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00:00Save the teacher!
00:22There is no one here.
00:24I think I had an illusion.
00:30What did you say?
00:32Someone was peeping inside the house?
00:34Sir, please speak softly.
00:36Someone might hear you.
00:38This is not possible.
00:40Someone has just peeped into your room.
00:42And this is not a good thing.
00:44I will not let him go.
00:46Police! Yes, I will call the police.
00:48This is the only way to correct him.
00:50Please let him go.
00:52I just felt that someone was peeping.
00:56If something like this happens again,
00:58I will call you first.
01:02Here you go.
01:04Now let's go to our class.
01:10This is not good.
01:22What is he doing here?
01:28Be careful!
01:34Shinzo, this is called the Ninja Technique.
01:38Lure your target with his favorite dish.
01:40And then catch him.
01:42This technique is very useful in difficult times.
01:50Kelly, why do you look so scared?
01:52What is the matter?
01:54Miss Aiko is in trouble.
01:58And this is what happened.
02:00Oh, so this is the matter.
02:02If this had really happened,
02:04she would have told me, but...
02:06So all this happened with Miss Aiko.
02:08She didn't want anyone to get hurt.
02:10That's why she tolerated everything.
02:12Isn't it?
02:14Yes, you are right.
02:16And that's why I want her to catch the criminal quietly.
02:18When there is a hammer with her,
02:20there is nothing to be afraid of.
02:24Yes, Kenichi.
02:26You should always be ready to help a ninja.
02:28Then I will also come.
02:30And I will also come.
02:32Hammer, Shinzo, Shishimanu.
02:34Thank you so much.
02:38Oh, so this is Miss Aiko's house.
02:40Let's keep an eye from here.
02:42Whoever he is, he will come back.
02:44Then we will catch him.
02:52Kenichi, didn't you eat?
02:54You can't walk with such heavy things.
02:56But what will we do
02:58if that scary man comes?
03:00Don't worry, Kenichi.
03:02Nothing will happen.
03:04Kenichi, you get scared very easily.
03:06We are not here to get scared.
03:08We are here to save Miss Aiko.
03:10Yes, Hammer, but...
03:12Look at Miss Aiko.
03:16She looks worried.
03:18I am very hungry.
03:20I will go out and get something.
03:22No one can sit peacefully
03:24if they know that
03:26someone is keeping an eye on them.
03:28We should catch that thief quickly.
03:32Kenichi, are you okay?
03:38Kenichi, you get scared
03:40even by the sound of a puppy barking.
03:42Stop talking nonsense.
03:48Oh, Miss Aiko!
03:50What are you doing here at this hour?
03:52Well, the thing is...
03:56I was just guarding at night.
04:00Stay awake!
04:02So that nothing happens
04:04all of a sudden.
04:06Stay awake
04:08if you want to sleep peacefully.
04:10Don't depend on me.
04:12Stay awake
04:14if you want to sleep peacefully.
04:20Sorry for last night.
04:22It's okay. It happens sometimes.
04:24I won't make any mistake now.
04:26He said the same thing last time too.
04:30Just keeping watch won't help.
04:32We have to do something.
04:34We don't have much time.
04:36We should take some drastic steps.
04:38Shinzo, tell me.
04:40Do you remember the ninja technique
04:42Yes, big brother.
04:50Collect the sticks
04:52and then
04:54cover them with leaves.
04:56Look, the lizard is here.
05:00Someone get me out!
05:02Did you see
05:04how the lizard got trapped?
05:06Yes, he won't be able to get out easily.
05:08Shinzo, my little brother,
05:10you did a good job.
05:14I will keep watch all night.
05:16Let's see who comes.
05:32Who is it?
05:34There is no one here.
05:36I think
05:38I am imagining things.
05:44There is no one here.
05:46There is something
05:48wrong with your plan.
05:50No, not at all.
05:52This is a perfect plan.
05:54You must have spread too many leaves.
05:56Kenichi, wait.
05:58What are you doing?
06:00Kenichi, are you okay?
06:02Who are you?
06:04I think
06:06no one came here last night.
06:08That's why there is no one in this pit.
06:10Otherwise, this is a good trap.
06:14See, I did my job.
06:16Listen, Miss Aiko is coming.
06:18Hide me somewhere.
06:20Kenichi, where are you going?
06:28Hatori, you all are here?
06:30Good morning, Miss.
06:32Good morning.
06:34I am sorry.
06:36Didn't you sleep well last night?
06:40It feels like someone is peeping
06:42into my house.
06:44That's why I couldn't sleep last night.
06:46Oh, so he came last night too.
06:48This is very worrisome.
06:50You should take care of yourself, Miss Aiko.
06:52Don't worry.
06:54I think this is my imagination.
06:56Tell me one thing.
06:58What are you doing here?
07:06We are here for a cleaning mission.
07:08We have to remove the garbage
07:10and put it in an empty box.
07:16Cleaning mission!
07:18Empty the box
07:20and put the garbage in it.
07:22We are coming.
07:24So, he escaped from the trap.
07:26Next time, he won't escape from me.
07:30This time, he won't escape again and again.
07:38Look at this.
07:40This is the magic of my idea
07:42which will be a blast.
07:44When the criminal comes here,
07:46he will step on this rope.
07:48Then Chikku Ball will shake him
07:50and he will get trapped.
07:52Chikku Ball won't let him move.
07:56This is the Ninja Technique of Bird Trap.
08:00You have done a great job.
08:02Not yet, Kenichi.
08:04Shinzo, do you remember
08:06what to do
08:08if the criminal doesn't see the trap?
08:10Tell me.
08:12Yes, Big Brother.
08:14We should fight with his favorite thing.
08:16Wow, Shinzo!
08:18You remember everything.
08:20Now, the question is
08:22what is the favorite thing
08:24that the criminal will like?
08:26That is a good question.
08:28What is that?
08:30Miss Aiko, of course.
08:32But, we can't call Miss Aiko outside.
08:34It can be dangerous.
08:36We just have to convince her
08:38that she is Miss Aiko.
08:40I have an idea, Hatori.
08:44Look at this.
08:46This is the picture of the school trip.
08:48I can use this picture.
08:50Thank you, Kenichi.
09:08Who is it?
09:10What did you say?
09:12This is of no use.
09:14This is of no use.
09:16I can't believe it.
09:18This is very strange.
09:20Something is wrong with this picture.
09:22Is it?
09:24But, this is the best picture.
09:26Let's take some other picture.
09:28Kenichi, wait.
09:34I told you to be careful.
09:36Miss Aiko is coming.
09:40Something is wrong.
09:46Miss, there is a big story behind this.
09:48What did you say, Kenichi?
09:52This puppy won't leave me alone.
09:54Champi, come here.
10:00Do you know him, Miss?
10:02This puppy lives in the house
10:04opposite to my house.
10:06Right, Champi?
10:12What is your problem?
10:14Calm down, Kenichi.
10:18Now, I understand.
10:20Miss Aiko shifted here.
10:22That's why he used to come here
10:24to see her.
10:26He was worried about her.
10:28But, Kenichi got confused.
10:30What are you saying?
10:34So, it was you who used to see me often.
10:38You are so nice, Champi.
10:40Since he was Champi,
10:42he used to escape from the net easily.
10:46Since Champi was light, he didn't fall.
10:50He used to take care of Lachhi easily.
10:56Help! Help!
10:58It's good that he turned out to be
11:00a small puppy.