(8:29:24) Work Stream 2:5

  • last week
00:00:00about the gays. So it took the Wannamake crowd until 2022 to reach the point that Braceface
00:00:04was at in 2004. With the knowledge of recent history, this is looking less and less like
00:00:10an increasing set of milestones and more like a course correction, back to the point we were at.
00:00:15All the while, contemporary shows were sailing along as they always had been doing just fine.
00:00:21All the while, contemporary shows were sailing along as they always had been doing just fine.
00:00:28We could have been much further ahead by now, but because the actual trendsetters don't look
00:00:32a certain way or fit a certain aesthetic, they just don't count. Sure, they might not have aired
00:00:37in the US, but even when Americans are informed that other countries do in fact exist, excuses
00:00:42are still made to keep this mythology going. And this kind of revisionism is cyclical. I used to
00:00:48hear it a lot in 2016. Korra walked so Steven Universe could run. You know what I heard in
00:00:522019? Steven Universe walked so She-Ra could run. You know what I heard in 2021? She-Ra walked so
00:00:58the Owl House could run. Well, there were some people arguing that Katchadour was better than
00:01:02Lumity because it was spicier, but they're fucking stupid. We keep moving the goalposts
00:01:07to prop up the new shiny because we have memories of goldfish. If we didn't keep moving the goalposts,
00:01:13we'd start noticing how little we were actually moving. And it's not like it's a problem to not
00:01:19push the envelope. None of these shows are problems in and of themselves. The problem
00:01:24is in this mythology where we have to keep acting like our newest obsession is.
00:01:54And it's not like it's a problem to not push the envelope. None of these shows are
00:02:23problems in and of themselves. I mean, if you want to make a show about a trauma-bonded former
00:02:26slave or weird codependent cat girl incest, then the only one who could stop you is the
00:02:31studio letting you use its resources. The problem is in this mythology where we have to keep acting
00:02:36like our newest obsession is more revolutionary than it actually is. And there's no real secret
00:02:42as to why things got this way. Not only are American studios more skittish about gay rep
00:02:47than they were 20 years ago as a result of Republicans going on their delusional wokeness
00:02:51crusade, but the shift of fandom from fan forums completely isolated from the creators to Twitter
00:02:57where every creator has an easily reachable account you can at for some reason, has caused
00:03:04parasocial relationships to get even worse. Some creators have been put on extremely high pedestals,
00:03:11given reputations far beyond that of what they've actually done, and aggressively defend that
00:03:15reputation like it was their own child. One of these shows has problems in severe excess
00:03:28compared to the others, I won't say who. To a lot of their fans, the idea that a show about
00:03:33a 14-year-old girl with slapstick braces was even worth remembering at all was laughable.
00:03:38Not compared to Blorbo. Not compared to Blorbo. Certainly not compared to such a grand operatic
00:03:44masterpiece, and certainly not if it risked tarnishing the trophy they'd spent half a
00:03:48decade molding in the first place. This is, this is just, this is different. A better class of art.
00:03:59I wonder if I should, I wonder if I should do an exaggerated posh accent for that.
00:04:04Oh you should. This is just different, darling. A better class of art.
00:04:09And I'd probably be less bothered by this if they ever put their money where their mouth was.
00:04:14The fact that anyone ever looked at this shit and thought to praise it as a good thing should
00:04:19be an embarrassment for everyone. It's not just that we deserve better, we had better,
00:04:24we've always had better, we've always been able to have better and demand better.
00:04:29I'd actually like a story that took something like what happens in She-Ra seriously,
00:04:33seeing someone fleeing across enemy lines to get away from their psychotically possessive sibling
00:04:37until they're collapsing in front of their new friends trembling and begging for help.
00:04:44Don't do that, Thero.
00:04:47But watching one of the supposed landmark LGBT cartoons end with all that abuse and trauma
00:04:52bonding and unhealthy quasi-incestuous attachment being validated in the end
00:04:56was one of the most profoundly nauseating things I've ever seen put to screen.
00:05:01So I think you can appreciate where I'm coming from being told that this was where representation
00:05:05needed to be and everything that had ever surpassed it just doesn't count.
00:05:09Even if you like this, you understand why this can be frustrating, right?
00:05:14Especially as more and more people are genuinely saying shit like,
00:05:17we have too much good gay rep and we need more Rocky Horror.
00:05:21It's not like the rest of the 2010s got away from this either. Shows like The Loud House,
00:05:24The Casagrandes, and Craig of the Creek didn't get anything close to the fanfare and media
00:05:28parades that these action-adventure shows did for seemingly no reason.
00:05:33And even other adventure shows couldn't get away from this. Kipo isn't talked about anywhere near
00:05:36as much as the others and it is an adventure fantasy series because the gay character is
00:05:41black. This environment where only a few shows get to count can't help but feel suffocating.
00:05:49Kipo wasn't talked about anywhere near as much as the others and that is an adventure fantasy
00:05:53series and that's because the gay character is black and fandom is notoriously racist.
00:05:59This environment where only a few shows get to count can't help but feel suffocating. It can get
00:06:04infuriating to try and show people that, no, we've always been doing well, only to be dismissed
00:06:08because it's more important to prop certain creators up on a pedestal who thought Sailor
00:06:12Moon was the beginning and end of the gays' place in cartoons.
00:06:17There's a quote from Darren Nefcy she did for OhMyDisney.com. There's a quote from Darren
00:06:22Nefcy that she did for OhMyDisney where she laments how when she was younger,
00:06:28she could never find the characters she wanted to see in American TV,
00:06:31always having to go to anime to find it. And as somebody who is the same age as Nefcy,
00:06:36that quote always bothered me because I know the kind of show she's talking about and it bothers
00:06:40me to see so many people's hard work being so callously dismissed because they don't look a
00:06:46certain way. I can't see the way discourse around LGBT rep and animation goes and not see this kind
00:06:56of classism, I guess. Where shows are discarded because they don't closely remind the viewer of
00:07:11Sailor Moon or Utena, yes I'm gonna keep calling it that, or Dragon Ball. Where we keep pretending
00:07:16that our actual milestones don't exist because it's more important to maintain this fictitious
00:07:20view of a few creators as gods among enbies. It's not that I don't appreciate the attempt
00:07:26to tell more involved stories. For all of its virtues, Braceface is just ultimately it.
00:07:30Braceface does ultimately just have two episodes where a queen talks about fashion design.
00:07:38But the way in which animation fandom continues to throw intense amount of derision on anything
00:07:42that isn't trying to be shown in always bothered me. And it will continue to bother me.
00:07:49I don't live in the reality where only peak TV matters. And I'll never live in that reality, and
00:07:54my media analysis will never accept that reality. I know I'm pushing back against a tidal wave, I
00:07:58know that a lot of people will shout this down. But if even one person accepts just how good Deon
00:08:04is, then I'll consider this video to have been worth it. There's more examples of LGBT rep and
00:08:08animation going back as far as the 1950s, and it deserves to be examined and appreciated, so maybe
00:08:13I should pencil another one of these videos in. But I'm not going to. I'm not going to.
00:08:17But for now, I'm Lily, and thanks for watching.
00:08:47I'm looking forward to this.
00:09:11But again, looking forward to every video you make, to be honest.
00:09:18Also, Mckay's in chat.
00:09:21Ah, hey, Mckay! Would you like to join us? I think you're on your fifth, or are you not on your 15th?
00:09:48Uh, let's hop into the friends and family VC.
00:09:58Ahaha, I forgot I did that!
00:10:03I was pranking the fucking VC the other day.
00:10:08Sorry about that, I set up something stupid on Discord to mess with noob lords.
00:10:18It's alright.
00:10:21Peak fiction jump scare.
00:10:24The one time it works! Like, that thing was broken for days.
00:10:42Oh god.
00:10:48Uh, anyway, uh, Mckay, if you are on your break and you want to come, uh,
00:10:53and you want to join us for a little bit, we're in the VC.
00:11:07Oh, Ren, what did you send me?
00:11:08Oh, what?
00:11:23Hey, Mckay!
00:11:25Look what Ren just sent me.
00:11:29Oh, hold on, I can't see it.
00:11:51Ren always sends me these, uh, these, uh, these things from, like,
00:11:54from Russian social media.
00:11:56Oh, he's cute as fuck.
00:12:08I entered the stream, and the first thing I hear is peak fiction jump scare,
00:12:11making me think I'm actually being summoned.
00:12:13Oh, yeah, I pop- we popped into, like, Discord VC, and, like, the fucking soundboard went off.
00:12:30How are you, Mckay?
00:12:35Uh, I'm working. I already got yelled at twice, but...
00:12:40Oh god.
00:12:42Nobody has any business yelling at you.
00:12:48Where are they? I'll break their teeth.
00:12:52Unfortunately, Campus Club.
00:12:54You know, you know what call is going to be bad when they open with her.
00:12:57I have been a customer for so-and-so years.
00:13:07Oh my god.
00:13:09I am going to boot up Elite Dangerous.
00:13:12I'm writing you.
00:13:14I really want to do another art trade with, um, Ren again.
00:13:17This- their work is so good.
00:13:24Why the fuck is memes not loading?
00:13:27Oh, wait, that's the best laborer channel I've ever heard.
00:13:46Elite Dangerous is my perfect unwindy game.
00:13:51It's actually, it's actually, like, it's actually a really good stream game, because, like...
00:13:56Oh, yes.
00:13:57You just get to, uh...
00:14:00A lot of what you do in Elite Dangerous doesn't require a whole lot of focus.
00:14:07Says it's loading, uh, for me. It loads. Thank you. You're welcome.
00:14:12I am your god, and you will worship me.
00:14:22Which is funny, because I worship my wife.
00:14:27Wait, if I'm worshiping you, and you're worshiping me, then who's flying the plane?
00:14:40It's always who's- it's all- it's always that with you.
00:14:48Oh, my tombstone.
00:14:51Oh, my K is so delightful.
00:14:54Thank you.
00:14:56I don't know how to fly a plane. I don't have a license.
00:15:07I don't have a license to shout words, draw, and go to bed.
00:15:15Federal authorizations for pussies.
00:15:26Okay, drawing the campfire before I am seen is a lot difficult than I thought, especially when drawing them the chairs.
00:15:46Most commercial planes have autopilot, anyway.
00:15:49Yeah, I feel like a plane would probably be the easiest thing to automate,
00:15:52given the fact that its destination is fixed, and its route is fixed.
00:16:02Everyone talks about self-driving cars, but, like,
00:16:05self-driving planes or self-driving trains would probably make a lot more sense.
00:16:11Fewer variables getting in the way.
00:16:25Okay, what's the cargo capacity on my 784?
00:16:43Oh, here we go. We're gonna do a trade route from Acres Hub.
00:16:55Gold and progenitor cells.
00:17:01Oh, wait, actually, gold and non-lethal weapons. That's what we'll do.
00:17:13God, I can't believe it's the end of August already.
00:17:22It's just gone by so fast.
00:17:31Years start coming and they don't stop coming. Damn you, Smashmouth!
00:17:36Oh, no, my pilot is playing Subway Surfers.
00:17:49Trains are already being automatized.
00:17:55Yeah, I feel like, with a subway in particular, it literally just goes in, like, straight lines.
00:18:03There isn't really much that...
00:18:07I think, like, you only have a driver for the sake of an emergency stop.
00:18:15But, who knows? Somebody who knows more about trains would probably go,
00:18:17Lily, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. And I don't.
00:18:20I never have any idea what I'm talking about. Didn't you... It's like...
00:18:27Didn't you hear the turfs? Everything I do is just a stream of consciousness.
00:18:31What the fuck is that system name?
00:18:36Wait, what does it say?
00:18:58Why did you have to say it out loud?
00:19:06I couldn't quite make it out.
00:19:08The fucking solar system!
00:19:16Oh, noob lord. We love you.
00:19:20Oh my god. And with that, I must return to the mines.
00:19:24All right.
00:19:27Love you, Sunshine. I'll see you when I'm on lunch.
00:19:33See you in the game.
00:19:34Love you, Lily. Love you too, Lolo.
00:19:36Love you too.
00:19:43And just like that, she's gone.
00:19:49I already missed her.
00:19:50Eh, she'll be back when she's on lunch.
00:19:59Ah, cushions. My favorite solar system.
00:20:26They changed the graphic for the frameshift drive,
00:20:28so it actually looks like you're moving really fast
00:20:31rather than just being stuck in a hyperspace tunnel.
00:20:41Frameshift drive charging.
00:20:49I like how you drop out of light speed, like, right on the star.
00:20:52Well, that's what you lock onto.
00:21:45Heat level's critical. I'm sure that's fine.
00:22:24this ship is fucking huge.
00:22:26Oh shit.
00:22:34Like, that's how big I am compared to the whole fucking thing.
00:22:41I think this is one of the biggest trading ships in the game.
00:22:48It's a chunky boy.
00:22:53There are ships that are bigger.
00:22:57But they don't hold as much cargo space.
00:23:07Big space boat.
00:23:11Big space boat.
00:23:13Space boat!
00:23:48I suppose it's a person.
00:23:53Dad, it's not you!
00:23:54I'm actually now reminded of that, like, space nomad idea I had a while back.
00:24:02Yeah, the idea was, like, basically, humanity went into space because of, like,
00:24:06climate change destroyed the world.
00:24:08So humanity went into space and they found new seed worlds.
00:24:11The problem was, because they hadn't learned anything,
00:24:14they ended up destroying their new worlds as well.
00:24:16And as a result, humanity just became very, like, there was, like,
00:24:20it's like a double space post-apocalypse.
00:24:22Yeah, I love it.
00:24:25And as a result, in space, humanity is kind of limited mostly to small communities and stations,
00:24:31as well as just people who live on ships and are kind of, like, nomadic,
00:24:36kind of going around doing whatever jobs they can.
00:24:42I love that idea.
00:24:44I like the idea that some-
00:24:45All the ships are, like, relatively old rust buckets
00:24:49having to be actively maintained by people
00:24:51from the knowledge of engineering is backslid quite a bit.
00:24:58And that was, like, yeah, that's the setting.
00:25:03That's a really neat concept. I love that.
00:25:07I think I still have them.
00:25:08Let me get, let me get, let me auto dock and then I'll try and pull them up.
00:25:15So I always like the premise of, like,
00:25:17oh, they ruined Earth, so they're going to another planet to, like, start a new life.
00:25:22No, they fucked that planet up as well, so they're fucked.
00:25:26So they just have to, like, make do with the stations nearby.
00:25:47Oh, here we go. I called it Space Things-a-Thing.
00:25:52Space Things-a-Thing.
00:26:00Yeah, so it's set in this thing called the Orion Expanse.
00:26:03So, like, this is where Sol is and this is it.
00:26:06This is just the entire area.
00:26:07Like, it's not even the whole galaxy.
00:26:09It's just one section of it.
00:26:10I'm going to pop this open.
00:26:20Where is it? Ah, here we go.
00:26:22Humanity's solution to climate change was to expand into the stars,
00:26:25abandon Earth for a new home.
00:26:26They've had four Earth-like worlds to colonize, several resource-rich worlds to mine.
00:26:31However, due to humanity failing to learn the lessons from Earth's climate change,
00:26:34they only, they only continuously continued ravenously consuming
00:26:38and caused the same crisis on their new planets even faster.
00:26:41When their new homes became uninhabitable,
00:26:42humanity's new leaders were unable to locate and identify new Earth-like worlds to settle.
00:26:46Anarchy broke out.
00:26:48Governments were overthrown and stations were captured.
00:26:50Humanity scattered into the empty void of space.
00:26:53Now most humans live a nomadic life in small ships and small communities on stations.
00:26:57Having descended into a space-faring tribalism,
00:26:59a new centralized government hasn't been able to form.
00:27:02Stations, mines, refineries, and what little farms there are
00:27:05are fiercely controlled by small-type human activity.
00:27:08The vast majority of people live on small ships and small family groups,
00:27:10working and trading where they can.
00:27:12A scant few have taken the challenge to venture into deep space,
00:27:15becoming fully self-sufficient as they leave humanity behind
00:27:18in search of a new place to settle alone.
00:27:20Others have chosen to remain in the sectors where humanity is scattered.
00:27:22Regardless of their choice, life out in the stars is very lonely.
00:27:28So you're here.
00:27:29The Orion Expanse is the lower region of the Milky Way Galaxy.
00:27:31Once planned to be the centerpiece of a vast human empire,
00:27:35now the Expanse is home to only the shattered remains of a dying civilization.
00:28:05little details in each planet you go to so you know which one you're going to
00:28:09what kind of like kingdom hearts where like there's like there's some little like um
00:28:13identifying like feature that makes you realize what part of the galaxy you're going to
00:28:19i've just been thinking like for the crags you can have like um
00:28:22i i don't obviously don't know what the crags are but if they
00:28:24i was just thinking like little like like sharp pieces of rock
00:28:29or like a very like a very like a desolate like desert sort of thing
00:28:36or for the abyss you can just have like a
00:28:41have like just tons of like little black holes everywhere
00:28:44hold on a second we're gonna actually gonna get to that
00:28:52remnants of a dying civilization
00:28:54most uh most of the expanse is unexplored and it is unlikely to change anytime soon
00:28:58as resources are too scarce to facilitate exploration
00:29:00the orion on this section the orion arm this section of the galaxy
00:29:03contains the scattered remains of humanity who cover the entirety of the spur in their travels
00:29:10the only uh the only settlements are stations mining facilities refineries and
00:29:25oh yeah but rags said like asteroids hold on hold on i'm not done i'm not done
00:29:29right and orbital farms controlled by individual communities necessity has
00:29:33forced these pockets of humans to cooperate and trade with each other
00:29:35but hostility intentions are high and there's zero chance of a centralized government forming
00:29:39anytime soon as time continues to march on and these communities develop their own identities
00:29:44and cultures the chance of anything resembling old earth style governments resurfacing is slim to none
00:29:49currency doesn't exist out here people here trade in goods and services
00:29:52the most valuable commodity is the ability to produce or repair ship components
00:29:56the crags a far distance from the expanse are the crags a region of mostly
00:30:17asteroids and mineral rich planets though scattered and explored by a small number of
00:30:21people the sheer distance from the expanse means that miners and traders are unable to
00:30:24take advantage of the resources located there and with humanity still scattered and nomadic that is
00:30:28unlikely to change thalys folly a nebula that contains highly clustered star systems thalys
00:30:32folly is named such because it was the location of the four earth-like worlds humanity attempted
00:30:37to settle on after fleeing soul in generation ships now the earth-like worlds are barren places
00:30:42with no intelligent light where no intelligent life could survive and the nebula is visited
00:30:46only by curious travelers hearing stories from their planet from their parents the transit
00:30:51name so for being the only reliable way into and out of the abyss
00:30:56the transit contains enough stars in a straight line for high speed and efficient travel
00:31:04however there is little in the abyss worth seeing for anyone anyone but the most suicidal explorers
00:31:09and the abyss an empty void with few stars and systems the abyss is dangerous to travel
00:31:14is dangerous to travel it's extremely easy to be stuck out in deep space with no fuel and no
00:31:18supplies no traveler who has entered the abyss has ever returned
00:31:30frameshift drive charging
00:31:36the stretch of space forward the galactic core is the only reliable form of long distance travel
00:31:39due to the increased cluster of stars some travelers have ventured toward the galactic
00:31:43core in search of a settlable world none have ever been heard heard from again whether they
00:31:47survived uh and found a home or a character in front of them
00:31:59and then we have the characters which are basically a devise
00:32:08i basically thought of like two ships that basically have their own stories
00:32:23one is a pair one is a pair of uh one is a pair of gay women
00:32:27and the other and the other one is two siblings who adopted an orphan
00:32:38the tortoise design design basics keelback elite dangerous theme savage in space the tortoise is a
00:32:46stocky freighter crew by uh dione lawson and amberly page two lovers who uh who keep themselves
00:32:52out in the transit their ship is kitted out for salvage and gardening they often trade with uh
00:32:57with the loan outpost in the transit only occasionally heading back into the arm for
00:33:00supplies the ship originally belonged to amberly's mother and mother-in-laws who
00:33:05eventually joined a mining community oh shit
00:33:32lake alfa sierra sierra submitted docking request our landing pad will be reserved
00:33:37Commander. Authorization cleared. Make your way to landing pad 1-0.
00:33:43Assistive docking initiated.
00:33:45I met Dione on a community station. The two have been traveling ever since.
00:33:53Dione specializes in navigation, astronomy, literature, and gardening.
00:33:59Amberly specializes in engineering.
00:34:02She's also a painter, a historian, and a storyteller.
00:34:07Oh, I love that!
00:34:09And you have the Big Sister.
00:34:11Designed based on the Alliance Challenger, themed Non-Romantic Co-Parenting.
00:34:16Big Sister is the primary ship of the Martin family.
00:34:19It left Martin and his sister Kestri.
00:34:21The two of them inherited the ship from their parents, who were killed by a mercenary gang.
00:34:25Big Sister is a robust combat ship that was modified by Kestri to also hold a reasonable cargo space.
00:34:30The Martins make their living by protecting travelers.
00:34:33By protecting traitors.
00:34:35During their travels, they were giving passage to a man and a small boy about two years old across the Rhine Arm.
00:34:43However, upon arriving at the destination, the man suddenly vanished, leaving the boy with them.
00:34:46After trying to find him for two days, they ultimately decided to take the boy with them.
00:34:49They named him...
00:34:53Why did I do that?
00:34:54They named him Jake and decided to co-parent him.
00:35:03They'd probably be separate books that don't immediately connect.
00:35:08Would they have entertaining stories like Pinot or paralleling each other?
00:35:11Like an A and B plot?
00:35:12They'd probably just be separate.
00:35:13They'd probably just be separate.
00:35:25This is really interesting, I love that.
00:35:28Thank you.
00:35:30I love Amberlee.
00:35:37Amberlee is also a very delightful name for a character.
00:35:44Docking completed. Disembark when ready.
00:35:51Oh, finally, I've got the chairs right.
00:35:56It took me ages to draw fucking beach chairs, but I got it right.
00:36:01Because it's all about perspective, isn't it?
00:36:04That certainly sounds more interesting than anything I've read lately.
00:36:06Yeah, I never really did like a vignette about it, so it kind of never went anywhere.
00:36:12I found myself leaning more towards wanting to write for the Martins over the...
00:36:22I've just kind of moved away from romance in general.
00:36:30I remember I used to only explicitly just write stories with critters,
00:36:35but now I've actually been interested in writing more human stories.
00:36:42All stories with human characters.
00:36:44I've just found I've been tinkering more with drawing and designing human characters in general.
00:37:11What the...
00:37:27That's... odd.
00:37:36I'm in the middle of an ad at the moment.
00:37:42Oh, right, a full cargo hold means I can't jump as far.
00:37:48Forgot about that.
00:37:51That's why it doesn't...
00:37:55Okay, no big deal.
00:38:01All right, I guess we're making multiple jumps.
00:38:12Oh, thank you, Zero.
00:38:15The thing about this setting is that communities are smaller, and as a result, they're a lot more tightly knit.
00:38:25Exactly, so stories are a lot more personal.
00:38:30Yeah, I mean, the characters in general are very...
00:38:36For the stations and farms, there's a very deep sense of community,
00:38:40and for the groups who basically live on ships,
00:38:43they live for long periods of time in close quarters with each other.
00:38:47There's a lot of affection and a lot of comfort that doesn't exist here.
00:38:55I like that.
00:38:56I think I've been growing more...
00:38:58I'm growing more fond of stories with characters in close quarters,
00:39:02I'm growing more fond of stories with characters in close-knit communities.
00:39:16You're getting really quiet.
00:39:17Oh, sorry, I moved away from the mic a little bit.
00:39:23I hope it wasn't me, because sometimes my mic can be fine.
00:39:26It won't pick up on things.
00:39:33I love that system's name, Lada Balassa.
00:39:39I love it, it's the best name for a solar system.
00:39:53Really quiet compared...
00:39:54Oh, right.
00:39:55Oh, right.
00:39:56Oh, right.
00:39:57Oh, right.
00:39:58Oh, right.
00:40:00Really quiet compared...
00:40:01Oh, right.
00:40:03I'm going to turn the actual game volume down.
00:40:09Cozy little communities or living spaces are always pretty neat.
00:40:13Especially with the ships, because ships are finite spaces,
00:40:16you can't just add another room onto it.
00:40:20Exactly, and you're getting used to living with a bunch of people
00:40:23for months and even years on end.
00:40:26So it's all about working together and making sure you survive.
00:40:38That's what happened with Shepard's Company on the Normandy.
00:40:50Frame shift drive charging.
00:41:11Maybe a valuable inspiration, the concept is captivating.
00:41:13Well, there's plenty of nomadic societies.
00:41:26But I think there's a difference between a nomadic society and just a nomad.
00:41:32Because remember, there is no society here.
00:41:37Frame shift drive charging.
00:41:58I was just thinking...
00:41:59I was trying to think of names to call the story.
00:42:05I was thinking nomadic frontier or something.
00:42:10No, probably not something as big of scale.
00:42:26I'm reading space as a desert metaphor for this.
00:42:31Not bad.
00:42:33Frame shift drive charging.
00:42:43Sand amongst the stars?
00:42:53Did I start...
00:43:01Oh yeah, I did briefly do a thing here.
00:43:07Hang on, let me reach my destination and start auto docking.
00:43:13Mixed in there, love this setting.
00:43:15Literally came up with me, internally my cringe ash, to not be allowed to touch this yet.
00:43:19Same here.
00:43:30I love this setting.
00:43:31Literally came up with me, internally my cringe ash, to not be allowed to touch this.
00:43:34Yeah, noob lord, you leave Lev and Kestri alone.
00:43:44Frame shift drive charging.
00:43:59Ready to engage.
00:44:07Used the genre to explore hypothetical scenarios for humanity's future and exploring themes the author wanted to write about that year.
00:44:13Yeah, nowadays sci-fi is just fantasy in space.
00:44:22This is all in the fiction rather than the science.
00:44:47Hey, here we go.
00:44:48I started a rough draft for a vignette about Lev and Keth.
00:45:11One sec.
00:45:13One sec.
00:45:24Man, getting to just zoom by planets like that is so cool.
00:45:28Oh, yeah.
00:45:30There are some places you can go in this game where you just get a beautiful view.
00:45:43My own ship in that setting.
00:45:46Most likely noob lord completely misses the assignment and accidentally clogs it with lore as a result.
00:45:52There wouldn't be a lore.
00:45:53Nobody knows history at this point.
00:45:54Like, it's all just lost.
00:45:56It's all gone.
00:46:02There wouldn't be anyone around to tell you the lore, even if there was any.
00:46:08It's like, Keth?
00:46:36The lavatory.
00:46:40Was she outside?
00:46:41Probably trying to fix the hull with duct tape again.
00:46:43Duct tape again.
00:47:13What if I didn't realize you were out there and went to FTL?
00:47:16There was a pause and then Kestri said, OK, go to FTL then.
00:47:20Lev looked down at the flight console and the ocean of switches and buttons that all bled together into a dizzying haze of dots and lines.
00:47:27What I'm trying to say is that you worried me.
00:47:42Sap, Kestri hopped in.
00:47:43There was a grunt of the sound of something scraping against metal.
00:47:48What happened?
00:47:53Lev slapped his forehead and sunk into the pilot's chair.
00:47:57Are you even secured?
00:48:01Lev put his face into his hands and screamed in frustration.
00:48:10After processing another minor heart attack, he stood and hit the intercom again.
00:48:13Just get back in the ship, please.
00:48:16There was a grumble of indignance and the intercom closed.
00:48:19After a few moments of dead silence, the warning light that the airlock was active blinked on and then off again, and Kestri stepped into the cockpit, throwing her helmet aside.
00:48:28All right, I'm back inside, you big baby.
00:48:30Want me to secure my ankles to the chair so I don't fall off?
00:48:33Lev lifted his head from the console and glared daggers at her.
00:48:36You know, your recklessness does actually worry me.
00:48:39When you vanish from the ship, my first thought is what dangerous DIY repair you're doing.
00:48:46Kestri's glib smile faded, and she stooped down to wrap an arm around Lev's shoulders and quick hug.
00:48:51Couldn't leave a dead squiggler in the vent, thee.
00:48:54I know that.
00:48:57I couldn't think of anything more existentially horrifying pair of words.
00:49:01Yeah, but you don't live in space.
00:49:04I know that, but you could secure yourself with a cord instead of your free hand, Lev said.
00:49:09What if something happened to you? I can't fly the ship and watch Jason myself.
00:49:13You're so reckless with your own life, like you think nobody would miss you.
00:49:16Well, I would.
00:49:19Kestri grimaced and brought her other arm around him.
00:49:21Sorry, I'll be more careful.
00:49:23A mumbled apology was probably the best Lev was going to get out of her, so he returned the hug.
00:49:27That's it, that's all I wrote.
00:49:33It's lovely.
00:49:43Thank you. I'm proud of it.
00:49:51Yeah, you should be.
00:50:13You really have a knack of writing very emotional storytelling.
00:50:27Thank you.
00:50:43You're welcome.
00:50:45You're welcome.
00:50:47You're welcome.
00:50:49You're welcome.
00:51:09You made it.
00:51:15That was dope.
00:51:17Yeah, that's what I tend to focus on. I tend to focus on characters and their emotions.
00:51:22I'm not interested in lore. I'm not interested in big scale plots. I've never been interested in those things.
00:51:31I was that kid who watched Kim Possible and preferred the stuff with Kim's social life.
00:51:48I didn't watch Kim Possible much as a kid, but I would definitely be the person who would like both.
00:51:58Because both are equally valid.
00:52:18I made like 50 million credits in this just trading Bohitae.
00:52:39Yeah, definitely Autumn.
00:52:44Whenever it comes to a piece of media or story, if the characters are good enough,
00:52:52then I'm willing to get through all the hiccups and flaws that a story has if the characters are that good.
00:53:13Also, if you have a strong main cast, then that really helps in your favour, even if the story turns out to be garbage.
00:53:46I especially like...
00:53:48I think I just...
00:53:50I was working on this around the time I just started shifting to writing platonic relationships.
00:54:01Sadly, Dione and Anne really just kind of fell by the wayside.
00:54:07This is fun to experiment, isn't it?
00:54:13Are there any other questions?
00:54:19Then I'm going to go ahead and end this stream.
00:54:27Well, I'm going to come back and do more Pentagon shooting.
00:54:33I'll have a chat with you later.
00:54:41Skimmed right by that planet.
00:54:53Soul asylum.
00:54:58I just saw one reply that said soul asylum.
00:55:05That's all that's funny.
00:55:22I've always loved space ever since I was a kid.
00:55:27I think astronomy was one of my favourite subjects to learn at school.
00:55:37That was the only thing I looked forward to in physics.
00:55:40I did not give a shit about gravity or the light.
00:55:44I wanted to learn all about the planet, where the universe came from, I wanted to know how
00:55:49asteroids work.
00:56:01I like space so much that I like even the rubbish people make up about space.
00:56:09I even loved astrology as a kid.
00:56:16I just love the idea that people thought, oh, because of what particular time of the
00:56:22year you were born and how the stars all aligned when you were born, predict your personality
00:56:29and what you are.
00:56:31I just find that fascinating.
00:56:40I kind of find the bullshit about space fascinating.
00:56:59I overwhelmingly prefer a forest.
00:57:03My comforting happy place is a forest.
00:57:07Oh yeah, definitely.
00:57:09I definitely see that.
00:57:12I find forests also very peaceful too.
00:57:17I would always, whenever I get frustrated with shit, I would just go out into the forest
00:57:21nearby my house and just walk for a good hour.
00:57:37I wish we had snow, noob.
00:57:43That's the thing.
00:57:45In Britain, whenever we do get snow, everyone loses their shit because it happens so rarely.
00:58:07I remember one time it snowed completely out of nowhere.
00:58:10It wasn't predicted or anything.
00:58:13I was just sitting in my living room just eating dinner.
00:58:18Then I just looked out the dowel because I thought it was raining or something.
00:58:22I looked out and the entire garden was just caked in snow.
00:58:27It came out of nowhere and it wasn't a particularly cold day or anything.
00:58:36I've always wanted to see an aurora borealis though.
00:59:06Ah, the dolphin, the space bus.
00:59:20The magic space bus.
00:59:24Then you have the orca, the space boat.
00:59:28And then you have the beluga, the space yacht.
00:59:33These ones are...
00:59:34Some of these ships are like...
00:59:36Most ships are multi-purpose but others are built for certain things.
00:59:40Like the dolphin, orca and beluga, they're built for passenger missions.
00:59:44I love the design of the orca one.
00:59:51The Asp Explorer is multi-purpose but of course it is the best ship for exploration.
00:59:58I love how all these ships...
01:00:00Oh, sorry.
01:00:03Like the hauler, the...
01:00:06Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?
01:00:08The Type 6, the keelback, the Type 7 and the Type 9 are all traders.
01:00:18The keelback is like...
01:00:20It's a combat upgraded version of the Type 6 with slightly less cargo capacity.
01:00:25But I kind of like it.
01:00:26I like its look, I like its vibe, I like the cut of its jib.
01:00:39And you got ships like the Vulture which were made specifically for combat.
01:01:02I think one of these I actually based...
01:01:09Oh yeah, yeah, the Alliance Challenger.
01:01:11This is the one I based Lev and Kestri's ship off of.
01:01:17Oh, nice!
01:01:29And then you get into like the really big ships up here.
01:01:35As soon as it loads.
01:01:37As soon as it loads.
01:01:38There's the Anaconda.
01:01:39And the Federal...
01:01:40I think the Federal Corvette is the biggest ship in the game.
01:01:46Outside of capital ships.
01:01:49Oh, that's a big one.
01:01:52And then you have the Imperial Cutter.
01:01:54You get the Federal ships and the Imperial ships.
01:01:56You get for reaching high ranks with the Federation and the Empire respectively.
01:02:02I like the Imperial ships.
01:02:03I like the Imperial ships.
01:02:04I like the Imperial ships.
01:02:05I like the Imperial ships.
01:02:06I like the Imperial ships.
01:02:08I like the Imperial ships.
01:02:09The Imperial ships are very sleek.
01:02:24Oh, I like the sleekness of that.
01:02:29And then you have the Imperial Courier which is like a one...
01:02:36It's kind of like the Eagle.
01:02:37It's a very small fighter-esque ship.
01:02:46I love it.
01:02:48I like the more blocky design.
01:02:50Yeah, I can kind of see that.
01:02:53I never liked spaceships that just look like planes.
01:02:58Oh, yeah?
01:03:02I just like smooth things.
01:03:09Oh, that looks cute.
01:03:10The little...
01:03:11That one.
01:03:14I think the Python is like the most commonly used ship for pretty much fucking everything.
01:03:23It looks like a really complicated shaver.
01:03:27And the Sidewinder here is what you start with.
01:03:32Oh, that's cute.
01:03:33It's like a little...
01:03:36It's like a flattened BB-8.
01:03:45I have a soft spot for ships that look like they were thrown together with junk.
01:03:48I kind of like something in between.
01:03:50Like, I kind of like...
01:03:51I like the Python.
01:03:53I really do like the look of the Python.
01:04:04But I think in terms of overall ship design, my favorite...
01:04:12Oh, the Python Mark II is kind of up there.
01:04:22I don't even know if it's possible to...
01:04:23I know you can get versions of this, like, with...
01:04:25with, uh...
01:04:26real money.
01:04:27But, like, you can buy, like, a pre-built ship.
01:04:29But I don't know if you can just straight up buy the Python Mark II at a station.
01:04:49Oh, and the Type VII Transporter just straight up looks like a truck.
01:04:54I like the design of that.
01:04:56That looks fun.
01:05:13I'm surprised there isn't a spaceship that looks like a hot dog in autumn.
01:05:17That sounds really fun.
01:05:18That sounds really fun.
01:05:25This is me in my hot dog ship.
01:05:31It's gonna shoot mustard and ketchup.
01:05:36It'll be a delicious death.
01:05:44Okay, can we just...
01:05:45Can we make food-related spaceships a thing now?
01:05:55Sure we can.
01:06:03I like the Mamba and Taipan the most.
01:06:14Oh, one of the fighters.
01:06:15One of the fighters.
01:06:17Oh yeah, I guess so.
01:06:27I think what I'm most suspicious of are the ones, like, the most.
01:06:30Like, aside from the sneak ones, I just like ones that just go all out with their design.
01:06:35Like, the more...
01:06:37Like, ones that are really just, like, using your imagination.
01:06:47I think we're overdone with making spaceships look cool.
01:06:54I thought the spaceship in Ed Walker's title screen was a pizza or a Dorito.
01:07:03Whenever we saw that video, Lily, of all the comparisons of every fictional spaceship,
01:07:09and then one was so big, it literally was just a space station.
01:07:14It doesn't count as a spaceship.
01:07:24It's so funny.
01:07:33You went full nerd mode in that video, and I found that delightful.
01:07:43That's a station!
01:07:45It doesn't count!
01:07:49Because I...
01:08:29That's not...
01:08:31I wanted a new document. There we go.
01:08:58Oh, I forgot to turn my fucking display capture back on.
01:09:14You know, abusive ghouls.
01:09:37I'm echoing, honey.
01:09:48Is this better?
01:10:08Hang on, I'm gonna get my headphones, that will help.
01:10:14There's no you.
01:10:43Right, is this better?
01:10:48We'll find out.
01:10:59Is this the Quora video re-edit? No.
01:11:04Oh, well.
01:11:05Oh, that's not fair.
01:11:06They got...
01:11:07Steven Universe went...
01:11:08Got to have a pair of gay cops.
01:11:10This blew open...
01:11:12...door for other creators.
01:11:16This blew open the door for other creators to start putting gay and trans characters in their shows.
01:11:20Gravity Falls got to have a pair of gay cops.
01:11:23Oh, well.
01:11:24Oh, that's not fair.
01:11:25They got...
01:11:26Steven Universe went...
01:11:27Got to have a pair of gay cops.
01:11:29This blew open...
01:11:30...door for other creators to start putting gay and trans characters in their shows.
01:11:33Gravity Falls got to have a pair of gay cops.
01:11:36Oh, well.
01:11:37Oh, that's not...
01:11:38They got to have a similar moment in the finale, just like Korrasami did.
01:11:45Oh, well.
01:11:46Oh, that's not...
01:11:47They got to have a similar moment in the finale, just like Korrasami did.
01:12:25...even further and gave an entire series-long character arc for a character getting over the love of her life!
01:12:29for a character getting over the love of her life and then had se-
01:12:32and later had se- love of her life and-
01:12:36and later had several gay couples,
01:12:38some of whom even got to be on screen,
01:12:40and have, like, speaking roles.
01:12:46Then- then, just a few years later,
01:12:48the She-Ra franchise was rebooted into She-Ra and the Princesses of Power,
01:12:51which went even further and featured a series-long romantic arc
01:12:54between the two lead characters, who are adopted sisters,
01:12:57and one of them relentlessly stalks and abuses the other,
01:12:59like Jason Dean on Estrogen, but they kiss!
01:13:01And that was a milestone!
01:13:03Messing with a Dora Halloween chiptune.
01:13:30Seventh episode of season five.
01:13:48I really need to just download this entire fucking series.
01:13:59Uh, one... H.
01:14:22Ooh, 1080p, good.
01:14:32All right, that's just gonna be a minute.
01:14:40That sounds like- on Estrogen,
01:14:42why must the universe hurt me this-
01:14:44hurt me this- hurt me this way?
01:14:46Oh, uh, Jason Dean is, like, the bad guy from Heathers.
01:15:22Oh, where the fuck is it?
01:15:35Oh, there it is.
01:15:52What's going on?
01:15:54Ooh, are we messing with a Dora?
01:15:56Catra, do you have to sit right there?
01:15:58What? I'm not doing anything.
01:16:05Y'all are about to hate me for what I'm about to do.
01:16:08Oh, no.
01:16:10But they kiss!
01:16:11And that was a milestone!
01:16:12Come on, Adora, you can't let distractions keep you from trans-
01:16:17What's going on?
01:16:18Ooh, are we messing with a Dora?
01:16:22I don't know.
01:16:42Adora, you can't let distractions keep you from transforming!
01:16:46what's going on
01:16:50oh oh are we messing with adora do you have to sit right there what i'm not
01:16:56doing anything
01:17:02oh my god
01:17:07messing with adora halloween
01:17:17and in the year of our lord 2022 dana terris released the out and then in the
01:17:20year of our lord 2022 dana terris released the owl house
01:17:24now the owl house actually released in 2020 but the
01:17:27the important part was in 2022 which is only a gay
01:17:31but the important part was in 2022 which
01:17:35gay relationship that got to be uh that got to which featured
01:17:38you're not only a gay relationship that too which featured too which
01:17:44which featured not only a gay relationship that got to be a
01:17:48relationship before the finale but also multiple trans characters who
01:17:51get to be fully fleshed out characters and i'm about to be sarcastic like with
01:17:54the others the owl house is great ending was kind of crap but that's not
01:17:57relevant to this video
01:18:00into this video finally the work that had started in 2014 had reached its goal
01:18:04finally we had gay rep in a children's cartoon that didn't have to compromise
01:18:08anything finally western animation could stand on top of finally western and
01:18:12finally finally i'm not the first person to
01:18:16top of the hill
01:18:22finally western animation could stand on top of the hill it had been struggling
01:18:25to climb for years and look back at the other hill that had
01:18:28already been climbed a decade prior i'm not the first person
01:19:05and a decade prior i'm not the first person to suggest that the discourse
01:19:08around lgbt representation in western animation hasn't always been very
01:19:11productive from putting creators on pedestals and
01:19:13treating them as infallible gods to hyper focusing on one genre of animation
01:19:17the push for better lgbt representation in animation hasn't been as extensive as
01:19:21it could be these five series are often treated as
01:19:24the pioneers of gay rep in western cartoons
01:19:26the big boundary pushers who set the stage the big boundary pushers who set
01:19:30the stage for everyone else but all of them have some pretty
01:19:33egregious flaws but all of them have some pretty egregious flaws that could
01:19:36cause some people to argue their importance or
01:19:39others to discount them entirely
01:19:43plenty of shows plenty of shows during this era had come out with
01:19:47had come out with arguably better gay rep more quickly than these ones had
01:19:51the loud house had rather notably the loud house rather notably had a
01:19:55episode long arc involving luna and her girlfriend sam
01:19:58even dropping the g word long before the owl house did
01:20:02the casa grandes also beat them to that the casa grandes also beat them to that
01:20:06punch as well keep on the age of wonder beast opened
01:20:10its first season with a character talking very frankly about being gay
01:20:13and craig of the creek has been doing casual gay rep almost non-stop since
01:20:26craig the creek is actually made by all the stevie craig of the creek is
01:20:29actually made by all of stevie
01:20:33craig of the creek is actually made by all of steven universe's good writers
01:20:36who burned out and left in discussions about lgbt rep these
01:20:39shows are often discounted if not ignored entirely
01:20:43because all the attention and focus is on the big scale adventure epics with
01:20:47plenty of action and huge worlds and high stakes and so
01:20:50they just and so
01:20:53thanks and so the others just don't count
01:20:56there's something else a lesser class of animation
01:20:59this is pretty clear and obvious erasure but the point i'm about to get that is
01:21:03that this erasure goes back even further because it wasn't 2021 when a
01:21:07gay character finally got to say boyfriend or girlfriend
01:21:10and it wasn't even 2017
01:21:13it was 2004
01:21:17the forgotten gaze of western animation
01:21:28so one of the most frustrating parts of discussing western animation is that to
01:21:30most people western strictly means american
01:21:35the anime doesn't have this problem we all know what that means and nobody
01:21:37calls it eastern animation some weed probably is somewhere but
01:21:40whatever and you know what that means and nobody calls it eastern animation
01:21:44some weed probably is somewhere but whatever
01:21:47anyway like everything else related to the west the u.s. is centered as the
01:21:50single most important entity and so when something is created or produced by
01:21:53other countries in the and so when something is created or
01:21:56produced by other countries in the west it
01:21:58its importance is related back centered as the single most important entity and
01:22:02so and so when something
01:22:06important entity and so when something is created or produced by other countries
01:22:09in the west
01:22:14west its importance is related back to america in some way
01:22:19case in point canada has had a healthy and thriving animation industry for
01:22:22years producing a lot of cartoons that americans remember fondly like
01:22:26the care bears the donkey kong series franklin redwall clone high
01:22:30the berenstain bears my dad the rock star and also friendship is magic was
01:22:33made in canada
01:22:37canadian programs were more likely to be seen in canada over the u.s. owing to
01:22:41laws mandating that any network that does business in canada has to in some
01:22:44way promote canadian made art
01:22:49so shows from disney cartoon network and nickelodeon would have to share space
01:22:52with shows made by canadian studios hence why most canadians didn't really
01:22:56get the disney channel or cartoon network instead we had teletune and ytv
01:23:02actually here's a fun fact in that regard in canada we have restrictions on
01:23:05how much advertising you can put in children's media so cartoons imported
01:23:08from the u.s. and japan would have spaces in between them for ads that had
01:23:12to be filled with something so ytv ran this in-between segment called the zone
01:23:16which had two hosts discussing the shows and then later on started developing
01:23:19their own stories
01:23:22zone clips
01:24:12i'm sorry did my humming um oh no okay headache
01:24:26hmm you didn't do anything wrong you've never done anything wrong
01:24:44are you reasoning better is it ah they're still ringing
01:24:51i think it was going to be ringing until they heal
01:25:57clicking on your tumblr doesn't show it to me and that the account doesn't exist
01:26:02uh what's your tumblr username
01:26:37here together uh now i guess one of the things that i have to do for you
01:26:41oh this the couch zone couch area and uh you know are you are you comfortable
01:26:48some interviews now that you're in the zone maybe with uh
01:26:53well yeah yeah i did that myself
01:27:02some interviews now that you're in the zone maybe with uh
01:27:05did you notice that it's a rip well yeah yeah i did that myself
01:27:10The sofa has literally been sawn in half.
01:27:40I'm pretty sure I'm the only person alive who remembers the Zone or the Yokamites.
01:28:08Anyway, here in Canada, laws about what you could and couldn't put on TV were a little different.
01:28:13This, along with Canadians generally being more progressive on average than Americans,
01:28:17meant that gay characters made it to screen in Canada long before they did in the U.S.
01:28:21And two of my three examples are from Canadian shows that were promptly censored when they crossed over to the U.S.
01:28:26Braceface, Dionne, and Houston.
01:28:41Braceface is a show about Sharon Spitz, a teenage girl who gets braces one day that turn out to be electromagnetically charged.
01:28:47They can make...
01:28:53That one cartoon movie Bob did...
01:28:55Same as I have here.
01:29:00Heard of She's Out? It's newer as a television thing, but it might be rep.
01:29:07That one Magical Boy cartoon movie Bob did a big picture episode on.
01:29:12Magical Boy!
01:29:15What the hell?
01:29:17What's the...
01:29:35I'm not sure it was a boy or a boy who could turn into a super-powered drag queen.
01:29:38See, like, that's the thing.
01:29:40When talking about, like, LGBT rep, I don't really count drag because, like,
01:29:45being gay or trans is something you are and drag is something you do.
01:30:11No, this isn't a superhero show.
01:30:13It's just an intense inconvenience to Sharon at every hour of every day.
01:30:17It's like the...
01:30:18It's like That's So Raven, but with significantly higher chances of property damage.
01:30:22It's like That's So Raven, but with significantly higher chances of property damage.
01:30:26A lot of shows were like...
01:30:28A lot of shows were like that back then.
01:30:29These days there'd be an entire season-log arc...
01:30:32Back then.
01:30:33These days there'd be an entire season-log arc to learning the ins and outs of Sharon's magnetic teeth
01:30:37and then being a part of some conspiracy by a villain with mommy issues.
01:30:40But back then, cartoons were doing weird shit like this all the time.
01:30:44The entire show is just about Sharon's personal life,
01:30:46trying to navigate the social minefield of vicious sociopathic teenage girls in middle school
01:30:51or grown-ass adults on Twitter for you young folk.
01:30:54Sociopathic teenage girls in middle school.
01:30:59The entire show...
01:31:00The entire show is just a...
01:31:03The entire show is just about Sharon's personal life,
01:31:05trying to navigate the social minefield of vicious sociopathic teenage girls in middle school
01:31:09or for you young folk out there...
01:31:12or for you young folk out there,
01:31:14your teachers posting TikToks talking shit about you.
01:31:19Your teachers posting TikToks talking shit about you.
01:31:49Your teachers posting TikToks talking shit about you.
01:32:20Your teachers posting TikToks talking shit about you.
01:32:50No, that's it.
01:32:51Thank you, Lisa.
01:33:49Navigate the social minefield of vicious sociopathic teenage girls in middle school, or for you
01:34:05young folk out there, your teacher.
01:34:35Girls in middle school, or for you young folk out there, your teacher.
01:35:05Guys in middle school, or for you young folk out there, your teachers.
01:35:08For you young folk out there, your teachers.
01:35:23Anyway, in the second season. Yes, this show is good enough to get three entire seasons.
01:35:27Sharon starts high school.
01:35:29The mechanic. Don't quibble over a joke.
01:35:34Sharon starts to get three entire seasons. Sharon starts high school and every single ninth grader is given a mentor from the older grades.
01:35:41Canadian high schools don't actually have this. Instead, they have a school supply list that doesn't include mandatory Kevlar.
01:35:46Canadian high schools don't actually have this. Instead, they have a school supply list that doesn't include mandatory Kevlar.
01:35:52Canadian high schools don't actually have this. Instead, they have a school supply list that doesn't include mandatory Kevlar.
01:35:59Sharon ends up getting Dion who, in her words, 2x1453.
01:36:22Dion was the most unique person I'd ever met.
01:36:26Well, put it this way. Dion was the most unique person I'd ever met.
01:36:45Well, put it this way. Dion was the most unique person I'd ever met.
01:36:53Well, just looking at him, you can already tell exactly where they're going with him.
01:37:05Well, just looking at him, you can already tell exactly where they're going with him.
01:37:10The best part is, he has a dead name.
01:37:13The best part is, he has a dead name.
01:37:17he has a dead name 2x1 616
01:37:55name my birth monikers Mark Jones I get bored just saying it Dion's more moi don't you think
01:38:04an homage to Celine 616
01:38:07616 Dion Dion is a part-time fashion designer who
01:38:12who does all sorts of weird recycling bits like trying to make a dress out of paper bags
01:38:23and succeeding to make a sequin dress out of soda can tabs.
01:38:33His first episode largely deals with him being the freak at school, meaning gay, and Sharon
01:38:38getting wrapped up in his reputation.
01:38:40His first episode largely deals with him being the freak at school, meaning gay, and Sharon
01:39:08getting wrapped up in his reputation.
01:39:16As you can probably infer, Deon being a somewhat effeminate man who designs fashion out of
01:39:19soda cans doesn't win him a lot of friends, as you can probably infer, Deon being a somewhat
01:39:25effeminate man who designs fashion out of soda cans doesn't win him a lot of friends.
01:39:30However, Deon lets it mostly roll off his back.
01:39:34You get the sense he's used to this kind of treatment from others, which is why he's
01:39:37used to this kind of treatment from others, which is why he's used to this kind of treatment
01:39:41from others, which is why he's used to this kind of treatment from others, which is tragic.
01:39:43To the point that when Sharon gets skittish about being around him because of how it affects
01:39:46her ability to fit in, Deon cuts through her mealy mouth waffling because he's been through
01:39:50this before.
01:39:512x1 1445.
01:39:52To the point that when Sharon gets skittish about being around him because of how it affects
01:40:13her ability to fit in, Deon cuts through her mealy mouth waffling because he's been
01:40:42through this before.
01:40:55Sharon comes around eventually, and she and Deon are friends for the rest of the series,
01:40:59though Deon only appears in a few episodes and only two of them involve him playing a
01:41:05significant role in the story.
01:41:07The other one is game, setup, and match, where Sharon decides apropos of nothing that Deon
01:41:11needs a boyfriend.
01:41:12No, literally.
01:41:13No, literally.
01:41:44The other one is game, setup, and match, where Sharon decides apropos of nothing that
01:42:11Deon needs a boyfriend.
01:42:36This was 2004.
01:42:39So she decides to set him up with a new character, Houston, who is introduced with a bag adorned
01:42:50with a rainbow flag with a pink triangle in the center, and even mentions having an ex-boyfriend.
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01:54:19It's 8-2-5-7.
01:54:21I have the misfortune of knowing, yeah, you do.
01:54:24I think you were the one who told me about it.
01:54:28What a fucking loser.
01:54:32You're a loser, baby.
01:54:38Ah, Kika, yeah, I was.
01:54:42Imagine hating yourself that much.
01:54:44Like, my God.
01:54:47Just go to therapy already, for Christ's sake.
01:54:49Do yourself and the world a favour and just get therapy.
01:55:00I don't think therapy is a sign of weakness to you, but, you know, it would make people's
01:55:10lives a bit better.