• last year


00:30Qaedi in a great grip, Mehdi Qaedi!
00:33A goal for Iran!
00:35Yekbershev was in the lead.
00:37In what moment did we score a goal by Mehdi Qaedi?
00:40The mistake of Khaled Ebrahim did a great job for Emirates.
00:44We were able to score a great goal by Mehdi Qaedi in the first half.
00:52It was a great move by Mehdi Qaedi.
00:54He didn't hesitate to play.
00:56He defended the goal and pressed the ball.
00:59He scored a goal.
01:01He scored a goal and played again.
01:03He should have a chance to win the match.
01:07He is a supporter of Emirates.
01:10He is a supporter of Emirates.
01:12But he did the same mistake.
01:15Let's see together.
01:17Maybe it was a mistake of Ebrahim.
01:19He played a great move.
01:22Qaedi scores on the last ball of the ball.
01:28He can't be here.
01:30He can't defend.
01:32Qaedi scored on the last ball of the ball.
01:36It was a mistake of Ebrahim.
01:41Qaedi was able to open the goal.
01:44Iran is one Emirates.
01:52The ball went to the right twice, then to the left, and it was a chance to score.
01:59The defense opened up and there was space.
02:01Yes, as you said, Qaedeh was a good player in the first half.
02:04Yes, he was a good player.
02:06Kaya is upset on the ground.
02:13And Vieira, as we saw, opened up the field.
02:22The Korean player, Kaya, made the right call to score.
02:29Kaya opened up the field, and there was a chance to score.
02:35The defense came back and Qaedeh made a mistake.
02:38In the defense's counterattack, he made a mistake and scored.
02:42Iran 1, Emirates 3. Now we can go to the tiebreaker.
02:47We can go to the tiebreaker.
02:50You can also see Kingdom Heat's song.
02:56Four minutes into the game, there was a chance to score.
03:01Emirates start the game.
03:03Jahanbakhsh goes back to the ground.
