Musician PBN gets a doctorate

  • 4 days ago
Musician PBN talks about his doctorate from Wolverhampton.
00:00Do you want to tell us a little bit about when you studied here and what it's like to come back?
00:05Yeah, I mean, I'm born and bred in Northampton. I decided to study here in Northampton University.
00:10I studied business between the Telford campus and the Compton campus.
00:14It's amazing to be back. I'm just so honoured and overwhelmed that the University have recognised my work over the years.
00:21Funnily enough, it actually started when I was studying my business degree.
00:24So, my hobby, my passion was music. I studied business and I started my career around the same time.
00:29My first album came out just as I graduated. So, the way everything's come together, it's worked out amazingly.
00:35You just answered all the questions there, didn't you?
00:38Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
00:41So, tell us a little bit about how you achieved your goals and give us a little bit of background.
00:48Some of you were always into music when you were younger and was it something that was in the back of your head?
00:53Why did you do business?
00:55Okay, funny answer now. Music's been in me since I was a toddler, honestly.
01:01I was that kid, at any wedding or private function, the first guy on the dance floor.
01:05My brother was just a young boy running around, playing around, being annoying.
01:10I was just on the dance floor dancing. I loved it. I absorbed music from a very early age.
01:14Yeah, it was a hobby, it was a passion.
01:17I was studying at school, painting in high school and I used to be in the youth club there.
01:21Somebody told me that Warhampton Council had just opened a recording studio called Sam Sharpe's Council-led studio.
01:27It says kids like you can come there and learn music.
01:29So, I did. Every day after school, I went there and learned production techniques from a person called Keith Dilworth.
01:35He was actually working on another artist from Warhampton, Beverly Knight, on her album at the time.
01:40So, I got the opportunity to sit in on the sessions and learn about music production.
01:44At the same time, I was studying and mum and dad wanted me to go to university and study and business.
01:50Everyone seemed to be doing it.
01:52So, I pursued business, but it all worked out because later on in life, I had a successful career as a music artist.
01:59I also set up a record label.
02:01So, all that business knowledge accumulated at university came to, yeah, do that again.
02:08Yeah, it was good.
02:09Should I take it again from?
