01:28This is exciting.
01:30This is good.
01:32The first-class chef and Tsuchiya chef came to Roppia.
01:37This is Mr. Inagaki, a culinary researcher.
01:40There are a lot of products lined up.
01:42Is peach cheap?
01:44This is very cheap.
01:46This is 4 pieces and 999 yen.
01:48This is the price of this brand.
01:51This is amazing.
01:53You should buy it yourself.
01:59This is a normal chopstick.
02:01This is amazing.
02:04What is this?
02:06What is this way of selling?
02:09The store manager is very excited.
02:12This is very cheap.
02:14This is a lot of fun.
02:17This time, the three professionals will preview the store in advance.
02:21They will show you the products they bought.
02:27First of all, let's look at the store.
02:30This is GIGABLOCK meat.
02:32This is rare in supermarkets.
02:34This is pork.
02:35This is popular with children.
02:37This is croquette.
02:40When it comes to Roppia, it's meat.
02:44This is good.
02:45This is a lot of meat.
02:48This is the most popular store among the many stores.
02:51This is a beef store.
02:55This is A4-ranked domestic beef.
02:59This is 430 yen for 100 grams.
03:04This is a thick cut beef tongue.
03:08This is a barbecue.
03:11This is very expensive.
03:14The owner of the barbecue said that Roppia's meat was good.
03:20This is definitely good.
03:22This store was founded in 1971.
03:30This store was established in 2020.
03:33This store opened in NEYAGAWA, OSAKA.
03:35In just four years, this store has expanded to 20 stores.
03:39This store has sold more than seven times in 10 years.
03:45The reason for this is the high price of meat.
03:50Among the many products, what caught the professional's eye?
03:55I found it.
03:57This is KOREKAI.
04:00This is a Chinese restaurant with Michelin Guide.
04:03This is SAWADA SHUHEI, a Chinese restaurant.
04:07What is KOREKAI?
04:09This is KOREKAI.
04:11This is amazing.
04:13This is a huge block of meat.
04:17This is very big.
04:20This is 1.3 kg and 8 cm thick.
04:24This is a piece of sirloin from HINAMOTO BEEF.
04:28This is 430 yen per gram.
04:32I went to Roppia to buy meat.
04:37I thought this was impossible.
04:39But this is very cheap.
04:42This is the weekend limited GIGABLOCK corner.
04:47This is a high-quality domestic beef.
04:53This is cut into large pieces.
04:56This reduces time and labor costs.
04:59This is a very low price.
05:03This is my favorite.
05:06Sirloin has a lot of fat.
05:09This is cut into large pieces.
05:12This is cut into large pieces to reduce costs.
05:16What does this mean?
05:18This is a high-quality meat.
05:21This is very cheap.
05:25I don't want to buy this.
05:28I don't want to buy this because it's greasy.
05:31I make this with the products I want to buy.
05:35This is wonderful.
05:37Ordinary people don't know how to process this.
05:41This is a high-quality steak.
05:44This is a high-quality steak.
05:47This is cut into the thickness you like.
05:53This is a high-quality roast beef.
05:58This is a high-quality beef cutlet.
06:04This is a high-quality pot-au-feu.
06:08This is a high-quality beef cutlet.
06:11What is the first product that the chefs saw at the supermarket?
06:16This is a high-quality steak.
06:20This is a high-quality steak.
06:27I have never seen this.
06:29This is amazing.
06:31Please teach me how to cook.
06:34The customers have never seen this.
06:37What is the first product that the chefs saw at the supermarket?
06:41This is a high-quality beef with a skin.
06:45You don't see this, do you?
06:47I don't see this.
06:48This is a high-quality beef with a skin.
06:51I searched for this.
06:54I found this here.
06:59This is a high-quality beef with a skin.
07:05How to cook?
07:08This is often eaten at table tennis courts.
07:12I put salt and pepper in the refrigerator.
07:16This is a high-quality beef dish.
07:20I add salt and pepper and soak it in the refrigerator for 3 days.
07:24I rinse the salt and pepper and soak it in water.
07:28The high quality beef is ready.
07:30Cut it, put it in a frying pan, and make it into a carbonara.
07:36This is what Chef Tsuchiya recommends.
07:38I see.
07:39I want to try the pancetta alone.
07:44There's a lot of meat in it.
07:46It has a strong taste of meat.
07:47It does.
07:48It really tastes like the pancetta I bought.
07:50That's right.
07:51It adds a lot of depth to the taste.
07:53Leave it in the fridge for three days.
07:55Then, rinse it with water.
07:57Then, leave it in the fridge again.
07:59Then, the moisture will come out of it.
08:02Then, the meat will be more tender.
08:05So, it's better to leave it in the fridge for a long time.
08:08I see.
08:09And then,
08:10there's a crowd in front of the steak house.
08:14Here's your steak.
08:18Here's your steak.
08:20Oh, really?
08:21It looks delicious.
08:22Here you are.
08:23It looks delicious.
08:24It looks delicious, isn't it?
08:25Oh, I'm sorry.
08:27That's a lot.
08:28That's a lot.
08:29That's a lot.
08:30That's a lot!
08:31That's a lot!
08:32Thank you!
08:34They ate three beefs of the A4 rank with the buffalo steak.
08:36You've got to eat one, please.
08:37I'm not kidding.
08:38I hope you don't gain weight.
08:40It's very fatty.
08:41You should not eat three beefs altogether.
08:42It has a lot of fat.
08:43It smells so good.
08:45You really need to eat it.
08:46This is enough for five or six of us.
08:47That's too much.
08:48I know.
08:49It's okay.
08:50It doesn't have to be mine.
08:51I'll give it to you.
08:54It's not just a taste test for Lopia.
08:59What was distributed at the fruit market on this day?
09:02A whole banana.
09:06At the same time, at the fresh fruit market,
09:08you can buy a mountain of negi-toro.
09:14In addition, near the market,
09:16you can buy more than 100 grams of fried chicken.
09:21Each one is big.
09:24I'm full.
09:28In addition, if you eat all of them,
09:31you will be full.
09:34A large tasting event beyond the framework of tasting
09:38is held irregularly.
09:40Wow, this is amazing.
09:44And among about 400 fresh meat stores,
09:48a very popular product in the family section is
09:51a large amount of 800 grams of pork wiener.
09:56What you often see at supermarkets is
09:58a bag containing about 6 pieces,
10:01but this one contains about 40 pieces and costs 861 yen.
10:06At Lopia, they even sell processed meat with their proud meat.
10:10I found it.
10:11Is this it?
10:12What? Which one?
10:14Asuka Inamaki, a food researcher who visits Lopia three times a week
10:17with her husband, who has two children who love to eat.
10:23Which one?
10:24This one. It's croquette.
10:27I've never seen this before.
10:29What is this shape?
10:30It's croquette.
10:31It's croquette.
10:32It looks hard.
10:33What is this?
10:36If you arrange it a little, it will be cuter.
10:41Here is a quiz for our guest, Narumi.
10:45Lopia's croquette is very popular for its unusual shape.
10:49What kind of shape is it?
10:52If you arrange it, it will be cuter.
10:54It's like a triangle.
10:56It's like a rice ball.
10:58What is it?
11:00The correct answer is this shape, which is even cuter.
11:03The correct answer is this shape, which is even cuter.
11:04The correct answer is this shape, which is even cuter.
11:05The correct answer is this shape, which is even cuter.
11:06The correct answer is this shape, which is even cuter.
11:10Lopia's croquette is very popular for its unusual shape.
11:14It has a cute heart shape.
11:15It's very cute.
11:17It costs 646 yen for 8 pieces.
11:21It's a sweet croquette sold at a butcher shop.
11:26It's good.
11:28If you put this croquette in a lunch box, you will be excited.
11:31That's right.
11:32It's good for a lunch box.
11:34It's crispy, but the batter is thin.
11:37It's very delicious.
11:40It's very delicious.
11:42Lopia's croquette is very popular for its unusual shape.
11:45Next is the fruit shop.
11:48There are huge fruits and huge sweets.
11:55There are 250 kinds of fruits in the lineup.
11:59There are many kinds of fruits in the lineup.
12:03This is amazing.
12:04This is heavy.
12:05This is huge.
12:07This is amazing.
12:09This is 2.3kg.
12:10What's more?
12:12This is sold in a bunch.
12:14This is amazing.
12:15This is cheap.
12:17This is a rare product.
12:18This is cheap.
12:21There are many kinds of sweets.
12:25There are many kinds of sweets.
12:28There are many kinds of sweets.
12:30There are many kinds of sweets in the lineup.
12:33Next is the quiz.
12:37There are only a few kinds of vegetables in other supermarkets.
12:41There are many kinds of vegetables in Lopia.
12:46I feel like I'm eating vegetables.
12:50It's refreshing and delicious.
12:51It's easy to eat.
12:54What kind of vegetables are sold in large quantities?
13:00There are only a few kinds of vegetables in other supermarkets.
13:03It's easy to eat.
13:06This is a lettuce.
13:09The correct answer is this.
13:12This is a lettuce.
13:14This is amazing.
13:15This is a lettuce.
13:17This is a lettuce.
13:23Lopia is famous for meat.
13:27Lettuce is sold together.
13:29Lettuce is sold together with meat.
13:32Lettuce is difficult to store in large quantities.
13:36Lettuce is difficult to store in large quantities.
13:38Lettuce is specially made by a farmer who is making vegetables.
13:46Lettuce has a strong connection with farmers.
13:49Lettuce is fresh and cheap.
13:53Lettuce is amazing.
13:56Lettuce is fresh.
13:57Lettuce is cheap.
14:00Lettuce costs 106 yen.
14:05Lettuce is not only cheap.
14:07Lettuce has a white liquid to prevent it from drying out.
14:15This is a proof of freshness.
14:20In general supermarkets, it takes two days to line up vegetables.
14:31In Lopia, vegetables are lined up on the day after harvest.
14:40This is a fresh fruit shop.
14:43What is this?
14:48This is a frozen fruit.
14:57This is a seasonal fruit.
15:04This is a seasonal fruit.
15:11This is a seasonal fruit.
15:17This is a seasonal fruit.
15:24This is a seasonal fruit.
15:29This is a seasonal fruit.
15:34This is a seasonal fruit.
15:43This is a seasonal fruit.
15:48This is a fresh juice made with milk.
15:51It's delicious.
15:53I'm addicted to drinking it every morning.
15:57It's this big.
15:59It's bigger than a flower.
16:01It's true.
16:03How does it taste?
16:05It's delicious.
16:07It's like frozen strawberries.
16:09It's different.
16:11It's sweet and sour.
16:13It's a good balance.
16:15My favorite is
16:17white tenor.
16:19It looks like it's not ripe.
16:21But it's actually very sweet.
16:23With this color?
16:27Chef Tsuchiya's recommendation is
16:29to cut the tenor in half
16:31and boil it with granulated sugar.
16:33It's a simple tenor jam.
16:41I like the texture.
16:43Is it still there?
16:45I don't know if it's frozen sugar or not.
16:47The texture is still there.
16:49I don't think I can eat other jams.
16:53Do you make it at home?
16:59Which one is it?
17:03It's huge!
17:05It's a fruity sweet.
17:07What's that?
17:09Shine Muscat?
17:11It's a cake with cream
17:13and a lot of Shine Muscat
17:15on top of it.
17:17Chef Sarada
17:19was curious about it
17:21and bought it.
17:23The cake itself is 1kg.
17:25How many grams of Shine Muscat is in it?
17:27Shine Muscat is expensive.
17:37That's a lot.
17:39I finally measured it.
17:41I thought it was amazing.
17:43This is Shine Muscat.
17:45Shine Muscat weighs
17:49More than half of the cake
17:51is Shine Muscat.
17:53That's a lot.
17:55It's amazing.
17:57Please eat it.
17:59Just like this?
18:03I can't eat it.
18:05Please eat it.
18:07I can eat both of them.
18:09Look at this.
18:11It's full of Shine Muscat.
18:13This is amazing.
18:15It's like a princess
18:17from a stupid country.
18:19A stupid country.
18:21She's being spoiled.
18:23Princess Arutoki.
18:25Princess Arutoki will eat
18:27Shine Muscat.
18:29When will you eat Shine Muscat?
18:33everyone has Shine Muscat.
18:35I love it.
18:37I love it.
18:39What I'm curious about is...
18:41What I'm curious about is...
18:43There are sweets
18:45in the fruit section.
18:47Isn't it weird?
18:51sweets are sold at the grocery store.
18:53There are about 10 kinds
18:55including pudding and cream puffs.
18:57Why are Shine Muscat sweets
18:59sold at the fruit section?
19:01Why are Shine Muscat sweets
19:03sold at the fruit section?
19:05I'm working hard on it.
19:07You're working hard on it.
19:09Do you have a business relationship
19:11with the fruit section?
19:13Yes, I do.
19:17each store is independent.
19:19It's amazing.
19:21The store manager
19:23and the head office
19:25decide what kind of products
19:27to sell
19:29and the chief
19:31decides what kind of products
19:33to sell.
19:35The system is
19:37represented by the logo
19:39on each section.
19:41Each store
19:43is competing
19:45with each other
19:47for the best products.
19:51what does the chief
19:53think of the sweets?
19:55We compete
19:57with each other
19:59for the best products.
20:01We don't want to lose to the fruit section.
20:03I see.
20:05It's very competitive.
20:07On the other hand,
20:09the fruit section
20:11doesn't care about the sweets
20:13but the meat section.
20:15What's next?
20:17There is a line of
20:21Meat is more popular
20:23among people.
20:26That's how it works.
20:34The fruit section
20:36decides what kind of products
20:38to sell
20:40and the chief decides
20:42what kind of products
20:44to sell.
20:46That's how it works.
20:48The fruit section
20:50competes with the meat section.
20:52Here you are.
20:54Shine Muscat sweets.
20:58Shine Muscat sweets
21:00are popular among people.
21:02Let's try them.
21:05It's sweet
21:07and delicious.
21:09We don't sell them
21:11at supermarkets.
21:13We invest in the future.
21:17It was a close game.
21:19I didn't know that.
21:21We have a high awareness
21:23of each other.
21:25The customers are happy.
21:27It's a good flow.
21:29Shine Muscat sweets are
21:33We don't sell them at supermarkets.
21:35Shocking cost-effectiveness.
21:39let's look at the products.
21:41Roasted chicken,
21:43which is popular among children.
21:47which is sold at Kobayashi's house.
21:5060 kinds of ingredients
21:52are sold here.
21:54What is the most popular one?
21:56It's handmade from the dough.
21:58It's 30 cm in diameter.
22:00Roasted chicken.
22:02It's cheap.
22:04It's 626 yen.
22:06Look at this.
22:08There are a lot of shrimps.
22:12I was surprised
22:14how much it costs.
22:17You can't see the white sauce.
22:19It's full of shrimps.
22:24There are a lot of ingredients
22:26such as homemade bacon, potatoes, and onions.
22:30This is also bought by TSUCHIYA.
22:34It's a chicken thigh with bones
22:36seasoned with soy sauce.
22:38It's roasted with sweet mustard.
22:42Roasted chicken curry mustard.
22:44It looks delicious.
22:48It's delicious.
22:50It's tender.
22:52It's sweet and salty.
22:54It's good.
22:56It's good with honey.
22:58Without honey,
23:00it wouldn't be like this.
23:02It might be better than our chicken.
23:04What are you talking about?
23:06Our chicken is the best.
23:08Let's study it.
23:12this is a limited item
23:14of Ibaraki-Kigashi-Oda branch.
23:18In Roppia,
23:20they compete with other branches.
23:24What are the ingredients
23:26of each branch?
23:28Here we go.
23:30This is it.
23:32What is the most popular
23:34and impressive product?
23:36This is
23:38Onigiri from Kobayashi-san.
23:40It's huge.
23:42It's too big.
23:44It's a huge Onigiri.
23:46It's huge.
23:48It's sold twice a month.
23:50It's a huge Onigiri
23:52which is very popular.
23:54It's called
23:56Onigiri from Kobayashi-san.
24:00It's a huge Onigiri
24:02with a fist-sized Onigiri.
24:04It's topped with a huge ingredient.
24:08the owner of this branch,
24:10developed this Onigiri.
24:12Now, the staff of each branch
24:14are making it.
24:16On top of the Onigiri
24:18with a fist-sized Onigiri,
24:20there are three pieces of Saba.
24:22On top of that,
24:24there are Yakisoba-Takana Onigiri
24:26with Saba inside.
24:28It's a luxurious Onigiri
24:30topped with a thick sake
24:32and salmon roe.
24:34All of them cost 324 yen.
24:36The size of this Onigiri is
24:38out of this world.
24:40What's the concept of this Onigiri?
24:42The concept is
24:44to wrap the Onigiri
24:46in a plastic wrap
24:48and make it into a rice ball.
24:50I want to surprise people with this Onigiri.
24:52Of course, it's a big Onigiri.
24:54They wrap the Onigiri
24:56in a plastic wrap
24:58and make it into a rice ball.
25:00The ingredients are huge.
25:02I love Onigiri.
25:04I love Onigiri.
25:06This Onigiri
25:08has a strong impact on people.
25:10It's a hot topic on SNS.
25:12It's very popular in Kanto area.
25:16This year,
25:18the Onigiri started selling
25:20in Kansai area.
25:22This is
25:24a very popular Onigiri
25:26made by Mr. Kobayashi.
25:28This time, it's special.
25:30This is Mr. Kobayashi's Onigiri.
25:32How about this?
25:34How about this?
25:36This is Mr. Sawada's Onigiri.
25:38Mr. Sawada?
25:40What do you mean?
25:42You did it.
25:44I did it.
25:46Mr. Sawada's hot request
25:48made it happen.
25:50On this day,
25:52next to Mr. Kobayashi's Onigiri,
25:54Mr. Sawada
25:56will put the Onigiri
25:58he came up with.
26:00Mr. Sawada's
26:02vs. Mr. Kobayashi's Onigiri.
26:04Who will be the winner?
26:06It's a battle between
26:08Mr. Sawada
26:10and Mr. Kobayashi.
26:12The rule is simple.
26:14The winner is
26:16the one who sells 100 Onigiri
26:18and sells them all first.
26:20Mr. Sawada's Onigiri
26:22will be sold
26:24at the same time as Mr. Kobayashi's Onigiri.
26:26The menu is
26:28on top of the Onigiri,
26:30there is
26:32a hot egg.
26:36On top of that,
26:38there is a big eel.
26:40What is it called?
26:42It's called Unatama-don.
26:44It looks like it's going to be good.
26:46It's called Unatama-don.
26:48It's called Unatama-don.
26:50Since it's summer,
26:52the eel is the main ingredient.
26:54Mr. Sawada's Onigiri
26:56will be sold at the same time as Mr. Kobayashi's Onigiri.
26:58The winner is Mr. Sawada's Onigiri.
27:02It's huge.
27:04Wait a minute.
27:06I think I can eat it.
27:08It's a bowl.
27:10It's amazing.
27:12I want to eat it.
27:16It's a waste.
27:18It's a waste.
27:20It's a waste.
27:22Let's see who won.
27:24We still have more.
27:26Mr. Sawada's Onigiri.
27:28Mr. Sawada's Onigiri.
27:30I think it's good
27:32if everyone likes it.
27:34It's a shrimp mayonnaise
27:36that is loved by
27:38all ages.
27:40He will compete
27:42with his favorite Chinese shrimp mayonnaise.
27:44It's a big shrimp.
27:46How is it?
27:48On top of the Onigiri,
27:50there is a big shrimp.
27:52On mayonnaise,
27:54there is dried shrimp,
27:56salted kelp,
27:58and corn.
28:00He is particular about the color
28:02and texture.
28:04He put a lot of effort into it.
28:06What is it called?
28:08It's a shrimp mayonnaise
28:10made by Mr. Sawada.
28:12It's a shrimp mayonnaise
28:14made by Mr. Sawada.
28:16There is salted kelp,
28:18so it goes well with rice.
28:20The texture of corn.
28:22I've never had Onigiri
28:24that was thought out this much.
28:26I can't lose.
28:28It looks like
28:30Mr. Sawada is desperate.
28:32He is trying to eat it somehow.
28:34It's amazing.
28:36It's delicious.
28:38That's right.
28:40It's frustrating, but it's delicious.
28:42That's amazing.
28:44There is salted kelp,
28:46and dried shrimp.
28:48It looks good.
28:50It looks colorful.
28:52I buy it by its appearance
28:54before I eat it.
28:56When it's in the supermarket.
28:58Mr. Sawada
29:00and Mr. Sawada
29:02eat Onigiri
29:04with great pride.
29:12Which one will be sold out first?
29:14Which one will be sold out first?
29:16I want to buy both.
29:18Before that,
29:20let's go to the fish market.
29:22Thick-cut Ginzake
29:32From seafood to sushi,
29:34there are about 300 kinds
29:36of fish markets
29:38with shocking prices.
29:40Thick-cut Tara
29:42100g of Tara
29:44is 108 yen.
29:46It's a crazy price.
29:48It's big.
29:50Long-grilled eel
29:52is 4,212 yen.
29:56Wait a minute.
29:58Is this Kinki?
30:00It's 490 yen.
30:02It's cheap.
30:04It's about 4,000 yen
30:06if you eat it at a restaurant.
30:08150 yen is cheap.
30:10It's not that thick.
30:12I want to buy this.
30:16I make salmon
30:18in front of my child's bed every day.
30:20This salmon
30:22is bitter and thick.
30:24It's really thick.
30:26It's different
30:28from other supermarkets.
30:32It's thick,
30:34so it's juicy and fluffy
30:36and dark.
30:38It's hard to make it hard,
30:40so it's perfect for bento.
30:44At such a fish market,
30:46Chef Sawada bought
30:52I found it.
30:54Which one?
30:56This one.
30:58What is this?
31:00It's amazing.
31:02This scale is amazing.
31:04It's a sushi roll
31:06about 30 cm long.
31:12it was originally designed
31:14to sell 1,000 fish that day.
31:18it is now
31:20a big hit product
31:22that sells
31:24about 600 pieces
31:26a day.
31:28This is like a baton
31:30on the ground.
31:32This is amazing.
31:34First of all,
31:36taste the sashimi.
31:38Of course,
31:40the ingredients inside are thick.
31:42If you know this,
31:44you can't go back
31:46to the sushi specialty store.
31:48The inside is also delicious.
31:52what is the product
31:54that Chef Tsukiya was surprised
31:56to eat?
31:58I bought this.
32:00This is a whitebait.
32:02It looks soft.
32:06At first glance,
32:08it looks like a normal whitebait,
32:10but there is a difference
32:12in the way it is caught.
32:14In general,
32:16whitebaits are caught
32:18in two-layer boats.
32:20If you catch a lot at once,
32:22the weight of the whitebait
32:24at the bottom of the net
32:26may be applied and crushed.
32:28This whitebait
32:30can be caught
32:32in one-layer boats.
32:34Although the amount
32:36that can be caught at once
32:38is small,
32:40it is difficult to crush
32:42whitebaits in the net.
32:44The name is
32:46one-layer whitebait.
32:48Is there such a difference
32:50in whitebaits?
32:52As soon as you eat it,
32:54you can tell
32:56the presence of whitebaits.
32:58It's different from other supermarkets.
33:00For example,
33:02if you put whitebaits in pasta
33:04or udon,
33:06you can feel the presence of whitebaits.
33:08It's very delicious.
33:10It is said that it is completely different
33:12if you eat whitebaits at once.
33:14There is a sense of presence.
33:16All whitebaits are soft.
33:18That's right.
33:20All whitebaits are crushed.
33:22All whitebaits are crushed.
33:24It's delicious,
33:26but I can't tell the difference.
33:28Can you tell the difference?
33:30This is one-layer whitebaits.
33:34At that time,
33:36I have a good news.
33:38I have a good news.
33:40I have a good news.
33:42I have a good news.
33:44I have a good news.
33:46I have a good news.
33:48In fact,
33:50the person in charge of Sawada Shift
33:52will compete with each other.
33:54The person who can make 100 rice balls
33:56and sell them first
33:58will be the winner.
34:02It's a battle
34:04where each person
34:06has his own will and pride.
34:10Here is a part of it.
34:14the rice ball competition
34:16will start.
34:20the competition has started.
34:22From now on,
34:24it's a one-on-one battle.
34:26The hands of the two people
34:28who are not good at making rice balls
34:30are sneaking into the rice ball.
34:32The big rice balls
34:34are being sucked into the basket.
34:36How will they do?
34:48They are chasing each other.
34:50Sawada. Kobayashi.
34:52They are in a one-on-one battle.
34:54Oh, here comes Madam.
34:56She is going to make four rice balls.
34:58She is going to make four rice balls.
35:00She is going to make four rice balls.
35:02She is going to make four rice balls.
35:06Madam is still
35:08going strong.
35:10Kobayashi's rice ball
35:12is still in the lead.
35:14Let's hear the voice of the people
35:16who are watching.
35:24What did you choose?
35:30I haven't eaten it at all.
35:32It's been a while.
35:34It looks delicious.
35:36I'll be satisfied if I eat one.
35:40I've known
35:42Kobayashi's rice ball for a long time.
35:44This is the first time
35:46I've seen Sawada's rice ball.
35:48I was surprised.
35:50I was surprised.
35:52The rice ball is going well.
35:54The rice ball is going well.
35:56It's time to decide the winner.
35:58It's time to decide the winner.
36:00The one who has no rice ball
36:02will be the winner.
36:04Which one will be the winner?
36:06Which one will be the winner?
36:10Here it is.
36:12Kobayashi's rice ball.
36:14Sawada's rice ball.
36:16Kobayashi's rice ball.
36:18The winner is No Pia.
36:20She lost to Kobayashi's rice ball.
36:24It's a close game.
36:26It's a close game.
36:28It's a close game.
36:30Kobayashi's rice ball
36:32lost in one hour and six minutes.
36:34It's too strong.
36:36It's too strong.
36:38It's a shame.
36:40I want to play this game again.
36:42Can I have a picture of this?
36:44Can I have a picture of this?
36:46What if I lose?
36:48I often go to Kansai.
36:50I often go to Kansai.
36:52I'm embarrassed.
36:54The one who has no rice ball
36:56will be the winner.
36:58The one who has no rice ball
37:00will be the winner.
37:02The one who has no rice ball
37:04will be the winner.
37:06I'm embarrassed.
37:08Sawada's rice ball
37:10and Kobayashi's rice ball
37:12will be sold
37:14at all stores in Kansai
37:16for three days
37:18on September 17th,
37:20October 1st,
37:22and 15th.
37:26I'll announce
37:28the best one
37:30selected by
37:32professional chefs
37:34among 9,000 shops
37:36in Kansai.
37:40I found
37:42an amazing rice ball.
37:44What is it?
37:48Here it is.
37:52What is it?
37:54Have you ever seen such a rice ball?
37:56No, I haven't.
37:58It's a huge rice ball
38:00stuffed with meat.
38:02Compared to
38:04a normal rice ball,
38:06it's 5 rice balls.
38:08It weighs
38:10about 120g.
38:12It's 734 yen
38:14for 5 rice balls.
38:18It's not just the appearance.
38:20Of course, it's delicious.
38:22The meat is this big.
38:24It's like a hamburger.
38:26And it's juicy.
38:28The secret of its juiciness
38:30is the minced pork
38:32and sesame oil
38:34added to the meat.
38:38Even after a long time,
38:40it doesn't dry out
38:42and keeps its juiciness.
38:44I want to put it in my bento.
38:46It's a popular dish in my class.
38:48What is it?
38:50It's like a hamburger.
38:52It smells good.
38:54It has a strong smell of meat.
39:00it's hard to explain.
39:04This is the best one.
39:08Ms. Inagaki,
39:10a mother of two.
39:12The taste is strong
39:14and I can't stop eating.
39:16I was very surprised
39:18by this idea.
39:20What is the idea product
39:22that the charismatic chef
39:24who develops 500 kinds of recipes
39:26unexpectedly thought?
39:30What is this?
39:32It's a cracked rice cracker.
39:34That's right.
39:36This is
39:38a special rice cracker.
39:40It has two flavors,
39:42soy sauce and sesame,
39:44and costs 214 yen.
39:46This rice cracker has an incredible secret.
39:50this is...
39:54Let's ask Mr. Inagaki
39:56about the secret of this rice cracker.
39:58What is the secret
40:00of this rice cracker?
40:02The secret?
40:04It's a rice cracker,
40:06isn't it?
40:08It's cracked on purpose.
40:10On purpose?
40:12What is the answer?
40:18it's cracked on purpose.
40:20Is that so?
40:22A rice cracker is
40:24sold cheaply
40:26for a reason,
40:28but it's cracked on purpose.
40:32It's cracked in a size
40:34that is easy to eat,
40:36but how is it cracked?
40:38Is it done by a person?
40:40Or by a machine?
40:44This is a company secret,
40:46so I can't tell you.
40:50The cracker is cracked
40:52on purpose.
40:56But why is it cracked
40:58on purpose?
41:00It's cracked on purpose,
41:02and soy sauce is seasoned
41:04from there,
41:06so the flavor is permeated
41:08to the inside.
41:12Mr. Inagaki's recommended arrangement
41:14is the topping of Ochazuke.
41:16The strong soy sauce flavor
41:18and the crispy texture
41:20go well together.
41:22It's a good business.
41:24Even if it's cracked,
41:26it won't be found out.
41:28It's cracked on purpose,
41:30and the sauce is seasoned later.
41:34It's delicious.
41:36The more I spread it,
41:38the richer the flavor becomes.
41:40It's a luxury.
41:42It's a hot tea.
41:44Mr. Inagaki,
41:46it's a hot tea.
41:48This is the best in Lofia.
41:52Mr. Tsuchiya,
41:54an Italian chef from Michelin.
41:56I've never seen this product
41:58in a supermarket.
42:00Have you seen it in other supermarkets?
42:02This is a limited product
42:04in Lofia, too.
42:06This is it.
42:08It's a vacuum-packed
42:10oily wiener.
42:12But what's special about it?
42:14This is
42:16a raw wiener.
42:18A raw wiener?
42:20It's a limited product
42:22in Lofia,
42:24using domestic pork.
42:26It's a raw wiener.
42:28The wiener sold a lot
42:30is boiled once.
42:32It's not boiled,
42:34but frozen.
42:36So, when it's grilled,
42:38it's fragrant and juicy.
42:42It's like eating meat.
42:44It's delicious.
42:46It looks delicious.
42:48Is this sold in a supermarket?
42:50No, it's my first time seeing it.
42:52In Italy,
42:54it's called Salsiccia.
42:56I make it myself.
42:58But I've never seen
43:00a raw wiener in a supermarket.
43:02It's rare.
43:04It's a rare product.
43:06Mr. Tsuchiya's recommendation
43:08is to cut the wiener
43:10in half
43:12and put it on bread
43:14to make a sandwich.
43:16That's great.
43:18I know how to make it.
43:22It's really good.
43:24I make it with
43:26fried egg and wiener.
43:28It's good.
43:30It's good to mix it with egg yolk.
43:32It's really good.
43:36It's delicious.
43:38Is it different?
43:40It's totally different.
43:42Raw wiener is good for meat, right?
43:46It's not morning. It's night.
43:48It's luxurious in the morning.
43:50But it's luxurious in the evening.
43:54Here's a quiz for everyone in the studio.
43:58Luxurious tasting.
44:02Decorating the store
44:04that makes children happy.
44:06The concept is
44:08to decorate the store
44:10that makes children happy.
44:12It's a rare facility
44:14for next spring.
44:16It's rare.
44:18I think it's good.
44:20I want to use it.
44:22I think it's innovative.
44:24I want to come here with my family.
44:26I want to enjoy it with my family.
44:30What kind of facility is it?
44:34Ms. Narumi.
44:36It's a center.
44:38It's a center.
44:40It's a super center.
44:42It's a super center.
44:44It's a resort.
44:46It's a resort.
44:48It's a resort.
44:56The store is going to be built
44:58next spring.
45:00What kind of facility is it?
45:02Ms. Narumi.
45:04Let's go to the beach.
45:06Let's go to the beach.
45:10What are you doing?
45:12One more time.
45:14Ms. Suga.
45:16Barbecue house.
45:18That's right.
45:20That's great.
45:22Bring your own products
45:24bring your own products
45:26and let them stay in the store.
45:28and let them stay in the store.
45:30Oh, but I want to have a barbecue with the meat Lopia.
45:34That's right.
45:35The raw wiener was the best.
45:38I definitely want to eat barbecue and rice balls.
45:40Oh, that's good.
45:41It's easy to buy, isn't it?
45:45Next, Chef Sawada introduces a shocking cosplay dish that can be made at home without losing to Lopia.
45:51Yes, is it 100%?
45:54I lost.
45:55No, I did it on purpose.
45:57On purpose!
45:58You don't have any friends, do you?
46:04This time, it's a cheap voluminous pork that can be made for 150 yen per person.
46:11I have to do my best to make up for my feelings now.
46:15At that time, I will risk my life.
46:17Yes, I will do my best.
46:18Originally, pork is a lumpy meat.
46:22However, this time, we will use the pork in a way to make it voluminous.
46:30This is it.
46:31This is thick-cut fried pork.
46:33Thick-cut fried pork?
46:34Yes, it's thick-cut fried pork.
46:36Cut the thick-cut fried pork and wrap it in the thick-cut fried pork.
46:41I see.
46:42I'll show it to the big meat and make it.
46:46By doing this, you can easily and cheaply reproduce the voluminous meat.
46:53The rest is healthy.
46:54Above all, the amount of meat is small, and the rest is tofu.
46:59That's right.
47:02Add eggs to the pork seasoned with salt and pepper and sprinkle with potato starch.
47:09By adding eggs, the pork will be juicy.
47:15In addition, the egg makes the batter thicker and adds texture.
47:24This time, I just wrapped the pork in the thin-cut fried pork, so the baking time is short.
47:32It looks good.
47:34It's completely thick-cut fried pork.
47:36That's right.
47:37I think it's thick-cut fried pork.
47:41When the meat is cooked, add onions and bell peppers and stir-fry.
47:47Take it out once.
47:50Next, make sweet and sour sauce, which is essential for thick-cut fried pork.
47:55Use ketchup, vinegar, sugar, etc.
47:59In addition, there is one thing that can easily make it a top-notch finish, and that is...
48:05Aojiso dressing.
48:09In Aojiso dressing, not only the soy sauce used for thick-cut fried pork, but also various vegetables and fruits are included, so it has a deep flavor.
48:19The refreshing scent of Aojiso is perfect for thick-cut fried pork.
48:25Add a little rare tomato to the thick-cut fried pork.
48:30And add a hidden flavor that is also used for thick-cut fried pork in my shop.
48:35Harumi, what do you think the hidden flavor is?
48:39I don't know.
48:42It's Aijo.
48:43It's not Aijo.
48:49Sawada-ryu's super-cheap voluminous thick-cut fried pork.
48:52What is the hidden flavor that Chinese professionals use in their shops?
48:56The answer is this.
48:57Strawberry jam.
48:59Strawberry jam?
49:00Strawberry jam?
49:01I didn't know that.
49:03Of course, it's sweet, but it's strawberry, so it's strawberry jam.
49:08Strawberry jam?
49:09That's Sawada's shop.
49:10Strawberry jam?
49:11Yes, strawberry jam.
49:12Even professionals use it.
49:13That's right.
49:14Let's do it.
49:16After thickening the sauce with water-soluble potato starch, put the meat back and mix it.
49:23Add sesame oil to finish.
49:27All you have to do is serve it on a plate.
49:31You're good at this.
49:34This is Sawada-ryu's super-cheap voluminous thick-cut fried pork.
49:38It looks delicious.
49:41It looks delicious.
49:43Let's eat.
49:45Let's eat.
49:50It's delicious.
49:52It's really fruity.
49:54It's thick-cut fried pork.
49:55Isn't this better?
49:57It's thick-cut fried pork.
49:58This is really good.
50:00It's more like pork than meat.
50:05The meat is well-cooked.
50:07It's just wrapped.
50:09Did you put love in it?
50:11Yes, I did.
50:13You just don't know how to express it.
50:16I'll buy rice balls.
50:19Next week.
50:20A really good restaurant chosen by people who love spicy food.
50:23It's like a vegetable restaurant with a reservation.
50:25Please give me a drink.
50:27I can't stop eating ramen.
50:32This is delicious.
50:39Wine, wine, wine.
50:40Yashima's wine.
