Secretly Spoiled By My Billionaire Hubby Full Movie | Short Drama

  • 2 weeks ago
Secretly Spoiled By My Billionaire Hubby Full Movies: Short Drama Romance
00:16I made him honors with my fiancé.
00:26Madison, I know you're a billionaire and busy,
00:28but how can you be late for your own wedding?
00:31Since this marriage is for your family,
00:33it's not necessary anymore.
00:35I've already canceled the wedding.
00:37I hope you can find a new bride.
00:38I'm getting married in two hours and my bride just ran away.
00:52Do you need me to take you to the hospital?
00:57Hey, Taylor.
00:59Please get me out of here.
01:02Come with me.
01:09Today's my wedding day.
01:12I just found out that my maid of honor
01:15slept with my fiancé.
01:18Wedding? Marriage?
01:22I'm sorry.
01:24Wait, who are you?
01:27Thought you'd never ask.
01:31How about we work together?
01:46A contract marriage?
01:48What the hell is this?
01:50I mean, I don't even know you.
01:52No, you don't.
01:54But this is perfect.
01:56Your fiancé just cheated on you
01:58and I need a wife to get my family off my back.
02:00I've warned you many, many times.
02:03If you don't get married,
02:05there's no way I could transfer my end of the business to you.
02:09Now, look at all these buildings around here.
02:12All under the umbrella of my corporation.
02:15You know, billionaire.
02:17My inheritor is my priority.
02:20If I don't get married,
02:25you'll never get another cent from me.
02:29I'm telling you, this could work.
02:31Look, we don't really have to actually be a couple,
02:33but we could pretend.
02:35And I'll pay you.
02:37You think that marriage is just a game?
02:40Do you think that you can just buy everything?
02:43I mean, I appreciate you saving me just now,
02:46but I'm not going to sell away my love.
03:04Let's talk details about this marriage, shall we?
03:09Ms. Wright, this is Dr. Gradwell.
03:12Listen, your mother isn't doing too well.
03:15She maybe has three months or four months top.
03:18Give me that.
03:19Honey, don't listen to her.
03:22I'm fine.
03:26You know, it's just a little tickle.
03:28Listen, I'm not going to leave you alone.
03:32Not before I see you walk down the aisle.
03:35Forget Philip.
03:37You'll find someone else.
03:39Someone that...
03:42Someone better than that jerk.
03:45Don't worry about me, Mom.
03:47I already found someone.
03:49I'll bring him to you.
03:52Even though I know nothing about him,
03:54whether he's good or bad, poor or rich,
03:57I'm going to marry him for my mom.
04:00I'll sign it under one condition.
04:02You pretend to be my loving husband in front of my mom.
04:06Same, but in front of my grandfather.
04:28Grandpa, meet my wife.
04:32Oh, my God.
04:42Well, that's great.
04:45Please, have a seat.
04:50Look, I am so sorry he didn't give you a proper ceremony.
04:56But you two are going on a fine honeymoon,
04:59and it's all on me.
05:00Oh, no. No, no, no. That's not necessary.
05:03Consider it a wedding gift.
05:12This is potato and corn chowder.
05:16Your favorite.
05:18And I have a surprise for you.
05:22The sales of this season's clothing line is at an all-time low.
05:27And since Taylor got that designer position at MD Corp,
05:32your performance sales have skyrocketed.
05:35You've been keeping tabs on her?
05:37You've been keeping tabs on her?
05:39Maybe I wouldn't have to if your designs were half as good as hers.
05:42I'm your fucking fiance.
05:44And I'm starting to think that you're not as good as my old one.
05:47Oh, really?
05:49Well, too late.
05:51I'm fucking pregnant.
05:55I'm fucking pregnant.
06:02What the fuck are you talking about?
06:03You're pregnant? How?
06:05What do you mean how?
06:07It's our baby.
06:09When do you plan to marry me?
06:11I betrayed my best friend for you.
06:24It's a suite.
06:30This must have cost him a fortune.
06:32Well, he has some savings.
06:35It's too much.
06:37He already paid for it.
06:40But there's only one bed.
06:42I'll take the couch and you can have...
06:44I'm not going to let you sleep on the couch.
06:52When do you plan to marry me?
06:54I betrayed my best friend for you.
06:57Well, the business is in trouble now.
06:59Since you're pregnant, I'm going to have to find a new designer to fill your spot.
07:01So everything can just fucking wait.
07:03Wait? I can wait, but this baby can't.
07:06I'm not asking you to abort it.
07:09I'm asking you for some more goddamn time, that's all.
07:14This is our baby, not it.
08:11This is too awkward. I'm just going to get another room.
08:14It's holiday season.
08:16Plus, it's full of my grandfather's informants.
08:20Well, him and the hotel mark manager are friends.
08:23If we get separate rooms, he's definitely going to find out.
08:30Anyways, what do we do now?
08:36I don't know how to play.
08:38It's easy. Come on, I'll teach you.
08:47Stupid game.
08:49Lost again.
08:51Come on, you know the rules.
08:53Please be gentle.
08:59I'm sorry.
09:12It's getting late. I should probably go to bed.
09:22Good night.
09:29She's going over to your place. You gotta leave.
09:32Look, she doesn't know who I am.
09:34Just get out of there and don't come back.
09:36I'll pay for your hotel and everything.
10:00Paul, how did you know I was here?
10:03Calvin told me everything.
10:05Look, you can't keep living in Calvin's house.
10:07He's living in a hotel, for Christ's sakes.
10:09Yeah, I paid for it.
10:11Look, Taylor doesn't know who I am yet.
10:13So from right now, we're just regular people, not billionaires.
10:16I got you covered.
10:20What are you guys talking about?
10:22Well, I'm going to be staying with you guys for a few days.
10:27I mean, this is an ordinary house with an ordinary one bedroom.
10:31So I think this study will be fine for an ordinary old man like me.
10:38What he's trying to say is he's going to stay with us for a few days.
10:57Who is it?
10:59It's me.
11:01It's late now.
11:03I saw the light and your room was still on.
11:05You know, get some rest, but give me some grandchildren.
11:09There's no couch, so...
11:14It's fine.
11:16The bed is big enough for both of us, so just stay on your side and...
11:20don't come over here.
11:23Don't come over here.
11:27Oh, I forgot to ask you. What do you do for work?
11:30I was a designer at Phillip's company, but not anymore.
11:35So I need to find another job so I can pay my mom's medical bills.
11:39Like a clothes designer?
11:41Mm-hmm. Yeah.
11:44Well, have a good night.
11:46You too.
11:52Good night.
12:10Yeah, I need you to do something for me.
12:13Give Taylor Wright the designer job.
12:15That's right.
12:20I just got a job from the MD Corporation.
12:29I just got a job from the MD Corporation.
12:32That's great.
12:41Taylor, this is Debbie.
12:44She'll be your supervisor.
12:46You can just call me Taylor.
12:51Okay, well, I'll be in my office.
12:53If you need anything, just knock.
12:55You're welcome.
12:57Kelvin personally welcomed you to the company.
13:00You must be good at your job.
13:02Let me see what you can do.
13:03Oh, yeah, I have a few sketches if you wanted to take a look.
13:05I think we both know how you got this job.
13:07But let me give you a little warning.
13:09I'm not easy to work with.
13:11What do you mean?
13:13Here's what you have to do today.
13:16First, get me a hazelnut latte, 2% steamed milk.
13:19Oh, and double the syrup and make sure it's sugar-free.
13:23You have 15 minutes.
13:37There you go.
13:42What the hell did you get me?
13:46The entire office knows I'm allergic to nuts.
13:49Oh my, I heard that people who are allergic to nuts can die if they drink too much coffee.
13:54She is so in trouble.
13:56You hear that?
13:58Yes, sir.
14:00Deliberately caused trouble to get her fired.
14:02You're fired for sure.
14:05Not so fast.
14:07First, get me a hazelnut latte, 2% steamed milk.
14:09Oh, and double the syrup and make sure it's sugar-free.
14:14Debbie's at the supper table.
14:16That's smart, isn't she?
14:18A man who's in love is the most dangerous.
14:28I happen to hear the old thing.
14:30If something similar happens one more time, you're out of here.
14:43Are you sure there's no more fabric in the whole city?
14:53Get the same fabric we ordered from Taya last time.
14:57But that fabric is out of stock.
15:00I'm telling you this, and I want you to listen to me.
15:03If I don't have that fabric by the end of today, you're fired.
15:07What are you waiting for?
15:22I am so screwed.
15:25I am so screwed.
15:41Are you serious?
15:43You have that fabric?
15:47Are you serious?
15:48You have that fabric?
15:50She was asked to get a fabric from Taya, but it's out of stock.
15:55Debbie wants to get it by the end of today.
15:57Call Taya. We're going to buy the whole production line for that fabric.
16:00And tell them to make it now.
16:03Actually, go straight to the factory and get it to Taylor's office.
16:18Oh my God!
16:19Is this the fabric you're looking for?
16:20Yes. Thank you.
16:21Don't thank me. I just do as I'm told.
16:24By who?
16:29By who?
16:31You'll see.
16:39Mission completed.
16:42Is there anything else I can do for you?
16:44That's all.
16:50It's Kelvin again.
16:52I knew it. How could a newbie find the same fabric at Taya?
16:56Get back to work.
17:06How was work?
17:10It's been a long day.
17:16There was a fabric that was out of production, and this mysterious guy found it for me.
17:24It's like he's my guardian angel or something.
17:27I'm glad everything worked out.
17:31I'm glad you found it.
17:34I'm glad you found it.
17:37I'm glad you found it.
17:39I'm glad everything worked out.
17:42How was your day?
17:44Good. Because of you.
17:57Hi! Where is everybody?
18:00Abby and the other designers asked for sick leaf.
18:05Actually, they're all on strike because they don't agree with the new CEO's design decision.
18:12Wow. They must not like the new CEO.
18:17When are the designs coming out for the new season?
18:19A week from now.
18:21They don't know the new CEO is you.
18:24They tried to threaten you.
18:26What should we do? Without the designers, we have nothing to show.
18:30Tell Abby and the new designers that we don't need them.
18:33Taylor will handle the designs.
18:38Do you have anything else?
18:58You drew these by yourself?
19:04This season, the design theme is maternity wear.
19:11Would you like to give it a shot?
19:13What? Me?
19:23Is everything okay?
19:27My supervisor wants me to take over the new season's designs, and I only have a week.
19:33But my mind is blank. Completely blank.
19:38Why is that? You're a designer, right?
19:42Yeah, but no one ever really likes my ideas.
19:46Every time I show people my designs, they just say that they're too far out there.
19:52I don't even know what that means.
19:54Kelvin wouldn't have given you this job if he didn't think you were good at it.
19:57Look at this as an opportunity to publish some of your designs.
20:02They'll love it.
20:04What if they don't like them?
20:06Don't worry about that.
20:09I have faith in you.
20:42Wait a minute.
20:47How did he know my supervisor's name is Kelvin?
20:51Taylor, look, look, look, look, look, look.
20:56Your design is on the cover of this magazine.
20:58No way.
20:59Yes way. Yes.
21:01Okay, wait, let me read it to you.
21:03It's saying, this season's new maternity wear line has dropped the old loose fit,
21:08and now incorporates a fashionable style.
21:11That's you, and has been very, very in demand since its debut.
21:15I can't even believe this.
21:19Hold on a second.
21:21Hey, these are actually my designs.
21:23Stealing isn't good.
21:25I drew these.
21:27You weren't even in the office.
21:29Because I have all of these witnessed as proof that these clothes are my design.
21:33What do you have?
21:35She has me.
21:38Is that enough?
21:43These are Taylor's sketches.
21:46These are Taylor's sketches.
21:49Do you have any?
21:52She just got lucky.
21:54These aren't even good.
21:55No one's even going to like them.
21:56Is that so?
21:58The sales department just told me that her design at all sold out.
22:03Shut your damn mouth.
22:04Your design is really popular.
22:06I wonder who inspired you.
22:08And you, pack your stuff and get out.
22:12Taylor would take over your job.
22:15I just did what I was told.
22:25You're out.
22:36You did all this?
22:38What for?
22:40I heard the news.
22:42What news?
22:43I told you they would love your designs.
23:09I was just making sure that he wasn't here.
23:15I think he's gone.
23:18He probably went home.
23:20I think so too.
23:42I'm sorry.
23:44I'm sorry.
24:12I'm sorry.
24:42I'm sorry.
25:07You're up early.
25:10You okay?
25:14Yeah, I'm fine.
25:30Hey, where are you?
25:32I'm at work.
25:40Do you want to grab lunch later?
25:42I'm kind of busy right now. Let's talk about it later, okay?
26:00Can I get you some water or coffee or something?
26:04No, I'm fine.
26:08What are you doing?
26:12What's wrong?
26:14We already slept together at home.
26:23That was an accident. We were just drunk.
26:25No, we weren't.
26:28Don't forget that this is a contract marriage, okay?
26:31This is just business.
26:33So you have no feelings.
26:36Forget the contract. I can make this marriage valid.
26:40I thought what was between you and I was real and special.
26:44Even though it started in a weird kind of way, but...
26:48You're hiding something from me.
26:52There is something.
26:55I can't tell you now, but I promise I'll tell you.
26:58No need.
27:00I already know.
27:16What? I'm sleeping. What are you talking about?
27:22This is Lena, right?
27:24This is the girl you've been saying her name in your sleep.
27:28Am I just a replacement to you?
27:32I'm really glad I found this.
27:34Or else I wouldn't have known that I was a substitute for you.
27:37But don't worry. I'll keep the contract marriage.
27:41But only for my mom.
27:43Where are you going?
28:05Miss White quit the job.
28:11Miss White quit the job.
28:14The HR department just told me.
28:16Miss White quit the job this morning.
28:23She's not answering the phone.
28:40What are you doing here?
28:42I need to show you something.
28:44Come with me.
28:46Come on.
28:51Here's where I met Lena.
28:54You thought it'd be a good idea to bring me here?
28:57Where you made memories with your ex-girlfriend?
29:02I brought you here to show you the full picture of my past.
29:07So you can see I'm not the same man anymore.
29:10Ever since I met you,
29:13I've gotten to know this fun, energetic, loving, sweet person.
29:20I don't know why I said her name the other day.
29:25But just know this.
29:27That at this moment, right now,
29:30I don't want anybody else.
29:32I'm totally in love with you, Taylor White.
29:37Everyone has a past.
29:41But you're my future.
29:46Everyone has a past.
29:50But you're my future.
30:00You're my future.
30:31Long time no see.
30:37I'm Madison's fiancé, and you are?
30:39This is Taylor, my wife.
30:43You're married?
30:48You're married?
30:51Come on.
30:53I mean, she does look like some college knockoff wannabe version of me,
30:57but you can't just go and get married to some random girl
31:01because we had a little fight.
31:03You left.
31:05You mean nothing to me.
31:08Jo, I need you to remove someone.
31:12Madison, I mean, don't do this.
31:16I left, but I'm back now.
31:19I don't give a damn.
31:21Ever since I met Taylor,
31:23I know what real love is.
31:25Taylor, I know what real love is now.
31:28Don't allow anyone in my office without my permission except Taylor.
31:32Get her out of here.
31:33Madison, don't do this.
31:35Don't touch me.
31:43You're really cruel to your ex-girlfriend.
31:45My kindness is only for my wife.
31:55It's only for my wife.
32:04I knew you were here.
32:09Nice office.
32:11How come you didn't bring all these designs out while you were working for me?
32:15Now all your designs are sold out since you're with his company.
32:19I don't think that's a coincidence.
32:21How long have you been cheating on me with this stupid fucking perk, huh?
32:24Watch your fucking mouth.
32:26You were the one that cheated on me with my best friend.
32:33Don't touch my wife.
32:37Call the police. Get him out of here.
33:00Still worried about him?
33:02I was just so blind and stupid with all of my previous ideas and designs.
33:09So you were his fiancée?
33:14I was.
33:24I never want you to cry for another man ever again.
33:30But you?
33:32I won't make you cry.
33:35We're in your office.
33:38You're mine.
33:40And no one's gonna take you from me.
33:43And no one ever will.
33:55You wanted to see me?
33:59How long have you known him?
34:01Not even two months?
34:03What's your point?
34:06How much did he pay for you to pretend to be his wife just to piss me off?
34:14Just tell me.
34:16I'll give you double if you get out of his life.
34:19He's not for you, honey.
34:22Let me tell you the truth, honey.
34:25The earth moves and people change.
34:38Oh my god! Why would you do that? I was just trying to be friends with you.
34:43What's going on?
34:44I was trying to be friends with her and then I think she misunderstood my intentions or something.
34:48She just dumped this water on me and...
34:52I'm trying not to fight over me because maybe she didn't do it on purpose.
34:58Oh, we're not gonna fight over you.
35:00Because I saw you pour the cup of water on your face.
35:04I saw you pour the water on your face.
35:07What does she have that I don't have?
35:09How did you get over me so quickly?
35:11I tried being nice to you because you used to be my fiancee.
35:15But you're starting to annoy me.
35:17I never want to see your face again.
35:20If you harass my wife, I'm calling the police.
35:23You understand me?
35:26Let's go.
35:47I'm sorry.
35:48I'm sorry.
35:49I'm sorry.
35:50I'm sorry.
35:51I'm sorry.
35:52I'm sorry.
35:53I'm sorry.
35:54I'm sorry.
35:55I'm sorry.
35:56I'm sorry.
35:57I'm sorry.
35:58I'm sorry.
35:59I'm sorry.
36:00I'm sorry.
36:01I'm sorry.
36:02I'm sorry.
36:03I'm sorry.
36:04I'm sorry.
36:05I'm sorry.
36:06I'm sorry.
36:07I'm sorry.
36:08I'm sorry.
36:09I'm sorry.
36:10I'm sorry.
36:11I'm sorry.
36:12I'm sorry.
36:13I'm sorry.
36:14I'm sorry.
36:15I'm sorry.
36:17I'm sorry.
36:24You guys are such good actors.
36:32I really don't have time for this.
36:34You either go, or I call the police.
36:38Maybe this will change your mind.
36:42What do you want?
36:46Get the hell out of here.
36:48The contract marriage is in the past.
36:51You don't know anything about Madison.
36:55What do you mean by that?
37:00You don't know his real identity.
37:05You don't know his real identity.
37:08How did you think you were getting into MD Corp?
37:12How did you think your designs were getting adopted?
37:16If the rival company finds out Madison's real identity,
37:20everything he has will be gone.
37:23You're lying.
37:28Take it or leave it,
37:30Madison's fate is in your hands.
37:34So I'm giving you three days,
37:36and then this photo and Madison's identity will be all over the news.
37:41Think about it.
37:53If the rival company finds out who Madison really is,
37:56everything he has will be gone.
38:11I love you.
38:44this marriage is basically a transaction for the both of us.
38:47Everything I need from you is for my mom.
38:50Phillip has contacted me and is willing to cover all of my expenses for my mother's medical bills.
38:57you're no use to me now.
39:00I'm sorry.
39:02I'm sorry.
39:04I'm sorry.
39:06I'm sorry.
39:08I'm sorry.
39:09I'm sorry.
39:29What are you doing?
39:31Are you getting back together with him?
39:34You saw what you saw.
39:37He cheated on you with your best friend. Don't you remember that?
39:40Everybody has a past.
39:42You're joking, right?
39:44I mean, everything was good between us.
39:47What happened?
39:48Tell me.
39:50You want to know why? I'll tell you why.
39:52It's because I never loved you.
39:55I only married you for the contract image.
39:59I want to go back to my old life.
40:01I'm tired of playing this silly little game with you.
40:15I'm willing to come back and work for you.
40:17But only if you put on a show with me.
40:26I want to go back to my old life.
40:28I'm tired of playing this silly little game with you.
40:45What are you doing here?
40:47What the hell is that?
40:49Is there something going on between you two?
40:51Are you trying to get back with her?
40:53No. There's nothing going on.
40:55Okay, she's willing to come work at the company again.
40:57And I'm just putting on a show for her.
40:59You don't need her. You have me.
41:03I think I've already told you this before.
41:05Sales are at a rock bottom.
41:07It's the clothes that you design.
41:09Nobody wants to buy them.
41:11She is not coming back to the company.
41:14That's not for you to decide.
41:21The design competition is coming up.
41:23If I win, she has to leave the company.
41:26Me and you both know how good Taylor's designs are.
41:30Do not compete with her. Do not.
41:33You and her can both come work at my company.
41:37It's either her or me.
42:06I need you to kidnap a person for me.
42:09Don't worry about the money.
42:11Just tell me your price.
42:16Taylor Bright.
42:38Who are you?
42:41Why did you kidnap me?
42:43Is this for money?
42:45I can give you money. Please.
42:54What the hell do you want?
42:57What do you want?
42:59What do you want?
43:01What do you want?
43:02What the hell do you want?
43:05What do I want?
43:07Why don't you take a guess?
43:09You and I were best friends.
43:11You stole my fiancé from me on my wedding day.
43:14You stole my job.
43:16What more do you want from me?
43:20I want you to die.
43:23Can you do that?
43:25You were always the best in school.
43:28You won all the competitions.
43:29You got a job offer from Felix's company
43:32right after you graduated.
43:34I worked under you for five years.
43:37And what do I get?
43:43Why the hell do you always have to win
43:45and I always have to lose?
43:49What are you doing?
43:53What are you doing?
43:55What am I doing here?
43:57Get out of here.
43:59This is none of your business.
44:01I don't want to get involved in this.
44:03Just keep your mouth shut.
44:15Taylor has left for a week
44:17and you barely left the office.
44:20Is there anything I can do for you?
44:32Is Taylor with you?
44:34No. Why?
44:36She's been gone for hours
44:38and she won't pick up her phone.
44:40When's the last time you've seen her?
44:42Check the CCTV. I'm on my way.
44:46What are you doing?
44:48I almost forgot.
44:50Give me your designs.
44:56No. Stop.
44:58No. Stop.
45:05Too late.
45:07I already found them.
45:10They're good.
45:12Too bad no one will know they're from you.
45:19Vanessa. Vanessa. No.
45:45Taylor, are you in there?
45:47Why the hell did you come here?
45:49It's dangerous. Don't come in.
45:51I'm coming in. Hang in there.
45:57I'm coming in.
46:18I'm here.
46:20Are you okay? Are you hurt?
46:22No. I'm fine.
46:24Are you hurt? Do you feel dizzy?
46:25This is your house.
46:27There's gasoline everywhere.
46:29I told you to stay away from me.
46:31I told you I don't love you.
46:33I can't stand being without you.
46:38You could have died, you asshole.
46:41Without you, I'm already dead.
46:45You're just a stupid head.
46:47That nickname.
46:52Are you okay?
46:53Just kidding.
47:03Well, you're not him.
47:07I wouldn't have risked my own life to save her, that's for sure.
47:15Maybe he was better for her, huh?
47:30The design competition is tomorrow, right?
47:32But didn't Felicia steal your designs? Isn't it over?
47:35I still have time. I still have a night. It's not over yet.
47:38Skylar, you need to rest. You just came back from the hospital.
47:43The competition's every year. You don't have to rush.
47:47And what you had in mind is considered resting?
47:54The competition isn't over yet. I can't give up just yet.
47:59I have to show Vanessa and myself.
48:01No matter what happens to me, no matter what I go through, I can do it.
48:06Giving up halfway is not like me.
48:12Come on.
48:21Here are my designs.
48:24And here are mine.
48:26Lovely, darling. Thank you.
48:34How the hell did she run away?
48:36And the first place prize goes to Vanessa Hansen.
48:49Thank you guys so much.
48:52It's been a rough year for me.
48:54I stayed up late so many nights designing these dresses.
48:58I'm just so grateful for all of my competitors.
49:01You're all very talented designers.
49:03Especially my dear friend Taylor Wright.
49:08I'm sure you'll win next time.
49:19It's okay.
49:21You're a winner in my heart.
49:25We received breaking news that this year's winner of the design competition is a copycat.
49:29The art committee is currently under investigation.
49:32You did this, didn't you?
49:34You were the only one who saw Taylor's designs.
49:38How could you do this to me?
49:40I'm carrying your baby.
49:42Listen to me. Listen to me.
49:45You drugged me.
49:47And you made Taylor see us.
49:49You ruined my fucking life.
49:53If you were that into her, then why did you let it happen?
49:56I did drug you.
49:58But I didn't force you to fuck me.
50:00You did that all on your own.
50:23The baby is mine.
50:25The baby.
50:28Her baby.
50:29Vanessa, look at me.
50:31Don't think about it too much.
50:35Just try to take good care of yourself.
50:46Ms. Hanson, the committee has decided to have you compete against Ms. Wright again.
50:51With the entire design process live stream.
50:54If you do not participate,
50:56it will be assumed that you did plagiarize.
51:01I'm still in the hospital.
51:03I'm sorry, Ms. Hanson.
51:05This is not a food discussion.
51:07The competition will be held in three days.
51:12The theme of today's competition
51:15is Titted Ribbon.
51:25Titted Ribbon.
51:43Time is up, ladies.
51:46Okay, Ms. Hanson, can you please show us your design?
51:54And can you tell us all how you came up with this?
52:00I think the theme Reborn represents new life.
52:04So I used white as a base and then I did lace decorations.
52:12Ms. Wright, can you please show us your design?
52:15Your design.
52:23When I think of the theme Reborn,
52:26I think of the phoenix.
52:29The phoenix is a mythical bird in Eastern mythology
52:34that undergoes a process of burning
52:37and is reborn from its ashes,
52:40transforming into a divine being.
52:42And I just want to use this dress to tell all girls that
52:45everything you do is part of the process of becoming the divine.
52:50Whether it's going through the fiery trials,
52:56all girls can become a goddess.
53:02And the first place prize goes to...
53:07Taylor White.
53:18Ms. Johnson,
53:21you're under arrest for arson.
53:27You're under arrest for arson.
53:29You need to come with me.
53:34She deserves it.
53:46And the first place prize goes to...
53:49Taylor White.
53:56Madison Salgado, you leave me no choice.
54:07Boss, your contract marriage with Ms. Wright
54:09has been exposed by the media.
54:11Some are even returning clothes designed by Ms. Wright.
54:15They found out where you live
54:17and your identity is also out there.
54:31Job well done.
54:40Mr. Delgado.
54:42Recently there's been several rumors
54:45surrounding my grandson, Madison.
54:47Madison is indeed not Maria's biological son.
54:50Maria is his stepmother.
54:52But he is the inheritor of the MD Corporation.
54:57What about his marriage?
54:59My relationship with Taylor Wright
55:01is not a contractual marriage.
55:03We're deeply in love.
55:05And for everyone out there, she is
55:07and will always be my wife.
55:16Oh my God!
55:25I fell in love with you long before you knew it.
55:29And now that I know your real identity,
55:32that's okay.
55:33I don't care about that.
55:34I don't care about that.
55:36No matter if you're a hidden billionaire
55:38or living on the streets,
55:42I will always love you.
55:47Please don't leave me.
55:51The patient still hasn't woken up yet?
55:56It shouldn't be like this.
55:58The knife didn't penetrate that deeply.
56:00The wounds are just superficial.
56:02He should be waking up soon.
56:15This isn't funny!
56:20Close your eyes.
56:24Close them.
56:31Now open them.
56:40This ring
56:41is my family heirloom.
56:44I destroyed the marriage contract.
56:47You're my wife now.
56:49And nothing will ever stand in between us.
57:20we are here to witness
57:21the union
57:23of my boss
57:25and his bride.
57:28will you take
57:29Taylor Wright
57:30to be your lawfully wedded wife?
57:33To have
57:34and to hold
57:36from this day forward
57:38for better,
57:39for worse,
57:41for richer,
57:42for poorer,
57:44in sickness
57:45and in health
57:47until death
57:48do you part?
57:50I do.
57:53Miss what?
57:56Will you...
57:58Will you...
58:00I got this.
58:03Will you...
58:07I can't.
58:10the same thing.
58:13I do.
58:16By the authority vested in me
58:19by the state of California,
58:21I now pronounce you
58:24and wife.
58:26You may now
58:28kiss the bride.
58:37Got hitched to a hidden billionaire.
