The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 555-556 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 3 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 555-556 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from episode 555 to episode 556, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:24Episode 555 Taking the Trash to the Curb
00:29Love doesn't act like this, Peter replied without turning around.
00:33Please stop trying to drag me into your scandals.
00:36Whether you have good news or bad news for me, I'm not interested.
00:40Sheer desperation had erased all of Noel's dignity.
00:44Is this who I really am?
00:46A desperate woman willing to do anything to get what I want.
00:51She wondered briefly.
00:53It didn't stop her from crying out, but I need you.
00:57He turned, filled with sadness over how she was acting.
01:01He squeezed Claire's hand, feeling grounded by her presence.
01:05No, you don't, he said.
01:10He and Claire left without another look back.
01:13Noel sank down to the curb, holding her head in her trembling hands.
01:18Am I really too late?
01:19She wondered.
01:21Noel's action had had the opposite impact she had intended.
01:24Peter realized who really had a firm place in his heart, the person he most wanted to
01:30be with.
01:31How are you feeling about this?
01:33Are you glad that Noel realized what she lost?
01:37Claire said as she pulled her hand out of his, I have already moved on, he said, picking
01:44her hand back up.
01:45She blushed and said, it doesn't look like she's giving up.
01:49Well, that's too bad.
01:51I've already made up my mind.
01:53He replied, squeezing her hand for emphasis.
01:56I'll take you home.
01:59A warm feeling spread in her chest, making her glad it was too dark for him to see her
02:05A moment later, the silence was disrupted by Emma calling him.
02:10He frowned with irritation.
02:12Hey, in the future, can you not give my number to people?
02:17He asked.
02:18It's better that she got it from me than someone else.
02:21Do you need me to keep her from bugging you?
02:24Emma asked.
02:25She was your friend once.
02:27Don't worry about it, he replied.
02:30Are you with Claire?
02:32She asked suddenly, asking two questions.
02:35Yes, he said, answering both.
02:38Make sure you protect her.
02:39She's never been a part of the entertainment industry and shouldn't have to pay for being
02:43close to you.
02:44She advised.
02:46Do you think Noel will try and take it that far?
02:49He asked.
02:50Sometimes people do crazy things for love, she answered.
02:54When Peter and Claire arrived at the Baines household, they found Jasper and Edward sitting
02:59stiffly in the living room together.
03:01Edward had initially planned to take his anger out on her, but Jasper's presence had stopped
03:08Peter looked at her with concern, noticing her anxiety.
03:12Don't worry about me.
03:13I'll call you or Emma if anything happens, she said with a tight smile.
03:19She felt hesitant to smile around her father, even with the assurance of her grandfather.
03:24Peter exchanged polite greetings with Jasper and then left.
03:29Claire made a beeline for her bedroom, wanting to escape the awkward atmosphere downstairs.
03:35She stifled a scream as she entered the room.
03:38Her childhood doll was in the middle of the floor, headless and torn to shreds, scattered
03:43across the room were her clothes, which had also been cut to pieces.
03:47With shaky hands, she carefully inspected the rest of her room.
03:52Her shoes were filled with glass shards.
03:55She nearly cut her finger when she discovered her purses had razor blades in the pockets.
04:00Rage boiled inside of her.
04:03She resisted the urge to hunt down Janet, calling Emma instead, taking occasional pauses
04:09to take calming breaths.
04:11Claire told her what had happened.
04:13You don't know if Janet did this alone.
04:15I doubt she would be able to do all of that without your father knowing.
04:20Emma said when she finished, Emma confirmed what Claire already suspected.
04:26What should I do then?
04:28She asked.
04:29Don't confront them directly, but tell your grandfather in private.
04:33You need to be careful until you have enough power to protect yourself.
04:38Don't do anything that won't benefit you in the long run, Emma advised.
04:44Claire thanked Emma and hung up.
04:47She sat on the bed, waiting until it wouldn't be suspicious for her grandfather to leave
04:52the living room.
04:53When she finally called him, she whispered, Can you please come up to my room?
05:00He asked in confusion.
05:02Please don't let my father know that you're talking to me.
05:05It's important, she whispered in an urgent tone.
05:09When he knocked on her door, she quickly pulled him in and carefully shut the door.
05:14When he saw the mess, his face started to turn red with anger.
05:18She carefully guided him to the bed.
05:21Let me show you something first, she said.
05:25She pulled out the medical report from her last hospital visit as he read through the
05:30His eyes grew wide with shock.
05:33Peter had warned him about the severity of Claire's abuse, but it was different seeing
05:38it in writing.
05:39My son did all of this.
05:41He asked quietly.
05:43She's gotten worse since he married Janet, she replied.
05:46I'll stand up for you.
05:48He swore.
05:50I'm more worried about what she'll do in the future.
05:53I don't think she'll ever leave our family alone, she explained.
05:58He sat in silence and thought for a moment.
06:01Finally, he said, I never officially gave your father control of the family business.
06:07Tomorrow, I'll combine your mother's shares with yours and place them all under your name.
06:12So you'll be the majority shareholder.
06:15He looked around the ruined room.
06:17As for the house, I'm giving it to you.
06:20Her jaw dropped as she realized she would finally be able to get rid of Janet.
06:26Episode 556 Going Through the Changes
06:31Weird Husband was raking it in at the box office.
06:35Emma's success with Weird Husband and Stupid led to headlines dubbing her the box office
06:42Her two very successful movies had earned her the unofficial title of Best Newcomer
06:47in the eyes of the public.
06:49Whether or not she actually won the award, the competition among the award nominees was
06:54fierce and Janet was desperate to win.
06:58She began to encourage her fans to attack Emma online.
07:01Her underhanded tactics didn't reduce her fan base.
07:05Instead, they seemed to make her fans even more vicious.
07:09They began claiming that any outcome that favored Emma would be unfair due to Christopher's
07:16One of Janet's fans posted, if anyone other than Emma receives the award, I could accept
07:21it, but there's no way she's better than Janet.
07:25Another person said these award shows get worse every year.
07:28They're obviously rigged.
07:30Although everyone enjoyed the suspense leading up to the awards, some people debated whether
07:35an actress who had announced her retirement from the entertainment industry should win
07:39an award.
07:41Giving the award to someone who has quit is a slap in the face to the actors who are still
07:47One person posted someone replied everyone has the right to choose what they want to
07:52do with their lives, but they can't expect to win an award for quitting.
07:57Late that night, Noelle poured a large glass of wine and watched the entertainment.
08:03Newscasters predict which actors would win awards.
08:07Every time Emma's name came up, she took a long sip from her glass.
08:12Jackson approached her from behind, but she ignored him.
08:15Emma won't win anything, he said.
08:19She sighed.
08:20What makes you say that?
08:22She asked.
08:24He scoffed.
08:25She left the industry.
08:27Why would the committee give the award to someone who's no longer acting?
08:31He asked.
08:32What makes you say that?
08:34There's no rule against it, she said.
08:37He sat next to her, placing his arm over the back of the couch.
08:41You're not supposed to know this, but it's an unspoken rule among the judges.
08:47Everyone who's ever won.
08:48Emma's a good actress and Eric is powerful, but not even Kaleidoscope can change that.
08:55She sat up straight.
08:57Eric would know about that rule, she said.
09:00Wouldn't he?
09:01He doesn't know everything.
09:03He responded,
09:04If you're still Emma's little pet, feel free to tell her.
09:09I can't wait to see how they try and get out of this mess, he said as he walked out of
09:14the living room.
09:15Although she knew his comment was sarcastic, she sat there for a while, wondering if she
09:20should tell Emma.
09:22Peter doesn't care about me anymore.
09:24Why should I look out for his family?
09:26Besides, if I say anything to Emma, Eric will think I was somehow involved and might come
09:32after me too, she thought.
09:35At the Baines household, the power dynamics were starting to change.
09:40Shortly after Jasper had told Claire that he would transfer the shares and ownership
09:44of the house to her, he had let his lawyers secretly start the transfer process.
09:49Soon, Claire would be able to kick out Janet and Edward from the house if she chose to
09:54do so.
09:56Edward and Janet had no idea that changes were coming.
09:59They continued to be cold to Claire, assuming her silence was a return to her previously
10:04timid personality.
10:07Claire didn't bother correcting them.
10:09Soon enough, she would have all the power, so there was no point in engaging in petty
10:14arguments now.
10:16Janet hadn't given up on her mission to prevent Emma from winning an award.
10:21She began calling her friends and connections within the entertainment industry to stir
10:25up more trouble.
10:27She told one friend,
10:29Honestly, I don't care whether I win an award.
10:32I know I'm not the best actor.
10:35But Andrea Byrod, she's so talented that if she loses, that will prove the awards are
10:42Just then, Claire and Peter came into the house and overheard Janet's conversation.
10:48They gave each other looks of exasperation before Claire waved for him to go home.
10:53He affectionately squeezed her arm and left unbothered by Janet's troublemaking.
10:59He was sure Emma would be able to outsmart her.
11:02After he left, Claire sat across from Janet and asked,
11:07Wow, are you sure you don't deserve the award?
11:11Look at the show you're putting on right now.
11:14Janet abruptly ended her call and glared and
11:16What are you going to do about it?
11:18She snapped.
11:21Claire replied,
11:22But I don't know why you think your efforts will stop Emma from getting an award.
11:28You couldn't even get on the final nominee list.
11:32Janet reminded herself to remain patient.
11:35She has an attitude now, but just to wait until her grandfather goes back home.
11:40She thought,
11:42Are you willing to bet on it?
11:44She asked.
11:45I bet Emma won't win the best newcomer award.
11:49What happens if she does?
11:51Claire asked.
11:53How about this?
11:54If she wins, I'll divorce your father.
11:57Janet suggested with a laugh.
11:59Isn't that what you've always wanted?
12:02Claire stared blankly at Janet for a long moment.
12:05Finally, she said,
12:08There's no point in gambling with you.
12:11You never keep your word.
12:12While I'm certain Emma will win.
12:15It doesn't change the fact that you have already lost your chance.
12:19Thank you so much for watching.
12:22Don't forget subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
