• last year
Silverton Siege is a thrilling Netflix film based on a true story. Set during apartheid South Africa, the trailer follows a group of anti-apartheid freedom fighters who, after a failed sabotage mission, find themselves trapped in a tense bank hostage situation. Armed and determined, they demand the release of Nelson Mandela, creating a high-stakes standoff with the authorities. The trailer showcases intense action sequences, gripping suspense, and powerful performances, promising a heart-pounding cinematic experience.
00:00All units, move in.
00:03When I was a little boy, I watched the police gun down my parents.
00:09I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't stop until I avenged them.
00:15That choice brought me here.
00:21The bank.
00:24This is bad.
00:25Calm down.
00:26Terra, your side.
00:28Down, down, down.
00:29Everybody gets down.
00:32We have the entire building surrounded.
00:34Surrender your weapons.
00:35Come out with your hands above your head.
00:39There's only one of two ways you're leaving.
00:41Prison or death.
00:45Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a bank robbery.
00:48So you stay calm and you go home.
00:50You're all the same.
00:51Nothing but criminals.
00:52If our lives are worth nothing, then maybe we negotiate for a life that is worth everything.
00:58Tell me what it is you want.
01:03We want the immediate release of Nelson Mandela.
01:06You have one hour, Captain.
01:09What you're trying to do here is impossible.
01:12Our man once said it always seems impossible until it's done.
01:16Why are you doing this?
01:17What does it prove?
01:18As long as one of us is in chains, then none of us are free.
01:21What if we turn this into a movement?
01:23No surrender.
01:24No retreat.
01:25Freedom in Montana!
01:29You can hide behind your history.
01:31Use your privilege and your money.
01:35But you can't run away from who you really are.
01:39You have run out of time.
01:42This is your last chance.
01:43Do not fire.
01:44I repeat, do not fire.
01:45I got the shot!
01:49What's the price of freedom?
01:50I don't know.