Actress Ankita Lokhande and her husband, Vicky Jain, turned heads on Tuesday with a sizzling photoshoot that has set new couple goals. Ankita, who has 5.3 million Instagram followers, shared a Reel video featuring her in a black blazer and frilled mini skirt, while Vicky complemented her in a white tee and matching blazer.
#AnkitaLokhande #Ankita # Hot #PhotoShoot #Blazer #vickyJain #PhotoShoot #Instagram #Sassy #Slay #Instagram
#AnkitaLokhande #Ankita # Hot #PhotoShoot #Blazer #vickyJain #PhotoShoot #Instagram #Sassy #Slay #Instagram
00:00On Tuesday, actress Ankita Lokhande and her husband Vicky Jain turned heads with a sizzling
00:06photo shoot that has set new couple goals.
00:09Ankita, who has 5.3 million Instagram followers, shared a real video featuring her in a black
00:16blazer and mini skirt, while Vicky complimented her in a white T-shirt and matching blazer.
00:22The video, showcasing intimate poses and Ankita in a bathtub, was captioned, we wrote, hot
00:28and sassy as our middle names.
00:30Married since December 2021, Ankita and Vicky have appeared on Bigg Boss 17 and are currently
00:36on Laughter Chef's Fun Unlimited Entertainment.
00:39Ankita's acting career includes Pavitra Rishta, Manikarnika the Queen of Chassi and Swatantra
00:45Veer Savarkar.