Matthew Chapter 9: The Miracles of Jesus | Faith, Healing & Forgiveness

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Douglas Vandergraph takes you through Matthew Chapter 9, where Jesus’ miracles and teachings illustrate His divine authority and compassion. Discover the lessons of faith, forgiveness, and hope through the stories of healing, including the raising of the ruler’s daughter and the calling of Matthew. This Dailymotion review brings powerful insights to help you strengthen your faith journey.

#GospelOfMatthew #BibleStudy #Matthew9 #JesusMiracles #FaithJourney #ChristianTeachings #NewTestamentLessons #HealingThroughFaith #FaithInJesus #DailymotionBibleReview
00:00Hey friends, have you ever found yourself in a moment where you're completely
00:05overwhelmed by life's challenges? Maybe you're facing a tough situation that
00:10seems impossible to solve, or you're burdened by a past that feels too heavy
00:16to escape. It's during these moments that we often search for answers, for healing,
00:22and for hope. Now, in the book of Matthew chapter 9, we witness extraordinary
00:29moments of healing, transformation, and redemption. The beauty of these stories
00:35is that they reveal timeless truths about faith and the power of God's grace.
00:41Today, let's dive into this chapter and see how these lessons can inspire us to
00:47trust in God's ability to transform every aspect of our lives.
00:53Jesus heals a paralytic. Picture this scene. Jesus has returned to his hometown,
01:00and people are gathered around him. Suddenly, a paralyzed man is brought to
01:07Jesus on a mat carried by his friends. What happens next is unexpected. Instead
01:13of immediately healing the man's physical condition, Jesus first says,
01:19Take heart, son. Your sins are forgiven. The religious leaders are outraged. Who is this
01:26man who claims to forgive sins? But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, responds,
01:33Which is easier to say, your sins are forgiven, or to say, get up and walk? And then he
01:41tells the man to rise, take up his mat, and go home. The man does so, completely
01:48healed. Now this story teaches us that Jesus sees beyond our outward
01:54circumstances. Sometimes the deepest healing we need is not physical, but
02:00spiritual. Jesus knew the paralytic's heart needed forgiveness, and he provided
02:06that first. What an incredible reminder that no matter how broken we feel, Jesus
02:13offers not just physical restoration, but spiritual healing that brings last
02:18peace. The calling of Matthew. As Jesus continues his journey, he encounters
02:26Matthew, a tax collector. Now, in those days, tax collectors were despised for
02:33working with the Roman government, and often cheating their own people. Yet
02:39Jesus looks at Matthew and simply says, Follow me. And without hesitation, Matthew
02:46leaves everything behind and follows Jesus. Now this moment is profound. It
02:51reminds us that Jesus calls us not based on our past, but based on our potential.
02:57It doesn't matter where you've been, or what mistakes you've made. Jesus calls
03:03you to a new life of purpose. When the Pharisees questioned why Jesus associates
03:09with sinners like Matthew, he responds, It is not the healthy who need a doctor,
03:15but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Jesus extends his
03:23grace to everyone who recognizes their need for him. Just like Matthew, we are
03:29called not because we are perfect, but because Jesus sees something greater
03:34within us. Now, shortly after this, there's a question about fasting. The
03:43disciples of John the Baptist approached Jesus with the question, Why
03:48don't your disciples fast like we do? And Jesus responds by explaining that it
03:55wouldn't make sense for his disciples to fast while he is with them, comparing
04:00himself to a bridegroom at a wedding. He then shares a parable, No one sews a
04:07patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away.
04:13Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. Now, this teaching highlights
04:21that Jesus brings something entirely new. His presence isn't about patching up old
04:27systems of religion, it's about transforming us from the inside out. Now,
04:33we must be willing to let go of old ways of thinking and open ourselves up to the
04:39new work that God wants to do in our lives. Just as new wine needs fresh
04:45wineskins, God's grace brings renewal and our hearts need to be ready to receive
04:51it. Two acts of faith, the bleeding woman and the ruler's daughter. Now, as Jesus is
05:00teaching, a ruler comes and kneels before him, pleading, My daughter has just died,
05:06but come and put your hand on her and she will live. Jesus immediately sets out
05:12to go to the man's home. On the way, a woman who has been suffering from
05:18bleeding for 12 years touches the edge of his cloak. Her faith is so strong that
05:24she believes just a touch will heal her. Instantly, she is healed. Jesus turns to
05:31her and says, Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you. And when Jesus
05:37arrives at the ruler's house, he is met with a scene of mourning, but he tells
05:42the crowd, The girl is not dead, but asleep. The crowd laughs at him, but Jesus
05:50takes the girl by the hand and she rises alive again. Now, these two stories are
05:56powerful examples of faith and action. The woman, despite her suffering, believes
06:02that Jesus can heal her. The ruler, despite his grief, believes that Jesus
06:08can bring his daughter back to life. Their faith moves Jesus to respond with
06:15compassion and power. What does this teach us? It shows us that when we bring
06:22our pain, our hopes, and our trust to Jesus, he meets us there with the power
06:27to heal and restore. Even in situations that seem hopeless, faith can bring forth
06:35miracles. Healing the blind and mute. Later, two blind men follow Jesus, crying
06:43out, Have mercy on us, son of David. Jesus asks them a simple but profound
06:50question, Do you believe that I am able to do this? They reply, Yes, Lord. Their
06:58sight is immediately restored. Shortly after, a man who is mute and
07:03demon-possessed is brought to Jesus. Once again, Jesus heals him and the man is
07:10able to speak. In both instances, Jesus shows us that faith is the gateway to
07:16receiving God's miracles. The blind men's belief that Jesus could restore their
07:22sight was the key to their healing. Jesus didn't just heal their physical
07:28blindness, he also opened their spiritual eyes to see his power and
07:33love. The mute man, similarly, experienced complete restoration, reminding us that
07:41no condition is beyond God's reach. The question remains for all of us, Do we
07:48believe that God can heal what is broken in our lives? Now, as we reflect on the
07:56gospel of Matthew chapter 9, we see the extraordinary power of faith, healing, and
08:02transformation. Jesus moves through each story, bringing not just physical healing,
08:08but also spiritual renewal. He shows compassion to those who are suffering, he
08:15calls those who are lost, and he brings hope to those who feel hopeless. But at
08:21the center of each miracle is a profound truth, faith is key. So today,
08:30let's take that message to heart. When Jesus asked the blind man, do you believe
08:35I can do this? He was asking a question that goes beyond physical healing. It's a
08:41question about whether we truly trust him with our deepest needs, our brokenness,
08:46and our dreams. When we answer, yes Lord, we open the door to transformation. So, as
08:55you go about your day, I challenge you to think about the areas in your life where
09:01you need Jesus's healing touch, whether it's a relationship that needs mending, a
09:06heart that needs forgiveness, or a situation that seems impossible. Remember,
09:13nothing is too hard for God. Step forward in faith and watch how God
09:20begins to move in your life. With faith, all things are possible. And as you trust
09:27in him, you will see the power of his love and grace at work in ways you never
09:32imagined. Thank you. Tomorrow we'll discuss chapter 10.
