Sudhanshu Trivedi ने Rahul Gandhi पर भारतीय संस्कृति को अपमानित करने का लगाया आरोप

  • 3 days ago
दिल्ली: बीजेपी सांसद सुधांशु त्रिवेदी ने 11 सितम्बर का जिक्र करते हुए राहुल गांधी पर जमकर हमला बोला, कहा “इसी दिन साल 1893 में स्वामी विवेकानंद ने शिकागो के विश्व धर्म संसद में ऐतिहासिक वक्तव्य दिया था और आज एक 54 साल का युवा (राहुल गांधी) जा कर भारत और भारतीय संस्कृति को अपमानित करने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ता है.. ”

#Sudhanshutrivedi #RahulGandhi #SwamiVivekananda #worldreligionsconference #VasudhaivaKutumbakam #brotherhoodmessage #chicagospeech1893 #indianphilosophy #globalinspiration #spiritualleadership #VivekanandaJayanti #digvijaydivas


00:00I am very happy to remember this day.
00:02Today is 11th September, the day on which on 11th September 1893,
00:06Swami Vivekananda gave his historic memorial speech in the Parliament of Religion in Chicago.
00:15That 29-year-old young monk had increased India's reputation so much
00:19that the Chicago Herald Tribune had written that
00:22this young monk seems to have the ocean of knowledge
00:25which not even a drop of it is with all our scholars.
00:28And today, a 54-year-old young man goes to insult India and Indian culture.
00:34No one leaves the way.
00:39I want to ask Rahul Gandhi,
00:41has he ever gone to that hall of Vivekananda in Chicago?
00:48Today is 11th September.
00:50Even after listening to this press,
00:52if he gives a speech in memory of Vivekananda,
00:57I will consider it to be a great example for him.
01:02Because, this is very clear,
01:05you may hate the BJP,
01:07you may have an inferiority complex with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
01:13Why do you use bad words against Indian culture?
01:17You may have said four good things about Indian culture and Indian society.
01:22You are all people, I want to ask you.
01:25You meet Elan Umar.
01:27I want to ask you, how many supporters of India did you meet?
01:32If you don't know, I want to tell you that
01:35Benjamin Gilman, he was awarded Padma Bhushan.
01:38He was a die-hard supporter of India.
01:40He died in 2016.
01:42I was nobody, I met Benjamin Gilman in July 2000, August 2000, year 2000.
01:49I want to ask you, when did you meet him?
01:51The supporters of India,
01:53from 20-25 years ago, your governments,
01:56Gary Ackerman, Edward Royce, Frank Pallone, Joseph Crowley,
02:01have you ever met them?
02:03Elan Umar meets them.
02:05Have you ever met Tulsi Gabbard?
02:08That is why, today,
02:12I want to say very seriously,
02:16and with great sorrow,
02:20that what Sam Pitroda has said,
02:24first, I want to quote something.
02:28Because today, Sam Pitroda said,
02:30that Rahul Gandhi has become very sensible,
02:33and a lot more.
02:34Because he is currently on the earth of America.
02:36Former American President Barack Obama,
02:39in his book, The Promised Land,
02:41came to India in 2010,
02:44and on the basis of meeting Rahul Gandhi,
02:46he commented on Rahul Gandhi's personality,
02:48which I am quoting.
02:49Rahul Gandhi has a nervous, uninformed quality about him,
02:53as if he were a student,
02:56who has done the coursework,
02:59he is eager to impress the teacher,
03:03but deep down lacked,
03:05either the aptitude,
03:07or the passion,
03:09of the subject.
03:11The Promised Land, written by Barack Obama,
03:14page number 601.
03:32So, in my opinion,
03:34the same thing applies to Rahul Gandhi,
03:36for Congress-dom.
03:38Now, I would like to say,
03:40that what Uncle Sam has said,
03:44I agree with him.
03:46What was given to him,
03:48is no longer what it was.
03:50Now, I would like to say,
03:52that what Sam Pitroda has said,
03:54I agree with him.
03:56What was given to him,
03:58is no longer what it was.
04:00What was given to him,
04:02is no longer what it was.
04:04Now, he is not behaving like a child.
04:08Now, he is behaving dangerous and evil.
04:12Now, he is with every power,
04:16that wants to see India weak.
04:20That wants to see India bowed.
04:24I would like to say,
04:26on one hand,
04:28in the leadership of BJP,
04:30India is rising with pride,
04:32development and cultural self-respect.
04:34On the other hand,
04:36there are those people,
04:38who went to the east,
04:40I leave it on your discretion,
04:42they used to say,
04:44why are the defenders of democracy,
04:46America and England silent?
04:48I will quote Rahul Gandhi,
04:52what he said in March 2023,
04:54when he was asked,
04:56I am a Democrat,
04:58and BJP is a communal.
05:00So, I feel,
05:02the people who find everything in foreign countries,
05:08they always take inspiration from foreign countries,
05:12today, they are going to foreign countries,
05:14and are spreading hatred against India.
05:16This is sad,
05:18this is a condemnation,
05:20this is unbearable.
05:24And if you think that a foreign country has any power, then I would like to say that those
05:29days are gone when the foreign countries used to influence India.
05:33If you think that the foreign countries have influenced India, then I would like to end
05:38my speech by saying that for all these people who are still looking for their source of
05:43inspiration from abroad, that the rule of foreigners has been on their country for centuries.
05:49But there is still dust on some faces of their feet.
