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Full video: When the monkey falls in love with the mobile || Acharya Prashant, Intnl Psychology Summit (2023)
00:00Having free time is only for those who are inwardly free.
00:05If you are not inwardly free and you give yourself free time,
00:09your free time will annihilate you.
00:12Freedom is only for the free.
00:14Inwardly, you are still slave to your body, your hormones, to all the social influences.
00:21And outwardly, you have been gifted a free mobile phone, free data,
00:27a free bed to lie on and a lot of free time.
00:31So obviously all these free things that have undeservedly come to you will be misutilized.
00:38Now that these things are indeed with you, tell yourself they can be very dangerous.
00:43Live a life of a challenging purpose.
00:47Don't think that leisure time is a virtue.
00:51If you have free time, you should be alerted.