The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 647-648 English

  • 3 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 647-648 English
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from Episode 647 to Episode 648, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:24Episode 647, Revenge
00:28After that night, Bridget returned to the apartment.
00:31She was thrilled to find that her video game console had been repaired.
00:35Richard had said he was going to send it back to the factory in Germany for repairs.
00:40So how did it get fixed so quickly?
00:42She wondered.
00:43Curious, she gave Richard a call.
00:46Are you asleep?
00:48No, I can talk.
00:50Richard was sitting alone in his living room, enjoying a glass of wine.
00:54How did you manage to get the game console fixed so quickly?
00:58And who was the amazing person who figured out how to fix a German product?
01:03I have to meet this brilliant person.
01:05I fixed it.
01:07He sounded self-assured, not as reserved as he normally was.
01:11Maybe he's a little under the influence.
01:14She thought you fixed it.
01:16You must be joking, Bridget said.
01:19Richard chuckled without thinking it through.
01:21He blurred it out.
01:23Do you want to come over for some wine?
01:26Surprised and a little shocked, Bridget hugged herself protectively.
01:30Do you have something indecent in mind, maybe?
01:34But only if I can defeat you in a wrestling contest.
01:37Richard did not want to admit it, but he knew that Bridget was physically much stronger
01:42than he was.
01:45Bridget sensed that Richard wasn't in a good mood.
01:48What's wrong with you today?
01:49Who annoyed you?
01:51I'm okay.
01:53You can go to sleep, and even though your console is working again, I set it up only
01:58so that you could see that it's working, not so that you can play with it.
02:03After the telephone conversation, Richard had an unfamiliar sense of emptiness that
02:08took him by surprise.
02:11Perhaps I have been alone for too long.
02:13He thought Bridget, too, was deep in thought.
02:16The fixing of her game console had triggered her curiosity about Richard.
02:21She realized that she knew very little about him and decided to do some research.
02:26She typed his name into a search engine and got results about an award he had received
02:31earlier, as well as information about the drama he had with H-World.
02:37She also saw an article about him and his former partner.
02:41Looking at the date of the article, Bridget realized it was the anniversary of his partner's
02:46No wonder Richard was troubled.
02:49Maybe he was trying to drown his sorrows, she thought.
02:52She relaxed a little.
02:54Richard's old enough to look after himself.
02:57She… she thought.
02:59Besides, the incident happened a long time ago.
03:03It's time for him to move on.
03:05After a quick shower, she hopped into bed but couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning.
03:11She recalled Richard's invitation to join him for some wine.
03:16Then she started to worry if he was okay, to stop herself from dwelling on these thoughts.
03:22She quickly got dressed and headed for Richard's apartment at the entrance gate.
03:27She decided not to ring the doorbell.
03:30Instead, she planned to jump over the fence, take a quick peek to see if he was okay, and
03:35then leave again.
03:37She climbed up to the balcony, hoping to sneak in through the living room window.
03:43Sadly, the seemingly simple maneuver went horribly wrong and her head got stuck.
03:49Damn it.
03:51Richard was still sitting in his living room when he heard the commotion, making his way
03:55to the balcony.
03:56He could hardly believe his eyes.
03:59He looked at the comical sight of Bridget stuck in the window and broke into a huge
04:03belly laugh.
04:04What are you laughing at?
04:06Come and help me, she yelled.
04:08This is your punishment for choosing the window over the front door.
04:14Richard teased.
04:15Then he opened the window wider to release Bridget and guided her to the front door.
04:21She could smell the alcohol on his breath.
04:24How much did you have to drink? she asked.
04:28Ignoring her question, Richard said it's very dangerous for a young woman to enter a single
04:33man's home on her own.
04:36Kate wasn't worried.
04:37If you dare touch me, you're a dead man.
04:41Reacting quickly, Richard put his arm on either side of her, trapping her against the wall.
04:46See, I don't have to touch you.
04:49In a fit of anger, Bridget headbutted him.
04:52Richard moved away and they both held their heads in pain.
04:56You are a violent woman, Bridget.
04:58Bridget no longer wanted to be anywhere near him.
05:01Since you're okay, I'm gonna leave now.
05:05You should go home now.
05:08Richard returned to the sofa and continued sipping his wine.
05:12Bridget looked at him for a moment, wondering if he was thinking about the death of his
05:18Just go home.
05:19And this time, please use the front door, he said in the light of the moon.
05:25Richard somehow looked different to Bridget.
05:28Maybe he seemed more relaxed, more human.
05:32Bridget could not get herself to move.
05:34Instinctively, she felt the urge to comfort him.
05:37Why aren't you leaving, he asked.
05:40I want to comfort you, Bridget blurted out.
05:43Why would you think that you could comfort me, Richard asked.
05:48Bridget stopped dead in her tracks, feeling sad and upset.
05:51Was Richard trying to say that he would never fall in love with an artist again?
05:56After a while, he fell asleep on the sofa, gazing at him, lying there.
06:03Bridget lost control of herself and kicked him.
06:07Stupid man.
06:09This is my chance for revenge, she picked up his Montblanc pen and wrote stupid high
06:14up on his forehead.
06:16Bridget did not know just how complicated their relationship would become in the following
06:21Neither of them knew that Annie had betrayed them by meeting with a benefactor behind their
06:27This secret benefactor had agreed to pay the fee to cancel her contract, on the condition
06:32that she did something for him in return.
06:36Annie happily agreed.
06:38When Richard had first discovered her, she had high hopes for the two of them.
06:43All that remained now was a deep hatred for him.
06:47Furthermore, she really wanted Bridget to experience the same pain that she had gone
06:54The next day, Richard woke up with an aching hip.
06:57He rubbed his hip bone to try and ease the pain, and then headed to the bathroom to freshen
07:03Seeing his reflection in the mirror, he laughed at the word on his forehead before scrubbing
07:08it off.
07:10He didn't laugh for long.
07:12A moment later, he received a call from the producers of The Savage Wars informing him
07:17that while Bridget's role remained, they had decided to create a role for a new character.
07:23They had already selected someone for the role.
07:27Richard guessed that this new actress had paid her way into the movie, since they hadn't
07:31had an open audition.
07:33But he didn't care as long as Bridget hadn't been replaced.
07:37He was content.
07:39Poor Richard.
07:40He had no idea that this new character was created with the sole purpose of controlling
07:51Eliza paused at the site where the lab used to be.
07:55A long time had passed since her last visit.
07:59The new occupants of the building informed her that the lab had been relocated and nobody
08:04knew what had happened to the staff.
08:06What a pity, she thought.
08:09Now I have no chance of getting inside and laying my hands on Marjorie's medical history.
08:14Obviously, Marjorie and the rest of the Burns family knew nothing about the secret she was
08:20Surely, if they had any idea, they would not have kept quiet.
08:25But if Marjorie and I aren't related, why would the DNA results indicate that we are?
08:31She thought, what secret could there be?
08:34Who could provide an answer?
08:36The explosion 19 years ago wasn't an accident.
08:40I'm sure of it.
08:41And if Marjorie had no concerns about comparing her DNA with Eric's, she must have thought
08:47she had nothing to worry about now, because she was anxious to get clarity.
08:51Eliza requested that the DNA tests be processed rapidly, and when the results came back, even
08:57the doctor was confused.
09:00The third sample shows a relationship to the first and second samples, but those two samples
09:05are almost identical.
09:07Are you sure you didn't accidentally bring two of your own samples?
09:11The doctor asked.
09:13I'm 100% sure.
09:15The first and second samples came from two different people.
09:18She responded, well, if the samples are indeed from two different people, the chances are
09:23good that they're twins.
09:25In fact, I would say it's very likely that they're identical twins.
09:30The doctor replied cautiously.
09:33So what you're saying is this?
09:35Eliza stated, when someone who's an identical twin has a child, both twins' DNA will match
09:41the child's DNA, making it impossible to identify the biological mother.
09:47The doctor replied.
09:49So let's say one member of a twin tried to steal their sibling's identity.
09:54It would be very difficult to figure out who was who.
09:57The only way to know for sure would be to check their fingerprints.
10:03The only way to know for sure.
10:06Eliza looked at her scarred fingers despondently.
10:09That was not an option for her.
10:12Nevertheless, it was clear that Marjorie was her sister.
10:16But why doesn't anyone seem to know this?
10:18She wondered.
10:20Did Marjorie plan the explosion so she could take over my identity?
10:24She wondered.
10:25Was she that desperate to change her fate, that she was willing to kill her own twin?
10:31Marjorie had stolen Eliza's identity, her husband, and her career.
10:37In fact, she had stolen everything from Eliza.
10:41This was too horrifying for words.
10:44Much as she tried, Eliza couldn't make sense of it all.
10:47It was too complex.
10:49In bewilderment, she returned to work.
10:52She longed to talk to Emma, but realized she couldn't expose herself.
10:57What happened?
10:59You seem so preoccupied.
11:01Emma noticed immediately that Eliza's mood had changed dramatically during her excursion.
11:06She appeared bewildered and upset.
11:09Do you think real life can be as far-fetched as a scene from a movie?
11:13Eliza asked.
11:14Emma sensed that something was bothering Eliza, but decided not to pry.
11:19She just replied.
11:21Art is often inspired by real life, but life is much more complicated than art.
11:27Why do you want to know?
11:29I'm just wondering, what would you do if a relative of yours stole everything from
11:33you that defined you?
11:35She asked.
11:37Emma looked at Eliza, and her answer was simple.
11:40My sister Jenna once tried to steal everything from me, and then the whole of New York witnessed
11:46her fate.
11:47Nobody has the right to steal what belongs to you.
11:50And what if they do?
11:52Eliza asked.
11:53Then you take it back.
11:55Emma responded.
11:57What Marjorie did to me wasn't just stealing.
12:00She tried to kill me, Eliza thought.
12:03How clever she was.
12:04The explosion destroyed my belongings, my appearance, and my fingerprints.
12:10And without fingerprints, I can't prove anything.
12:14Eliza knew that time had come for Marjorie to suffer, just like she herself had suffered.
12:20If someone has hurt you, please let me know.
12:23Emma said Eliza just shook her head.
12:27She would make her own plans to get revenge on Marjorie, although she found it difficult
12:31to believe.
12:33Emma had pretty much figured out who Eliza was.
12:37For the time being, she decided to say nothing.
12:40That night, she shared with Eric the events of the day.
12:45Eliza seemed really bewildered today and asked me a lot of questions, but I think she just
12:50found the answers herself.
12:52Let's wait and see what Eliza wants to do.
12:55Eric said, gently stroking her hair, if what we suspect is true, she must have suffered
13:01a great deal through the years.
13:03Emma nodded in agreement.
13:05Just thinking about it makes me shiver.
13:08I'm just thinking, Eric said that if everything is as it appears, then the person who helped
13:14us in the past and sidetracked the public must have been Eliza.
13:19Emma lifted her head to look into Eric's dark eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck.
13:25She said, I'm sure the truth will come out sooner or later, but if Marjorie really hurt
13:30Eliza that badly, we can't let that go unpunished.
13:35I know, said Eric.
13:38He looked at his watch and said, what do you think about getting some rest?
13:42Emma leaned back in the bed and rested her hands on her belly.
13:47Eric turned to leave, but she caught him by the wrist.
13:50Eric, if the baby is born with an illness like Marjorie prophesied, what shall we do?
