• last year
00:00It was perfect.
00:25You liked it then?
00:26You think?
00:27I'm glad.
00:30And you've read all of these?
00:32Yes, I have.
00:34Which one is your favorite?
00:36Not a fair question.
00:37Oh, come on. You can't say all of them.
00:39Okay, look on the left. I think it's...
00:42Yeah, the top.
00:44D.H. Lawrence, The Rainbow.
00:47This one's your favorite?
00:49You know, I think you might like it.
00:51Take it.
01:08Oh, wow.
01:14Where was this one taken?
01:19Oh, I love it.
01:21Would you take me?
01:26To California?
01:51Sorry. Nervous habit, I guess.
01:55Am I making you nervous?
01:56No. No, I just... I'll stop.
02:09Okay, so this can wait until tomorrow.
02:13Talk to me.
02:15What do you want to hear?
02:17All of it. Catch me up.
02:19I don't know.
02:20You're always asking me about my life, but I'm so much more interested in you.
02:24Well, my life is hardly glamorous.
02:27You cannot be serious.
02:29You love to read and you travel and you meet people.
02:32I just think it's wonderful.
02:35But you know you have good things going on yourself.
02:37I know. I just...
02:39I can't help but imagine a life unlike my own.
02:43It's just something I do.
02:45So you're a dreamer.
02:48While ambition can be a very healthy thing.
02:51You've grown.
02:53That's a good thing.
03:01May I choose another to take with me?
03:03Yeah, of course.
03:06Come help me pick one out.
03:27I can't.
03:35You're stunning.
03:37I have to stop.
03:39Don't you find me attractive?
03:43Don't do that.
03:44You can be honest with me. Just tell me that you want me.
03:48What I want has nothing to do with...
03:50I can see right through you.
04:22You have to go.
04:36You have to go.
05:04You have to go.
05:19Miss Turner?
05:20Rosie, hello.
05:22I'm so sorry.
05:23I was looking for you earlier.
05:24Where did you run off to?
05:27I just had some things to take care of.
05:29Never mind.
05:30Ruth took the girls swimming in your absence.
05:32You know how she loves to spoil them.
05:35Oh, they were just so excited.
05:39As I was saying, there's nothing left for you to do.
05:42You're going to have your hands full enough when the group gets back.
05:45I'll just tidy up here and be on my way.
05:54Hey, Rose, it's Bobby.
05:56I wanted to talk to you.
06:16It's Bobby.
06:18How are you?
06:23I was actually just calling to say I'm sorry about the other night.
06:29And, um...
06:30The other night?
06:31Oh, I'd forgotten all about that.
06:34You did?
06:37Well, there's no point in bringing it up again then.
06:44I've been thinking about you a lot.
06:46And I would really like to see you again.
06:48Would you be interested in getting dinner this weekend?
06:52You sort of caught me at a bad time.
06:55I see.
06:58So you are still upset then?
07:01I'm not upset with you, honest.
07:04It's not you.
07:05You're great.
07:06It's just that...
07:10I'm not...
07:12Listen, you just caught me at a bad time.
07:15I'm not ready to have dinner.
07:20I understand.
07:22Sometimes I just want to be alone too.
07:26I'm not that different from you, you know?
07:28I know.
07:30You're a good friend.
07:34Bobby, I'm sorry.
07:35I didn't mean that...
07:36I'm not giving up on you, Rose.
07:38Maybe if...
08:15What brings you by?
08:16Is everything okay?
08:18I just wanted to see you.
08:23What is it you're doing exactly?
08:25What do you mean?
08:26You know what I mean.
08:29And yesterday's.
08:31Whatever you're doing, you have to stop.
08:33Whatever I'm doing?
08:37I never wanted this to happen.
08:45I just had this feeling.
08:47I just...
08:48I really wanted to kiss you again.
08:55You know, I think it would be best if we just pretend this whole thing never happened.
09:01You can't be serious.
09:04My mind is consumed with it.
09:05I mean, I can't sleep at night.
09:06Well, nothing like that will happen between us again.
09:08No, you can't mean that.
09:09I do.
09:10Well, why not exactly?
09:12This is not up for discussion.
09:18What I am.
09:20The things I do.
09:22It isn't okay.
09:24So what?
09:26What were you...
09:27Just listen.
09:28You have the chance to be a healthy, normal girl, and I have to protect that.
09:35You know, the novelty of this will pass.
09:38You'll go on to find a man who can take care of you and give you everything that you deserve.
09:42Can you even hear yourself?
09:43All I can do is think about the next time that you're going to touch me.
09:48I've never felt anything so wonderful in my life.
09:50Well, that doesn't make it right.
09:54No one, and I mean no one, can find out about this.
09:58So what if it's not right?
10:00I've seen the way that you look at me.
10:01I know that you liked it too.
10:03I don't know how we're going to go about this, but we'll figure it out, okay?
10:06I always figure things out. You know that.
10:08You are 18 years old.
10:11So what?
10:13Just kiss me again.
10:16I think you need to leave.
10:18Don't say that.
10:19And you can't come in here every free minute of your day.
10:23People have a way of making assumptions.
11:03I love you.
11:33I love you too.
12:04Good evening.
12:18Can I help you?
12:20I meant to find the main office. I just wanted to drop off a package.
12:25I'm sorry.
12:27I don't actually know where it is.
12:32Would you mind pointing me in the right direction?
12:36I wouldn't mind at all.
12:38But it's closed now.
12:41It's late, you know.
12:44You can drop it off with me, just the same.
12:46Who's the lucky girl?
12:48Uh, it's for Rose.
12:50Are you Bobby?
12:53Do you know her?
13:01She's told you about me.
13:03She has.
13:06And you are, uh...
13:09It's late.
13:12And this is a girls' camp.
13:16Maybe next time you want to drop by in the morning.
13:19In the morning.
13:20Doesn't look right, you know.
13:23Could you make sure she gets it, though?
13:29Sorry for bothering you.
13:32I'm Jane, by the way.
13:36Sounds familiar.
13:38Guess I've heard of you two.
13:40Small world, right?
13:43It was nice meeting you.
14:43Oh, God!
15:56I'm glad to see I'm not the only night owl around.
16:00I'm not sure why.
16:03Just felt like walking.
16:05I know why.
16:07We take care of these children all the day long,
16:09every meal and activity,
16:12but when they get older and fat they get into,
16:15scraped elbows, homesickness,
16:17first periods, God love them.
16:20It's exhausting.
16:22But, Virginia, that doesn't mean it's always easy to rest.
16:27That is when we get the urge to walk.
16:30Luckily, I found the cure.
16:33Is that so?
16:35Come on.
16:42There you go.
16:54They grow on you, though.
16:56Even the older girls.
16:59Their hearts are in the right place.
17:02How they manage to wrangle those little rascals
17:06day in and day out is beyond me.
17:11They're patient in a way I never was.
17:13Hell, at that age, all I could think of was myself.
17:16I think it takes a special kind of woman to be a leader.
17:20Ain't it the truth.
17:22You deserve some credit, though.
17:24Those girls really look up to you.
17:27I'm serious.
17:30You're a natural nurturer, natural caretaker.
17:35Those girls treat you like a daughter treats a mother,
17:38and that's a special thing.
17:41Especially little Rose.
17:44She seems to prefer your company over girls her own age.
17:52Well, I suppose she thinks I'm easy to talk to.
17:56I'll bet.
17:57Your advice is doing wonders for her.
18:00She's coming into herself quite nicely.
18:03That boy from the city is after her now.
18:07It's quite a suitor for a girl like her.
18:11I only hope she has the good sense to not let him get away.
18:21Isn't it something, the games we play as men and women?
18:27Since you have her ear,
18:30maybe you can give her a nudge in the right direction.
18:38I'll be sure to do that.
18:42Thanks for the beer.
18:45Anytime, dear.
18:55And the rainbow stood on the earth.
18:57She knew that the sordid people who gripped hearts sealed
19:00and separate on the face of the world's corruption
19:03were living still.
19:05That the rainbow was arched in their blood
19:07and would quiver to life in their spirit.
19:10That they would cast off the horny gutter
19:12and reverse integration.
19:13That nerve feed went on and on.
19:15Tons and more tons became her nerves and her veins.
19:19She knew that the sordid people
19:21She saw in the rainbow the earth's new architecture,
19:24the old brittle corruption of houses
19:27and factories swept waste in their blood.
19:30The world, built up in a living fabric of truth,
19:33cast off the horny covering of disintegration
19:36that knew it could not be fitting to be a virgin heaven.
21:13I didn't expect anyone to be out here so early.
21:17I was actually just about to be going.
21:20I can see that.
21:23Are you here to stay a while longer?
21:27Come on, walk with me.
21:35You haven't come by in a week.
21:38I've missed your visits.
21:41I've been working on some things.
21:47I read the book you gave me.
21:52I've never read anything like it, but it's so true, you know?
21:55How they say that we're born of a man,
21:57yet we come from a woman's body.
21:59So much of it is true, but it still seems defiant in a way.
22:05To a lot of people, yes.
22:08How did it feel to you?
22:14Like seeing so many of my thoughts
22:16written down on those pages.
22:20Sometimes heartbreaking.
22:23Why heartbreaking?
22:26Because it's not so different now.
22:30We still have to settle.
22:32Even if we do choose our own way,
22:34we end up sacrificing something.
22:36One way or another.
22:40I know what you mean.
22:42I don't think that you do.
22:48I assume that women my age don't know what they want.
22:51And it may be that I don't have your experience,
22:53but I know to trust my instincts,
22:55because I know that they're not clouded by fear.
22:58You think I act out of fear.
23:00Isn't that why you gave me the book?
23:02To make me feel better about having big dreams.
23:04I gave you the book because I thought you might enjoy it.
23:06To make me feel better about being a powerless girl.
23:08It isn't like that.
23:10To let me know that no matter what I do, I can never be your equal.
23:12That I could never have you,
23:14because the world would strike me down.
23:17You have a good thing going with that boy,
23:19and you're willing to throw it all away
23:21because of this infatuation that you have with me.
23:24Open your eyes, kid.
23:30Hey, wait a minute.
23:32Stop. Stop.
23:34I'm sorry.
23:38I'm sorry.
23:40I shouldn't have said that.
23:43I love you.
23:45I love you too, but I'm not a kid.
23:47You've been leading me on,
23:49and now you're afraid to take what we have.
23:51You're scared.
23:53What we have?
23:55What is it you think we have?
23:57You know it.
23:59What we have is a friendship, nothing more than that.
24:01I'm going to be this way with or without you.
24:06Why are you trying so hard to push me away?
24:10You have no idea.
24:12You have no idea how lonely it's been.
24:16You know, sometimes,
24:18I don't think I would know what to do
24:20if somebody ever loved me,
24:22because I'm just so used to being alone.
24:30And I think...
24:34Well, I think I just adore you.
24:38And I do not want your life to be a struggle.
24:41You have to trust that I can only do right by you as a friend.
24:44I cannot be your friend.
24:47Why is it that you get to decide how this goes?
24:51Because you're in pain.
24:54I'm hurting too.
24:57Every time that you insist on treating me like a child,
25:00every time that you try to fix me.
25:02But you know what? You can't fix me,
25:04just like you couldn't fix yourself.
25:06Just like you couldn't fix yourself.
25:14No, I can't.
25:16I can't be your friend.
25:18I can't. I just cannot be around you.
25:27Don't you leave me again.
25:31I don't want to lose you.
25:40Will you come by tonight?
26:25I'm glad to see you.
26:30I am going to have a drink with you.
26:35Are you?
26:40Hey, Bobby was here the other night.
26:43He left this morning.
26:50I don't care.
26:53I don't care. I don't.
26:57I just want to be here with you.
27:00Right now.
27:06I'm here.
27:22I'm here.
27:38Come dance with me, will you?
27:53I haven't danced with a girl since I was 17.
28:00Louis Mayfield.
28:03Or Louis, as she had people call her.
28:09I never have known she was a woman just by looking at her.
28:13There was something about the way she held me close to her, you know?
28:17She held me close to her, you know?
28:22She was gentle.
28:28When I just knew that very moment.
28:31That's when you knew that you were...
28:32That I was different?
28:35Did you love her?
28:40Yes, I did.
28:42I did right away.
28:47Oh, of course she was the only person I knew that I could love.
28:52And trust.
28:54Where is she now?
29:00I don't know.
29:03I have no idea where she is.
29:14But you're here.
29:17And you look beautiful.
29:23Shh, stop talking.
29:47I love you.
30:18It's familiar, doesn't it?
30:22What now?
30:26Like we met in another life, and here we are just picking up where we left off.
30:38Are both of us going to be okay?
30:42I don't know.
30:45Our bones are made of spirals.
30:50Something I read once.
31:06Where do we go from here?
31:15I have no idea.
31:19Just be here.
31:21With me.
31:44I love you.
32:14You won't regret it
32:19Come and get it
32:28No one is near
32:34I may cry
32:36Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
32:40But no one can hear
32:46Mama may scold me
32:50Cause she told me
32:53It was naughty but then
32:59Please do it again
33:05Yes, do it again and again
33:10And again and again and again
33:19Turn out the light
33:25And hold me close
33:29In your arms
33:33All through the night
33:39I know tomorrow morning
33:44You will say goodbye and amen
33:52But until then
33:59Please do it again