• last year


00:00Will this man be the first double jackpot winner in the history of the Joker's Wild?
00:17Up for grabs is an additional $2,500 and another brand new automobile.
00:24From Television City in Hollywood, here's the game where knowledge is king and lady
00:28luck is queen.
00:29It's the Joker's Wild and here is the host of our show, Jack Barry.
00:34Thank you very much and a very cheery welcome once again to the Joker's Wild where we might
00:47have a historic event occurring.
00:50Most of you know that our current champion broke the jackpot, won himself a lot of money,
00:53about $10,000 or more in cash and prizes, and has won two games and could break a second
01:01Let's have a formal introduction to the reigning champion, Johnny, if you will.
01:04Okay, Jack.
01:05Our current champion is originally from Detroit, Michigan, and as you say, has already won
01:09over $10,000 in cash and prizes with more to come.
01:13Ladies and gentlemen, Ken Fyfe.
01:14Ken, here you are again.
01:16You're going to have to be like a fixture here on the program.
01:23How did the family feel about your winning all that money and the cash and the prizes
01:27and everything?
01:28Oh, they're terribly excited, really happy, and all of my friends have been calling me
01:32all week long asking me strange questions, you know?
01:35Like how much can you lend them, right?
01:37Questions like that too, yeah.
01:39As you know, you broke jackpot number one and the money you won, the over $10,000 in
01:43cash and prizes, that's all yours.
01:44You're embarked on jackpot number two.
01:46You've already won $1,150 in this game, and we didn't give you a chance to spin for prizes,
01:52so you're going to do that right now as Johnny tells you the first prize you can spin for.
01:56Johnny, what is it?
01:57The Sensational Sensation, self-propelled lawnmower, mows all grass, wet or dry, with
02:02double-capacity grass catcher and edger trimmer for finishing touch, from the Sensation Corporation
02:07of Ralston, Nebraska.
02:09That's yours.
02:10If you get three jokers, the devil loses it.
02:11Spin and good luck.
02:15Joker and good luck.
02:16That's prize number one.
02:17All right, Johnny, would you tell them about prize number two?
02:19It's a trail bike.
02:20The Hodaka B-Plus with 100cc engine, hand craftsmanship, and tough, durable construction.
02:21Great in the woods, on the street, and in competition.
02:22That's indeed.
02:23As you know, you have to take a risk now.
02:24Do you want to go for it or do you want to quit right now?
02:25What do you want to do, huh?
02:56I'll go.
02:57I'll go.
02:58You have a joker, a joker.
02:59Get it again.
03:00You have two big prizes.
03:01How would you like to take a risk for this one, Ken?
03:02A Caribbean cruise that starts in California on a jet, then from Miami, aboard the Song
03:03of Norway for a seven-day dream tour to Nassau, San Juan, and St. Thomas.
03:09A glamorous vacation you'll never forget worth $1,000.
03:14Up to you, do you want to quit with what you have
03:18or do you want to go for this one?
03:20What do you want to do?
03:22My wife would never forgive me. I better go.
03:24Your wife won't forgive you, neither would we.
03:26Go ahead and try to win it. Here we go.
03:27You have a joker, a joker.
03:33And just a minute, we'll come back and find out
03:35if Ken's wife wants to try to break jackpot number two.
03:38First, these words.
03:39This is for dinner.
03:41Maybe lunch.
03:42Never in between.
03:43It's got to be the whole family at the table.
03:46Pasta, big job.
03:48You boil, you drain.
03:49I'm not going to go there.
03:50I'm not a home-ec kind of girl.
03:52What do I look like, a chef?
03:53Brace yourselves for a radical idea in pasta.
03:56New Ragu Express, an individual serving of pasta
03:59ready in just three and a half minutes,
04:00topped with real ragu sauce.
04:02What? Pasta as a snack?
04:05Ragu Express, real pasta, real sauce, real fast.
04:08You people.
04:10Honey, did you know what you're drinking
04:11has good stuff like protein and vitamins?
04:15Did you know it can help you grow?
04:18What do you know?
04:20It's yummy.
04:21PediaSure is a source of complete, balanced nutrition
04:24to help kids grow.
04:25But your child will only care about its new, improved taste.
04:28So if you're concerned your child's diet isn't providing
04:31adequate nutrition, ask your doctor about PediaSure.
04:34Now in four great kid-approved flavors.
04:37Did you know you're almost done?
04:40Here's to letting the wind comb your hair once in a while.
04:43A little bit of freedom goes a long way.
04:45Crystal Light, now the five fruit flavors you love
04:48are in a bottle and just five calories.
04:51Available in your grocer's juice aisle.
04:55Imagine combining the stain-fighting power
04:57of Everdant and freshening power of Listerine.
05:00You'd get Everdant Plus.
05:02It's extra fresh and nothing gets your dentures cleaner.
05:06Everdant Clean, Listerine Fresh.
05:08That's Everdant Plus.
05:10That was great.
05:11Let's play one more.
05:12Oh, I'm too tired.
05:13One more, come on.
05:15New one a day, active.
05:16The energy-enhancing multivitamin.
05:18Hey, you, you want to play one?
05:20Just one?
05:22One a day.
05:22Get active, stay active.
05:26Now it pay less when you buy one pair of sandals or canvas shoes.
05:30You get a second pair of sandals or canvas shoes for half price.
05:34No wonder guys like these things.
05:37Pay less, doesn't it feel good?
05:40Before we get your decision
05:41as to whether you're going to go on now,
05:43let me tell you that the retail value
05:44of the prizes you just won is $1,852.
05:49That, of course, is not at risk.
05:50You get that no matter what happens.
05:51But what you are risking if you play the next game
05:53is $1,150 in cash.
05:54Seems better, thank you.
05:55However, if you do go on and win just this one game,
05:59you would be the first person in the history of this program
06:02to break two jackpots.
06:03And you would, of course, break the jackpot,
06:05which now has $2,500 in cash in it,
06:07and you'd also go home with a second car.
06:09This one would be the Chevy Veya worth $2,370.
06:13It's up to you, do you want to break jackpot number two
06:15or do you want to quit right now?
06:16What do you want to do?
06:17I'll go.
06:22Want to go?
06:23He's going on, very good.
06:26I might add that if he breaks the jackpot
06:29and wins this game, he will have $8,372 extra
06:33to add to the $10,000 he won last time.
06:35He'd be in pretty good shape, pretty good indeed.
06:38Let's find out if he can do it
06:39as Johnny introduces the challenger.
06:41Well, Jack, our next player was born in Holland
06:44and she now lives in California.
06:46Here is Ingrid van der Souten.
06:48Hello, Ingrid, how are you?
06:52Fine, thank you.
06:53How long did you live in Holland?
06:55Only four years.
06:56I've been back and forth a couple of times.
06:58So I can't even ask you to say anything in Dutch, right?
07:00Oh, yes, you could.
07:01Well, I'm not going to.
07:04What can you say in Dutch?
07:06Hoe gaat het met je?
07:07Means how are you?
07:09I'm fine, thanks.
07:10How are things with you?
07:12Are you a married lady?
07:13No, single.
07:14Any plans for...
07:16What's all that noise in the audience?
07:18There are some single people in the world, you know.
07:20Any plans, marriage plans in the future?
07:22Not in the near future, let's say.
07:25All right, we are delighted to have you with us, Ingrid.
07:28And as you know, you are here on a rather historic occasion.
07:30It's up to you to try to stop him now.
07:32He's also going to try to break that jackpot.
07:34Let's show you the categories we're going to be using.
07:36Here they are.
07:37The categories are foreign governments,
07:39airports, famous strongmen, art, songs about the heavens.
07:45Your chance to break jackpot number two again.
07:47Five, spin and good luck.
07:51Art, Joker, foreign governments.
07:54I'll take art for 100.
07:56All right.
07:57Many famous American lithographers or prints,
08:00lithographs or prints,
08:01are identified by the names of two printers.
08:04One was Currier, name the other.
08:09No idea.
08:11You'll pick up $100 here, Ingrid, if you can tell me.
08:13I believe it's Ives.
08:14Currier and Ives, right for $100.
08:19You're off to a good start.
08:21Your spin, good luck, Ingrid.
08:25Strongmen, a pair, songs about the heavens.
08:30I think I'll take songs about the heavens for 50.
08:35What was the lunar theme song of Kate Smith?
08:45My Blue Heaven?
08:47No, that's lunar, all right, but that's not lunar enough.
08:50You'll pick up $50 here, champ, if you can tell me.
08:52When the moon comes over the mountain.
08:53That's the one for $50.
08:56Your spin, Jack.
08:59Foreign government, Joker and a triple.
09:05I'll go all the way for $200.
09:07The English prime minister selects men to serve as ministers
09:11who exercise executive control of the government.
09:14For $200, what is the group called?
09:21Ministers of state?
09:23No, that's, I can't accept that answer.
09:25You'll pick up $200 here, Ingrid.
09:26What is the group called?
09:29No, the cabinet, cabinet.
09:32You don't get the money, but you do get a spin, Ingrid.
09:37Songs, famous strongmen, foreign governments.
09:42Um, I will take foreign governments for 50.
09:47Sikh Majibar Rahman became the first prime minister
09:52of this newly formed country at the mouth of the Ganges River.
09:55Name that nation headed by Rahman.
09:59Oh, man, um...
10:03Can't do it?
10:05Another 50 for you, Ken, if you can tell me.
10:07Um, Liberia.
10:09No, Bangladesh, Bangladesh.
10:12Score stays, 50 to 100, and it's your spin, Ken.
10:16Joker, strongmen, foreign governments.
10:19Strongmen for 100.
10:20Okay, here's the question.
10:22This Greek titan was condemned to hold the heavens
10:25on his shoulders for all eternity.
10:27By what name is he known?
10:32Right, you go to $150.
10:39Art, foreign governments, and a pair.
10:43I'll go with art for 50.
10:47Frederick Auguste Bartholdi is best known
10:49for his gigantic pieces of sculpture.
10:51One of his best known works is on constant view
10:54in the United States.
10:55Name it.
10:59I don't know.
11:00Can you tell me for $50, Ken?
11:02Can I have his name again?
11:03Yes, Frederick Auguste Bartholdi.
11:05Statue of Liberty.
11:06That's the one, right.
11:07You go to $200.
11:10And with a score of 200 to 100,
11:13we'll be picking this up in just a moment,
11:14but first, these are the winners of this week's
11:15Miramax Films Presents Academy Award winner, Ben Affleck.
11:20Academy Award winner, Gwyneth Paltrow.
11:40Good call on the fight, man.
11:49Pay-per-view, how much did that cost?
11:51Look at how you guys won, man.
11:53Amazing athletes.
11:55Incredible performances.
11:58And the movies of our time.
12:01All from the best seats in your house.
12:05Share the experience.
12:08Tonight, order the best in pay-per-view sports,
12:12events and movies from Dish On Demand.
12:17Hi, Billy Mays here for OxiClean,
12:19the stain specialist.
12:20Powered by the air you breathe,
12:22activated by the water that you and I drink.
12:25It's Mother Nature approved,
12:27then it's safe on your colored fabrics.
12:29OxiClean seeks out organic stains.
12:31It'll even take red wine and grape juice
12:33out of white carpeting.
12:35Make a paste, make it ten times as powerful.
12:38It'll whiten your grout and get rid of your toughest stains.
12:41Soak your fabrics, even lace.
12:44It has the power of bleach
12:46without the damaging side effects of chlorine.
12:48Use it in your laundry.
12:49It'll make your whites whiter,
12:51your brights brighter.
12:52Call now and you'll receive a whopping
12:54six-pound bucket of OxiClean for just $19.95.
12:58But if you call in the next 20 minutes,
13:00we'll also include a squirt bottle,
13:02a super shammy,
13:03and a bottle of our world-famous Orange Clean free.
13:06Here's how to order.
13:07Call to order your six-pound bucket of OxiClean
13:09for only $19.95.
13:10Call now and we'll include the super shammy,
13:12squirt bottle, and Orange Clean absolutely free.
13:14Call 1-800-316-2211.
13:16Call now.
13:17Well, we've got a whole Bob-lovin' hour today,
13:19starting with the newlywed game at 4 p.m. Eastern,
13:21followed by Card Sharks at 4.30.
13:23That gives you a whole hour to love that Bob.
13:26That's newlywed game at 4 and Card Sharks at 4.30
13:29only on Game Show Network.
13:31Score stands 200 to 100.
13:34The categories we're using are foreign governments,
13:36airports, famous strongmen, art,
13:38songs about the heavens, and can it's your spin?
13:45Songs about the heavens.
13:47I'll try songs about the heavens for 100.
13:51Name the song that contains the lyrics,
13:53carry moonbeams home in a jar
13:55and be better off than you are
13:57or would you rather be a mule?
14:01Have to call for it.
14:03Swing on the star.
14:04That's the one.
14:05You go to $300.
14:06Your spin, Andrew.
14:11Famous strongmen.
14:13Airports, foreign governments.
14:15Um, I'll try airports for 50.
14:20Airports for 50.
14:23And we are missing a three on Ken Fife.
14:25It says that you're winning zero,
14:26but you're actually winning $300.
14:28What are the three letters on a baggage tag
14:31that identify Los Angeles International Airport?
14:37That's it.
14:38You go to $150.
14:43And it is your spin, Ken.
14:48Songs about the heavens.
14:49I'll try songs about the heavens for 100.
14:53I am not sure.
14:54I'll try songs about the heavens for 100.
14:58I ain't had no lovin' since January, February,
15:01June, or July.
15:03Part of the lyrics of that song.
15:04What is the name of the song for another $100?
15:06Shine on harvest moon.
15:07You're right.
15:08You go to $400.
15:12You're getting very close, very close
15:14to breaking jackpot number two.
15:16All right, Ingrid, your spin.
15:19Songs about the heavens.
15:21A triple.
15:25Songs about the heavens for $200.
15:27This will bring you up to $350.
15:29Name the song about the heavens
15:31featured in Walt Disney's Pinocchio.
15:37When you wish upon a star.
15:38That's the right one.
15:39You go to $350.
15:44We're right down to the wire now.
15:45$400 to $350.
15:47Ken Fyfe, give him a whirl.
15:54Strongman for $100.
15:57If you answer correctly,
15:58you will have $500.
15:59That's all you need
16:00to break jackpot number two,
16:01but your opponent gets one final turn.
16:04Here it is.
16:05With what sport would you associate
16:07strongman Dick Butkus?
16:11Right, for $500.
16:20Critical moment here now.
16:21There's only one way you can beat him.
16:23That is two ways you can beat him.
16:25You can get a triple
16:26and answer correctly.
16:27You'd have $550.
16:28You'd become the new champion,
16:29or you can get three jokers
16:31and answer any one question
16:32in which case,
16:33event you would become the new champion.
16:35Anything short of that,
16:36he will have won his second jackpot
16:38and will have in total cash and prizes
16:45for jackpot one and jackpot two.
16:48Let's spin and see what happens.
16:53It's all right.
16:54He's won $17,257.
17:13There you have it.
17:14For whatever record books
17:15there are in television,
17:16Ken Fife will go down
17:17in the record books
17:18as the first man
17:19ever on the history
17:20of this program
17:21to win two jackpots in a row.
17:23Congratulations to you, Ken.
17:25Anyway, I'm sorry
17:26we don't have any great awards
17:28to give to you
17:29but we'll have some nice
17:30consolation prizes backstage.
17:31Thanks for playing in the game.
17:32We hope you'll remember it
17:33a long time.
17:34Let's say goodbye
17:35to this lovely lady.
17:38Well, Ken,
17:39I don't know,
17:40we've talked to you
17:41at quite some length
17:42when you broke jackpot number one
17:44and you should be
17:45in a position now
17:46to say goodbye
17:47to jackpot number one
17:48and you should be
17:49in a position now
17:50to let us know
17:51does it feel any differently
17:52breaking jackpot number one
17:53than it does playing
17:54and breaking jackpot number two?
17:55Number two makes you
17:56much more nervous.
17:57Why is that?
17:58It also makes you
17:59much richer, doesn't it?
18:00Yeah, that's true too
18:01but, you know,
18:02I was just,
18:03on the way out here
18:04I was just shaking, you know?
18:05And last week
18:06I was fairly calm.
18:08Well, maybe it pays
18:09to shake a little, huh?
18:10You know?
18:11You know, when we talked
18:12after you broke
18:13jackpot number one
18:14you didn't have
18:15any specific plans
18:16but, you know,
18:17who knows you?
18:18You have one.
18:19You have any children
18:20in the family?
18:22Well, when the kids
18:23come along
18:24they can use the car, right?
18:25And talking about that car
18:26how would you like
18:27to take a look
18:28at the automobile
18:29number two
18:30which you have just won?
18:31Here it is right now
18:32and I hope
18:33that you'll enjoy it.
18:34This is all yours.
18:35The 73 Vega,
18:36the little car
18:37that does everything well,
18:38rides comfortably,
18:39corners flat
18:40and steers easily.
18:41Vega from Chevrolet
18:42building a better way
18:43to see the USA.
18:44You can imagine
18:45what's gonna happen now
18:46you said you got
18:47a lot of calls
18:48about guys wanting
18:49to borrow money.
18:50I think you better
18:51disconnect your phone.
18:52As you know
18:53you're allowed now
18:54to go on and play
18:55for jackpot number three
18:56and you can play
18:57until you win
18:59in cash prizes
19:00and we'll find out
19:01whether you can do that
19:02right after these words.
19:03One hour.
19:04Two shows.
19:07Oh, dear.
19:09The price is right?
19:10It's password
19:11for the answer.
19:12It's password plus
19:13and super password
19:14tonight from seven
19:15to eight Eastern
19:16only on Game Show Network.
19:25Want to see your piggy bank
19:26really grow?
19:29A 15-minute call
19:30could save you 15%
19:31or more on car insurance.
19:40Still paying too much
19:41for car insurance?
19:44A 15-minute call
19:45could save you
19:4615% or more.
19:48We're sisters.
19:49We've shared a lot.
19:51Even getting fat.
19:52So we headed
19:53straight for the SlimFast.
19:56we lost over 100 pounds.
19:58We lost a person.
19:59That's a great feeling.
20:00People at work
20:01were like, whoa!
20:02The SlimFast
20:03plan works.
20:04Have a shake
20:05for breakfast,
20:06one for lunch
20:07and a sensible dinner.
20:08It's just so creamy
20:09and good.
20:10It's healthy for you.
20:11It has the nutrition
20:12you need.
20:13We did it.
20:15Every day.
20:16Get healthy.
20:17When you feel good,
20:18then you feel beautiful.
20:26How can a cereal
20:27so simple
20:28taste so good?
20:32Life is full of surprises.
20:35Nobody in this house
20:36ever gets diarrhea.
20:38It's my stomach, okay?
20:39Or nausea.
20:40I was sick
20:41to my stomach.
20:42Or even indigestion.
20:43Oh, my stomach.
20:44But for all those
20:45stomach problems,
20:46I'm ready
20:47with Pepto-Bismol.
20:48It's a whole
20:49first aid kit for stomachs.
20:50As it coats,
20:51Pepto relieves
20:52most any stomach problem.
20:53Not just a few
20:54like these other
20:55leading medicines,
20:57Whether it's
20:58their stomachs,
20:59stomachs or stomachs.
21:00It's first aid
21:01for heartburn,
21:04indigestion and upset?
21:06I'm talking
21:07about your girlfriend.
21:08The one I let you have.
21:09The one I stole from you.
21:10The one I let you have.
21:11This guy's the one
21:12I let you have.
21:13Ain't love grand?
21:14All new
21:15Three's a Crowd
21:16tonight at 9.30 Eastern.
21:17Only on Game Show Network.
21:20In case anybody
21:21tuned in late,
21:22Ken Phyfe has just
21:23broken jackpot
21:24number two
21:25and now has
21:26in total winnings
21:27in cash and prizes
21:30He now is going
21:31to go into jackpot...
21:36He is going
21:37to go into
21:38jackpot number three.
21:39He's the first man
21:40to have broken
21:41two jackpots.
21:42Perhaps he'll set
21:43a record and break three.
21:44Let's find out
21:45as we meet
21:46the new challenger.
21:48our next player
21:49is a young lady
21:50who tells us
21:51she works as a stripper.
21:52Let's welcome
21:53Sherry Loyan.
21:56Hi, Sherry.
21:58How are you?
22:00I can't resist
22:01asking about your work
22:02as a stripper.
22:03Can you tell us
22:04something about...
22:06I didn't know
22:07that a stripper
22:08is a person
22:09that puts photographs
22:10into masks.
22:11You know,
22:12it's really very good
22:13and I wear
22:14sloppy dungarees
22:15and it's not
22:16that kind of stripper.
22:17You hear that,
22:19Wherever you are.
22:20That's what
22:21a stripper does?
22:23That's what they do
22:24in photo reproduction.
22:25Off the hook.
22:27I hope your mother
22:28has recuperated
22:29by now.
22:30I do, too.
22:31My grandmother
22:32and my cousin.
22:33Have you had
22:34any other unusual jobs?
22:35They've been
22:36in a gas station
22:37for a while,
22:39And they've worked
22:40in a bar.
22:41This is while
22:42I'm going to school.
22:43That's why
22:44I have such odd jobs.
22:46that's not too odd,
22:48You know,
22:49it's just a lot of them.
22:50And I'm so nervous.
22:51I was nervous, too,
22:52when I heard
22:53your introduction.
22:54This is the worst
22:55job I've had.
22:56We're delighted
22:57to have you with us,
23:00And you are up
23:01a man who is
23:02a very formidable opponent.
23:03He has won himself
23:04over by playing
23:05British singers,
23:06fictional places,
23:07women writers,
23:08baseball greats
23:09in Australia.
23:11and a big champion.
23:12Ken Phyfe,
23:13you're up first.
23:14Spin and see what happens.
23:15Baseball greats,
23:16fictional places,
23:17women writers.
23:18Baseball greats
23:19for $50.
23:20This baseball great
23:21played for the San Francisco
23:22Giants for years
23:23and holds the third
23:24highest home run record.
23:25He now plays
23:26for the New York Mets.
23:27Name him.
23:28Willie Mays.
23:37you're up first,
23:38Sherry Loyens.
23:39Good luck.
23:43British singer.
23:48What can I say?
23:49I'll go for $200.
23:51Some of his hits
23:52have been
23:53Am I That Easy
23:54to Forget
23:55and Release Me
23:56and he's had
23:57his own television series.
23:58For $200,
23:59what's his name?
24:03This is going
24:04to be a guess.
24:06of Herman Hermits.
24:07Herman's Hermit.
24:09that's the wrong guess.
24:10I'm sorry.
24:11You can pick up $200
24:12if you can tell me
24:13the answer, Ken.
24:14Engelberg Humperdinck.
24:15That's right.
24:16You go to $250.
24:17And it's your spin.
24:22Baseball greats,
24:24Baseball greats
24:25for $100.
24:26This former Yankee
24:27holds the record
24:28for the most lifetime hits
24:29and home runs
24:30for a catcher.
24:31Name this
24:32newly inducted member
24:33into the Hall of Fame.
24:34Yogi Berra.
24:35That's correct.
24:36You go to $350.
24:38Ken Sherry.
24:42Women writer,
24:43British singer,
24:44baseball greats.
24:45I'll go for
24:46women writers.
24:48of an Oscar
24:49for Rosemary's Baby,
24:50this actress
24:51entitled her autobiography
24:53Among Others.
24:54Name her.
24:55Ruth Gordon.
24:56That's right
24:57for $50.
24:58Cross down.
25:00to $50.
25:04Women writers,
25:05baseball greats
25:06and a pair.
25:07Baseball greats
25:08for $100.
25:10The career
25:12of the great
25:14Cy Young
25:15is so outstanding
25:16that an annual
25:18bears his name.
25:19For $100 more
25:20which would bring you
25:21to $450,
25:22what position
25:23did he play?
25:25You're right.
25:26You go to $450.
25:27Your spin,
25:29Women writers,
25:30British singers
25:31and a pair.
25:32I'll go
25:33for the women writers
25:34for $100.
25:35This poetess
25:36wrote the immortal words,
25:37How do I love thee?
25:38Let me count the ways.
25:39What is the last name
25:40of this woman?
25:43You go to $150.
25:46to $150.
25:47If there's time,
25:48we'll finish this game
25:49after these words.
25:50The unknown
25:52Thank you, Chuckie Baby.
25:53Hey, check this out.
25:54What's four hours
25:55while I'm filled
25:56with overblown talent
25:57and leaves you
25:59No, not the movie
26:00Pearl Harbor.
26:02It's the Gong Show
26:0325th Gongiversary.
26:04No, really.
26:05Join me
26:06as I host
26:07an entire night
26:08of the wildest
26:09Gong Show episodes ever.
26:10Saturday, June 30th
26:11at 8 Eastern.
26:12Don't miss it.
26:13Ha ha.
26:15Mom, Dad.
26:16I think we have
26:17a little problem.
26:18You know,
26:19I'm just a baby
26:20and I can't hold it
26:21all night.
26:22I don't think
26:23my diaper can either.
26:24But, uh,
26:25don't worry about me.
26:26I'll be fine.
26:28Go to sleep.
26:29Leaks at night
26:30are never this pleasant.
26:31That's why Love's
26:32invented new overnight
26:33leak guards
26:34with a 12-hour
26:35night lock system.
26:36Nothing's better
26:37on overnight leaks
26:38and they even
26:39glow in the dark.
26:40This may not be able
26:41to wait after all.
26:42New Love's
26:43overnight leak guards.
26:50Complete lives
26:51require a complete
26:53Olay Complete.
26:54For skin that
26:55also leaves
26:56a full life.
26:57It's filled
26:58with sun protection,
26:59vitamin E,
27:00and light Olay
27:02Essential things
27:03your skin needs
27:04to look its very best.
27:05Complete from Olay.
27:06Everything your skin
27:07needs most
27:08to look beautiful.
27:09Check it out.
27:10I'll Take Things
27:11That End
27:12With $25,000.
27:13Up next,
27:14it's the $25,000
27:17WIN-TV featuring
27:18Family Feud
27:19is followed by
27:20a sizzling round
27:21of Hot Potato.
27:22Well, Ken and Jerry,
27:23we would not have
27:24time to play
27:25that round,
27:26so with the score
27:27standing 450 to 150,
27:28I'll ask you both
27:29to return and pick it up
27:30at this point
27:31on our next show.
27:32How about you, Ken?
27:34And Jerry?
27:36You can strip your way
27:37around from where you are
27:38and come down here, huh?
27:39I can manage.
27:40Very good.
27:41We'll pick the game
27:42up at this point.
27:43We'll be playing
27:44with the categories
27:45British Singers,
27:46Fictional Places,
27:47Women Writers,
27:48Baseball Greats,
27:49and Australia.
27:51I'd like to call
27:52attention to those
27:53of you at home
27:54and say,
27:55well, I think
27:56it's very appropriate
27:57at this point,
27:58Ken Fyfe,
27:59to applaud you,
28:00to tell you
28:01how magnificently
28:02you have played,
28:03to say that you
28:04hold a record
28:05which I don't know
28:06how many people
28:07are going to be able
28:08to beat,
28:09and despite that fact,
28:10all of these words,
28:11you have a chance
28:12to go to jackpot
28:13number three.
28:14By that time,
28:15I think you'll have
28:16reached your limit
28:17of $25,000,
28:18so I think
28:19that'll be about it.
28:20And we'll find out
28:21whether or not
28:22you are able
28:24to go to jackpot
28:25number three.
28:26And I applaud you
28:28as does our studio audience.
28:30Congratulations, Ken.
28:31See you all
28:32on our program.
28:33Good-bye, everybody.
28:54the big flavor side dish
28:55that's so quick,
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29:00the San Francisco treat.
29:01And Sanilac,
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29:04It's all natural,
29:05fortified with vitamins A and B.
29:06Plus the Polaroid Big Shot camera
29:07and instant picture film
29:08for big,
29:09beautiful studio-quality
29:10color portraits
29:11that you see right away.
29:12Fun and easy to use,
29:13the Polaroid Big Shot.
29:14And an assortment
29:15of products
29:16from Turtle Wax,
29:17including liquid car wax
29:18and car wash.
29:19Turtle Wax
29:20with a full line
29:21of products
29:22to protect
29:23and beautify
29:24your car.
29:26are you in there?
29:27I'm here.
29:28Throw water on it.
29:29I said it now,
29:30Earl Slater.
29:31Do what I tell you,
29:32I'm the star
29:33of this show, Earl.
29:35Match game.
29:36You'll laugh
29:37your blank off
29:38tonight at 9 p.m.
29:39and 1 a.m.
29:42Match game.
29:43You'll laugh
29:44your blank off
29:45tonight at 9 p.m.
29:46and 1 a.m.
