• letztes Jahr
Nach der TV-Debatte mit seiner Konkurrentin Kamala Harris hat sich der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump selbst gelobt. Das TV-Duell sei seine "beste Debatte" gewesen, erklärte er. Alle Umfragen sprächen für ihn, behauptete Trump.


00:00Our country is in decline, but beyond the polls I felt very good. I had a good time doing it.
00:06I hate to speak about our country so negatively, but that's what happened. They've ruined our country.
00:11All I do is say the truth. I say the truth. If I lose votes or gain votes, I don't care.
00:15But this was my best debate. I thought it was very good. I thought she was very weak on foreign policy.
00:21Mr. Trump! Mr. Trump!
00:26All of the polls are 60, 70 and 80 in our direction, so I thought it was a great debate from my standpoint.
